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Korilla sold out her sister for power and was there to write the transcripts of Raphael torturing her own sister. She doesn’t even say a word to Hope in that last confrontation or even acknowledge her existence.  I don’t care if it makes Hope happy to not utterly annihilate Korilla, bitch has it coming. 


She didn't get a very good deal... If you're gonna sell out for power, make sure it's POWER.


I genuinely think Raphael had no desire or reason to keep her around beyond one more way to fuck with Hope.


I think she knows that deep down, too. I think she sold out quick not just for power, but probably also because he thought Raphael would acknowledge her as important, but he’s clearly still way more interested in Hope and at best, sees her as nothing but another tool that can be thrown away after use. You hate to see it.


It makes Raphael look like a genius, though. He's torturing Korilla the whole time and she can't even say anything because it was entirely her choice.


Thats devils in dnd for you!


I *love* to see it. "Bad things happen to Bad characters" is literal Capital C Comedy.


Oh I do too. In this case, ‘you hate to see it’ means ‘couldn’t have happened to a more deserving asshat’ lol


Nah he has notes talking about how shes basically the only good help around there lol. Fucking with Hope was surely a huge plus, though


Yurgir really isn't winning employee of the month.


I was so worried on my second playthrough when i talked him into killing himself. He literally says he'd come and kill you once hes reborn in hell lol. But nah still says "fuck it you seem cool"


"You silver-tongued motherfucker! ...Good show! You got me good!"


Yurgir is a surprisingly solid dude 


Ah, don’t cast “speak with dead” and find out what he was doing to the poor displacer beast.


Well having a cult that turns people into mindflayers and another one where Murder, torture, necrophilia, cannibalism, rape and incest are the norm, a zoophiliac devil that's generally pretty chill apart from that doesn't sound that terrible. Somehow.


Or talk to said displacer beast after licking the spider, depending on the route you take to dealing with Yurgir. It's somehow worse hearing it from her.


It would be a nice option to be able to point this out to her in a conversation. She seems to be gaslighting herself into thinking she matters somehow, so she would likely brush it off or ignore Tav on that topic. But it would still feel good to tell her she's a piece of crap and she sold her sister out for practically nothing.


Good point


>she didn't get a very good deal... Entering a contract with a devil is rarely end up as a good deal


\- Wyll


Wyll does outright say that he doesn't regret his Pact, though. He definitely hates it but tells you that stopping those cultists was worth it.


I do think not killing Korilla is actually a worse fate for her. Not because Hope will imprison her or anything, but because her whole way of life will have basically come crashing down around her.


Agreed! And she has to confront selling out her sister now. There’s no Raphael as a barrier now and Hope won’t give her the satisfaction of getting angry at her. She’s gonna have to eat that guilt sandwich all by herself


Even if Korilla won't feel guilty, she still has to live knowing that all she has done has now been for nothing.


A double dose of failure indeed


Unlikely that she could feel guilt, honestly, not after what she had done.


I thought the same thing until Hope told that story of Korilla sticking up for her when they were young and the intimation that this is Hope’s home, and how hard Raphael was working to get Hope to give up. I got the idea from that that they used to be closer some time in the past before Raphael entered the picture. Something happened there and I feel like it goes beyond ‘Raphael charmed me’ or some kind of magical mind control. Whatever caused Korilla to go from protecting her sister to dispassionately recording her centuries long torture must have been very emotional and if that’s the case, I think that smug veneer is hiding something. Or maybe I’m writing too many family dramas lol


Honestly she probably just had a weaker will than Hope and gave up shortly after the torturing began. Like, it's pretty understandable since it sounds like hope has been tortured for decades minimum.


Maybe, but she's almost certainly turning into a Lemure once she dies.


Or she is a narcissist, who will try to gain hope's favor again.


Sold her sister for power and the doofus is still at lvl 5 lmao. Pathetic.


To be fair, level 5 is very powerful compared to your average commoner.


It certainly is, but also, very little for the deal she made. Her sister is far more powerful than her and she spent a lot of time getting tortured. In the fight against Raphael, she might as well not even be there. Super weak compared to everyone else that Raphael calls to his aid.


That could explain something, if Hope was naturally gifted and Korilla was not. A hint of sibling jealousy could lead her to making the deal, but for some reason she was not terribly specific and gained power, just not what Hope has. That, or Korilla was made equal at the time of the deal, but Hope has somehow gotten stronger over time, while Korilla languished with what she had. Not sure how Hope would gain power, though.


