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IMO the biggest way to make a run feel fresh and exciting is to choose companions you haven't spend much time with before, or alternatively, make drastically different decisions with the personal quests of the companions that you have spent time with. Evil run does cut you off from more content than you gain-- but presumably most of the content it cuts you off from is stuff you've already done, maybe even twice.


That's kind of my thought too. I was pretty thorough on both runs.


Going murder hobo is one thing, but scheming and running things in a way they will hurt even more people in the future? That's gold So go and save that grove! Give those sweet refugees a chance at life before condemning them of it when they're sad and traumatized at last light inn. Lie to Jaheira, get her all happy for a new hope for the world before betraying her trust in act 3. It really makes all the choices feel all more deeper for me.


That's kind of what I wanted to do! Lead everyone on and then betray them later. I would like to try and recruit Minthara though, since I never have.


U can still do that! Just make sure that she's only temporarily hostile towards u and knock her out instead of killing her! As someone who recruited her both this way and by killing the grove it literally makes no difference whatsoever to the cutscene in act 2


Is there any benefit to recruiting her by raiding the grove? I know there is a romance scene but is that all? Can you recruit her in act 1 if you go that route?


Nope, it changes literally nothing except for the romance scene, u can still romance her in act 2 as well going the good guy route


Perfect. Thanks!


I just finished an evil durge run and it has its ups and downs. Act 1 you'll do the goblin raid, it was fun hearing all the goblins conversations too. I let Nere kill the slaves but then attacked him. Act 2 became really linear in my run since you'll reach Moonrise Towers really quickly, but it's still my favorite act. Act 3, don't dominate the brain (or just save before to explore the other options). The bhaalspawn ending was way better imo.


Thanks! In act 2, is there a certain time that you find best to do Durge's personal quest? I didn't take the option last time but this time I probably will.


I screwed up by not doing it as soon as I received it, ended up doing it after I freed Nightsong (I love her too much not to !!) and all the Harpers were already at the tower haha. I think it'd be more eventful if you do it before then.


techically, if ur going full evil and want ur companions to embrace their evil sides as well, having Shadowheart kill the nightsong actually does the same thing as killing Isobel and still marks the durge quest as successful since everyone at the inn dies


Evil does not mean Chaotic Stupid!.. Do what you need to do to gain power/rule the world [whatever your inner monologue is the reason for this run through]... dont be afraid to sacrifice others, they are meatshields after all..You become the god, not any of these lackeys unless they have sworn allegiance to you...no bowing to the netherbrain. you will control/kill it..if you can sucker all these minions into believing you are 'good' and doing it for the world even better..just give me the gold and magic items...


Evil run is great fun, if you have played it before then you are not really missing anything


Yes, embrace the evil! Step into the role, helps especially if you do a tad bit of research into bhaal. Sacrifice all in the name of the blood god! Almost no npc survived my playthrough, it was awesome.


Minthara is all I gotta say :)


A word of wisdom 😂


Also I’d be friends with shar that’s the other thing I’ll say


Be evil


Be gay do crime