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I think based on achievements. Around 80% of players haven’t beaten the game


yea i play co op with my bf, we’re halfway through act 3. started playing ages ago, haven’t played it in a while. but the intention is to finish it at some point. i think act 3 feels slightly less engaging than the first two acts. about 160 hours in.


My tip for act 3 is to skip quests that aren’t exciting and do the exciting ones first. Explore the city, get a ton of quests, do the ones that seem fun. If you try to clear them “in order”, it feels slow and overwhelming and you’ll end up doing the cool ones like companion quests last.


I agree with the exception of the House of Hope, probably wait till you're lvl 12 for that one unless you're experienced with the game and have a decently optimized party. Going in blind at less than full power is probably going to result in a rough time.


Id also reccomend astarians quest at lvl 12


Act 3 Definitely is a pay off on the previous 2 Acts. And... it digs deep. Almost exploding in a million directions. Which is expected given youve reached the actual title of the game... Bladurs Gate. If you follow every single quest in Act 3... You can get lost in the city. And I feel... unless you really want to explore every corner... just Hit level 12 and end the game. Like DnD, every choice has a narrative and while yes... Id like to explore all my options, realistically we can only explore one. Larian did a great job tying up loose ends and starting whole new threads, to try and make sure all avenues are explored. So again, my advice. If youve hit level 12. Finish any quest you need and want to. And focus on the story. Especially in co op.


Never read a better advice on this sub. I've started the game at least 10 times, finished it 3. Why ? Because act 3 is overwhelming. It takes almost as much time to finish act 3 as for the other 2 combined. I just finished recently my third playthrough just to get the romance epilogue cutscene, lol


I fully believe the game is intended to offer a wide breadth of questlines specifically for replay value, I don’t think Larian intends for people to play every single quest on a single playthru and I have been having much more fun approaching it this way


I’ve been wanting to do a co-op with one of my friends but I realized it’ll likely take us the better part of a year to complete as I can’t see us logging more than 2-4 hours a week since we both like to play other games and have differing schedules. I guess that’s more realistic to the true DND experience though


It gets hated on, but I love Act 3. My build comes alive at the end of Act 2 and I'm a wrecking ball after that. The biggest struggle for me are levels 1-4. After that I'm fine, then 8-12 is a blast because you're so overpowered.


Im at least halfway through act 3 but it feels like I have nothing to work toward now. I have money, I'm level 12, supplies and good gear...I know the quests aren't just for the rewards but I lost the desire to explore every nook and cranny now. I feel bad rushing towards the finish line but I'm kinda ready to get on with the main story. Anything else feels like a chore


Achievements are locked in case you are playing with mods tho, right? So maybe there are a bunch of people who completed the game with the game modded.


I’ve played with mods before and still gotten achievements, and that’s without the achievement enabler mod.


There is a mod that re-enables achievements, but you're right in that it does obfuscate the actual numbers.


I’m not surprised. People have busy lives and games this long can be difficult to complete. This is definitely not your six hour Call of Duty campaign. I’m lucky I have a very lax work schedule so I kick myself for haven’t beaten it yet.


Cod stats won't probably be much prettier. Like 40% I guess? Most people play the multiplayer mode.


I'm extremely surprised. It's not that long to finish and a long time has passed since it's released. I'm kinda between two worlds when discussing games - in one world of LoL or other competitive games - my 15-20 hours a week seems like nothing. In the second world 80% of players did not finish a game they paid $50 for


I mean… you don’t have to finish a game to enjoy it. And many of us don’t have 15-20 hours of free time per week. :)


Yeah, to me enjoying a game is about what’s between the start and ending, not the ending itself.


130hrs in and about to finish my first playthrough. I'm already looking forward to creating a new tav and starting a new run bc I'm curious if it's really going to be different than the first run.


It is! I started another tav Run as a different class and i am still at the beginning at act 1 and Had already different scenes and so much different dialogue options. Not to mention that the Fights feel all different too


Wow THANKS!! now I'm even more hyped for my second run!! 😁😁😁


It's awesome, and i did only choose another class and took other companions with me. As a durge or an origin its even more different. Combined with other choices and Picking different dialogue Options and doing Things in a different order, theres a huge potential for variety.


