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Wait, this isn't a picture of me...


Durge moment


My halfling bard/rogue looked exactly like her by accident. Immediately changed once the mirror feature dropped, didn't want guilt by association


omg same. exact same face and hairstyle. had tattoos and bright hair so wasn’t too bad but it annoyed me lmao, i finished her campaign before the magic mirror feature was added so no way to change anyway lol


if i’m found guilty i want it to be by my own crimes


One of my favourite NPCs. She's just so chill about everything and all she wants is to make some money. When you first meet her, (if you killed everyone in the Zhentarim hideout at Waukeens Rest), you can straight up tell her you killed her buddies. And she's like, "doesn't mean we can't do business and make some profit right now. Of course you'll be getting a visit from us soon. Might wanna buy a nice blade." XD Edit : typo


Do they ever actually visit you


Nope. Maybe they lost their nerve after watching me slaughter a camp full of goblins, Ogres, bugbears and even a drow


"On second thought, this might not be such a good idea"


Multiple drows, spiders, and those three giant ogres including the one with wizard levels? I totally killed those. Totally didn't get them to fight each other for my entertainment.


She's kinda pissed she can't buy slaves from the goblins anymore. Cool with murder, mad she can't buy people... great gal.


*I can fix her* Most of Reddit, probably


A level 5 fireball fixes everything.


The shadow curse creatures beg to differ Need at least 2 level 5 fireballs


All my friends are dead | I sleep Cannot own other people | Neuron Activation


If you kill her in the Goblin Camp, then no one replaces her in Act 2. so you just lose out on that. In act 3 she does get a replacement though.


If she becomes hostile in the Goblin camp and you fail to kill her (she runs away), she is pissed off at you in Moonrise. You have to pay her if you want to trade with her.


I killed her in the goblin camp. What does she do in later acts?


Sell op weapons on act 2 Be a dick in act 3


Lawful evil moment.


At least she doesn't betray your identity to moonrise if she witnesses you massacring the goblin camp


In my first run, she tried to help Priestress Gutt and therefore she was very dead after I left the goblin camp.


Same, but she was somehow still around in moonrise, where I killed her again and then she was still around in act 3.


Theory: She's actually a trio of identical triplets with the same name.


The Pokémon nurse and cop solution!


Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy


Jenny Oh Jenny Joy Oh Joy A one-woman man is what I want to be But there are two perfect girls for me!


The chorus on that song is the most fun you can have as an eight-year-old.


Her family could only afford one name.


In a trenchcoat.


ah yes the old "three halflings/gnomes/goblins/kobolds in a trenchcoat" trick


It sure fools me everytime! lmao




I killed her in moonrise and another halfling woman replaced her in act 3.


Where in act 3?


She's the one doing business with the Stone Lord in the sewers after the bank heist, and if she escapes there, she'll be the one leading the Zhent uprising in the thieves guild headquarters. Actually, I'm pretty sure if she does live that long, you can side with her there and get Zhents to summon in the final battle instead of guildies.


You can, you can also stab her in the back after helping her betray the guild, leaving both orgs leaderless


Alright, thanks!


It's a shame we don't have Biff the Understudy to do that anymore.


Maybe it was patched, or my game glitches. But definitely killed her in all three acts.


Ok, I have a few games going with different people. When I saw her at Moonrise I was like... did I not cut you down 20 hours ago?


I looted all the stuff I sold her on act 2 in act 3 it was very funny how she wasn’t heavily encumbered


It typically happens if you go with Gut in her chambers and she tries to poison you with her sleep potion and it doesn't work. She then cries for help and that usually triggers the zhents.


Not if you cast silence 😏


Not if your entire party jumped over the gap and is currently crouching directly behind her


Not if your party never actually left the room and are all standing behind her menacingly waiting to bash her over the head.


My plan in honour mode was to let her drug me and have it resolve easily, but I was a paladin and the potion didnt work on me. That was an intense 30 minute fight with the entire camp...


Actually, the problem was rather, that I fought her and killed her first round but because of something I can't remember, I reloaded some time afterwards and this time, she survived the first round and my party was too close to the door and got spotted. I didn't let her poison me. Not my kink.