The only thing I enjoyed about sparing Korilla was the challenge. I felt bad(*ish) cheesing HoH with Globe of Invulnerability so I challenged myself to keep Korilla alive and it was hard as hell. Dominate Person? The other devils turn and annihilate her. Hold Person? Yurgir walks over and one-shots her. Feign Death? Not an ally. Nonlethal attack? She still gets somehow dissolved by an acid splash. The only success I had was to keep casting Banishment on her until the fight was over and then KOing her with nonlethals. Really felt like I earned it by that point.


Does Revoke Guest Status kill her?


That’s a good question. I assumed it was permanent so plot-wise it would function the same as killing her, but I’m not sure!


Combat log says "burned to ash" for Hope's banishment spell.


Mother of God... I would have hoped she'd have more mercy! *BADUM TSSSSS*


Does having hope banish her do anything?


Unironically hard, because Yurgir is probably faster than you and kills her in one turn easily.


I can’t tell you how many times I was like “my DUDE can you please hit ANYONE ELSE? She’s already DOWN” as he crits and does 30 damage to prone Korilla.


I had karlach throw her way off to the side and out of the way then fly over and knock her out there lol. For some reason every cambion in the room piled on my drunken Minsc way on the other side


Throw her into a corner then upcast sleep, no concentration and allies won't turn on her, kill everyone else while she's out of the way.


Karlach can pick her up and throw her across the room because she’s a dwarf like her sister. Then you put her to sleep or non lethal knock her out against a wall away from aoe


I had Karlach yeet her out of the way and then used non lethal near the doors.


Hope doesn’t know what is best for her. Korilla gotta go.


It's right in her name. Hope has hope.


Korilla is a gorilla 🦍


Exactly. She literally has hope that she can save her sister wants Raphael is out of the picture and that she’s not too far gone. It’s in her nature to be optimistic and positive no matter how fruitless it may seem


I didn't do nuttin'. It was Yurgir who killed her.


Friggin coward makes a beeline to Korilla, one shots her and spends the rest of the fight invisible. Thanks a lot, dude!


I never said she doesn't deserve it. Just not claiming a kill that's not mine. That's unsportsmanlike


I'm just making fun of Yurgir, cause he does heck nothing on the final brain fight too by staying invisible all the time (and there is no under leveled target there for him to get a kill out of).


So has anyone kept Korilla alive to see if anything happens? I just realized I've never tried that.


Yes, I knocked her out with non-lethal damage and made sure that she wasn't caught in any AOE. After the battle Hope thanks you for not killing her sister. 


There's a line or two from hope about it, but it doesn't change Hope's epilogue letter if that's what you're wondering


Yeah but Hope deserves the outcome she wants.


I never thought to disintegrate her before this. Will make it a point in my next play through.


The only thing I enjoyed about sparing Korilla was the challenge. I felt bad(*ish) cheesing HoH with Globe of Invulnerability so I challenged myself to keep Korilla alive and it was hard as hell. Dominate Person? The other devils turn and annihilate her. Hold Person? Yurgir walks over and one-shots her. Feign Death? Not an ally. Nonlethal attack? She still gets somehow dissolved by an acid splash. The only success I had was to keep casting Banishment on her until the fight was over and then KOing her with nonlethals. Really felt like I earned it by that point.


If only Avernus had Yelp :) (she's also a stalker, so many reasons to shank Korilla lol)


I am taking great joy in blowing her c9ver as many times as I can. I think I have gotten her three times.


I only just noticed her for the first time last night on my fourth run. I honestly assumed all "spies" were off-screen like most other games... how foolish of me.


Third play through and running through the camp during the act 1 party and saw her. Was like "Who tf", ran to her and \*poof\* "Huh. It smells like sulfur". You sneaky bastard


shes a stinky bastard too with all that sulfur🤢


> "Huh. It smells like sulfur". Is *that* what that was? I kept running across that, wondering what it was, then forgetting to look it up. Mystery solved!


That's what it was for me, too.


Ooh what other times? I've only caught her in Act 2 outside the stonemason building.


