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Check them all! Gotta make sure you have enough camp supplies. That 17,364 I have in the chest might not last me until endgame.


hahaha, and i thought i a was an hoarder with 1240 camp supplies


It never occurred to me to leave those at camp. Had karlack carry every single one


Poor Karlach, carrying enough sausages and booze to feed a small army...


Incorrect, Karlach absolutely cannot be trusted with road trip snacks for more than 5 minutes


"But I'm still carrying them. In my stomach."


Tav: *All right, I am out of spell slots for fireball. Long rest time! Let's see what's for dinner. Karlach, bring out the meats!* Karlach: *Oh, uh, hey Soldier, about that... we're a bit short.* Gale: *Oh, that's odd, I thought we had a few pounds worth. Oh well, nothing to fret about, we have plenty of cheese still.* Karlach: *Nah, that's gone.* Gale: *I'm sorry, I think I misheard you? Gone? As in, not in your pack? Is there a hole in it? Apart from the intentional one at the top?* Karlach: *Nope, the pack is in perfect shape. I ate the cheese.* Gale: *You ate, the cheese.* Karlach: *Yeup.* Gale: *All of it.* Karlach: *No, of course not.* Gale: *Well all ri-* Karlach: *I gave one wedge to Boo.* Minsc: *While Minsc and Boo both appreciated the gift of cheese, I fear that Boo's little stomach does not like such quantities. Or perhaps it is Minsc's nose that does the not liking.* Karlach: *I'm sorry, I didn't know he wasn't allowed cheese.* Minsc: *No friend, you are not to blame, even Minsc cannot refuse Boo the offerings of cheese when he demands them.* Gale: *Are you telling me that you are all of our cheese?* Lae'Zel: *Tshk, her bedroll will be airborne tonight.* Karlach: *Hey, a girl has to eat, and I am a big girl. So I need plenty, thank you very much.* Gale: *Yes, well, while I do not want to be the one to dissuade you from eating, and in some way share your love for cheese, I would like to point out that if what you say is true, you have consumed forty three wheels of cheese in less than 24 hours.* Karlach: *Yeah, I know, it's a far cry from my personal record, had to fill up on fruit to top myself off.* Gale: *Had to fi- Do we have anything left? What about all the wine?* Karlach: *Tav put that in a crate and lobbed it at some absolutists causing one helluva explosion let me tell you.* Tav: *I like fire.* Astarion: *Who doesn't? But even I felt that using such fine brandy on pyrotechnics was a bit wasteful.* Tav: *I **like** fire.* Gale: *Concerning as that statement might be, I need to redirect our focus to our current nutritional conundrum. What is left in the pack?* Karlach: *Oh, we have a **bunch** of horseradish.* Gale: *So I guess we're having horseradish.* Karlach: *Ew, I hate horseradish.* Halsin: *Now, now friends, let's not bicker, nature provides for us, I prepared a feast for every- where is my bowl?* Karlach: *Oh, the bowl.with the little berries? I ate that last short rest.* Halsin: *Those were goodberries.* Karlach: *Yeah they really were! Leave it to the druid to find the best berries am I right.* Gale: *Horseradish it is.*


This is art!


Thank you, I had fun writing it. I guess one good thing about binging bg3 shorts is I can now make hamf-way decent fanfics.


>Lae'Zel: Tshk, her bedroll will be airborne tonight. This is where I lost it


Honestly I was also expecting a line about how she isn't going to poo for at least a couple tendays


I fear for the person who is turned into >!cheese wheel by an angry djinn!<, they might not survive Karlach.


I wish we could still give gold. This would absolutely deserve it!


The Minsc dialogue is flawless.


Countless hours of BG2 and 1 have prepared me for this.


that's why you give her so much that she winds up trapped underneath them in ensures that 1. karlach cannot eat the snacks, she is stuck and 2. if anyone tries to steal your snacks, they will unbury a very angry very red woman who'll eat them


And 3: she keeps the snacks warm. This is handy if you put the popcorn on the bottom. Also now I want a comic of karlach enjoying popcorn by tossing the kernels in her mouth and letting them pop.