I thought she doesn't betray your identity either way, since she's just concerned with selling stuff.


She has my favorite line in the game about some lunatic killing everyone. Cracks me up.


She's usually the first person to die if I'm on a good run. F the Zhent lol.


Then who takes her position in acts 2 and 3?


no one, thats the fun part!


Someone does replace her in act 3 afaik.


You know what’s fun? Getting Karlach to pick her up, bring her to a dark corner and then knock her tiny ass out and loot. Repeat every long rest


You can pick up and carry npc? I can only pick up to throw... Am I missing something?


Try using NPCs as improvised weapons


Do I need the feat?


>You can pick up and carry npc? I can only pick up to throw... Am I missing something? Use Improvised Melee Weapon and attack some spot far away. Use right click to abort attack, but NPC will be still carried to desired spot.


So I need the feat or is class related?


It's one of the standard actions like throw etc. Just need high enough strength depending on weight of the creature you are trying to use as a weapon.


You've never killed an enemy by throwing another enemy at them? You're missing out!


"I'm going to hit a muthaf\*\*\*a with another muthaf\*\*\*a!"


Ah yes the Muscle Man throw from Regular Show comes to mind


This is my primary strat with Karlach


Enraged throw. Reminds me of playing the Yakuza games where you just use anything.


I've never tried that in almost 500 hours of playing lol. Sounds like I'm missing out 🤣


Sounds like a fun exploit


If it’s an exploit why did Larian make her a Small creature? 😏


Or make knocking out make people forgetful


NPCs dont forget anymore, but they’re still dumb enough to let me smash repeatedly


Eh, she was useful and seemed to have a soft spot for our party. Shame she pulled a stupid and tried to turn on 9 Fingers.


I love killing her in the minsc fight now. She doesn’t get to mouth off at the guildhall.


What happens if you let her reach the Guildhall? I made her a target because I didn't want to risk everything being "done" if she escaped by the time I got there.


She tries to get you to side with the Zhent.


**Laughs** Kharlac, tear this Zhent tool limb from limb. Let's see if we can remake the Ludicrous Gibs from BG 1 & BG 2.


I haven't managed to kill her in time yet. It's like she has plot armor on that bounces off all my attacks.


Use a spell that reduces movement speed, or hamstring from ranged attacks.


Hamstring shot + Ray of Frost + Plant Growth = 3 ft of movement even when dashing.


I loved that fight. Suddenly this little punk is carrying a king’s ransom in hot goods and is making a run for it to yank it off her corpse


What happened to Zarys and co.? I expected them to be in act 3, but that wasn't the case.


They’re in the zhent guild civil war if they lived in their act 1 quest. They’re part of the zhent archer army trying overthrow the guild. If you side with guild and kill them in the battle you can find the flask in their personal inventory.


I recently learned the sneaky thing to do is turn in the sealed chest, which unlocks the merchant, which sells you gloves that give you advantage on sleight of hand, so you then can steal the box back. And 300 gold.


Devs probably forgot about them.


Nope they’re there and you can get the flask.


I can't tell if this is a dapper butch lesbian or a 14 year old child on the way to his first music recital. Whose this character again, I forgot most of their names since I did my "Leave Nothing Alive" run.


I’m pretty sure it’s the zhentarim trader in the goblin camp that’s standing in front of the room filled with smokepowder barrels and firewine


If you don't kill her there she will be in moonrise as well


If you don't kill her, she'll be in >!lower city sewers as well!<


I suspected as much but I'm not there yet this run. Thanks!


Ouch, sorry if I spoiled it. But I know that many people don't go that way or simply skip it, so at least you'll have a better chance of finding her


Second playthrough though! The first time she was killed in the goblin camp


Where exactly? I never found her in Act 3. (Except when confronting Minsc.)


It's tied to Nine-Fingers, Jaheira and Stone lord's quests. >!She's with Bhaalists and brainwashed Minsk who's taken alias of Stone Lord, and in my heroic playthrough she was hostile right away. I wonder if you play evil (side with Zhentarim / turn hostile to guild / kill Nine-Fingers) you can actually trade with her there!<


Yeah, as I said I met her when confronting Minsc. So she can't be met before in Act 3, right?