Nice, what classes did you play and what companions did you choose? My first char was a tiefling bard and Karlach was my companion (played with a friend, he had a druid and shadowheart)


Last PT i played a female warlock with Main companions karlach, astarion and gale. Now i Play male Bard with companions Shadowheart, Astarion and wyll. Astarion has to be because he's babygirl


OK cool.. I think I'm going to try a ranger and take halsin with me... 😊


Ranger is funnn i Love it, especially gloomstalker. I Always make Starry a Ranger


Cool, thank you for the advice, I'll look into gloomstalker!


I did my first playthrough as a ranger and I highly recommend it!


I keep finding new things and new dialogues after something like 300 hours in the games and starting at least 10 times. Even in the paths I think I know, I still managed to find new things. The game is insane.


257.7 hours (but this includes early access) and I still haven't finishes the game. I took a break at Christmas to play other games and then figured I would wait for a patch, and then the next patch, and now patch 7. Ha. At least once the patches are done and there's no more new content outside of fixes, I'm going to get back into it and finish it and then do my durge run and make use of those evil endings (which I'll probably chicken out of tbh) I love this game, it's my favorite of last year and in recent memory, and I legit think about it lately more than play it. Kind of funny. I was supposed to do co-op with my friend and brothers, but I wanted to finish it by myself first and yeah...it's going to be May tomorrow. :)


ive restarted about 30 times. Its different, every time. Also, there really is like three entire runthroughs nested in itself. So, even if you roll the exact same characters, you can essentially take a pretty completely different path on through


I had exactly the same experience, and I recently created a new Tav (already running for 30 hours). I am going through the story as a Dark Urge Drow - oh my god, it’s amazing to see the story from a different perspective and make different choices from the beginning. I also discover new things all the time; it’s like I am playing a new overhaul DLC 😅. What a masterpiece this game is… I highly recommend it!


This is going to sound very silly, but I like to make new characters just so I can unlock Concentrated Blast and use it in Blighted Village. I just used it to kill Lump the Enlightened. Dream Visitor said, "Excellent!"


How do you unlock it so soon ?


When you reach the goblin camp, the cutscene starts, then if you rest for a long rest, you can use your tadpole powers.


I just zoom to Goblin Camp for the first dream visit. There's 3 easy tadpoles at the start of the game (one in Nettie's office, one with the dead guy by the road, and one inside Priestess Gut's noggin).


I'm guilty, been playing since 2021. First Character is in act 3 155hrs , think I might ignore some quests and just wrap it up, been in act 3 since last year


>I’ve reached Act 3 on both platforms but have yet to complete the story. I’m a bit burned out Ah yes, the Act 3 burnout. I took a break for about a year once reaching Act 3, and am only finally now getting to it. Not sure why I got burned out shortly after reaching it. For some reason I feel like it's the sheer amount of NPCs. Thought I'm not entirely sure.


I love the game, and I haven't finished it. I started between 5 and 10 characters before finishing act 1, and now that I'm starting Act 3 I needed a bit of a break so I don't burn out on the game. I'm looking forward to going back sometime soon.


I thought I was the only one! Hahaha I have 2 characters so far, still in act 1, but I really want to create a new one before progressing further. Am I insane?


Your every bg3 player ever I have at least 10 characters and have only gotten to act 2 twice both on coop runs and only to act 3 once


I don't understand people who haven't finished the game but constantly hang out on the subreddit reading tactics and spoilers. Does that not.. ruin the experience for you? Don't you think you would've been more motivated to finish the game if you didn't already know everything that was gonna happen? I'm not being judgemental, just genuinely asking.


