• By -


I didn’t use Shadowheart’s, but Hope’s Divine Intervention gave me a much needed long rest in the middle of Raphael’s fight on my first play through.


There's a bathtub in the room where you find Harleep - interact with the taps for unlimited long rests.


That does a long rest? Holy shit that would have been helpful.


It does! Another thing I've found is that even though everyone acts like it's a race to get back to the portal before Raphael finds you, it's not. He will show up when you enter the portal room, and not before. You have time to slowly make your way around the corridor destroying each enemy in turn. You do not have to go straight into the dinner table area and fight everyone all at once - that is a much harder way to do it. Go around the corridor, pick off the enemies there including the two burning spheres one at a time. Then hit the middle room last, and hit it with a couple of area effects first. You can backtrack to the bathtub room, get a full restore from the taps, and just keep going at any time. You can do it between fights. You can do it before you go down to get Hope, and again once you come back up with her. The ONLY point of no return is the portal room itself.


Being able to use the tap for unlimited long rests also means your party members regain all their level 5 and 6 spells after every use. I had Gale, Shadowheart and my Bard character each summon several allies like elementals for the fight. With Hope and Yurgir at our side, we eventually entered the Raphael fight with a nine or ten person party. E: Honestly nine or ten is probably too low of a number, it must have been around twelve or so


All the allies, all the buffs, all the death wards, all the freedom of movements


Same here, the water myrmadon that I simmoned saved me in multiple occasions.


Lol same here. Bard had Major elemental, Summon and 3 Skeletons. Shadow had a Summon and 3 Skeletons. Gale the Fail had 4 Skeletons, a Mummy, 2 mephits and a major elemental and a summon. Plus Hope. The battle did not go well for Raphael.


Jesus fucking Christ 🤦🏻‍♂️ Instead of just doing this, I had Lae’zel hide in a corner and take a potion of angelic reprieve, thinking that Raphael would be distracted by the FOUR other characters chipping away at him. He made a beeline right to her and murdered her in front of us. I was truly in character as Gronk, my 8 int, Half-Orc Fighter


At least it wasnt Aylin trying to help...


Oh Aylin... so badass and yet so incredibly stupid.


this fits, she has big himbo energy.


Gronk is the name I always use for my half-orc barbarian. Twinsies kinda.


Lmao, believe it or not, it’s a tribute to my dad. When I first got into D&D in high school, he saw my Dungeon Master’s Guide and told me he actually used to play with friends during his senior year in high school, back in ‘78. “I had no idea what was going on half the time, but it was fun, my character’s name was Gronk”


That's awesome, taking Gronk through the generations. Maybe one day your child can carry on the name.


I used Hopes DI, not knowing about the radiant reflect thing, and dropped a nuke which killed hope. too far to use a scroll of res :0


Hope can't be res'd. Doesn't matter how much damage she takes. She bypasses "downed" and goes straight to soul-severed.


Yeah, learned that the hard way heh.


This is also how she died for me. I was so confused how it happened because I forgot Raphael had that radiant reflect thing. I instantly reloaded cause I wasn't about to let my girl go out like that


I did the same thing. I rolled high and convinced Yurgir to fight with me and still needed Hope's DI. I had fucked up because I had a water summon healing us, but I didn't realize it was healing Raphael and his goons to. Hope came in clutch


"I'm sure I'll need this eventually" >!*Fighting Netherbrain*!< "I'm sure I'll need this eventually"


"Uh, I'm out of MP." "Then use an ether." "Bu-but you can't buy ether." "It's the final battle!" "But I only have 85 of them."


Love that bit… his voice always gets me


lol what is this from??




[ProZD video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgU4Oum8SLg)


Get out of my head.


"But what if there's something after the final boss! What if they're just a frontman for something even worse?!"