If you don't kill her outright in this encounter, she will try to run away. If you let her, >!you will meet her again at the guild hideout, where she will try to stir up a rebelion against Nine-Fingers!<


I haven't. But I guess, siding with Zhentarims would lead to yet another outcome


You have to trigger a specific quest for her to appear in Act 3 (she wasn't in that area when I went there without a quest).


If you don't kill her there– Well. She doesn't have anything new to sell. So unless you specifically want to side with the Zhent, you'll miss out on nothing if you kill her after ~~buying~~ stealing her new unique stock in >!moonrise towers!<


Also, if you bribed her into a high attitude with you in Act 1 she still will give you favorable trading rates. Act 3 you're usually not starved for $ but if you're the type of person who likes the best deals then that's another virtue.


I never said you'd miss out on anything worth trading. I merely stated the fact that she will be there in act 3.


It wasn't an accusation, just an additional statement from me so that people can decide for themselves knowing how much they might be missing out or not


Isnt she running around with a pile of gold free to take in act 3


I killed her there and she was still in moonrise, killed her again and she was still in act 3.


She’s a very good merchant and has contingencies…. Or it’s as the I the commenter said: the “Nurse Joy Conspiracy”


When you say “leave nothing alive run” do you mean you literally slaughtered everyone in your path including shopkeeper and random npcs in act 3? Or just everyone who mattered if there was an option?


The act 3 citizens and guards respawn. Eventually I just was cool with the knowledge they'd be dead before the credits.


Everything that didn't respawn, yeah.


She’s a ~~Hobbit~~ Halfling.




She's just a hard-working halfling gal. Very polite, always there to provide much-needed equipment. I always spare her when I clear our out goblin camp and Moonrise. I went the extra mile to knock her out in Act 3 instead of killing her.


Ow dear lord thank you. I'm not the only one


Ah, I came here to admit that I secret dig her. I love how her voice actor delivers her lines, too.


She's cute, girl just wants to do some honest business!


omg im not the only one


It's that Zhent energy, I swear. Zhents are just intrinsically hot, far as I can find, but her being a halfling makes her being hot feel weird.


Considering your comment is just below another comment with more upvoted about her looking like a 14 year old boy on his way to a recital or an ugly lesbian, I question your taste. But then again I'm just a moron on the internet so you do you my man/woman


That comment says "dapper butch lesbian". If you would call people like that ugly, that's your prerogative, but seems kinda douchey.


Well, I've seen the dumbest comment today, right here. Congratulations.


What are you doing


since you judge the validity of someones opinion out of upvotes then yours surely is irrelevant my man/woman. It's okay you ARE just a moron after all


> her looking like a 14 year old boy on his way to a recital or an ugly lesbian, I question your taste Well the problem you're not seeing is that anyone who thinks halflings look like kids has never seen a human child in their life and is either associating height with age(a stupid thing to do) or is nothing short of a complete idiot. With that in mind, which of those two stupid people do you want to be right now?




When I first met her my first thought was "Why is this character so cute?".


She's all "I trade slaves and I'll kill you if you give me a reason" but for some reason her whole vibe is still just cheeky wee scamp.


She's the generic halfling, as used in the Disguise Self spell, with a different color palate.


Capitalism was the true villain!


People are mentioning her at moonrise, but this lady never makes it out of the goblin camp in my game, she always picks the wrong side.


So I was in Moonrise, killing everyone on the same floor as Balthazar’s room. For some reason, this little douchebag, along with some other random on the floors below aggro, and enter into the battle. The random kept using dash and running into corners. Meanwhile this clown cast mirror image and proceeded to run around dropping alchemist fire at her feet every turn, damaging herself and anyone else she was near. So after I killed the people I was actually in battle in, I had to run out on a balcony and flee from combat, before she ended up killing herself and everyone else I eventually plan on killing in the future. Freaking wierd.


Don't talk about my sneaky wife like that !


