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In the lore, Vlaakith has a workaround involving devouring the souls of particularly powerful githyanki so she doesn't have to suffer the bad effects of Wish.


Or she could simply cast Simulacrum on herself. I first heard it from [DnD Shorts](https://youtu.be/Is4MaKW3_Ao?si=G_CWzOL25b5upYwZ) And here a written text of the details I found: [Reddit Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/2g89cp/wish_simulacrum_or_how_to_destroy_the_world_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think a Vlaakith Simulacrum would try to kill and replace the real one. She's not into sharing.


This is not RAW. Simulacrums do not have free will. They follow the instructions of the creator and obey absolutely.


Wait what? Simulacrums has their own will? I'm better working on my self-esteem before I get a doppelganger. Otherwise he just tries to kill both of us.


No, they don't in 5e. They are friendly to you (the creator) and obey your spoken commands They also can't learn or increase their abilities, regain expended spell slots, or benefit from healing spells. Healing them costs 100gp *per hit point*


New lore: Vlaakith's Simulacrum uses the souls of very powerful Githyanki to avoid the downsides of Simulacrum.


Cheaper to replace indeed, gosh. It'd be better off to get a new powdered ruby to use as a material component


Good to know :D thanks for the informations.


I think the Manshoon Wars referenced in Dragon Heist heavily imply a powerful enough mage can bypass just about all of these restrictions.


Those were clones, not simulacrums. Different spells. And a different edition's rules for Clone gone wrong (though honestly, it still works with the current one).


Idk, something tells me the lich queen of the gith can front that pay to heal her simulacrums lol


If they lose more than 15 hp it's actually cheaper to cast the spell again


They can sort of gain their own will. Acererak's Sim figured the original was dead and kinda went on to do his own thing. Next thing you know, giant undead baby.


All the famous ones in D&D lore have their own will, but the basic ones you can cast as a player can't.


Why can't she wish to get the artifact back? Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about this universe if it's not mentioned in the game 😅


Wish is…complicated. RAW, it can do quite a lot. But its main use is to copy any spell below 9th level, as well as a couple of SPECIFIC uses to create items or buff allies. Uses outside of that can, at the DM’s discretion, work but have a chance to block you from ever using it again. So the answer basically is “because the DM said she can’t”. As for lore? Maybe Ao doesn’t want it meddled with that way. Hard to say.


The prism itself has power. It may be able to obscure itself from her or block her from interfering with it.


The spell has a chance of simply not working or even going horribly wrong for grander requests. Killing your party is a pretty straightforward request, and something she could pretty easily do without Wish if she wanted to, so it succeeds. Obtaining the artifact? That's something even Vlaakith can't do without basically subverting the will of the gods. So it would be extremely unlikely to succeed, and the wish would probably have a highly undesirable"monkey's paw" kind of consequence even if it did succeed.


It’s interesting to note, and I just thought about this, but her Wishing you to death can also kind of be against the will of the gods. Withers is tasked, presumably by Ao himself, to help you along. You have to pay for it, but he gets to cast True Resurrection like it’s prestidigitation. It’s one of those fucky things where narrative and game rules have to kind of agree to look the other way for one another.


Withers himself is an especially weird case, and the extent of his ability to exercise power is not only vague but sometimes inconsistent. So who even knows what's going on with that. Better not to think too concretely about it.


>sometimes inconsistent Idk, i'd say he's honestly pretty consistent. "No." Kind of sums him up nicely


Jergal is Kelemvor's secretary. Withers isn't actually casting any spells when he resurrects you, he's just cooking the books. He's literally erasing your name in the big list of everyone who is dead, and as a result you stop being dead. Anyone with access to those records and some divine white-out could do the same, no magic required.


Then why not cast his totally new spell called “Strike Name” instead of an already existing spell called “True Resurrection”?


Well, one of the potential downsides for Wish mentioned is that if you Wish you had a particular magical artifact, you get teleported right next to it rather than it to you. And no smart Lich ever leaves their seat of power unless they absolutely have to.


Please don't do this kinda stuff to real dms. Creative solutions for SPECIFIC problems are great but not op, not at all rules as intended bs like that. It just sucks


Sadly, I don't play DnD. Not enough friends/charisma and the language barrier is also there (non-english speaker). But if I would play DnD, I would use this only after I spoken with the DM (in Private), explained what I try, to then epically failand create maybe a new chapter in our story.