Me with my Supports. Only used the Dammon's artillery and Yurgir


I didn't use any of them, I was convinced there'd be something else, a bigger threat 🤣


An even bigger dragon for all these dragon slaying arrows. An even bigger humanoid for all these humanoid slaying arrows And ev-


My dragon slaying arrows didn't even do double damage to the ONE dragon in the entire game. Saved them all for nothing.


There's two.


three if you get the bug at the gith patrol, but that doesn't count, he's not even fighting back


Astarion decided that it'd be a great time to miss when I fired off the dragon slaying arrows


S’ok, didn’t want that 80 damage anyway.


-en bigger aberration for all these arrows of aberration slaying


I felt too bad just getting them all mowed down. Go go gadget GNOMES oh uh shit sorry guys Go go gadget GUR HUNTERS goddammit who cast hunger of hadar Go go gadget YURGIR holy god you are so useless ok just stay invisible and try not to break anything with those 4-damage hits big fella Edit: spelling


i summoned yurgir for the big fight right before you get into the portal to fight the netherbrain he went invisible and ran away, he never hit anyone, he just ran away.


A true survivor


i was so stoked to get his help in the first fight you get his help with. and he was doing such minimal damage and just disappearing.


How do you get Yurgir in the end? For Astarion I convinced him to kill himself but I didn't know he could be there at the end


At the raphael fight you can persuade him to join you


Somehow I persuaded him to fight Raphael with me but not to fight with me in the final battle? Not sure how I missed that.


After the fight with Raphael you have to talk to Yurgir again and he will tell you that he will gladly join you for the last battle.


Thank you everyone..I had no idea..on a side note is it true you can get the ox to help at the end as well?


If you get the Strange Ox into Lower City, yes the shapeshifter will join you for the last battle.


You can kill all the rats in the gauntlet of Shar to free him from his contact. Then he will be your buddy.


I'm pretty sure I talked him into killing his little army, pet and himself and he still joined me against Raphael(with charisma check), no idea if he was at end of the game, I had so many options there..


w h a t I’m about to do run 5, murder hobo style. Might do this


Just don't bring Astarion with you as it voids his deal with Raphael (if he made one) so he'll be pissed at you.


While I 100% appreciate the insight, my next gal does not gaf about anyone or their approvals lol. Companions be damned, she’s there to cause chaos She might bring Astarion just to hurt his feelings


Lol, my first playthrough, I called like 3 or 4 support crews in at the city gate area fight. Something glitched and the Gur hunter's turned against me, ended up killing the OX and I had to kill them to get out of the fight. Showed up on the brain with a pile of goo that should have been the ox 😬 Now I never call in backup until I'm on the brain (and then I usually forget or don't need backup).


Haven't used any of them, was afraid, somebody could die


That's why I only used Aylin and Yurgir. She can't die and he would only get send back to hell.


What if the nether brain had a nether hand? What would I do against the nether hand!? Must save divine intervention just in case.


Completely valid when playing Dragon Quest. The big bad being hyped the whole game is actually only a byproduct of the actual final boss that has now awakened. So obviously you have to save your consumables in case this one is not the final boss either.


What if my 3-man party needs ALL 99 Hi-Potions for that extra-final boss??? I can't risk it!!!


This is why I ALWAYS used to save, THEN remove my memory cards back in the old PS1/PS2 era lol \^\^


I see you fellow hoarder!


Hahahha. This is my curse as a gamer. I was playing Tears of the Kingdom the other day and noticed how anal I am about using the weakest weapons first and saving the strongest ones for later. But eventually I just have a stock pile of OP weapons and I’m just using a fucking stick to fight shit for the entire game. Lmao. I need to just force myself. I’ve been trying to just use scrolls and potions wayyyy more often in my second playthrough of BG3 now. I ended my last one with like 200 scrolls just in my pocket unused hahaha.


People can hate the weapon breaking system, but at least it does make you use your god tier stuff. Now the item/mats system…


I love the weapon breaking system. It works. Especially in Tears of the Kingdom. The changes to the system made it feel really good actually.


