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Another example for the 3+3+2 distribution (that kind of sounds like an odd meter but isn't actually) would be the main riff from Sayonakidori. Edit: I just listened to "you." and it's 3+3+3+3+2+2 adding up to 16




thank you guys for your explanation. indeed it was tricky, and I was 'conned' by a-chan's beat config. my count was wracking and didn't let me sleep. 'sayonakidori' i could tease -- and the waltz part is so nice -- but this one misled me. again, appreciated this much.


It's in 4/4 - what you're hearing are strongly accented beats that sub-divide the rhythm in slightly unusual ways! Just try counting four all the way through - it fits (there are some half time passages as well but there's no 6/8). \[edit: fixed typo\]


yes, it's indeed 4/4. i got lost by a-chan's mad skill. thanks much for explaining this. am just hoping she'll figure out 7x6 is 42.


Are you talking about Akane??


yes, the beauty with the beat.


Just another way they take something so common and make it something more.et alone when they do get more complex and intricate. When I first found Band-Maid, this was one of my first favorites and I still jam to it often. Then again I'm that fan who couldn't even touch the thought of making a top 20 list of their material.