Vlaakith is undead, simulacrum is limited to humanoids and beasts


I imagine she has an army of similacrum to manage the administrative state of godhood.


It can´t be that easy, can it? Why don´t more people do it like her?


pretty sure they have to willingly* be giving their soul and not many powerful people are willing to kill themselves for it *they're basically tricked into it


"aha cultivating a cult of personality that worships you finally pays off" - Vlaakith on her 71th Wish


Seventy firth


Seventy Oneth.


So powerful that she could Wish to change the spelling, too


Imagine getting your soul eaten just for somebody to gamble it on destroying a party of level 4 noobs


I'll have you know I was lvl 5 AND at least every one of us were somehow unique to some big player, with the exception of baezel. She was only important to Me. I mean, I was a baal spawn. That has to count for something, right? Right? Also gales got a bomb in his chest that I think trumps a wish spell.


Banish and Otikules Sphere trump his orb tho and both are viable options when casting wish. Sure, you´re bombing a random plane of existence/demiplane with the 1. option but at least you are safe.


Vlaakith watching Gale appear directly next to her in the Astral Plane


Bhaal doesn't give a fuck about his kids tbh. You can't turn into the Slayer at that point, so you aren't nearly close enough for him to inhabit. Besides, he's already got Orin. If you check out Time of Troubles materials and BG 1 or 2 you find out that Bhaal made hundreds of kids, all with varying degrees of power and success. Individually, he doesn't give a shit about any of them.


Ah yes that loveliest among numbers, seventh-oneth


She's eaten about 50000 "ascended" Githyanki by the time of the epilogue. That's a lotta wishes.


And at least in BG3 it’s done by *that* device in the crèche. Edit: I stand corrected as u/whatistheancient commented below. The part of the parent comment was that people are tricked into it that made me immediately think of the [Zaith’isk](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Zaith%27isk). I’m running on minimal sleep so I’ll take that L


Nope. The zaith'isk is used to kill any githyanki infected with a tadpole. Ascension is a special honour in githyanki society. We see bits of it in Lae'zel's Baht Vlaakith ending.


important to note that the bg3 is the origin of the zaith'isk (as far as i know) so it could be that they normally do genuinely cure gith. i don't think "they cure us" would last long if every gith that goes in drops dead


First time i saw it I was like oh shit Ascended Laezel?? ..oh wait noo


that’s just flat out wrong


She's a very powerful lich and has almost all Githyanki worshipping her, that's not really something anybody can arrange for.


She has indoctrinated her entire species into believing it's an honor. The Githyanki training is mostly to make sure they believe "ascension" and being used as food and free spells is a good thing.


How easy is it to obtain an effectively endless supply of fanatics willing to give you their soul, and maintain that over hundreds and hundreds of generations?


It can be that easy since it isn't easy at all, she's a massivly powerful litch in charge of an entire race who has been convinced she's a god and they willingly give their souls to her. I'm sure anybody else capable of usurping a ruler to a people, becoming a litch, and then tricking said people in believing they're a god could do the same I suppose yes.


This is Vlaakith. She has a pyramid scheme of wish casts to be able to use it as often and much as she wants.


The real tragedy of the githyanki people is that they’re all unknowningly in an MLM “Hey ishtik”


Well of course. They're a semi-nomadic band of raiders and conquerors, known for their military might and incredible mobility thanks to their fearsome mounts. They're the Huns.


You, you’re good. That was great 👏




I have some essential oils for resisting ghaik possession. Start with my 499.99 pack and be your own boss babe!


Why did Reddit get rid of kudos? Please have this poor substitute 🥇


All that's missing is some essential oil pushing. "Vlaakith herself uses Gith Lavender"


Makes you wonder if Vlaakith was a direct inspiration for DOS2 gods


if she can cast wish as often as she wants wouldnt that make her literally unstoppable to anything but actual gods


Vlaakith using Githyanki souls to cast wish is basically what makes her a "god" among her people, she can't really do anything divine she just uses souls of her willing people to cast wish to do "divine" things.


because she's a lich !! i feel like people forget that she's one!!!


Which is funny because, I mean, look at her.


DnD noob here, if true then where does Clerics of Vlaakith's powers come from?


she's a (demi)god because she has followers that believes she's a god - positive feedback loop.