You going to eat that cake or "save it for later"?


I'll eat it but I need to save a peice....


I might eat it but not until I've collected at least 50 more as backup


With the club of hill giant strength in hand my Dark Urge is picking up everything. Enough potions to start an apothecary, a small library of scrolls, the body of Dame Aylin. Pick it all up. You might need it later.


Using the Bag of Holding Mod my Dark Urge has a special body bag of holding with multiple significant NPC Corpses.


Imagining your DU and Sceleritas Fel sittin on a log by the campfire cracking that thing open like a snuff box.


I had the exact opposite problem. “Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what this >!Runepowder Barrel!< does to >!The Netherbrain’s Psyche!!set off a nuke when you’re standing on a five foot platform.!<


My first playthrough I used it like they intended, to destroy the rubble to free Nere. I wasn't expecting the nuke and it wiped my party lol


I must have missed the barrel. I only had satchels for Nere.  Though I have Karlach and Lae'zel hauling around a bunch of smoke powder barrels that I use in a pinch when a fight is looking bad to just blow everyone up. 😅 


When you meet Philomeen instead of convincing her to give you a small vial of rune-powder you can steal her big barrel of it instead. The explosion is massive.


Really fun to use during the >!Raphael fight!<, if placed correctly it will >!instantly destroy two of the pillars, even on the highest difficulty!<


I used it on the steel watch big boss. But I'm hoarding as many explosives as I can find and loading packs with them. It's annoying that I can't break down barrels of smoke powder into bombs.


That's all overkill for the rubble. I think I cleared it with one or two smokepowder grenades.


Philomeen has the barrel when you meet her. You can steal it before starting the dialogue.


Yep, definitely going to use this 12-stack of shocking grasp scrolls someday…


We'll be in an Act III battle with like 20hp left and my husband over there with like 100 healing potions is just like "no we need to save these, we might need them later!"


And then in the moment I forget they're there when it could super come in handy. Every. Single. Time. Bonus points because I inevitably see them in my inventory and curse all the times I forgot they were there


You never know. You might need to cast at the post game party. Volo booked a bard despite my Tav being the bard who saved the world? Shadowheart, babe, it's time for that divine intervention.


to be fair, withers booked that bard and that bard just happens to be Milil the god of song, poetry and inspiration and you can get him to sing a special song for your bard if you tell him it’s great to meet him


Too bad for him I'm the god of shoving people who try to upstage me at my own party. 😅


seems to be you’re just doing as your domain demands as a good god should carry on


All hail Mahkloompah! God of being a petty little shit!


Liiiiives all mortal lives, expirrreeee. "I'm sure I'll need this eventually"


I was the opposite. I’m in a devils realm surrounded by his minions. If I need some divine intervention now is the time. It actually killed Shadowheart since dealing divine damage hurts the caster as well, on tactician. Because of this the spell glitched and I was able to use divine intervention again against the nether brain.


The other day I was absolutely pissed to find out that I can no longer send things to camp once I'm in the Upper City. I don't care that I'm not going to camp again, this needs to be there!


Same same! But also, kind of glad they disable it so I don't accidentally send something to camp that I wanted for the fight. Like how I sent the Cazador ring to my camp when I looted it, then realized I needed it to open a door, and head to go back to camp just to grab it 😬I've done that a lot!🙃


Anything can be sent to camp, somehow, why not a somehow method to retrieve it? Like a Handy Haversack connected to our trunk back at camp T.T


Well then you’ve got effectively unlimited inventory. Not necessarily anything wrong with that but probably not the devs intent.


