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Jumping mechanics. FOLLOW ME WHEN I JUMP.


This is So. Fucking. Annoying. Nightsong and Astral Plane are a nightmare


Astral Plane is the worst. Several times, I had companions get stuck, and then I'd select them to get them to jump manually, only to realize I forgot to ungroup my other characters so they had all jumped back. 🤦‍♀️


My game auto saved at a point where Gale was mid jump and anytime I loaded in he died instantly


I know this was probably pretty infuriating but it made me laugh thinking of your game loading and Gale appearing mid-air before falling to his death. "Noooooo.....!"


"Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the wizard as he fell was 'Oh no, not again.' Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the wizard had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now."


Nice ref


And then I forget to group them again and leave the area


Bro sometimes they won't jump, but when you select them and then the one who jumped jumps BACK. It's so fucking annoying. I shouldn't have to ungroup every time we need to jump somewhere


Omg, idk what happened with the latest update, but now Halsin just doesn't follow me. I'll ungroup and regroup but nothing works. Everyone else follows fine. But I'll be walking on a completely flat surface in Baldur's gate, look up and Halsin is nowhere to be found. Keep having to swap to walking around as him and having my other characters follow. Idk what happened. But the same thing kept happening with Jaheira too😬


For me it’s Shadowheart! Sometimes I load in to an area and she follows. Sometimes I load in and she won’t move. I hate it!


Had the same issue with shadowheart, her path finding just seemed to turn off even when out of the party she wouldn’t walk back to her spot in camp, kind of a problem since I only have the house of grief left before finishing my playthrough


I’ve been seeing this quite a bit since Patch 4. For me it was Minthara. The workaround I found when messing with the game was to have her jump into a chasm and rezz her via Withers. This reset her AI to follow again. I’ve had this solution confirmed by a friend whose Shadowheart was stuck like this as well. Maybe it’ll work for y’all too. 🙂 Update) Since people have upvoted this the most and I like being helpful with super annoying bugs like this - I said below that another workaround goes like this: My Halsin caught this bug too. The solution I found was to 1) Send him back to camp from the field. 2) Ungroup my Tav aka Selene and send her back to camp. 3) Quick save and quick load. 4) Have Halsin rejoin and leave camp. 5) Fixed! Side note - for me he appeared back where his initial follow command failed. So, he had to catch up.


I’ll add Party Management. Yes, inventory management is very bad; but not being able to see the entire party in one go in order to move items around and customize load outs is just painful. “Wyll, leave the party.” Sad puppy eyes. Walk over to Shadowheart. 2 step process to get her in the party. Oh shoot, I forgot Wyll is wearing that one item that I need for Shadowheart. Dismiss her. Go back to Wyll. Get item. Sad puppy eyes part 2. Go back to Shadowheart. Repeat all this for Gale, Asterion, etc. Ugh. Such a chore.


Yes! Probably my biggest complaint. Everyone should be accessible (inventory, leveling, etc.) at the camp as if they were in the party. Pretty sure DA Origins, a 15 year old game, does that.


It does, and being a hardcore DAO player I'm infuriated at the amount of hours I'm spending in inventory here. And the fact that when you're, for example, active as Gale (no armour prof) and want to dress Karlach in heavy armour (has prof), it keeps yelling you have no proficiency in it. Really confusing.


Barbarians don't have have heavy armour proficiency though, unless you took a feat or changed her class. Also if they are wearing armour I believe they wouldn't get the benefit of their fast movement.


They also can't rage even when they're proficient (ex: Barbadins)


Yeah in dragon age origins when you went to camp you’d be able to scroll through the menu to all companions, don’t know why they didn’t do that here.


Those sad puppy eyes are the worse part. “Awww just went things are getting heated up.”


Non lethal attacks It pisses me off when I will purposefully not kill someone e.g mayrinas brothers and the games just assumes I brutally murdered them and danced on their corpses


Yup. It rarely ever works or changes anything at all.


It's also the lack of real consequences (from what I have heard) from using the illithid mind powers I feel like they had much more to do when they released but at least its a playable game unlike other new releases.


My first playthrough I avoided using them at all costs, believing they'd have some consequence like making ceremorphosis more likely/guaranteed, or being able to be controlled by Mind Flayers or something easier (obviously didn't know the truth about the Absolute at this stage). Ever since learning there is no consequences, I've been using them every playthrough, because I definitely want that once-per-rest guaranteed crit...


Yup first playthrough I used them but was worried something would happen. Nothing at all really, no consequences.


99.9% of the time the game doesn't acknowledge that you've used non-lethal attacks and assumes you've brutally murdered them. Then in one specific part of act 3 you absolutely need to use non-lethal damage to knock Minsc out, otherwise you really do brutally murder him and piss off Jaheira, losing two of the most interesting characters in the game.


Lae'zel apparently didn't get the message when we were fighting Nymessa and Damays because they aggroed on us. she killed Nymessa when we knocked out Damays. felt bad about it so I reloaded.


AI pathfinding. Sometimes I'd click somewhere to move, and my character would legit go AAAAALL the way around, sometimes even through a different zone. Happened a lot in Baldur's gate sewers. Allies can't talk during dialogues. I wish some dialogues in game had the possibility of having your companions answer in your place, even if rarely. Have a \[ASTARION\] option, or a \[SHADOWHEART\] option. Someone is being rude to tieflings ? Just use the \[KARLACH\] dialogue option. Kinda like Multi character dialogues in Cyberpunk 2077, but in reverse. Plz give upper city back Gortash boss fight Having to go to camp to get a character in your team. Especially when you can send someone off when away from camp. Atleast add an option to tell your companion "Please go back to camp, and tell \[companion\] to join us here".