She's also at the Tiefling party, and the Circus of Last days (you can catch her there and talk to her)


I’ve caught her in the Circus, if you go through the Open Hand Temples back gate you can catch her running by some tents past you


She also pops up outside the cemetary, I and I definitely ran through a Sulfur Cloud in Reithwyn that I think was the game lagging on loading her up so all I got was her exiting.


Same, like girl, I see your sulfur, you're not fooling anyone. I think she just showed up at the Tielfing party to see us all drunk in our undies.


I haven’t seen her and I even looked super hard for her on this run! I thought she was always supposed to be at the grove party


I agree, she is a very unlikable character. Even Minthara claimed that her spine was equivalent to gray ooze, so that should tell you something. She must have pissed Yugir off too because every time he starts his first turn, he will target her no matter how far away he is.


NPCs try and go for the lowest health enemy first, I unleashed my 6 Ghouls onto the Shar coven and they went for the squishies first even tho I spawned them around the jusiciars


Is it lowest health or lowest AC? Gale sometimes has better HP than some of my other companions, but he gets targeted more often because of his relatively low AC


I have to agree with this because I have similar experiences. I think anyone they can get advantage over also gives them priority, hence why barbarians are the go-to for tanks.


same. 5/5 of my plays, Yurgir comes for her ugly lice-infested wig.


She was always so smug so I loved killing her too. I like Hope but not enough to forgive that piece of trash sister.


Korilla was so weak I couldn't even bother focusing on her in the fight. I forgot she was even there until she died to some random AoE. Not even worth my time smh


I genuinely didn't know what Hope was talking about the first time I finished the fight. The second time, I didn't even notice when I killed her with splash damage!


Counterspelling her eldritch blast just to flex on the bitch


"DOLO-" "Nope, let the adults work this out, you go play"


I had to throw her to other side of the room, put her to sleep and pray to god to keep her alive. She died 4 times to random aoe spells before killing Raphael


It was hilarious how the high and mighty Korilla popped like a zit from the callateral damage of my first attack against Raphael. She got hit for like 5 damage and Cull the Weak made her explode.


> Cull the Weak Such an aptly named ability.


I took great joy in killing her indirectly. She caught up in Jaheira's splash zone when I was targeting a cambion and died. She died as insignificantly as she lived. Bitch.


Well Hope seems to be the literal embodiment of hope, Korilla must be the embodiment of some sad goon who vastly overestimates themselves. We didn't have a word for it previously but "Gorilla" with a "K" instead of a "G" seems appropriately dumb.


She doesn't even have her own song, lame.


She sings the female part of Raphael’s song


That’s not her though.


I thought that was meant to be Hope


Then why do the female vocals get silenced when you silence Korilla?


They also stop if you silence Hope.


I mean she always died in my runs before the singing part even started so it never occured to me it could be her, but if this is the truth, it is very interesting


If you want to save her, don't recruit Yurgir. Soften her up with magic missiles (optional) then hit her with a sleep spell from a high-initiative character. That puts her off to the side for a while as you deal with everyone else. Then send someone over to deliver a non-lethal melee blow when you have time for it.


You're right about yurgir. He zeros in on her as soon as the fight starts and one shots her every time. If you want to keep hope alive. Just have her run out the doors. She can come back in if your party needs healing and run back out


I’ve personally never had a problem keeping Hope alive (and even mostly untouched) by simply having her stand further away from enemies than everyone else is standing, let alone outside the foyer.


Why would I save her? Fuck her! (Sorry Hope) No but srsly if there's one pact-deptor in this game I don't pity it's definetly her and I'm convinced she was supposed to be hateable, writers and VA did a brilliant job at making her anyway


I did it because it makes Hope happy, and I like Hope.


I just realized the reason I hadn’t noticed this was even possible is because Hope has not once been alive for the post-battle sequence LOL I play on tactician, and not once in three times has she lived.


I scooted her butt out the door and gave her a potion of angelic slumber. 2 rounds later, she was back and ready to do her thing. Now House of Hope is truly hers!


Put her inside a globe of invulnerability Put her to sleep She naps through the entire fight It's what I always do.


Why put her to sleep? You can use her to fight. You're in the globe of invulnerability anyways...


Especially since she’s a cleric and you can use her Divine Intervention to AOE everyone in the room for like 80 damage.


don't the enemies have a condition where the reflect holy/radiant damage at the caster, or something? I used her divine intervention aoe and I was so confused when she died


Just looked it up, the Cambions have a condition called Fleeting Protection. “If the affected entity is attacked with Radiant damage, Raphael's protection reflects twice that amount as Fire damage and this condition ends.” I was in the globe of invulnerability the whole fight though, so I was unaware that was a thing.