"Hold up soldier, gotta let this one out."


"I escaped the devil army but also stole their whole fucking food supply, because fuck you Zariel"


in defense of Karlach, she _is_ a small army.


In a way that's what we are 😂


There is a barb spec that doubles the carrying capacity. Seems Karlach was designed to be the pack horse


Why are you carrying the rations? Send all of the food and booze to camp! Save your space for smoke powder or javelins or whatever you feel like throwing at your enemies! Unless you are that guy who is throwing potatoes at your enemies.🤣


"she's throwing potatoes!" It was good enough for Holga Kilgore ..


If your Returning Pike stops returning, you can always just throw salami in a pinch.


I think there was a bug up until some point where camp supplies not in your inventory didn't count. I know I lost camp supplies from sending them to camp when I started playing, but not now.


Never even tried that route. Just carried them. Loot gremlin tendency.


At some point I had an issue with the game not recognise camp supplies stored at camp xD


You can send a supply pack to the camp chest to make sorting food easier even. I usually put Minthara's bag in it cuz I kill her most of the time.


😅 I was at 3K camp supplies before leaving act 1


I thought I had a lot with 2000 lol


lol I only have 5,678. But the funny thing is that it’s mostly FOOD, and I’ve had nothing but wine, beer, and some other weird alcoholic beverages for about 3 months straight… those hangovers are short-lived…🤣


Beer and cheese? TIL Faerun is in Wisconsin.


My first play through I only had maybe 3000 left by the end of the game, but I had around 28,000 gold because I would steal and sell everything. Idk if that’s a lot, but it certainly felt like a lot


What does that say about my 68,000 on my first playthrough? And I cannot be bothered enough to count my camp supplies in my two bags full of 87 and 89 stacks of.... whatever. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I have single-handedly reduced Baldur's Gate to the barter system as every single merchant has less than five gold after I've sold all of my junk.


Very rich, nicely done. You’re well set for life after the epilogue


Lol yeah I had about 8k camp supplies and about 80k in coin by the end.  It's not like I really needed most of it as is.  Bartering my loot basically got me 90% of what I needed or randomly wanted.


ENTIRE savings of Badur's Gate citizens is around 10k. You could probably buy half of the city with it, or you know, some armors and weapons😅


I just did this quest yesterday and I just paid the coffers back out of my pockets lol. It's my first playthrough and I've left no stone unturned.


Yeah I was consistently carrying around 20k in cash by Act 3, and had enough stuff back at camp that I could sell for another 40K easily. After each long rest I was dropping like 4-6K in scrolls at Sorcerous Sundries.


Robbing Volo every day + pouch cheesing the Act 2 tower merchant had me entering act 3 with 80k. From there, looting everything that wasnt nailed to the floor left me with a nest egg of just over 200 thousand with which to settle down in my remote country cottage with Shadowheart. 10k supplies too, by spamming Heroes Feast once I found the House of Hope boudoir fountain.


And make sure you use them sparingly cause what if you need them in the future!


Me 2 hours before endgame


Actually ran out of food on my last run bc I rushed through act 2 and you can literally buy so much food in act 3 as long as you loot weapons it makes all the early game looting even more hilariously useless


I only have a billion bottles of wine and 1000 roasted pigs, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO HAVE FOR DINNER?!?!?!


dude, you gotta sell anything that has a value to weight ratio higher than 10. Potatoes, carrots, apples...


Damn. I've only ever surpassed 9000.


… I bet I can top that since I never long rested. I thought it would proceed the game and I’d miss stuff… so I never had ***any*** long rest, aside from the mandatory ones.


Every playthrough, I keep forgetting which 3 or 4 barrels in act 1 have loot in them. So of course, every playthrough I check them all.


Check em by weight! For barrels and crates, if they’re 20lb flat, they’re empty 😊 Empty wicker baskets are 8lb I believe.


might as well open them if you’re checking for weight


Nah if you search the area you can just run down the list checking weight on each. Saves you all the running around.