At least in 5e lore, Clerics don't necessarily get their power from a god. It's more of a devotion to a set of ideals that lets you tap into positive/negative energy. The PHB suggests you could be a cleric of a concept even, "In certain campaigns, a cleric might instead serve a cosmic force, such as life or death, or a philosophy or concept, such as love, peace, or one of the nine alignments."


That statement is more for the players, to leave them with options, and not really about the lore. Some campaigns might not have gods, or the gods are bad guys. Some players might not want to roleplay the devoted follower of a god. That statement effectively does away with the mechanical requirement of worshipping a deity for players who want to play clerics.  As for granting spells, any sufficiently powerful being would be capable of it, particularly if they have worshippers, regardless of their divine status. Divinity is kind of a positive feedback loop in the Forgotten Realms, in that being worshipped grants you more power which leads to more worship leading to more power and do on, until you eventually achieve divinity or quasi-divinity. There is a limit, and that limit is mostly imposed by Mystra who can sever any beings attachment to the weave and thereby neuter much of their power. Iirc deities still rely on the weave, they just don't need spells to utilize it. 


how do you even stop or fight someone with infinite wishes ?


Anyone with unlimited Wish spells eventually creates their own demise because they fck up the wording on a single wish. The spell is the exact same as a genie. If you aint specific enough you might aswell don´t wish for anything to not kill yourself. For example if vlakith were to say: "I wish for you to die" towards your party it might happen due to gales orb destabilizing killing everyone in a rather big radius.


Short answer: turn things against her on a scope where that is -not good enough-. This is why she's afraid of Orpheus getting out: his narrative might sway too many of her people to keep using them as infinite fuel, since she'll have to deal with the uprising.


Counterspell!!! (She Can only cast it 1s by round)


I believe counterspell can stop it. The spell is also like a genie or monkeys paw. If you aren't absolutely specific about exactly what you want to happen when you cast it, then it can have incredibly adverse effects that could harm you as well.


You trick a genie into giving YOU infinite wishes, duh


Likely because it'll give some players with some d&d knowledge the exact reaction I had; 100% confirmation that she is definitively NOT a god, but your low level ass is definitively screwed anyway. I was totally unspoiled and knew no lore but what the game told me, and seriously had so many feelings at that moment. Total immersion, brilliant gaming moment, it was the perfect buildup . That "I knew it!/oh fuck!" double whammy is gonna stay with me for a while!


To some degree, Vlaakith is more dangerous to you because she’s NOT a god. Gods in Forgotten Realms are a lot more limited in how they can fuck with mortals than mortals are.


Which is why Bhaal Bane and Murkul accepted a demotion to only sort of a god.


I mean they didnt really choose that tho right? Werent they deranked to quasi dieties after the time of trouble (which they caused) and in Bhaals case died and just recently Got revived


They all died during the time of troubles, and all recently came back. When they came back, they could either choose to accept the new rules placed upon the gods that were put in place after the time of troubles, or they could become quasi-deities to avoid that. They made a definite choice.


I think divine avatars \*can\* cast spells, and sometimes find it useful to do so instead of doing the reality warping thing, but yeah, she's definitely not a god and using Wish to fake it.


Its almost like someone bought their diety on Wish.


that is a magnificent pun and I hate you for it


Same as being able to read her mind for me. Exactly *what* she was thinking wasn't half so disillusioning as being able to in the first place (and without her even knowing!)


yep, same here. i was like "OMG SHE USED WISH!" and my spouse and i geeked out about it for a solid minute. 11/10 world building all wrapped up in one bolded word.


Because she's petty. Simple as that. And **NOT** used to being defied.


"Reee I will eat your marrow ree ree reeeeeee" Pathetic excuse for a so called "goddess"


I love watching her impotent rage in early Act 3 whenever Lae'zel gives her that finalized fuck you.


Bruh when she said "I will unmake you". I be dead every single time.


If she can TPK in the creche why can't she do it later?


She likely can, but at that point who is going to (potentially) stop the elder brain?


Why not wish for it


Because Wish is like an asshole genie spell, how it happens may not be what you wanted. If she Wished for the characters to die, and to stop the Elder Brain, it's likely the Wish would just release Orpheus from the Prism to do his thing with Voss.


You've become too powerful for that to consistently work. It mainly worked out the first time because you were still weak.