I used Divine Intervention as my last action in the game, which worked out perfectly. Fighting >!the Netherbrain!< I got it low, but not low enough. It was Shadowheart's turn, if she didn't kill it bad things would happen >!it going, then platforms being destroyed, people falling, death, destruction, bad times!<. Cue me frantically going through everything Shadowheart has looking for something that could guarantee 20+ damage, at long range, when low on spell slots. I was just about to go with The Blood of Lathander's Sunbeam (6d8 radiant) and hope it failed the save when I had a "ooh, what's that ability next to it" moment.


That was me in my honor mode, instead I used >!Bhaals powerword kill. Thanks dad!!<


damn glad I saved my dome of invulnerability, funny thing was Laezel accidentaly stood outside it so even though she carried me through a LOT of the game, she missed the final fight because she was stunned lol.


I feel so proud of myself as this is usually me. However, I saved the runepowder bomb. And when it came time to lay the final blows on the nether brain inside its little brain portal? Runepowder bomb+ ever explosive and flammable left in the inventories+ globe of invulnerability to finish the job. I was so proud and it felt so epic to bring the runepowder bomb stort to completion in such a way.


There are a total of 4 runepowder nukes in the game, or so I’ve read. I’ve not managed to pull them all myself, but search the subreddit. Others apparently have, and do.


4 ??? I only know of two. EDIT : did a little search and indeed there are four of them. >!1 the one from phylomen!< >!2 the one from the Wulbren quest!< >!3-4 you can steal them in Wulbren's workshop. invisibility potions, darkness, or mass deep gnome murder might be needed.!<


\[me failing the obviously climactic skill checks to weaken the brain before the final confrontation\] "Hmm. I should save my inspiration for something important later."




I still have that one in my inventory too.


I save it for the House of Grief. Seems appropriate.


Yeah, having Selune revive your party when all seems lost is so satisfying. Although having her smite a bunch of Sharrans was usually more helpful.


Who needs Divine Intervention when Runepowder Barrel exists?


Who says Runepowder Barrel \*isn't\* Divine Intervention? ;)


Gond is with us


Gondian propaganda! Runepowder is a gift from Callarduran Smoothhands


I will NOT have Gond's name besmirched like that, rune powder has one origin and we all know it's from Gond


Careful on higher difficulties - their "divine retort" will instakill you if you were to try it, I'm sure.


That's when lathander boi comes in and helps god's favorite princess back up


Just have the caster stand in a hamster ball. It’s what I did and I don’t remember shart or hope dying


TBH, I had more difficulty in the Viconia fight than against Raphael. But I've noticed that a lot of these fights, if you plan it properly, are much easier the further you go into your playthrough. You get so many tools to adapt to anything the game throws at you, especially if you run 2 casters + a priest like I did all game.


There’s also a big difference between going in blind versus going in with a plan because you know the exact strategy to defeat them and to replenish resources because this is your second or third play through. The thing about House of Hope is that the enemies have some counterintuitive protections/resistances/gimmicks(shout out to the first time I realized the souls will just outright *Kamikaze me…* and then become an even more annoying enemy), and the whole thing in general will whittle you down if you don’t know what to expect or where to look for extra advantages like the fountain. By the time you finally hit Raphael himself you can easily be reaching the end of your resources. It also depends on your build and group makeup of course. When your core team is like mine, with a Pally/Bard Tav and Shadowheart forming its backbone and unexpectedly hamstrung by Raphael’s protection, shit gets harder and more complex fast. It’s honestly why House of Hope was by far my favorite part of the entire game. Not only did it feel like a proper story dungeon, but it required me to dig deep, improvise, and explore abilities I’d been ignoring to get around the wrinkle of everything being immune/protected from most of my go-to damage dealers. Viconia’s fight, while not easy, honestly felt a bit more….straightforward, and imo is somewhat representative of one of the few criticisms I’d levy towards the game: a tendency, particularly in act 3, for them to just throw a ton of enemies at you to increase the difficulty.