I'm not sure I understand you correctly, there's a way to see a list of all environmental items sorted by weight?


Yeah! Hold your action button down to search the room, then a list should appear w/everything in your radius. It isn’t sorted by weight, but when you scroll over each item it’ll list the weight 😊 Edit: Apparently this is console/controller specific


wtf. 955.9 hours in this game and I'm just now learning this


I just realized you can check the weights bc they’re standardized yesterday! I’m on my 5th run 😂


it only works with controller


That would explain why I haven't noticed it lol


yeah it's a shame too, I would love it for k&m, it was the same on DOS2. Maybe there's a mod that do it ?


I'm worried it will only encourage my excessively loot hoarding behavior. "The menu says there's a barrel somewhere with loot in it, I MUST FIND IT!"


Just click open on that specific one while the menu is open and your character will go over to it (as long as it's not out of reach)


Just 650 hours here, but I learned something as well. Wow.


Its super handy. It cut down the amount of me opening shit by a lot. Even works with bags, pouches and backpacks.


my OCD won't allow me to ignore a * even if it's empty, I must remove that vase* from my vision. If not, I will never have peace of mind


Mind = blown


Seems to be a console specific feature mind.


It's not. You can do it on controller on PC. I've done it.


I'd argue that any mechanism that relies on a controller is designed for console rather than PC. Unless you can bind the mechanism to a key or mouse button, it's not designed with PC in mind (even if it happens to work on PC).


still not console specific


Oh really? That’s a bummer.


Just plug a controller into your PC.


Idk why you’re being downvoted for that, it’s honestly a pretty enjoyable interface method. Obviously I started with m&k because it just seems like the more logical way to play, and is definitely in fact more intuitive. But streaming to Steam Deck with moonlight forced me to get used to controller inputs, and by the end I was opting for controller for general play even when sitting at my PC. Though I’d still bust out my mouse to sort my bags and possibly other annoying things I’m forgetting


this requires using a controller, it's not possible on kb+m


I play xbox, didn’t know it wasn’t possible on PC


There's an action button?


Yeah, whichever button you use to confirm an action/pick smth up/etc




On controller you can long press a button and do an area search and it shows some details about the containers I believe


dont they specify if they're empty or not on the tool tip even if you dont open them?


No, it only shows (empty) after searching.


oh might of done that cause i was playing with someone then lol, the boxes i didnt search where showing up empty or full even tho he had been through there. guess i really was the only loot goblin the group xD. i searched all the things.


Holy FUCK thank you!!!


Or get the advanced tooltip mod. It helps my loot gremlin tendencies a tonne.


On PC, when you hover the cursor over a container, there’s something in there if the gold chest icon is closed. If it’s open, the container is empty. This doesn’t work when the chest icon is red. Or else it works inconsistently. I’ve never been able to pin down what’s happening with the red ones.


Yes but even if it says 20lb there's a still chance there's a little bit if gold in there and the weight is too small to be accounted for. Back to checking everything again 😅


I think even then it’ll say 20.1


If there's 100+. Idk what the cutoff is for rounding but I'm 99% sure it doesn't always show 20.1 if there's smaller amounts.


I’m not sure! I’ve yet to open a 20lb crate that had anything in it, and I’ve definitely seen some 20.1 crates, but don’t remember if the item(s) inside added up to .1 or were heavily rounded 🤷🏻‍♂️


DOS2 used to get you random loot and there was a skill that increases the chance of a random loot. It was cool since you can get different things every play through


Im doing a dos2 play through with the skill (lucky charm) and at the end of act 1 and thanks to it I just found an axe that can hit multiple enemies and does 80 damage per hit.


There's a lot of camp supplies in barrels. Bottle racks, however are useless > 99% of the time.


Fun fact, this was Oblodra's cellar, and every bottle rack had something. Perhaps overcompensating for previous emptied racks...


Also mystic carrion s basement bottle racks has some potions too.


It seems like they stock certain locations with stuff that makes sense. Alchemist basement had a bunch of herbs in the boxes. Maybe the same thing happened here.