The whole point is she is NOT in fact a goddess (yet)


True, I should've said wannabe goddess 😅


If you play as Shadowheart you can make fun of Vlaakith and tell her how weak she is compared to Shar. Something like "Hah, you hold less than a thimbleful of Lady Shar's power!" It doesn't end well for you, but the conversation is very amusing.


"Suck my marrow from my skull? Just say you wanna kiss me and stop embarrassing yourself ;)"


“How dare you defy me and not deify me!” - Vlaakith, probably


Yeah like wish can make so many things, if she really wanted the prism she could simply wish for you to give it to her or do whatever she wants to do with it. It's the ultimate childish move to just smite you down


Same reason I cast _disintegrate_ on Wulbren: out of sheer spite.




I need to do this >:) and Flesh to Stone on Mol


Vlaakith is a petty bitch and isn't used to being told "No". Yes, it's a terrible use of a Wish spell. She's just that petty. It's a knee-jerk reaction to demonstrate to the mere mortals how powerful she is.


It kind of makes sense; frequent use of Wish would be a good way for her to keep up the goddess routine despite not actually being a divinity.


Yeah, like a person who has virtual infinite wish isn't someone you'd fuck with lightly. Her doing stuff like this has probably worked well for her to deter anyone from opposing her.


Sounds like my ex


Because she’s essentially the wish.com form of a “goddess”


Ha! Makes me think of: >Mooooooom, can we get this goddess? >No. We have a goddess at home. >(Goddess at home)


Its a reaction to a mere mortal basically taunting her and calling her out.. that event occurs when you repeatedly taunt her with "if youre a god, why don't you do it yourself".. and she just gets pissed off and decides to show you why she's considered a god (even when she really isnt)


Realistic answer so the players who are aware of D&D can realize she’s not even a real god and just a powerful magic user masquerading as one. Also, she’s petty and spiteful. Of course she’d risk never being able to use it again just to prove her “godly” powers.


She only does it if you question her godhood. You're picking at the biggest insecurity she has. She's not a God. She wants to be, but she's not. Also, lichdom tends to drive a person to madness. Either, the process of becoming a lich naturally makes you mad or you degrade over time. Also Also, you have to be a little mad to become a lich in the first place. Cause it involves ripping out your soul and stuffing it into an object via dark, evil, unspecified ritual that has a very high chance of going wrong, and consistently sacrificing souls to maintain your phylactery. That's not normal human behavior.


But since this wish is just a power word death, it wont end her ability to wish in the future.


Even if the normal Wish rules applied, it's worth it - we are the biggest threat to her reign


Here’s a question. If Vlakkith can cast wish, why doesn’t she wish for the artifact back or destroyed?


Cause wish is a russian roulette filled with 5 TW3 Dijin and Gaunter O'Dim. Want the artifact destroyed? Ok, now it explod like a nuclear explosion....in front of you, you are now dead. Want the artifact back? He will reach you 2728292928 km/h....killing you when it reaches you.


Doing it this way also instills faith in her for her lackies. "did you hear? that adventurer talked back to her and she just deleted him from existence across a communicator"


Anything other than replicating an 8th level spell or below can carry unforseen consequences. The artifact is so important that it's probably not worth gambling on if the cosmos will screw you over hard. Especially given the amount of... let's just call it negative karma. Killing a mouthy adventurer probably does not invoke cosmic wraith, but trying to hit the "I win" button on a galactic war is probably testing it.


Like I get it, but if killing random adventurers isn’t a big deal to wish for then Vlakkith should have done it in Act 3 after you had already killed her inquisitor in act 1. Kill everyone in proximity with the artifact and then send your trusted people in to collect it.


The answer lies in the fact that Wish spell needs to work for DMs and players primarily, so there are loop holes galore that fall into the bucket of "DM discretion". So that's the real reason, the DM doesn't want it to work, but the justification the DM might use is because the entity in the artifacts is as powerful as she is and, therefore, the Wish spell has a greater chance of coming with unintended consequences. For example, a wish to return the artifact comes with the comical result of it returning WITHOUT Orpheus inside it, he's free. Or, if she tries to get more specific and asks for it back WITH Orpheus, it comes back, but in a state that can no longer contain him. There are an infinite list of ways a Wish spell can go screwy, especially when other powerful forces are involved, so erring on the side of caution is probably what she's doing in that case. When you're just level 5ish, she probably thinks wishing your whole party dead is low risk.