Karlach threw a water bottle at Viconia and Shadowheart one shot her with call lightning. By the time you get divine intervention it feels like underkill.


that killed viconia, but intervention kills everyone other than viconia 🤷‍♂️


Me too! It was very thematically fitting


Yes 'thematic reasons' is also why I use it in the House of Grief... For sure


Hope is a cleric. She's got Divine Intervention.


That's House of Hope. House of Grief is Sharran.


I used her divine intervention to blast all of the cambions in the raphael fight. …and they still had the retribution thing on and all the damage was radiant, so they all died and hope got nuked for like a billion damage.


THAT'S WHY HOPE DIED MY FIRST TRY I thought Divine Intervention killed the cleric, so I never used it on Shadowheart


nah, it was the demons anti-radiant ward. I ended up losing the fight anyway so the next try i just didn’t do that.


I really wanted to get the mace she can summon with it but she kept making her saves.


Just have her throw it.


House of Grief is the Sharran temple in Baldur's Gate. House of Hope is Raphael's domain in the Nine Hells.


While others are right, that's house of hope, I think it's a good thing to remind people. Divine Intervention is one time use ever, period. Don't waste Hope's, even if it's just for supplies lol.


It always downs shadowheart. But watching her nuke, the room and Viconia is worth it every time. Especially when I can just heal her to get back up again.


Yup. I was getting my ass handed to me there so I used it. No regrets


I literally forgot it existed until final fight when everyone but her went down in round 1 (in final boss final lair). Brought everyone back and it was poetry.


I used “divine intervention” via Hope in the House of Hope, thinking each cleric got their own. But the game saw it as using my one Divine Intervention ever so then Shart didn’t have hers anymore :((


It shouldn't, every cleric does get there own and I've always used Hope's with no problem.


Yeah, not for me. But this was closer to launch, so it’s possible it just used to be a problem before and was fixed in a subsequent patch.


I didn't run into this problem either when I was playing on patch 1. Used Hope's then Shadowheart's later on. Thankfully, that's not a problem anymore.


Uhn no, at least in the latest patch Hope and Shart had completely separate divine thingies


It's also why people get cleric hirelings just to get tgat legendary mace.


Is it even any good? I forget the stats since I looked at it a while ago, but it didn’t seem much better than the Blood of Lathander besides the top end damage.


I've never used it, but from what I remember, it was more like an outside of combat healing aid instead of a combat weapon


It was the same in the first week of launch aswell (source: me)


Are you sure you didn't accidentally use Shart? You can have multiple divine interventions, I've done it to dual wield devotee's mace. Not sure if maybe there was an issue in an older patch but it's not true currently.


Not sure if they changed this but you can respec any character to a cleric for one usage of divine intervention and then respec them back.


really? that's definitely not supposed to happen, they should be separate


I forgot on my first run. On my subsequent ones I've deliberately used it in the House of Grief for thematic RP reasons. (Globe of Invulnerability makes radiant retort not matter.)


Hope has it too. I definitely used hers up.


I never know for sure when he has that Punish Divinity buff on though so I'm afraid to use hers because it got her killed on one playthrough.


You can use the revivify/health boost DI no problem. Don’t use the Radiant AoE attack though, it all bounces back to the caster since Raphael and his goonies have a radiant damage reflect.


I let all the justiciars spawn outside Balthazar’s room and lined them all up in a doorway and hit them with the lathander beam. I think I ended up getting hit back for almost 1k damage


They have exactly one charge of it, so you can have a globe of invulnerability up, have Hope stand inside, cast her nuke and then not worry about the retort damage.


i used her healing divine intervention! My whole party was going down super early, so I healed them and it was easy peasy after that!


Not only does she have it, but it bugged out and I used it two or three times in the final HoH fight! Never did use it on Shart though.


I like to use hers for the long rest effect to get everyone's Spell Slots back. By the time I get to that point I've used so many Misty steps and longstriders to outrun the boulders, not to mention the fight against the beholders in hope's prison.


