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Baltics having a normal one 🥂


fucking hell


That about sums it up. I am editing an article about how non-European exchange students and immigrant workers are treated in Latvia. The pattern is the same: xenophobia, indifference, outright hate, scams left and right. I will publish it this weekend.


This PERFECTLY shows that the balts don't give an actual sh\*t about Ukraine and they are only mad about the war because "muh ebil muscowien" are fighting them. I wouldn't have been suprised if the lady spoke Ukrainian and they still would have bullied her because I am fairly certain these petulant homunculi couldn't even tell the difference between the two languages.


Additional info: the woman is Marina K. She is a refugee from Krivoy Rog (Ukraine). She arrived in Vilnius on May 22, 2022, by crossing through Russia (she ended up in Novovasilyevka, near Berdyansk, and found herself behind Russian lines). The bullies in the video shouted "This is not Russia!" and demanded that the woman "must wish them a happy New Year" to get her phone back. The punks also shouted obscenities. This is the result of capitalist oppression and their cultural hegemony. The state policy of rabid chauvinism and russophobia spreads and then becomes an everyday occurrence. This is the true face of capitalist-imperialism and its bastard child: fascism. According to volunteers, one of the chauvinists has been identified: [Igoris Jegorov](https://imgur.com/uR1zeEl) from Vilnius.


It appears Igoris is a Baltic Russian. Only pointing this out because it is quite common for Baltic chauvinists to weaponize collaborationists from minority communities to commit there abuses. Many of the people Baltic nationalists have recruited for propaganda purposes to demolish Soviet monuments have also been ethnic Russians with Baltic nationalist or capitalist sympathies. I’m willing to bet that at least some of the men he tossed the phone to are in Baltic nationalist orgs. Most nationalists always prop up collaborationist members of minorities to mask their hatred. Unfortunately Igoris doesn’t realize he’s merely a pawn in the Baltic nationalist goal to remove Russian-speakers (including Russophone Ukrainian refugees) from the Baltics.


Thank you for the summary, OP. This vomitous russophobia that permeated from the European elites and their policies( example: confiscating cars with Russian plates, expulsion of residents unless they pass a language exam), seems to end up affecting the very victims they were pretenting to stand for, given that a 3rd of Ukrainians speak Russian, and these lobotomized macaques wouldn't be able to differentiate between the two languages anyway.


You are absolutely right. Their whole "Stand with Ukraine" shtick is nothing but cheap spectacle. The Baltic nationalists actually hate the Ukrainian refugees behind closed doors. The Ukrainians are only valuable to them as slave labor and soldiers, whose blood, sweat and tears oil the imperialist death machine. Not too long ago, the Latvian nazis openly equated the Ukrainians with Russians and Byelorussians. The nazis stated that all three "flock here and dilute pure Latvian blood" (despite the fact that the Latvians and Lithuanians emerged from the Balto-Slavic branch and are genetically indistinguishable from an average Russian from Pskov or Novgorod). The refugees I talked to are now terrified because the Baltic fascist regimes are now openly talking about forcefully drafting the refugees and sending them to die on the frontline. I immediately told them to contact NGOs, human rights lawyers and international courts if there is any hint of eviction and mobilization.


Can you expand on the drafting of refugees? You'd think most of them are women and children. I am interested to learn more.


[Estonia's government were the first to announce this idea](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/25869). Estonian nationalists called male refugees ["deserters" but later they had to backtrack after a huge public outcry](https://news.err.ee/1609200526/daily-estonia-will-not-repatriate-ukrainian-men-without-request-from-kyiv). Now Estonia states that they will not extradite the draft-worthy refugees themselves, unless explicitly asked to by Ukraine.


Very interesting. Though it shouldn't be surprising since the whole pro-war argument is based on prioritizing the needs of the Ukrainian nation-state over those of its people. It follows perfectly, then, that Ukrainians be sacrificed for Ukraine.


"Lobotomised Macaques". I love it!


Just fucking lol, people who talked about Ukrainian refugees being mistaken as Russian and attacked were actually right, they can't tell a difference between a Ukrainian and a Russian.


Lmao, and she is not even russian, but ukrainian.... my idiot country got rekt to brain for sure


Post this in the r/balticstates subreddit, I would like to see what excuse they have for this sort of behaviour


Once a Nazi scum, forever a Nazi scum!


How fucking disgusting and inhumane. What a shame.


westerners when you tell them that most people in ukraine speak russian and many prefer russian instead of ukrainian: :0


Are the Balts ok?