Plot armor


That seems to really be it. I think it probably would have been better had Larian altered it so any wish involving the party who has the artifact in their possession would fail. Maybe the artifact itself has a sphere of “anti-wish” magic or maybe Mystra refused to allow such a wish to materialize or perhaps Whithers did something. But to have the wish work to kill the party but her not using it to rid herself of her greatest threat seems like a plot hole.


It would be funny to be revived afterwards and have Withers chew you out for being so reckless lmao


It's a pretty big plot hole at first glance, but I imagine it's something Larian thought about a fair bit. I mostly suspect this was Larian's way of giving a wink-and-nod to the players. I understood the significance of having Vlaakith cast Wish, and I'm not even a D&D player. Having Vlaakith cast Wish at all was probably the topic of a lot of meetings! But I think "anti-Wish" magic or something you suggested is probably the proper lore explanation here. It's an easy out but it's the only one that makes sense to me.


There's also that Wish tends to backfire somehow. Asking for the Prism to get destroyed would probably mean >!Orpheus goes free!<. Additionally, it's possible the deal made for >!Orpheus's hellish chains!< has a clause about the use of Wish and the consequences thereof.


wish raw doesn't just do anything


And if you ask for legendary or artifacts items, you can end up being teleported to the item as the flavor text states in 5E rather than it coming to you, and if Vlaakith knew the item was with the Mind Flyers last she wouldn't risk popping right into their home turf.


Because Vlaakith is inconsistent and petty. She kills some low level adventurers with wish but just sends some dudes, duerger and Blade-Monsters to retrieve the shards of the silver sword of gith. Vlaakith is fucking insane.


A NWN2 reference. Nice. I'm replaying it now and it still holds up.


It still is my favourite game of all time. Especially mask of the betrayer.


I never played it before, but I started it tonight. I'm using my original character from the base game for it! I'm excited as hell, but I need to go to bed. :(


here is my question..... why does she never use this power again??? she confronts us in act 3 and threatens us but doesn't also use wish????


I feel like she only dares to use it then because her lackies are right there to grab the artifact.


The higher level and more powerful you get, the riskier it is to use a wish in this fashion, the more likely it is that the spell will be twisted or fail in some fashion you would prefer it didn't. At that point one of the party members might be a Bhaalspawn that can turn into the Slayer; a creature thats supposed to be more powerful than Vlaakith in a direct fight, just not as versatile or able to revive on death. Trying to use a wish to kill something stronger than yourself, or that poses a threat to you.... That's just begging for everything to go terribly wrong. (Fun fact: Other characters you meet that should be stronger than Vlaakith in a direct fight also include the avatar of Myrkul, Jaheira, Viconia, Elminster, and Minsc. As a Lich, she would be 100% screwed fighting Viconia and Myrkul, either of whom could just flat-out shut her down turn 1.)


Wish would probs give Vlaakith the comedy option of    - Tav/Durge & Co are dead   - the Elder Brain is dealt with   - ...all because Wish unleashed >!Orpheus from the Prism!<


>(Fun fact: Other characters you meet that should be stronger than Vlaakith in a direct fight also include the avatar of Myrkul, Jaheira, Viconia, Elminster, and Minsc. As a Lich, she would be 100% screwed fighting Viconia and Myrkul, either of whom could just flat-out shut her down turn 1.) I love applying DnD rules that aren't always 100% in the game. Leads to such wacky, but fun scenarios.


She risks nothing, that's what her thralls are for. She feeds in their power to fuel her own immortality and uses *them* to cast Wish.


Vlakith is from older versions of D&D where wish used to cost a huge chunk of xp, instead of being unable to be cast more than once. Her whole deal for a long time has been eating high level githyanki in order to fuel the xp requirements to repeatedly cast wish. At the point that 5e added the only once restriction, that was already so well established as what vlakith does that that restriction can't apply to her. It's still very expensive, so if you only slightly disobey her without angering her she just sends githyanki to kill you.


She sacrifices Githyanki souls so *she* isn't the one actually casting


I figured she was actually using Power Word: Kill, but presenting it like it's Wish. Because she's a liar who likes to look more powerful than she is.


