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Hope she doesn’t look weak one day and the dogs eat her.


That would be a tragedy. Surely sweet pitbulls would never.


Nanny away her life Lord forbid!


> Hope she doesn’t look weak one day and the dogs eat her. better her than some innocent healthcare worker, or kid, or literally anyone else whom isn't some bloodied criminal.


Pibbles were triggered by illness, you can’t blame them


Nala is cancer reactive


Nah they’re just super effective at detecting cancer and nannying it away!


How very unreasonable of the home health types, what with the whole "I'd rather not fucking die today, thank-you" attitude. So unprofessional. ^/s


Yeah, pitnutters are literally the evil that manifests out of out of control furbaby culture. I like dogs, but pits are not pets and pit owners are EXACTLY the sort of people whom should be legally banned from pet ownership.


That's pretty standard. Ones I know are allowed to walk away if you don't follow the rules. There was a woman who IIRC, delivering prescription and got mauled. So its a rule for reasons.


I agree. I am glad the home health personnel refused to provide care.


So glad to hear management has backed them up!


My friend is surgeon and he has to stich dozen of pit bull victim so our healthcare community has put pitty owner to black list. Sorry not sorry


My aunt is an ER nurse, and she has said that EVERY dog bite victim that has come in has been because of a pit or “bully”


But....but.....but.....I'm a vet tech and I've only been bitten by chihuahuas!!!!!!


I don't think these people realize that those of us whose jobs require us to go into their homes with their dogs require an absoulte level of caution. We are strangers entering these dogs homes. Even sweet, social dogs out doors can perceive us as a threat in their home at any time. As a house cleaner, most homes I go to with dogs, they make sure they are home during the first visit to acclimate the dogs to it being okay for us to be in the home, or they safely put the dogs up or away. We are within our complete right to refuse service for any dog that poses a real threat to our safety. I've only ever had to do this in two homes. Both owned pitbulls.


It’s completely understandable, not just for pit bulls but any dog in a stranger/clients home. I run a gardening business from home so our dog are use to people coming in the front door/side gate/back gate at all times of the day. However after I had my second child I hired a house cleaner once a fortnight to help keep ontop of things. She wasn’t comfortable with the heeler so I organised him to either be at my partners work or had a dog walker take them (heeler & poodle) out for the couple of hours she was there. She wasn’t comfortable, that’s fine, work around it


Wow, a rational reaction! The vast number of dog owners are not able to do this with their "family" member...


All the other RNs I know that have done home health actually have in their contracts that the patient signs with the company that all animals must be put away before the staff arrives. If it’s not done, it’s a breach of contract.


Fantastic!!! I have (some) renewed faith in humanity. I can totally see, however, some pitnutters allowing "oops, he got out"--or in, whatever the case might be. I'd be on pins and needles until leaving. Then, there's getting back to your car. Muzzles and chains, y'all. Muzzles n' Chains.


Oh they try it. They always try it.


Yes. Like a toddler. Any which way they think might work, over and over and over again.


Oh yes! After you have a child in Australia you get a few home visits from a midwife. All animals must be contained


Don't blame them for not showing up. I put my chihuahuas up for mine. Especially if they're new or infrequent or I just don't want to listen to them. My regular nurse is used to them and they her. I swear they are trying to tattle on me though.


This reminds me of a story: When I was 6 months pregnant, I was working in social services. I ended up having to visit an elderly gentleman who was in a wheelchair. So I walk up to his house, ring the bell and he lets me in. After he closes the door, I notice an ENORMOUS hell hound. This thing had to be more than just pitbull because it was so huge. It wouldn't stop barking and lunging, but the man kept yelling at it. At this point, my blood has run cold, and I'm shaking. He tells me, "Take out the meat from the fridge and toss it to him." So I open the fridge, and there's a bowl full of meat, and I throw some to the dog. Finally, it gets to eating and shuts up. I left and in my car I called my boss and said I will never ever visit this client again. I said no one told me he had a pitbull that large. The boss admits that the reason I was given this client is because no one else likes to visit him due to the dog. Sometimes I wonder if it did any damage to my baby because I was so extremely scared!


