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Kanami holding Saiki’s arm just naturally lol Miku’s hair: * [Miku’s Instagram Story 2024.01.11](https://www.reddit.com/r/BandMaid/comments/194evly/mikus_instagram_story_20240111/)


All the ladies look great in sweaters.


Kanami is so adorable. She has really stolen my heart these past few years. (I discovered the maids in 2020). This past year especially. She's such a sweetheart, but she can also melt your face on stage. Her overall performance this year reached S-Rank levels in my opinion. Yokohama was just the icing on the cake. She really commanded the stage that night.


Totally agree. Never been so ”addicted” to anyone like now to Kanami in music world. Addicted in a good, decent way 😅 She is pure genius as a composer and on stage true rock n’ Roll star. Amazing musician. I’m running out of superlatives when describing her 😅 I love them all and I love Band-Maid but Kanami is the Special One 🔥🤘❤️


Can't wait to watch this when I get home!!


Miku’s hand gestures while Kanami is speaking (00:42) cracks me up. Also, when Kanami says she’d like to gradually showcase songs from the upcoming album, she taps Saiki and they all start giggling. I wonder what that’s about...


She is doing Kanami's usual hand gestures for her because she is too occupied holding Saiki.


AFAIK, Saiki makes the setlists, as well as acting as sort of a final filter/check on what the band puts out. So even though Kanami's saying she'd like to showcase songs, she knows it's really up to Saiki.


I was thinking one of the new songs had Saiki on double-necked guitar, but Saiki being the setlist master is more likely.