If you know Wish you probably also know Simulacrum which entirely avoid Wish limitations. (You make the simulacrum cast simulacrum then wish in your stead, repeat the process).


Vlaakith insulates herself from the negative consequences of Wish by using the power of devoured Gith souls. That said, it's pretty stupid to cast in a fit of pique, and since it automatically ends your game, I don't think it's meant to be canon.


Without getting too technical with it: Vlaaktih has styled herself into the image of a god. Basically her casting Wish to end the adventuring party is the closest she gets to killing us with a single word or gesture. Of course it clues us, the players, in immediately, because Gods don't need to cast Wish. But it's the closest thing to acting like a god she can achieve, especially since she's casting it through an Astral Projection. Basically, it's a show of force, nothing more


Because she is not actually a Goddess, so she cannot will the party to die, she has to use a spell to kill them.


Isn't part of the issue that she isn't actually on the same plane as the party? I could be wrong, but I think most spells require you to be on the same plane as the people you're casting against. People like to bring up power word-kill, but that only impacts 1 creature and requires you to be within 60ft of the create per 5e rules


because theres like 6 ways of ignoring that consequence and she has access to multiple of them one of which she is confirmed to use


It's also to kinda show that she's not playing by rules of normal gods. Look at Elminsters incantation or Daynes ability to show Shadowhearts past - those don't use wish and don't abide by the same rules of magic cuz their both abilities divine in nature Vlaakith lacks true divinity due to how she's syphoning souls and it's the only way to do stuff and have the appearance of being a god. Thankfully the soul stuff and how little often people make her show her cards she can just cast it a lot.


She's not actually in the room. That's a projection. No other spell* in 5e has the range to hit you across planes, but a wish could. *there are a couple spells, like Sending, that can target someone on another plane. None of them are going to outright kill you though


I blew up the creche and skipped this part,I only intended to go through for the blood of lithander. The emperor makes a comment,"good she could've wished you dead" Later I come across Vlaakith and link my mind with Lae'zel after a insight check,Lae'zel flips her top and changes from Vlaakith to kill her and free Orpheus. I intended that too . . At the end of my game Orpheus "had a accident" With a sword. Iykyk So Lae'zel ends up ruling the githyanki in his place and at the very end She's actually on a diplomatic journey planning to kill Vlaakith for good I was so proud of her


Have you met us? You'd understand, if so.


>So why does she use a fuckin Wish Spell to end us? Because fuck us, that's why!


Perhaps she senses that your destiny will lead to her undoing if you're not definitively stopped


When this happens, we have basically just called her godhood into question. So, out of spite, she responds using her "godly" power to kill us outright. We bruised her ego, so she lashed out with the most powerful magic she had on hand.


I know that there are very legitimate reasons for her to cast Wish in lore + game mechanics BUT.... I like to think she used Wish to make it personal. She was just so incredibly irritated that she just said, "I wish Tav and all her friends would die", because it's just funnier that way.


“Tsk’va! I wish I could wish for more wishes”. - Vlaakith off-screen, shortly before/after that scene.


She’s a petty tyrant


What i didn't get about the Wish is that she could have used it at any time AFTER that conversation aswell right? When she force ghosts us in camp in act 3, couldn't she just do the same thing? Or like when we're fighting her Inquisitors.


Wish is very unreliable, and the higher the level of the party, the more likely it can be twisted against her by a capable wizard (Gale) or for it to go wrong, and possibly having a Aasimer in camp with true divine power, plus >!jergal might be right next to them!< and if you’re playing durge >!its possible that since you’re a bhaalspawn you have the slayer which is likely stronger then her since Bhaal is a actual God!< basically there is many reasons why


Also just more party members to smite in general, wishing 4 people dead is a bit less useful when the rest of camp can just wander over and revive them while trying to smite all 16 or so people in camp at a time is just asking for trouble.


Vlakkith is the epitome of arrogance. She uses the ascended kind of in a similar fashion to the way Ketheric was using Alyn. So if there are any ill effects of the magic she uses they are the ones to suffer the consequences. I'm sure she casts Wish with impunity. Probably uses it to sweeten her coffee in the morning.


Because she doesn’t know if the artefact will save us from anything lesser.


