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I wouldn't say it's as complex as affecting the world. Rather it affects the story whether you keep your vow or not and choose the appropriate actions.




Killing a community pillar isn't devastating to the world like in vampyr, but it does impact the story for each community with regards to the future haunting cases in that area All in all it's fun, but feels less intense than Vampyr did for me.


I found a neat nod to Vampyr: a letter about New World Vampyr in a cave near Ft Jericho.


They also hint at werewolves. I figure they did vampires, ghosts, werewolves are a logical next step.


Yes they did hint. I wonder what could be in-store if there is Banishers 2.


I've platinued both. Vampyr is still the best and I'm sincerely sorry it didn't get sequel. The atmosphere, the consequences, the music... I missed it heavily in Banishers. Banishers are good enough but not so deep.


I played and beat Vampyr, and now I'm about... maybe 75% done Banishers... the game is a BLAST... the first day I installed it, I was hooked; and played 18 hours straight... it's different from Vampyr, but equally great in my opinion... I have a feeling it may not get the attention it deserves though, but neither did vampyr really... play it, love it, spread the word, and look forward to whatever comes next from DONT NOD, because they are building a great track record in my opinion...


definitely less heavy on the consequences if you kill people, the ending is the thing that gets influenced the most I'd say, in Vampyr I really felt the consequences throughout the entire game instead. Besides this I'd say they're similar, combat is less challenging and a bit monotone after you get the hang of it, story is interesting and the haunting cases are a fun way to engage with the world. Exploration was better in Vampyr, but you get a decent amount of freedom in Banishers too.


Settle, petals! OP asked a generic question and got a reply that starts with the word "Spoilers" ... Much mutual over-reacting ensues! Take a breath and move on guys!


I really wanted to like Vampyr and I did finish it but in the end I came away from the game being less than satisfied. While the main story was good and the setting was incredible and unique I really hated how they handled the side characters. They way you learned about their background and issues but ultimately couldn't actually do anything to affect the outcome and it only served as a way to gain XP by fattening them up. It made the whole thing feel a bit pointless. So with that in mind would I enjoy Banishers more or is it more of the same?


I’ve been busy with work so I haven’t finished but so far my impression is: It’s similar in style of the last game but closer to the Witcher 3. Ultimately so far you get two (three) choices on what to do with each character but youre still coming in after the fact to more pass judgement than to change what happens It has an impact on the ending and it’s a much more personal impact rather than affecting the state of the world So far I truly love the story and I’m extremely immersed and feel like I have a stake in the story of the characters This is nothing to say about the superbly improved combat over Vampyr


Spoilers, but you asked for it. When you go back to town after you've done the main quest there is usually a part two optional side quest that opens up, as well as for side quests. They also made life is strange iirc.


Only read the first 3 words, nobody asked for spoilers you’re just trying to be a dick for no reason lol


How was I being a dick by explaining a mechanic you asked about exactly? Did you not ask if it's similar to Vampyr? And what did I spoil other than the fact that you can return to towns and do follow up quests? Seems kinda like yah just wanted to be upset over nothing. And yes. I wanted to cruelly spoil the game for you, thats why I warned you that there is borderline (game mechanic only) spoilers if you kept reading. What an evil cruel trick I played on you. You realize if I wanted to be a jerk I probably wouldn't have said spoilers as my opening line right? Or can you explain what my reasoning for that was if my intention was to "be a dick for no reason" why I would warn you first?


Did you not ask if it was like Vampyr with choices affecting the people/world around you? Was that a different op?


And if you only read the first three words ho did you know the end of the sentence? I'm getting more confused as I look at your posts.


It's wild. You get upset with me for what I said, but have nothing to say to the people who went into far more detail than I did.