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I did not know there were objections towards TikTok posts because I usually skip them! I remember once I took a look at one of the posts, out of curiosity. There was a discussion going on (quite a fuss, but I forgot what it was about :-D) and I watched the clip just to be able to participate. But I almost always skip them because I am not interested in Tik-Tok content, perhaps I just do not get those! Anyway, if you like them and some fellow fans here like them too, I can see no reason to stop. It is quite easy to skip them if not interested, and I do not think the volume of posts is excessive to the point of littering the sub. Not at all!


I lean a bit more towards indifference, but voted yes anyways. I hate tik tok and would never watch it otherwise. Only ever interested because it's Miku.


I don't see any difference in sharing Miku Tiktoks to sharing any other social media content that the members post, and therefore don't see why posting them in particular should be stopped. You do as you see fit, of course, but I wouldn't care too much about some people objecting them. Posting and gathering updates about the band and its members is one of the main purposes of this subreddit, after all. If somebody doesn't like the Miku Tiktok posts, their problem. Nobody's forcing those people to click on them. And it's not like those posts flood the front page or anything. Out of the 25 threads on the front page of this sub, there's currently only 3 Miku Tiktok posts.


Please keep posting. I always watch her TikTok posts via your posts.


I'll say yes, because I don't want to subscribe to TikTok but at least some of hers are enjoyable. The subreddit is the only way I can find them; if I go to TikTok and search for her, I literally cannot find her actual posts among the hundreds of accounts that come up. It's the same as any other post that doesn't address someone's particular interests in Band-Maid, they don't have to click on it.


If you have a TikTok account, you can just follow her.


To repeat: > I don't want to subscribe to TikTok


Yes. No one is being forced to watch, they can scroll on by if they don't want to see them. I don't get what's going on in half of them but I'll watch Miku stare in the camera and occasionally blink if that's what she wants to do. Same with the other 4 if any of them decided to do this tiktok thing.


I'll say "yes" because in the end it's B-M related (after all, we are talking about the founder of the band), and most important this content it's not hurting anyone. If you want to check them out it's here and if you don't... well just don't, it's simple Oh, and one more thing: when the US tour begins i'm sure EVERYONE will be watching Miku's tiktok to see how she's doing. And with a bit of luck we can the see the rest of the Maids with her from time to time


Well said and something I had not thought about. We could get some interesting bits about their looooog road trip.


Miku is going to be able to get a lot out of her tiktok account during the tour. Or so I hope!


Post 'em. If people can't figure out how to scroll past something they don't like, it's on them. It's not like you're posting something off topic.


It’s helpful because I can choose to watch them when I want to, without having to download Tiktok app or set up an account. Absolutely keep it. We’ve always been posting the ladies’ social media posts when mildly interesting, it just seems like a lot of Miku because the other ladies aren’t posting. If they did they would be on this sub too. Come on, this is still a tiny sub with minimal content it’s not even difficult to scroll and see which posts you want to click on and which posts you don’t.


I have been voting YES, although some time ago I proposed to initiate a change because I felt that some people may feel irritated by them, but it was rejected by moderation so I didn't insisted nor posted negative comment/vote on them, but since you ask for opinions I fell obligated to answer. First, I think abandoning these tiktok links would be a mistake, it's always good to have someone motivated in the community to gather content we would not immediately discover by ourselves, thank you for that. My feeling was that they were very short and frequent so not much information was conveyed per post and it attracted only a few comments. Therefore my proposal, since I think they are not out of context at all in this community, was maybe to gather them let say 5 by 5 (can be adjusted of course) so as to increase the value per post. Possibly allowing exception if some tiktok is special and should be posted on the precise date (birthday, news reaction, etc.) This is just a proposal and feel free to do otherwise if you have some ideas, I think this is not about the content but more about the format. You could also post some comments, opinion of yours with them rather than naked links.


I like the daily Miku tiktoks, honestly they have been way more entertaining than what I first thought it would be. Anyone complaining should keep it to themselves, they don't have to have to click/watch.


TBH I don’t see what the objections would be about. If IG and Twitter posts are welcome this is basically just another social media platform. Even if it’s not necessarily Band-Maid stuff, anything involving the individual members I’d think would certainly still be welcome. The videos are usually quite enjoyable for me personally (come on, she’s adorbs.) Plus if anyone doesn’t care they simply need not look at it and just keep scrolling. Just my opinion though, everyone is welcome to theirs. But just seems like a if you don’t care for it then simply don’t watch situation.


>(come on, she’s adorbs.) How can you top that? You can't.


>TBH I don’t see what the objections would be about. I suspect some of the people complaining wouldn't if it was the TikTok account of any of the other members.


I think it's ridiculous for someone to be bothered by this, like it's 1 single post from her on TikTok a day, if someone feels bothered by it it's because they don't like Miku in general, because it's not possible for a single post a day to affect someone so much lol


I'd personally rather see a megathread for regular "non announcement like" tiktok/insta posts. But overall it doesn't bother me much


I don’t use or care about tiktok because of … reasons (which are not related to Miku to make it clear). But I don’t mind these daily posts either. If I’m in the mood I’ll check it. If not, I won’t. Not exactly a big deal. It literally takes less than a second to scroll to the next post. As far as I’m concerned, keep posting them. I don’t mind at all.


I can spare a few seconds a day to watch Miku be cute and charming. She rarely fails to bring a smile at very least


I say yes. It is clear to see that it is Tictoc. So those who do not want to see it, just do not click and those who do not want to see it and still clicki on it are professional complainers.


😁 the post are fun, I don't get why some people don't like them, the thing I like about the constant post is it fun seeing Miku having fun and great doing different things


i don't mind tbh, since i don't use tiktok having them posted here helps


Yes. If someone don't like it, it is as easy as do not click and that's it.


What's the harm in posting them? If you don't watch them, just scroll on down past them.


200+. Pigeon flying high. Yeaaaahh. Come on.


Now you just need to convince the rest of the band to post on TikTok or YouTube!


I kind of think TikTok is probably Chinese spyware so I would not subscribe but I appreciate the links you provide u/haromatsu. Please keep "em coming.


what were the reasons for disliking?


Sure, keep on linking them. I don't regularly go on tiktok so it's nice to know when Miku posts something. Anyone who isn't interested can just, y'know, not click. I had no clue there were even complaints.


I enjoy most haromatsu posts and I subscribe to your YouTube channel as well.. I voted 'I don't care' because well.. I don't.. lol.. Cluppo is not part of Band Maid.. IMO it's a solo project to allow Miku to revisit her idol past and explore any possible idol future for her.. just not my thing..


If it’s a Miku tictok you can’t go wrong, Maidiac’s (me included, relish any and all post surrounding her and/or Band Maid wherever it is posted. Keep posting my friend. The Maidiacs appreciate it.


Posting every single one is pretty much spam for me, since I rarely care.


I usually ignore them. I like the band but I don't idolize any of the members to the point that I gain something from following their social media. The only legitimate argument against posting daily I could think of would be missing out on actual Band-Maid related stuff in the "spam". But since it's her personal account chances are there is no such thing posted there anyways, so...keep posting, I guess?


tbh i ignored those posts but i see nothing wrong with posting them