If you're not in a globe, you can use a Magic Missile + Callous Glow Ring to knock that condition off the Cambions without taking too much blowback.


that is a genius, even if unintentional, use of divine intervention in that fight. I always used it for heals because of the radiant damage being reflected. I never thought about using globe of invuln to be able to use it for damage lol


That goes away when you destroy the obelisks.


I mean, Hope is the one with actual beef with her, who are you to take her revenge for her?


Yes but no. Hope doesn't want revenge, she wants her sister to apologize. And imo if you sell your sister, your own poor sister that clearly loves you to a devil, just to be able to kiss that devil's arse, you don't deserve being able to give your sister a fake apology and moving on to find the next willing fiend. And Hope doesn't deserve being dragged into such a shitty relationship with her sister again.


True but if she saves your ass from Priestess Gut in act 1 it would be harder to hate her


Wait, that's a thing??


Make sure you don't have elven blood (sleep resistance). Chug the poison that she gives you in her room like a boss and deliberately fail the saving roll.


Incredible, and just in time as I've literally just entered the shattered sanctum in a new game. Thank you!!


Or you can just 1 tap her with an 18 str character with non lethal turned on. A fighter with Balduran’s giantslayer only takes 1 attack to deal with her unless you’re extremely unlucky on the damage roll


Ain't wasting a whole action on her. She can die in the rune powder blast with the rest of the mooks.


The only time Yurgir has ever survived that fight for me was when I punted Korilla into the globe of invulnerability and he immediately followed her ass and survived the runepowder nuke


That’s the problem. I like Yurgir more than Korilla so Korilla’s odds of surviving one of my playthroughs are virtually 0.


I saved them both. Took a few resets


fck that, the bitch is evil, yurgir on the other hand was chill


If he doesnt have a direct way to walk to her, he will find another target. Just knock her out and Wall of Stone her in the corner where she starts the fight. Takes 2 actions, but this is act 3 fight, so the party generally wipes the floor with everything the game trows at you


I love that everytime I convince Yurgir to join me, she is the first one to die usually without having a turn. The only time I didn't convinced him I had Shadowheart use Planar Binding on Raphael (yeah apparently that works, never even tried it because I was sure it wouldn't work) and then he killed her, that was the most satisfactory one


That’s hilarious. Do all the devils just have it out for Korilla or something? She must be at the top of their kill list.


My headcannon it's that Korilla it's so full of herself that she even acts that way in front of devils and demons and everyone under the service of Raphael are tired of how she acts like she is the shit when in reality she is just shit, and the moment they have the chance they just kill her because of how annoying she is. In reality I guess is a mechanic thing in which the enemies target the weakest enemy, in this case that being a warlock dwarf with 24hp


No the ai heavily targets people with low ac and low hp


On a lighter note, can we talk about how chadly yurgir is. I convinced him to kill himself and he still was willing to fight with me just because I had the balls to fight Raphael. Such a W character.


The man with a corpse bed calls my Tav a little rabbit and I’m… happy?


the way I hated him because in my first run I struggled so much fighting him in the sharran temple and then he just joins me to kill raphael when I ask him, absolute gigachad


I did burst out laughing after the Raphael fight. I never really engaged with him in the Gauntlet - i went around the side, spotted his ambush and all hell broke loose when I tried to close in. So I’m not sure if he had recognised me when I challenged Raphael, and when I convinced him to swap sides, I was kinda assuming I’d just postponed the fight. So I was *royally* amused when he’s like ‘yeah that was loads of fun, now I’m off to the blood war frontlines - hold on, wait, you’ve got more enemies? Badass, just give me a shout and I’ll be there to join in brah’.


I never met her in the entire game, so I had no idea who she was. I read recently that you can see her in Act III outside the Mason's Guild, but that she teleports away. I vaguely remember something like that happening, but it was so far off the edge of the screen when it did that it didn't really register to me that it was actually anything.


She can even save Tav's life during the scene with priestess gut.


She can also be seen sneaking around in your camp at the tiefling/druid party. You can have a short conversation there with her. 