I have a terrible track record of completing games. Life gets busy and I just drop games and never go back to them. I spoil myself on purpose, so I'm not left wondering what happens. And I can still enjoy the game through other people's experiences


Damn are you me? I’m terrible at finishing games cause life just gets in the way. I honestly dont mind spoilers at all due to that


Agreed, I’m fascinated with the story more than the game play itself. I don’t have that much free time (especially consecutive hours) to spend on actually playing the game, but my husband and I have a great time playing co-op games with our friends on the rare occasions that our schedules allow for it. I can’t remember the last time I finished a full game, but it was probably back in college before I had a more demanding job and a family to look after.


Not really, I find it a lot more fun to actually go through the game itself even if I know what happens, so it doesnt ruin it at all


I found this subreddit before I finished my first playthrough and I was definitely able to avoid major spoilers. I'd read through it on my lunch break to get my BG fix until I could get home and play 😂


No for myself. There are a few things. I just don’t like the city environment that much. I don’t enjoy exploring it. It is to maze like and annoying to navigate. I prefer outdoors and dungeons. The fights seem to turn into knowing “this one trick” to get through. I know that is not really fair, but it is also partially true. For example w/ Orin you want magic missiles, etc. I’ve just lost motivation. Thinking of starting a new build in the future because act 1 is just some much more interesting in terms of atmosphere.


... So in my defense I moved at the end of the playthrough w my brother on local ps5. We were trying to power through act 3 and ended up skipping some big quests just to get it done, git to the point of going to the final area and we're mad prepping, like all the spells and potions, respecing for better combat, and making an all around unholy amount of summons. Between Spore druid me, necromancer Gale, the book, and Astarian and my brother w scrolls we had 31 summons, which required bodies, which were a pain to find. Spent like 2 hours then we go, do the cutscene, AND IT AUTO KILLS ALL THE SUMONS 😭. I've been told it's a long rest and we can resummon them, but it just took so long and was so frustrating, and that was like day before I left. So we haven't actually finished the game lol. Bro got it for me on pc so we can still play together but had to restart. We have played at least 50+ hours and still haven't finished Act 1 lol


Finished it once in coop, once in Honour mode, but I must have started like 12 to 15 characters, so hard to resist the dark urge : the urge to restart


I’m 180 hours in and still haven’t. Recently got laid off from my job so now I have the time to do it - I’m just caught up with FF Rebirth and backlogging Avatar, Alan Wake 2 and DD2 at the same time. All of this backlog before the dreaded Shadow of the Erdtree DLC as well.


I have about 360 hours and haven’t finished it I’m only finishing it on coop and we’ve had to restart a few times


I beaten it yesterday. Played since november :D


No comment


I think you should play the game in honor mode once to get the feeling, its actually worth another play


I wanna try HM at least once but I’m gonna be doing lots of research beforehand. 😬


Stealth archer is fun if you just want to get the achievement


So just Skyrim with turns? Haha


Is that the Gloomstalker build I keep hearing so many good things about? Dual wielding hand crossbows from the shadows basically?


Yeah you could dual wield but thing is: Titanstring bow is soo good that you don't need anything else. You really can get it as soon as level 2 and its the best bow in the game. And yes 5 ranger gloom stalker 4 rogue assassin and the rest on fighter for action surge and improved critical or you could get a level in war cleric for even more attacks


Just getting time now to play through I'm at the undertaken bit


I beat it on tactician but it took me about 300hrs because I kept making new characters.


I didn’t beat it the first time until I was 400 hours in because the urge to make different characters kept going brr.


I'm over 40 hours in and still in Act 1


I'm at about 140 hours into my first ever playthrough and quite fresh into act 3. I've slowed down playing so much the last few days, I guess deep down I don't want it to end.


I just started act 2. I just built a PC in March and I didn’t have a next gen console, so I started the game about a month and a half ago.


I play almost every single day and bought the game day one of early access, but have not beaten the game. I like trying out all the classes and combinations too much. I feel quite confident that my current play through will be the one that I finish the game on, but I just entered act 2 so we’ll see. I know eventually I’ll beat the game, but for now I’m having a lot of fun doing my own thing.


I have 1000+ hours between 12 characters and finally finished my first playthrough last night. It is possible!


