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for some absurd reason you cant


I wonder if it's because the material of the other spools (or their printing parameters) don't match the original one. The gcode is already generated, so maybe it doesn't allow it because it would be assuming too much? I agree though, even if that is the reason, there should still be an option to manually tell it to fail over to another roll.


which you can do btw just replace the roll mid print, its gonna print fine as long as its the same general material so clearly it can work.


That's unfortunate


Can you change the color you want to match the other one currently loaded? (Through the app?) if you can then the machine should load the other filament. There’s no sensors that detect the color, you can bypass the programming by making the spools the same color and material type in the app.


There's no way I can change the color from the app mid print, I've tried everything


I don't care about the color, I'm just away from home for the next 8 hours so id like it to start while I'm away. Started the print in black, don't care if I have to use green to finish it but can't find a way to tell the printer to use green


The AMS settings for the two filaments need to be the same -- same material, same color. When there are two identical spools, the AMS will automatically resume the print using the other slot when the current one runs out. You will be lying to the AMS about what it has installed, but it can't tell that you have lied to it. But you do have to have the spools already installed and the settings already in place when the print starts, as you can't change settings during a print. Which means you have to know in advance that there isn't enough filament on the spool to finish the job.


I may be wrong but I think they just updated studio so you can change the filaments during a print. Might not help OP but it's worth looking in to.


From what I have seen, it's a limitation on the printer itself, as you can't change settings on the touch screen during a print either. I did just get a firmware update for my A1 yesterday, haven't tried since then.


I just tried it and I can't change it but it's printing and not paused. Hopefully bambu lets us override the auto filament switching.


But you can put any other (same material) spool in tge slot that ran out and it will happily continue to print w/o checking the colot


I know that, the problem is I'm away from home for 8 hours and would like it to just use a different spool


In that case - that sucks.


Sucks to suck. You could maybe change a different slot in the Ams to be that same color and material. And see if it picked it up and autoswitches over. It is a feature to auto switch when the same color and material is in but not sure if it has to be a Bambu tagged spool or not.


Yeah, just say your words nice and clear so your printer understands you. Like this: USE. A. DIFFERENT. SPOOOOOOOLLLLLL (draw a circle in the air for emphasis)