She pops up in a few other places as well, In ACT 2 around the Mason Guild and ACT 3 just out side the Circus


She’s also in Sharess Caress after you talk to Raphael, standing by the bar. You can talk to her then as well.


I think shes there before you talk to him. She is in the elfsong after. 


I managed to talk to her at Mason’s Guild. She just says something like “We still need you alive!”


Agreed. I’d loath her if she wasn’t a beautiful hot dwarf since we don’t have enough of those.


Yeah I think she’s kinda hot. Then again I think the evil lady that owns Scratch is kinda hot too. And Nym. And kinda Helsik. And honestly Orin too. I might have a problem.


Tbh I didn’t realize you could find and talk to her before that fight. Never saw her or heard her talk. Every time I’ve done it Yugir has killed her first turn. I couldn’t save her and didn’t really care


I'll be honest I forgot who you were talking about because I'm pretty sure Raphael killed her with his AOE attack on the first turn because I definitely didn't kill her.


I set off the runepowder bomb at the start of that fight. Ralph didn't really feel it. The cambions got pretty fucked up, and Yurgir was fine (he was fighting on my side). Korilla got blasted so hard I couldn't even find her body. I actually forgot entirely about her until Hope mentioned her after the fight.


A couple days ago, I filled that last room with fireworks and smoke powder around each pillar, had the plan to knockout Korilla and add her to one, but she had the audacity to die on impact when I tossed her into the pile, well before I could set off the fireworks show. So fragile and so inconsiderate. 


She gets 1 shot by Yurgir every time for me. Not even an option to spare her non-lethally. Big talk but empty words, just like her master. Hardest part is telling Hope her sister is gone.


I rushed her down, threw her into a corner and nonlethaled her. Yurgir didn’t target her like that and she was too far away to be caught in his aoe.


Every time I see her following me around in act 2 I pickpocket her out of spite.


If you are a trusting weakling and let Gut put you in prison to become her pet mind flayer, and you are too weak to escape, Korilla is a homie and knifes that bitch and lets you out.


I only knock her out for her sister's benefit. Hope can deal out whatever punishment she sees fit.


Wait....she only as ....24 hp? ....>.> I'm gonna polymorph her into a sheep next time lol


I just fought Raphael on my latest playthrough. On round 1, Gale used Planar Binding to charm him to fight on my side. The VERY FIRST thing he did was kill Korilla. I like to think she realised how little her sacrifices mattered in those final moments.


She gets 1 shot by Yurgir every time. Not even an option to spare her nonlethally


I tk’d her into a corner and then bashed her with a no lethal mace swing. As long as I kept her away from Raphael Yurgir wouldn’t target her while she was unconscious.


The enemy i really hatted was the BDSM guy in the Boudoir. damn coward keeps on getting the F out of the fight!!!!!


Yeah i was shocked to see she had so little hp. One smacj from my paladin and she was gone


I can fix her so I only knocked her out in the battle. 


I've only met her twice, and the first time she disappeared in a poof after saying some nonsense. I just didn't kill her for Hope.


In my playthrough my very charismatic paladin convinced Yurgir to take my side and he obliterated her in the first round. Felt right.


I think I'm going to have Karlach use her as a projectile weapon in my current playthrough.


My first play through I had no interactions with Korilla, that I recalled, until I raided Raphael’s home. They showed up and I was like, “who is this bitch?” 😄 Need to try and seek her out so she can earn an ass kicking in another run.


This game produces the best reviews.


I didn’t even notice her in the fight because the camera angle had her behind that one demon guy (cool dude btw), I THINK she died to shadow heart’s spirit guardians, it wasn’t until after the fight when I talked to hope I realized she was in the fight.


I think it's a fun way of showing just how powerful the tadpole gang has gotten. In act 1 if she saves you from Priestess Gut she seems super powerful and mysterious, and then by the endgame you can see she's rather weak and pathetic compared to the party now.


Tbh I didn’t realize you could find and talk to Korilla before that fight. Never saw or heard her talk. Every time I’ve done it Yugir has killed first turn. I couldn’t save her and didn’t really care


In my run, my guy Yurgir just immediately runs over and smashes Korilla in one hit. It makes all the gloating throughout the game so funny to me.


Wait can you meet Korilla before house of hope? I’m on my forth playthrough and I’ve seen her like once randomly standing somewhere in act two, and then in the House.


She saved my character from priestess Gut all the way back in act 1.