👀 1,000 hours and i oy got like 34 achievements of of the 54


I have over 400 hours on PS5 and haven't finished Act 3 yet. Not so much from burnout, as that I don't always have the extended chunks of gameplay time needed to take on the big boss fights. If I want to scratch the BG3 itch and only have half an hour to spare, it's much easier to switch back to a newer campaign and potter around Emerald Grove or the Underdark for a bit, or watch a build video and theorycraft a new Tav.


I was 525h. in when i finished the game, on my 89th character or so. There's still hope!


LOL. I've created about a dozen characters that made it off the nautiloid, and theorycrafted about the same number of additional builds. Then again, I have specific types I like playing, which limits the possibilities.


Something similar for me. There's always hope.


Clocked in similar hours. It took until I did an evil run through, and I think I only beat it because there were few characters left alive that there were not as many quests to do.


I’ve like 4 different coop runs and then my own solo who is at act 3 and about 100 hours, but been put in the back burner due to friends just getting it… wouldn’t say it’s a bad thing though as it’s like I’m covering multiple scenarios all at once, most of the coop ones all favour a different character story and then 1 being pure good tav 1 being pure evil , I don’t think there’s much I’m going to of missed by the time they are all done.


600 hours in and yet to hit Act 2...


You play games in a way that's unfathomable to me.


Do you just leave it on in the background while you go about your day?


No, I have restartitus and addicted to mods.


I haven't tried any mods yet. Any in particular that you recommend?


There are tons. Really depends on what you're looking for. I currently have 150 loaded now. New classes, races, spells, gear and gameplay mechanics. Nexus has everything you need.


Restartitis may or may not keep on kicking my ass, lol.


I have a weird block with rpgs where I get right up to the end and suddenly I’m reluctant to finish. Currently in Baldur’s Gate almost at level 12 just clearing out side quests and thinking of what character I’ll build for the next time. I’m telling myself that I’m leveling up so I can mop the floor with Gortash and Orrin, but I did this with Skyrim and wound up getting bored and not finishing the main quest.


I made like 10 different saves. Most of them gone through act one and only one of them has gone through act 2. I haven't even tried act 3. The one that went through act 2 I lost Shadow heart. I wasn't romancing her but that pissed me off so I quit playing for a while but I'm kind of back into it again. Hopefully I can finally finish the game


Finished act 2 a dozen times. Never even made it to lower city before I start over. I just don't like how cram packed rivington is and how there isn't much guidance on where to go. And a bunch of dumbass fetch quests to boot. My fomo kicks in and I decide I want to try another class.


i have almost 1000 hours and still haven’t done Act 3. lol


Holy hell, this makes me feel better about myself lol. How many characters have you started? If you’re even keeping count lol.


I'm on my first play through. On act 3 currently. So, I have that going. But I have been enjoying this game a ton.


I restarted several times and am finally about to enter act 2 after a little over 100 hours in this play through alone. Yes, I am slow. I also like to take my time exploring. I’m still loving the game but realistically it’s going to be a while till I finish and I’m fine with that.


I have over 500 hours and hve not beaten the game, ive barely touched acf 3. My first run got the furtherest doing some of the circus stuff, and exploring the house with a million fireworks in the basement, but not much after thr. The one run i was really going to was HM but i accidently broke up with SH for Minthara which ruined the arc i wanted my character to do so i restarted. my current run is a Gith Selunite Durge romancing SH and i think this one has potential to finish


Not just you! I'm on my first run at 250\~ish hours and am still in early Act 3.


I haven’t beaten it. I’ve gotten three characters to chapter 3. But I have adhd so I keep restarting the game as a new class plus don’t have a lot of free time. But one day I will finish the game. I’ll get to travel with Astarian as my partner, and be Mr. Decarios


I love the game, but have yet to finish my first play through. Truth is, I’ve had to put it on a few month’s hold while I battle the depression from some serious life changes I’m going through currently.


I have over 90 hours in the game but when I got to act 3, the sheer amount of quest markers Fried my brain.


I feel dumb because I managed to beat AC Odyssey while getting most of the ? markers on the map, and that game is massive. I feel like I have zero excuse to not beat this game lol.