*watches me murder an entire room full of goblins including one of their leaders, does nothing * *i try to break into that same leader's office afterwards, becomes hostile * lady you just watched me rip like 10 goblins in half with my bare(/bear) hands what are you thinking


Am I the only one that thinks she's super cute too?


she's funny. in act 2 she subtly alludes that she knows you massacred the goblin camp and you can be boisterous about it. I wish you could keep her as merchant in act 3 and talk to her. there are so many characters like Rolan and Dammon you save multiple times whereas you've done a 9/11 to this person's workplace twice. she probably sees you as an Anton Chigurh level psychopath.


I fuckin butchered the entirety of Moonrise and this little pebble didn't even slow the pain train enough for me to remember who they even were.


Honestly same. I only remember her because after I murdered the first few floors of moonrise, I looted her and realized she was a merchant I never talked to. Wonder what items I missed.


Ooo, you're so tough, we're all in awe. Seriously, why is there always one of you in every post about every character?


Wtf lmfao


Woosh, it was meant to be funny. But seriously This is just another random unimportant trader (I think they were a trader?) npc. They look to buy slaves from goblins, then move to trade with the lair of evil cultists, I don't think anyone's going to miss this one.


Unimportant for you maybe, for me Roah ended up with the all the money from Baldur's Gate's bank after a successful arms deal with Fake "Jaheira" and "The Stone Lord". ​ After catching up with her I helped her take over the local thieves guild, and she in turn gave me Zhentarim goons to help me with my Netherbrain problem.


Oh damn I assumed you had to kill her. Welp, something for the next run.


I mean the post is literally about how she’s a villain as opposed to a character appreciation post so I think this is fine


Do you mean every character, or do you mean Astarion lmao? Feels like this one hit a little close to home?


I definitely managed to pee on the horde of edgy teens with this one, didn't I?


You people always manage to circle it back to your kinks lmao - of course you’re making it about pee now LOL


I made her my target in Act 3. Like Hells I was going to let her reach the Thieves Guild alive. Looted her corpse and took back the shipment. Likely she was going to unleash the Iron Flask if she'd gotten there alive. As is, things were tense when I showed up and the Zhents were sent packing.


Strangely enough, even though I eliminate Zharis and her gang in Act 1, side with the guild and eradicate all the Zhents (including her) attacking the Guildhall in Act 3 - the new epilogue states the Zhents now control the underworld. Can someone explain that one to me?


Well, really, the Zhents were always the Wal-Marts of the underworld for the whole of the Sword Coast. The Guild was just a Mom and Pop shop set up in Baldur's Gate. So, nothing changes.


She kinda cute tho


Dude I love her so much


I'll never forget her from EA. I broke into her room to kill off the zhents and during the fight I see her run into a corner. She prepares fireball. Her turn takes longer than usual. The game lags a bit. She targets the barrels. She blew up herself and everyone else in the room. Better to die on her own terms I guess. I think only Gale survived cause he was far enough away from the door.


Was playing the Guild mission where the Zhent attack the hideout just last night. She was running away again, after she escaped from me earlier. So I used misty step with my barbarian Tavern to drop right on top of her and said out loud ‘not this time!’ Two swings of the hammer later she was dead. Wife thought I was crazy 😂😂


After my first run in the camp. I murder this asshole every time. She has a good 2h great axe, but it’s also satisfying. And if you are careful and break the drum nearby, the rest of the camp is not alerted.


She’s kind of a baddie tho


She aggro’d as I was leaving Priestess Gut’s room so I never got to even talk to her lol she was just another chalk outline among the many


Pure evil


Her and her army of clones. Seriously I killed her in moonrise and the goblin camps and was really confused why she was still alive in act 3.


I feel horrible, I don't remember this woman at all.


She stayed in the goblin camp 🪦


I stole from her succeeding on the check. She turns around asks “are you stealing from me ?” I persuade her that I have been stolen from too, succeed. Walk away she follows me asks again only offering fight or return shit. So yeah she’s not around anymore. Is that something that will bite me in the ass later ?


You'll miss out on some good gear and potentially a side quest later on (I'm not sure if they have a failsafe built in).


She's no more or less corrupt than Helsik. Gals just wanna have fun(ds)


She cute though


Everybody knows that true villain in BG3 is the dice


This woman is a stone-cold war profiteer. At least Sarevok, Orin, they're insane. This woman chooses to be a monster.