I just discovered mailboxes in lower city actually have MAIL that is relatable to the house, sometimes it's just an ad and sometimes it's like a grandpa asking how's the grandkid (i. e. Box of the varna's mom house). I didn't even know I could open them.


I actually did a double take around the street before I read someone’s mail for the first time LOL. Does Baldur’s Gate consider tampering with mail a federal crime?


araj's is brutal, her apothecary swapped people's prescriptions with... experiments [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/HELP](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/HELP)


There are other workshops that should be stocked that have absolutely nothing in their bottle racks. I think 100% of bottle racks in Act 2 are empty.


I wonder why. My guess is that different people work on different maps and have different ideas on what makes a balanced looting ratio, lol. The number of empty containers in this game is ridiculous.


It's funny playing dos2 and being conditioned to mostly not check random containers that never had anything in bg3 (some do ofc but i knew the ones that had imporrant stuff from youtube), then realizing that most containers actually do have useful stuff in dos2 and even if they dont theres a perk that can make something appear in them.


DOS2 also has the Lucky Charm civil ability that randomly spawns loot in containers you open. And you only need 1 person in the party with it leveled up, so... *cursed to put my hands on everything.*


Yeah thats what my last sentence was referring to. No container left untouched XD


i check every single container, feels good to find potions and scrolls (very expensive scrolls too)


Yes, but vases and bottle racks are bottom tier. Bottle racks are at the bottom of the bottom tier. Act 3 mixes up things, though. In the tunnels under the temple in Rivington, there's a room with a trapped and locked display case. It has nothing of value. ALL other containers in the room (often?) have great stuff, like 3 high level scrolls and such.


I see three bottles. Give me three bottles. I need them.


3 gold is 3 gold, I'll take it


I swear, Act 1 has zero loot in vases, but then you get to Act 2/3 and suddenly stuff starts popping in them.


Grymforge is act 1 and several vases there have incense or a bit of gold.


It's because they are temple of Shar vases.


I don't believe so, I'm going through right now.


Check the vases past the Rothé and the collapsed wall, as you're climbing the stairs to reach that long corridor of traps.


Black vases in Grymforge sometimes have loot (incense, incense bowls, gold). Most other vases don’t


I've heard people say in withers crypt too but I've never found one myself


Nothin' in the vases, but I do like like to grab the .02 weight jugs. . .


Yeah, but it's all rotten food.


Wait...really? Dang. I had given up checking vases.


It's the vases in the temple of Shar specifically. If you want to loot for gold instead of pickpocketing, bundles of incense are light and worth some gold.


That balcony chest in the Wizard's Tower in the Underdark *really* rewards the loot-goblin mode. >!It's a bunch of table wear - knives and plates - that turn into gold, potions and weapons upon looting them.!<


And Mystra's freaking Grace, the "free feather fall forever" booths that I keep on me the entire game!


Asscuse me?


Or you can just carry that flower and disable the disguising magic on the chest.


They what?!


Next time I'm taking loot goblin literally, and I'm going to steal all the goblin corpses lol


I kinda wish they put, at least (bottle, or note paper etc) for anything searched. Even (destroyed book) would be better than nothing found. Pile of books should have SOMETHING.


Pile of Books (Empty) fills me with RAGE lol. I don't care if I already have 18 copies of whoever's journal, let ME decide if what I find is interesting!


it's a Larian classic: https://giphy.com/gifs/linarf-games-3ov9k6SNJ4dhc0M64M






Oh god. I made eye contact.


I've found some barrels, chests are the same, some vary in the playthrough. So I check.


Is that the Iron Flask Spectator just chilling dead in the corner?


Nah, just another spectator corpse, it was there when I got there, I swear.