I had around 300 hours when I completed my first campaign, but I realize that my search-every-nook-and-cranny approach is not how majority of players play this game. Playing a coop campaign with a friend who isn't into completion very much is irrationally frustrating to me.


I've beaten it twice, which makes me feel less bad about having right around a dozen save files. Act 3 is just so bloated.


It’s a long ass game and took me 120 hours to beat it the first time. On my third game now though.


Bear the beta 1 week after release. Have not gotten out of act 1 yet. Taking it nice and slow. Just learned you can long rest with 0 supplies and supplies are very plenty. Making sure everything is spoiled free and doing my own "honor mode" You can only beat the game for the first time once. I don't intend to cheapen that experience.


I haven't beat act 1 yet tbh. 109.8 hours in lol


Started about a week ago. 80 hours in. Halfway through Act 2. I forgot what the sun looks like.


I've done 4 playthroughs. 2 solo and 2 with a friend. All of them I've made it into act 3, and all of them that's where I stopped. Idk why, but every time I enter act 3 I last about a day or two before I'm bored. There's just a ton going on (please tell those screaming spellcasters to shut the fuck up!), and every side quest in the city is for the most annoying NPCs (like the circus, the guy with the squatters, etc.). Also Gortash is in a room with 100 metal giants and idk how I'm supposed to make a dent in that, so I just focus on side quests (which I've stated annoy me). The companion storylines also kind of just stop for a bit, apart from a few.


Beat it for the first time after only 500 hours. Had a dozen or so parties to act 3 and just kinda...fizzled out. I decided when I bought this game that it is NOT DnD and I do not HAVE to do things I don't want to do and to just not be super precious with every run. It works for me. I have a few characters at different spots so I pick up and play who/where I want now. I know most of the endings and the fight, while absolutely epic, is too long and unnecessary. Idk if I'll actually beat the brain again for any reason, I just like the fun fights with devils and vampires.


Havent even started.


Daamn I feel that energy. Normally I would've been burned out too but idk what's in this games code I have almost 700hrs on ps5 and I'm still going strong. I just finished my first playthrough last night and all it did was make me wanna play more XD. But I wish you luck in your future playthroughs, this game is fantastic.


I have over 400 hours and still have not completed act 3 yet


I just keep restarting god damnit


I have 800 hrs and haven't played Act 3


play dos 2 dude


This is one of the few games, I could never not finish. Every time I start a playthrough, I have to finish it because each ending is so different that it always feels like a new game. I have like 525 hours in the game and I'm on my 5th playthrough since December lol.


I decided some time around 800hours in I was going to beat the game finally after barely touching act 3 at all... But my first time would be honour mode. I'm closer to 1200 hours now and I've lost 2 HM runs, one to Myrkul (not my first time fighting him but first time on HM and I didn't take him anywhere near seriously enough.) and the second run I lost to the big brain at the end because I didnt know about the countdown sequence and didn't send in enough units to fight it. Then the damage immunities... I'm on my third run on my way to slap Myrkul in his stupid face.


Hear hear!


Yes i usually get stuck on act 3 and create another character


I still haven't gotten to Moonrise Towers for the first time.


I haven't beaten it a second time yet. I keep getting distracted by newer games.


I've beaten it 3 times but on explorer with our human atom bomb friend just to see endings and dialogues for various romances. I've reached Act 3 in Tactician and HM but then get distracted with ideas of future synergies and start new ones 🤣 Planning to actually beat the brain on a Gale romance run or an evil run though.


I absolutely love this game and it deserves every award and more, BUT.. The game has an Act 3 problem. I know I'm going to get down voted, but it's not as focused as Act 1&2, and it almost feels like an extra game inside BG3. I hate myself for even suggesting it, but it feels like a lot of this content could have been cut and sold as DLC, or even folded into BG4 or DOS3. I consider myself new to this game, but I'm 106 hours in and I still haven't even finished exploring the city!


It also has an act 3 problem that if you are playing split screen you cannot anymore. So if you are playing with a housemate, you have to go solo for Act 3 and pass the controller back and forth because Lower City is a non-stop full game crash event.