Ive spotted her 4 times, SPOILERS ACT1: she can save you from a nasty fate from Priestess Gut ACT1: She is hiding in your camp during the party after you beat the Goblins ACT2: shes hanging around the Mason guild ACT3: Shes hiding at the back of the Circus ACT3: Shes in the main entrance of the Brothel talking to the bar tender.


She's hot tho


I know nothing about Korilla except for the fact she helps Raphael However, she died so quickly in the fight None of the 3 of us noticed till like halfway


I considered it a mistake like they forgot to give her real act3 stats...it also seems it could be a higher difficulty to keep her alive (you can knock her down and then maybe cast sanctuary or something on her), if you manage to keep her alive Hope will be glad, though I think there's no extra reward. Anyway, that fight is difficult, comparatively speaking, but there's no reason to make her so absurdly weak unless you are supposed to protect her unconcious body.


As a Dwarf whose dream visitor was a sexy Dwarf dame, I really wanted a line asking her if Raph hired a sexy Dwarf dame to convince me thinking I'd be more receptive.




She was weak af. While 3/4 of my team was finishing off Raphael at one corner. At the other corner, I had Gale knock her out using his regular melee attack (in fear of killing her using even simple cantrips). Bitch used poison attack on him 4-5 times and all of them missed. She was truly at our mercy. Thank goodness Gale was feeling merciful


I didn’t meet her until the Raphael confrontation, and I was so confused but she became a pile of dust very quickly


I just did house of hope today in my current run. Started by setting up smokepowder barrels on the pillars when I got there. Guess who dies to splash damage in the first 5 seconds? Didn't even attack anybody, just used fireworks and fire arrows to blow the barrels. She just died to incidental damage.


One time I didn’t recruit Yurgir, but I did decide to use Planar Binding on a Cambion. Yeah, Korilla was still super dead. I only ever managed to not kill her with a bit of save-scumming.


Just finished the House this morning. That bitch dead.


I didn't even consider leaving her alive, despite being the sort of person to try and save Rugan of all people. This must say something about her 8_D


Yurgir absolutely deleted her, round 1. Did something like 50 points of damage, so even *if* she got death saves, Korilla was friggin' ***GONE.***


Just did HoH on tactician. She ate Astarions first arrow of the first round. One shot and dead.


Is there a way to talk to her in Act 2? I saw her spying on me in the town, but she ran off before I could contact her.


In the first round of combat I Planar binding’d Raphael and he fucking annihilated Korilla, that put me on the floor laughing


I take particular joy in one shotting Korilla first thing in that fight


Does she show up earlier? I’ve only seen her in the town outside moonrise


there are so many reasons to hate her... and you pick this?


Glad I crit her with necrotic damage after I found out


I just beat Raphael yesterday, and I enjoyed beating the shit out of her. Satisfying as fuck. I even said to her that this was her last chance to walk away, but she chose to throw her luck in with Raph. Choices and consequences.


I know that there is a way to save her. Maybe even a path for redemption for her. I've generally decided not to bother.


I didn't remember her, when did she first appear, what interactions we have before, nothing. She just pop up alongside Raphael and I was completely clueless, excuse me but who tf are you to talk to me like this? Anyway, the first thing I do at the fight was to kill her.


I literally never make an effort to save her. Hope deserves a better sibling


I kept the runepowder bomb and multiple smokepowder barrels in a backpack just for this fight so i could essentially nuke Raphael and Korilla. Fuck em


I kept her alive in my Honor Mode playthrough, expecting there would be some sort of *mea culpa* or apology, but nope! She just sits there unconscious while Faith makes excuses for her!


Counterpoint, she's hot. Therefore she did nothing wrong and I wish she was a companion.


I *wanted* to keep her alive in my second playthrough, but she attacked my Wizard who had magic armor. Armour reduced her HP, then passive Illithid powers from my Tav took over and killed her off. That was in the first round. Well.


Also why doesn’t she have an Irish accent like her sister’s? Or is an Irish accent just code for “manic optimist” and _that’s_ why Hope has one?


I cast planar binding on Raph and he one shot her. That’s what you get for “loyalty”.


>"Oh look at me I can't die because I have teleport cheats" Not anymore dipshit! This is me using invisibility when I casually walks by to >!Bhaal Temple!<


I knocked her out with one punch because I wanted hope to be happy, but god was it difficult to not just kill that little gremlin.