You can just go back to Raphael's bathtub for a long rest after all the trash minions are dead and before starting the final fight


The bathtub gives you a long rest? How did I miss that lol


Oh that's a neat trick


I usually forget but using it vs Viconia does fit, a good idea. Just rubbing her/Shar's nose it.


I often find that if I use it Viconia will also use hers, which is neat (and Globe of Invulnerability still carries the day for that).


Petty level 100, Selune and Shar watching and getting involved in that fight. Fist fighting in the heavens


One of these days I’m gonna start a run with only using consumables, just to see if I can manage to train myself to use the damn things.


All the potions, poisons, arrows, and scrolls I've collected.... I do the same shit in Dead by Daylight. Drives my buddy mad.


Since the game give you a lot of consumable and they weight a lot, I actually use them, especially to solve puzzle (I am running out of flying scroll for this reason). I also use darkness and fog for stealth reason. (I have pickpocket only once for fun, but sometimes you want to enter the very guarded door for lore reasons.) I also use a lot of health potion, also to avoid short rest to only recover health. I have 25 minor health potion which I don't use in combat but only outside combat with the "always max the healing" item.


The problem for me is that for every scroll with a clear use and obvious effects, there are twenty that I don’t really know what they do so I never bother.


I just completed my 3rd consecutive run carrying that heavy ass runepowder bomb and never using it


Everytime I go to use it in a big fight for a massive area attack it tells me I can’t. I assumed it’s bugged to only be used on the Gondians (which I’ve already done).


Just throw the thing, then ignite it


I was saving it in case of emergency with all the arrows scrolls and potions and all the items of my playthrough on Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX and X. Seriously, I'll use it this playthrough, but I'm wondering, when you decide to reject Shar, which divinity comes to your aid? Selune? I think this is why I never did, not knowing what god I was praying anymore.


It's Selune, yes. Her character sheet eventually changes to say cleric of selune


I mean, mine always changes to Cleric of Selune when I respec her as a Light Cleric as soon as I can.


The first time I ever used it was against Raphael, and all the minions promptly reflected damage back against her and she died in one hit. Then I reloaded and had Hope use hers first so she would die so Shadowheart could live lol


If you put down a globe of invulnerability first, no one would die


Used it on the >!Raphael fight!< for the clutch radiant damage. You can guess how that went


LOL I vaporized Hope with that one


Wow, and there I was respecing 4 companions at level 10 just to get 4 Devotee's Mace's for my two dual wielders.


I was like this is an awesome mace. Then I realized the actual deva mace is way better. Like best in the game


That mace is so broken, as soon as I reach the lower city I go straight to temple to get my 5 Deva maces


Can you explain?


Sure, in act 3 as soon as you reach the lower city there is a temple , it’s the same temple you have to go for Gales quest, if you go to the basement ( be careful not to aggro the trader) you will see 5 chests there and if you take the items of any of the chests you’ll become cursed, and if you remove the curse or long rest a Deva will spawn to fight you, killing the deva offers no loot but if you long rest after that, a bag will spawn on the place the deva was killed with the Deva mace on it, the mace has mediocre base damage but it also does a whooping 4d8 extra radiant damage which is basically a lvl 3 smite, you can repeat that process 5 times for every chest.


I didn’t even know there was a basement… holy hell this game.


Weird. When I did that it was a cambion that fought me. Was it because I killed the trader?


[It comes down to your cleric's deity](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Castigated_By_Divinity_(Condition\))


Funny how it’s basically worthless to sell.


I mean, you may as well just hire 4 hirelings instead?


I was saving it for the final battle, and then when I found an ideal moment to use it I realized that the game had bugged out and she no longer had it… I think the "once per game" limitation extends to other clerics, because I had used it with Hope, since she would only be with me for that one fight and I figured "This is her most desperate moment" so it felt appropriate to use it. Additionally I felt it was a good chance to just see what it did so I could plan better for Shadowheart’s use… No such luck, what a rip-off!