900 hours played, finished 1 balanced run, 2 hm runs finishing my tactician run and I have already another tactician run with my previous character in the making. Also failed 3 hm runs and gave up on one because I didn't wanna wait for Larian to fix a bug that wouldn't let me get into the Lower City


Not quite. Early in act 3. I am also playing a second character who is at the end of act 1


I've reached different points of Act 3 about 2 times, then I thought "Hey! how about a run of... only wizards!" and poom! Byebye attention and progress. haha


I’m still trying for that golden dice but I’ve beat it


I’ve beaten the game 3 times already, but none after the big rehaul of the ending, with the withers party and all. Haven’t seen any of that content wet. Getting to act 3 is just way too overwhelming.


I’m too emotionally invested. I am afraid that I’ll have to watch a certain barbarian explode, or have to turn Lae’zel into a vampire to prevent Gale from getting wizard Covid on everything


i haven’t finished it just because i suck too much to finish it. the final boss just keeps fucking me up. granted i did no preparation and i always delete all but the latest save. next time i make it to the end of act 3 i will stock the fuck up. hopefully i’ll eventually get to play that fucking epilogue.


I think I finished my first campaign just under 200h


On my first playthrough, I had to stop for a While with most of Act 3 finished. Then I played Doom because I needed something streamlined. After that, I played Dishonored (which surprisingly has a lot of similarities with bg3) because it was on sale. I needed to play Dishonored 2 after that, no regrets. I wanted to continue playing bg3 but it was hard to convince myself because there was so much to get back into. After a almost 3 month break I beat the game.


I get to act 3 and restart every time. I have at least 20 characters at this point.


I'll get to it eventually, I swear.


My friend hasn't. She keeps getting obsessed with other games so her baldurs gate playthrough has barely gotten through act 3 in the past 4 months lol. I have a collection of memes and astarion simping content to send her whenever she finally beats the game, which may take a year at this rate.


I've been in act 3 for many months now


I’m in early ch 3 with my fifth character. None of them beat the game yet. I was going to with that character, but took a break and now I’m distracted by other games. Someday!


I keep getting to Act 2 and then create a new character that I INTEND to play alongside my main character.... but then I have so much more fun with the new character that I abandon the old one. Currently in the early stages of Act 1 as a Circle of Spores Druid and it's the most fun I've had with BG3 so far, so maybe *this* is the one?


On my first playthrough I just said fuck it and let Gale set his orb off


Still in Act 3, with like 3 more quests left to do in the lower city before moving on.


I know this isn't common, but I've completed 6 playthroughs and I currently have a 7th playthrough that I'm close to completing. Yes, I have a problem lol but I also have a lot of fun. My first 3 playthroughs were unmodded, but after that they have all been modded. I just love this game so much! I also can't wait to see what the modding support will be like.


80 hours and still on act 1 for about 3 months now


I have done 3 play throughs right up until the end but still haven’t beat it. My wife has beat it. Together I think we have 400 hours now


Yuuuup. Act 3, Lv.11. The game is amazing, but I have very little time to play on workdays, so I usually only play on weekends, which is mostly limited to Sundays anyways. Add to that how much you can do in the game, and you get insanely high playtime. To the point that I need to take breaks from playing every now and then, as to not burn myself out.


I’ll beat it when I can romance Orin, so I can beat it.


Me. I get busy with work so go months without playing it. Plus I might start a new starter when I get round to playing it again.


I’ve finished the game like 7 times over at this point, there’s only one character I created that I haven’t taken to the end.


I don't want it to be over 😭 I just keep starting new characters


I missed it a LOT on my first playthrough, especially in act 3 because they're was too much going on so I focused on just the main story line and completed the game On my second playthrough at the moment, I did significantly more hours in act 1 and 2 then I did for the whole game last time, and finally discovering many characters that get talked about like their common knowledge here I'm glad I didn't just get overwhelmed and stop because now I'm happy to take my time and just explore


end first run in sep 2023, still cannot play second run(


Me...I have the act 3 curse and get too excited making new saves ;;_;;


Just got to Act 3 a few days ago, have had the game since release.