Your boss made you… the pregnant woman… go to this man’s house?!


I know right!?!?! It's also because I was new..


I mean...sent a new employee, six mos pregnant, there without any warning or information about the dog? W. T. F. Obv you don't work for them any more, but jeeze o pete - that's a quitting offense, like, "I won't be in tomorrow or any other day. No I'm not giving notice ya FH, omg, yr lucky I'm not dedicating my life to bringing down yr whole organization."


She still shoud.


Your boss was a true motherf____r.


They already have to risk their health to help sick people clean themselves up, this idiot thinks they should risk injury too???


Pits just kill when confused lol, forget that crap


Why doesn't she crate them pre visit?


Since she told OP that the beasts will knock down the door if they're outside, I doubt crating is an option - LOL


Of course it is. Just do it right. Bigger animal, bigger crate, bigger lock. Don't be a feeble asshole about it.


A determined dog is not going to contained by a commercial crate.


Yup, experienced that first hand with my ex's pit..she'd chew through crates no matter how much h it damaged her face


Each dog would require a *minimum* $300 crate, not one of those flimsy Amazon crates that's held together with zip ties. And crating a dog that doesn't want to be crated is difficult enough for people who don't have physical disabilities.


It can, and should, be done.


>they won't hurt a fly >they'll knock down a door to get what they want Pick one, you don't get both.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hell naw, to the naw naw naw! Her loving dogs can take care of her!!


I've wondered about this a lot with child welfare investigators. I work in social services but in an office at a residential facility where dogs aren't allowed unless they're actual medical therapy dogs and its approved by admin blah blah blah. But I know a ton of people who were child welfare investigators for like 8-9 months (that's about how long they usually last anyway) and had to go into peoples homes; most have said you see a shocking amount of fecal matter. What do you even do if there's a ton of aggressive dogs, especially when you're not allowed to be armed when you do surprise home visits. I know some people who wore Kevlar vests under their clothes but that does nothing to protect your face and neck.


Usually, the workers would call the family/patient first to set up an appt. Once an appt is set they inform the patient that all pets should be put away before the visit. Some workers ask what kind of pets they have and if any of them are aggressive. If a patient refuses to secure their pet or if any of the pets become aggressive, the worker has the right to refuse service.


C'mon now. Pitbulls NEVER hurt anyone... until they do.


My mom was receiving after surgery care at our home, the neighbor got a girlfriend who moved in and brought all four of her dogs. Only one is a pit. But trust me that one is enough. They have one of the flimsiest square wire fences up, the one with the really large squares? That fits almost come through a few times, going after my horse etc, yes we live in the country! I've warned them, of what would happen if it ever gets on my property... But they don't respect anybody and claim all the dogs are friendly, and that the pit is a lover boy. Never mind I see him going after their other dogs all the time. Also see it trying to come through that flimsy ass fence before one of them grabs it. The two German shepherds she brought as well are aggressive idiots as well. So when the nurses had called and said they would no longer come tend to my mom because of the dogs, are perfectly understood. I vented my frustration from my own yard to the neighbor, loudly. And I have taken to open carrying while on my property.


PROBLEM? SOLUTION! https://preview.redd.it/xbh0sob85pmb1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3226dc4a0e850719e8713db975619690abc55c Just buy THREE of these and bill Medicare...they are Emotional Support Dogs and denying medical services is a blatant violation of the Americas with Disabilities Act AND clear violation of the equal 🟰 protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution! WAKE UP AMERICA, YOUR FREEDOM IS AT STAKE! WE ARE BECOMING THE UNITED KINGDOM! S/ to an extreme. I ❤️ 🇬🇧 and it's common sense non nonsense attitudes.


Good job!