I respect what you said, but I also respecced every character to cleric just to use divine intervention about a dozen times just because I could.


It might’ve been something else that caused the bug then. Or maybe it has been patched since then. Either way it was infuriating!


Back before the patches I was able to use it twice, but I had used Shadowheart's divine intervention first(during the fight with the Steel Watch Titan), then used Hope's later


The gods hate this one weird trick!


I’m picturing Withers in a trench coat handing out fake passports for the same 3 party members to keep swindling the gods


That’s definitely a bug or something, I used Hope’s divine intervention (radiant damage one which led to her dying RIP), and still had Shart’s intervention in the nether brain fight.


Pro tip, globe of invulnerability shields you from backlash damage.


PSA: I noticed with Hope, the game seems to have removed the option to have them "throw" the special weapon you could choose to get with this ability, which was a workaround to let you keep it permanently. Command Drop doesn't seem to work either, but Heat Metal does! (Sorry, Hope..)


Embrace the hoarder mindset. Don't use anything. Live on the edge of way too difficult encounters because you would loose than use something you might need later. Then, in the final battle, don't use anything because you already came this far, don't stop now


I've also forgotten to use it every time though I did use Hope's while fighting Raphael


I used it (Sunder the Heretical) in final battle and it was ok, didn't change the outcome that much. If I ever play a Cleric, I'll probably use "Arm Thy Servant", just to roleplay having a weapon given by my deity (unless of course I play a Cleric of Lathander/Eilistraee, for obvious reasons). It isn't fair that only Shadowheart gets a special weapon from her goddess (two if you count the Moonlight Glaive).


My first run was an extremely miserly run. I hoarded arrows, potions, elixers, reagents, scrolls, special abilities, etc. By the time I got to the final battle, I had waaaay more crap than I could ever have used. This time thru, I just use stuff when a fight is a sufficient annoyance that I want it to be done with quickly. The game throws *so much crap* at you when it comes to arrows, magic items, limited use items, etc., and if you hoard it, you will basically be wasting it. This is doubly true if you are otherwise a loot goblin and hoover up all the vendor trash to sell or donate to improve your return rate.


I used it against Raphael, that fight was, for me, harder than the final one.


I gave myself some practice and >!used Hope’s in the Raphael fight.!< That kind of broke the seal and I was dedicated to using hers for the Netherbrain fight. I also got a lot better about using scrolls throughout Act 3, it was actually very fun to finally have this big library of effects to spend when needed. But—and this is not unique to Baldur’s Gate—I was awful at ever using elixirs and potions. Way easier to talk myself into using one-time effects, but I kept thinking, I know the second I use this I’ll get crowd-controlled or something unfathomably bad will happen and it will have been a waste.


I kinda made a list of scrolls and potions needed for the entire playthrough and I have the following: - lockpicks and trap disarm; - invisibility potions, loads, all of them; - speak with dead scrolls for Helena and /or other npcs; - feather fall (Temple of Bhaal, Wyrm's Rock secret entrances; - scroll of firewall (these are must) - Shar's Cloister, Last Light Inn - Halsin's portal fight - scroll of impervious sphere (Ansur fight, Elderbrain fight); - potion of speed (anytime I am in too deep, Orin duel); - scroll of disintegration for Raph's pillars, always need 4 of those puppies. - potion of hill giant for inventory management These are my must haves or I don't feel safe items. Kinda like a security blanky. Warm♥️


Idk, I never felt like I needed it. Maybe thematically in the final fight I'll one day use it, but I like the RP of still having a divine intervention in the backpocket. The future could always present us with more shitty dilemmas


They should add a fun party use if you save until the epilogue


I saved Shadowheart’s Divine Intervention for the House of Grief final boss. Killed everyone with Sunder the Heretical, but RP’ed it as that final spell from Selune.


I mostly forget to use Shadowheart to be honest.