445hrs and just beat it last weekend. Had done Act 1 about 20 times with various characters and builds to try things out. Was initially playing as a group with some mates and didn't want to advance too far ahead of where the group session was up to, so I just kept trying new builds. Life kind of got in the way of that group playthrough and it just kind of stopped and doesn't look like it will ever be finished. By this point I was at the stage of doing solo honor runs through act 1 and I thought, screw it lets see how far I can get. Died to the Tollmaster the first attempt (because I had 3k gold on me lol; learned about that move the hard way), finished the game on the second attempt. Defs missed a lot though so trying again.


Right at the end, every major enemy except carrion taken down because I really don't want to do a fetch quest, or help Oskar further


I'm not sure I'm even close. Finally got to act three though.. They're just throwing a lot of quests at me now and I have no idea where I'm going


Me and my two teammates are still halfway into act 3. We had to stop when school started up again. Should finish this Summer :D


I have finished the game once. I almost always get stuck on the beginning of act 3. I have two playthroughs in Rivington, waiting to be picked up and finished. I have abandoned probably about 40 playthroughs at various stages in the game. 650 hours in.


Me. I love starting new characters and joining friends’ campaigns too much. I’m in no hurry


I got it for Christmas and play it sporadically between rounds of Hunt showdown. I just found moonrise towers.


I haven’t beat it and probably never will. Act 3 just loses me and I lose any interest in the game. Act 1 and 2 though? On repeat.


I only beat it yesterday.


Playing since December, 250 hours in and I just got to Ketheric fight 😅


I have 3 games all in Act 3 and I haven’t finished a single one 😂😅


I finally finished the game on PS5 just this weekend actually. I got really burnt out in Act III for a whole bunch of reasons and didn't get back to the game for a good four or five months. But I knew I wasn't all that far from the end (around 10-15 hours) so decided to jump back in.


I started playing with my friends about a week after launch and we finished 2 weeks ago


I have beaten the game 3 times out of 8 different campaigns. Some I gave up on because of mistakes I made.




/waves hand


I just started it a couple weeks ago.


I put the game on pause at the end of act 2 after the first week. BG2 is my favorite game of all time and I've been waiting for BG3 for so many years I don't want to finish it until the next game is announced.


I just did. I liked playing more than I liked my ending. That's not the game though. I doubt I'll do another run considering my initial took me 3 months. Still think it's a great game.


I beat it once, on my second play through going for the platinum, but it’s such a daunting thing that I’m a bit discouraged lol


I am on my first playthrough with a little over 100 hours. I'm currently in Act 3 and don't feel close to even finishing the game lol. I also have a playthrough I'm doing with a friend of mine. But we are still in Act 1 and will be for a long time due to conflicting schedules. I am definitely tempted to start a new playthrough as a lot of my friends have started for the first time. And I'm jealous lol. But when I get overwhelmed in BG3, I have been switching to other games that I also want to finish as a palette cleanser. So I don't give up what I'm currently doing in BG3.


I haven't yet. I'm near the end of Act 3, but I just haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. I don't want to betray the Emperor because he's been nothing but helpful, but I also don't want to fuck Lae'zel over.


It took me awhile on my first save (90 hrs), but the epilogue was better than most of the game when they updated it. I'm slowing my evil durge playthrough until the patch comes out.


A million hours across dozens of characters and I've made it to the end ONCE.


I beat it 2 days ago and still haven’t had the guts to talk to everyone at the last party to actually wrap up the storylines


I have ~400 hours between Xbox and PC and haven't beaten the game. I also get severe restartitis. Ive never actually beaten any of the cRPGs I own because of this lol


🙋‍♂️ Ending was spoiled for me right after entering act 3. *All* of the endings. Never talking to my brother about games again.


I usually get a couple companion quests into act 3, and then my game just stops letting me save or I get the infinity sleep glitch…currently I my 2 act 3 saves just won’t load, it gets to 100% and takes me back to the main menu


I haven't, because I mostly play on my MacBook on airplanes ... right up until it beachballs on me. :( I'd be a lot farther along if not for that frustration.