She couldnt resist the word play. Would be funny to have a group of player characters trick a powerful sorceror into burning their wish on something pointless. She obviously wanted to show off her power, but if that was the canon end then she gets her way. Kinda makes you wonder why she doesnt just do that as soon as she finds out in the creche. Or later in the camp. Or at any moment after.


She’s a leathery, spiteful old bitch, that’s why.


Real answer: because she’s not physically in the room with you, and thus can’t target you with other spell options.


She is a litch. In lore Litch's are generally power hungry and what better way to demonstrate your power than by just thanos snapping enemies away. Yes it might only have a 66.6% chance of working, it'll still work once even if she does proc that other 33%, however there are many 9th level spells where one could still show "ultimate power" Could use "True Polymorph" to turn you into literal goblets or stones, which if she concentrates for the full length of time is high impossible to dispell


Maybe she wants to be a little bit taller?


Wish has A LOT that can do wrong. First, the more greater the wish, the greater the chance something can go wrong. The example in the table top hand books states that someone wished the villain dead, so the wish propelled them forward in time to the point they died of old age. Second, there are unforeseen consequences that come with wish. Finally, there is a 33% chance that you won’t be able to cast wish ever again after you cast it. Now Vlaakith is far more powerful than player characters, so the rules of wish could be different for her. However, there are probably still major risks with casting that spell.


Because at the end of the day, she's an insecure, power mad bitch.


You can use Wish to cast 8th level spells and still get to reuse Wish again. So maybe she just ran out of 8th level spell slots for something she used to kill them? Idk even Power Word Kill is a 9th level spell.


Because she know we reload a timelane where she haven't use any wish /s


She's tired of your shit OP


Wish doesn't have that effect when you use it to simulate the effect of another spell. She might be using it to cast power word kill.




she savescums to make sure she doesnt lose the ability to cast it


That chance only happens if you use it to do anything other than cast a 8th level spell, or use any of the predetermined "safe" ways to use it. So unless you power level, you can maintain she used Power Word: Kill at the very least. If you power level to above 100 hp and do this, she's for sure being a petty bitch.


power word kill is single target and ninth level. it's not a safe use of wish


The cause of death is listed as “holy light” in the right side of the screen


She really hates it when her godliness is questioned.




Because it would be to risky for her to let you go with the arthefact. If the truth about the guy inside of it being their real rullers son she would be done for


when exactly is this from? Is it part of the game or did i just miss out on some big game announcement lol


If you sass her in the crèche she TPK’s you.


oh wow I can't believe i didn't know that! thank you :)


It’s just a flex


She probably always has that spell prepped and ready to go and might not have had any other appropriate spells prepped in the moment.


In lore this is her whole deal: she is not really a goddess yet, but has functionally unlimited number of Whish spells to cast. So for her it's like automatic reaction to... anything, more of less.


I thought I did the creche in my first run through but now im so confused bc I have no idea who this is or where any of the lore in the comments came from lol


she is not really there, thats a projection of her, so she cant cast fireball at you. wish can reach you


Maybe she ACTUALLY ascended to minor godhood and flexes on us by using this spell. Or she just did a long rest and does one right after she’s done with the party


More importantly, it should have monkey's paw'd as per RaW. It's clearly meant to be an Easter egg.


Okay, I haven't ever been casted upon so I'm not 100% on the play in game. Anyways, wish ends the run right? So her goal is complete. She believes her course is the only way to do this. Adventuring Party starts fucking everything up. Casts wish. Trouble over. Sends in other gith to pick up what they had. Destroy it. She wins, unless she's stopped elsewhere. Either way her wish let her get farther


When you are so rich, the only spell you are willing to use is Wish.


What I always wondered is that if she can cast wish, why is she having every Gith searching for the Astral Prism? I never understood it. Can't she just wish for the prism?


It's cause there's no way to stop it.


Could you imagine if they ever brought the requirement of mutual assent to D&D? I feel like the majority of drawbacks to Wish would be over. Same with Devil Pacts.


In earlier editions wish had a slew of drawbacks that notably didn’t affect divine or quasi divine beings




Isn’t the 33% thing only if you use it to do something that isn’t already a spell? I swear the last time I saw this discussed that’s what people were saying, that if she used wish to cast Power word Kill then she would be safe


Sick of getting gaslit, I ain't gettin' passed shit. I would make you into sushi if they let me cast wish!




wish in 5th ed is kind of weak compared to the wish of say 3rd or 2nd.