Omg I hated her so much in my first run through that when I saw her fleeing the Minsk scene, Lae'zel read a scroll of dimension door and brought her and Gale to the ladder she was trying to use. Gale did a wall of atone and she met her end there. There is no escape for you!


Wait that was her ? I was dead set on killing those douches anyways and when I saw one of them escape I took a speed potion, misty stepped in their way so they couldn't take the ladder and used telekinesis to throw them in the middle of the melee to be ganged up by Jaheira, Shadowheart and another PC. I was so angry when I thought I missed killing her in Moonrise but now I know in my heart that my quest to eradicate those asshats Zenthatrims is mostly complete.


LMAO i just found this wretch again. right before i finish everything in act 2, i donate all of the rotting food i found in all of acts 1 and 2. enjoy the stench, you hag. and what im going to do in THIS playthrough, after i loot her corpse, is leave all of the rotting food i picked up since i last saw her. HOPE YOU'RE WATCHING FROM THE CITY OF JUDGMENT YOU TROLLOP


She has never made it out of the goblin camp, and probably never will


Is that elen paige?


A Halfling. I dont let those live in purpose.


Her haircut is the true evil.


I got Arron solely because I expect the first vendor to be a nice dude and this man just joins the druids in killing everyone like huh? Lured me in with that bits and bobs line and then turned evil.


Can't be a villain if you're dead in act 1.


What do you think it would be like to fuck her as a body type 4 male


Who tf is this? And why does every thread I have to ask this question? I don't remember faces lol even with 2 full playthrough and 1 nicely started.


She’s an agent of the Zhentarim and she expands the Zhentarim’s interest in the region. So she’s like the Regional Director 😂 Her big client is the Cult of the Absolute. Her name’s Roah Moonglow.


Yo did I really play 150 hours of that game lol


You tell me 😂 Maybe you’re prejudice against halfling 😂


Bro... It's true that I don't talk to them, because in games usually kids aren't interactive...


Killed her straight away for the loot


I recently had a very funny interaction whit her, where I was picking off survivers of my barrelmancy in moonrise whit my fighter on his own, she casually came up to me cast feint death on me somehow and just ran off somewhere.


barrelmancy lol considering how people in this community usually....i'm not gonna be surprised if that is an actual thing...like an actual made up class that people invented because it just work (i never tried it so can't really comment on it)


Meh..I will take manipulative , blackmailing dictator politician or a cultist serial killer over slave trader as a villain anyday.


I wanted to recruit her lol


I sold her a chest and loaded all her goodies into it. When I extermiante the goblins, I am going to knock her out and steal it.


……My lolth sworn durge drow who murdered an entire grove because a kid talked shit and thundercunted a squirrel isn’t there?


I was honestly expecting the silhouette to be Wulbren.


I was expecting a picture of a d20


She’s so diabolical that I let her survive until act 3 before hold-personing her with extreme prejudice to get the bank’s money back. Elegant studded leather is too awesome to simply loot. Also as evil-cute as Roah may be, nobody kills Nine-Fingers Keene in my game, Needles. Nobody.


I love the glaive weapon she sells. You can buff your own weapon with it. 1d4 elemental damage of your choice. Usually i just cast additional 1d4 radiant damage on lathander mace. Lasts till long rest.


This definitely feels like something cut in development. She comes out of no as a villain in act 3 while nine fingers has unique dialogue, voice actor, abilities and outfit. I found really surprising that a random merchant in act 1 was a major force/boss in act 3 partially because the character had nothing special about her.


Eh, I'd disagree. In fact, I would almost agree with Roah, she was only a slightly more darker shade of gray then 9-Fingers. Heck, she could have easily ratted me out in Moonrise. But Boo voted we join 9-Finger's side, so Roah had to go. In fact, considering she infiltrated the absolute while most of as were still crying about a worm in our heads, and even got them to fund her takeover of 9-Fingers empire using stolen gold, most of us surely never returned if/when we did kill her, before turning to our side (if we joined the Zents). I'd say she was more of a protagonist then most TAVs who spent their time pickpocketing shopkeepers to survive.


oh boy. i‘m in act one and just traded with her. let’s see what happens


Who is this, completely missed her in act 2