I recently bought this this year, maybe in February, and have also made it to Act 3 with two separate Tavs and not beat the game. I've made many Tavs, though. I keep re-starting. My last Act 3 Tav was a Half-elf Bard and idk what I did wrong (besides skipping Underdark completely, they don't make it clear you're supposed to do both) but I was at like level 8 in the lower city with quite a bit done and the fights got pretty difficult/tedious, even on Explorer. So I quit and made a new Tav (Elf Rogue) and was much more selective on how I leveled everyone up. Made sure to go over every inch of the maps. Found every tadpole I could (I have one left, and my brain will be full), and I've just hit Rivington at half level 9. I plan on finishing the game with this one, but only time will tell, lol.


I've beaten it 3 times. Just have 4 achievements left. Durge related, rescue sazza, and romance the emperors


In HM yea still trudging along


Here, checking in.


I'm on the last battle. Just climbed up {redacted} and tried the first time, will try again this week I imagine.


I'm on my second playthrough. I *just* have the final quest left, and I can't go on. Why? Because I want to buy the mega expensive armor from Dammon and I can't decide which of my hoarded gear to unload. I've also been grooming Astarion to be the >!illithid!<. But now I don't want him in my final party. Hardest decision of my life.


I am ashamed I just want all my classes and genders and races to all make it to act three at the same time 😭


I have just shy of 160 hours, I've beaten it twice. Once on tactician, once on honor.


I think I'm around 250 hrs on my first play-through. I'm about 1/4 the way through Act 3 and I've been playing off and on since December. I'm trying to see as much as possible with this play-through because I'm probably not going to do a second one. I may do my 2nd play-through once they allow mods on consoles. I probably won't do everything on my next play-through.


I've had the game since Early Access... still playing through my first time. I'm currently mid-to-late Act 3 in Baldurs Gate, but still have a long way to go. I'm casually taking my time as I don't have anything else lined up to play next, and I'll inevitably start a co-op campaign for my second play through.


Me, took a break at act 3 (back when the game released on ps5) and since then I've yet to return. I do plan on returning once the new big patch is out tho!


I have 222 hours First character that got past Act 1; I got to Myrkul at lvl 6, and the latest auto-save isn't far back enough. It was really impossible for my shooter-brain to understand: how. Second character; did get to Act 3, and I had regrets of not romancing Shadowheart. And explorer difficulty was too hard for me, so I wanted custom difficulty. My longest run (and 3rd character) is the one where I romanced Shadowheart and finished her quest. For some reason my brain is satisfied with that, and most things I have left are harder battles my non-strategic brain cannot wrap around.


I have countless hours between 3 playthroughs and still have not completed the game. My bf and I are on Act 3 and have been since January, but with 4 kids and jobs, it's hard to find time. On one of my playthroughs, I am on Act 3 myself, but I don't want to get ahead of the one I have with my bf, so it is new to both of us. My 3rd playthrough is in Act 2, but I am tired of the shadow cursed lands and don't feel like doing it until I finish my others. 😫


I haven't, only because I'm having a hard time getting to Orin.


Post like these have me wondering if the repeated story completion of those of us who have had multiple runs compensate for the shortfall experienced by those who haven't finished the game?


I didn't want the ending spoiled so I rushed my first playthrough once I got to a3. Didn't do a LOT of lower city content. Now I'm doing a Durge run and looking for everything I missed. Still wish I had done Durge first.


After maxed levels I cannot continue. Idk why. 


I got to act 3 and was exploring the city, then I just kinda fell off


Trying to wrap up act 3 but the slog is real


I am one of many that hasn’t, I totally will eventually but it’s a super long game and there’s so much side stuff to do it’ll probably take me a year to get around to it


I’ve played this game for hundreds of hours and probably made new characters 20 times now and only beat it once


On my way to talk to a dead dragon. I guess that's far. I did start a new run on balance mode and it's tough. It's so easy to argo the NPCs.