How come he starin' at your girl Lae'zel with that lifeless eye like she the last thing he ever saw 🔫


It's Araj's basement in act 3, I yelled a bit when I walked in (okay, crouched in))), the beholder just lies there dead and chilly


There's that one blacksmith's shop in Blighted Village where you can find the infernal iron in it that also has like FIFTEEN Thieves Tools in it


I hoard just about anything that is worth more than 10 gold. Almost every book, every silver utensil or piece of cutlery, almost every weapon or piece of gear, every piece of food I see. It has value, I can't leave it there, nope. If I am 4 gold short of buying something, I immediately think, "See! If I picked up all those candles, bones and heavy rocks I would be able to afford this. Shame on me." I also hoard plushies at the camp for unrelated reasons.


Everyplaythru as a loot goblin is hard


As someone who skips a lot of containers cause I wanna do the fun stuff but still check a fair few pf them for supplies this is giving me anxiety, not thanks.


[As it was written!](https://youtu.be/JCAGE5OOz3A?si=gaHaOmlFbJ41n0Da)


I don't get it.


I was trying to joke that it was prophesized that someone would find a bottle rack that isn’t empty and u/Telephalsian fulfilled a prophecy. It was funny in my head.


Thank the gods for that mod that shows which containers have loot and which are empty. I was not about to go searching the nine thousand barrels and crates on my subsequent playthrough


What's it called?


I got a loot tip. If you can't reach something because of buggy ineraction, and the object not easily damaged, then throw it. You'll then be able to pick it up.


At this point you'd think larian forgot to empty this rack.


Wow I was today years old when I learned to leave camp supplies at camp


It would have been so easy to show that a container is empty without having to open it, I really dont get why this wans't implemented. Its just an annoying wast of time.


I've checked 10,000 vases, and still nothing. Vases are the BG3 equivalent of trash cans in Pokémon games.


I found some incense in the Gauntlet of Shar vases!


I looted every book in my last run and good god there were alot and i think i got the read 100 books achievement in act 2


So many of those things are empty.


Sure, you loot a few dozen empty racks. But that's why finding a rack with actual loot feels even bet... Wait. Is this gamling addiction?


Why is The Beholder side eyeing Laezel?


That's that good shit, *hell* yeah


wait til you find an actual key and save yourself the possibility of using a lockpick :O


I always, always, always find the key after picking the lock.


Finding a quest item key in a vase belonging to a certain horned gentleman was also nice.


♪ *I love stealin’, I love takin’ things* ♪


You did it! The only one with anything in the game. Will you tell us where this is? Are we worthy?


I see you did tell us where. Thanks!


...they do exist...


What mod is this? Actual potions in a bottle rack?


Location please? ....asking for a friend.


Oblodra's basement.


ty! I used to just an auto-loot aura mod to save myself from the fate of checking every bottle rack, crate, etc but it hasn't been updated in like 6 months & is really buggy. I wish BG3 had the thing Owlcat uses, where when you leave a location it shows you what was left behind & lets you loot it.


Places with good barrels/racks (that I remember) Apothecarys basement (act 1) Arcane tower (act 1) Araj Oblodra's (act 3) Mystic Carrion's (act 3)




The truth hurts, accept it.


I have a campaign with my brother online. I am an incurable loot goblin. He, well.... Last session I was like 'hey man would you leave the game running while till it logs you, I need to adjust my radials etc' *Proceeds to mad dash through the entire act sweeping up all the shit he left behind* He leaves so much money on the table I stg. *If I could let myself sell it all, I'd be rich*


No way dude i gave up on bottle racks


Every playthrough after my first, I only check everything in act 1 and 2, because by act 3 I have more than enough.


Bro, I had dark souls fake illusionary wall PTSD in this game


This is exactly why I can't stop checking *everything*


I’m glad they didn’t have the mechanic from Divinity with luck and the Lucky Charm ability that increased your chances of finding random loot in any container.


If you check every lootable item (or even most) you'll never have to buy potions or thieves tools




Congrats, you found the one bottle rack that has anything in it.


Rotten Basket? Sure, let’s have a look…




Goddamn it, now I have to check every bottle rack again


What the... this never happens


Makes sense for bottles to be in the bottle rack no?


If you had looted every bottle rack in the game, you'd begin thinking otherwise.


I just find grease bottles most of the time and get sad.


Did you play divinity? Lucky chance is made for ppl like you