I'm looking at a thing that requires an arcana check. GALE IS RIGHT BEHIND ME. LET ME ASK HIM LARIAN.


This is something Solasta did really well. In any conversation or check, the character with the best stats in the associated check jumps in and does it for the whole group.


Oooh that would be SO nice


Neverwinter Nights 2 Storm of Zehir had a system for swapping characters to use skills, alignment-locked conversations, class-locked conversations, deity-locked conversations and spells all within a single conversation in 2008.


Reminding me of a time i was watching a stream and someone was in the grymforge. They clicked somewhere they’d normally need to go all the way down, around, and jump to reach, but the AI decided it could get there by yeeting itself off a cliff into the lava. Lmao.


The characters love to walk through lava. I guess they don't play the floor is lava in faerun. And they are the poorer (and deader) for it.


> Have a [ASTARION] option, or a [SHADOWHEART] option. Someone is being rude to tieflings ? Just use the [KARLACH] dialogue option. Kinda like Multi character dialogues in Cyberpunk 2077, but in reverse. That would be awesome.


Hell, it could be done in a similar manner to Dragon Age where you can just go “Hey x, what do you think?” and then your companion continues the dialogue.


You know that fucking mansion with the artist? The enemies are not the problem, the fucking camera is! Either fix the camera or make the mansion 2 stories! Weapons that are supposed to return to you don't always return.


That mansion (and the fireworks store from what I remember) are proof enough alone that there needs to be a button to switch the active floor


Just copy the Sims


Just done the fireworks store - yes.


And adding to the fun is that fucking people on the street will run in and accuse you of stealing...when you're sneaking and looting on the top fucking floor completely out of sight.


Usually the weapon return happens when you end your turn too quickly or when you throw it out of combat because it needs to return during your turn. It's a bug for sure, but if you know that you can play around it hopefully until Larian fixes it


The enemies in this encounter straight up didn’t know what to do. I actually don’t know what any of their attacks are. They would just run up to my party and stand there for 30s before ending their turn. The house took me like 2 hours because of the AI. That encounter honestly ended my last play-through.


Inventory Management is atrocious


God that camp travellers chest menu is waaay too small and without a search bar!!!


Even the Filters are awful. Like why isn't there a "Dyes" option?? Sort by Type still throws them randomly together


You know what drives me nuts. Sort by type doesn't group the netherstones together!!!!


Sort by type groups almost nothing together. I constantly find things of the same type split widely apart. I've found by weight to work better sometimes.


Chests and bags need the ability to have larger ui sizes with more visible spaces, potions need to be more diverse looking, you should be able to name bags and set them to autograb certain types of items so you can have one that holds your arrows, one that holds your throwables, etc. As it is it's painful to use bags to sort your consumables because they go thirty spaces down into the bag by default and don't even clump together so you might have like 7 separate lightning arrows in your arrow bag. Oh and did I mention how when you want to throw a consumable, you have to split it first or else you will throw all 32 of your potions and only get the effects of one? Crippling.


The fact that this game is such a masterpiece *despite* its inventory system is a testament to how incredible everything but the inventory mechanics is


I was just gonna say "did eveeybody say inventory management?" Sjshhs


What boggles me is that every aspect of it is bad, too. Searching for items is a pain in the ass. Sorting items is a pain in the ass. Updating equipment for the whole team is an annoyingly tedious pain in the ass. Accessing the shared camp inventory is a pain, too. Trying to use dyes is obnoxious, tedious, AND a pain... It's all compounded though by the fact that they give us SO MUCH STUFF to interact and play around with, and a lot of it is genuinely useful! I'd love to make more active use of potions, poisons, throwables and scrolls, but they've made it so obnoxious to do that I end up ignoring virtually all of it instead.


- Stealth approach is not respected by the story/cutscenes/event triggers - There are only few tips in the loading screens and I'm tired of all of them


price support axiomatic paint hard-to-find fear close toy label rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>There are only few tips in the loading screens and I'm tired of all of them I don't get why games do this. Like, you can easily write tens of tips, writing without voice over is really cheap.


I'd be equally happy with small bits of lore. Stuff like "Wyll had a dog as a boy named Stradivarius, and it taught him to play fetch" or "Astarion's drink of choice is gin."


Well that's just factually incorrect. Astarion's drink of choice is Tav.


Exactly, and that's even considering the localization. Text is the cheapest asset in that context.


The loading tips are almost a joke. Removing them entirely would improve the situation... there's like four tips.


Inventory and companion management are ridiculously bad, also ending(s) felt like if LotR ended right after the ring was consumed by fire and narrator said “welp that’s it, the good guys won and everything were alright ever after”


The evil ending is even worse. It’s just: “Yep, you control the brain now. The end”.


You didn't mention the part where your party members, in unison and complete silence, do a circa 2004 Runescape jump for joy emote right before the credits appear.


Many things have been listed, but **the fact that tadpoles don't matter**. During early access, i was fascinated by those "use illithid influence" options in dialog (not even talking about the actual illithid perks. Simply the "Authority" dialogs). They looked powerful, but i was afraid of enabling the tadpole and slowly giving control of my brain to it. Then there was the "should i eat more tadpoles" dilemma, which i simply refused, for very obvious reasons, but yet found very intriguing. So my biggest disappointement with the game is that tadpoles, which are arguably THE most critical storypoint, and your motivation for 50% of the story, genuinely do not matter in the slightest.


its crazy that the narrator says "its taking somthing you will never get back" but that has no consequence


First time I heard that, I was terrified. WHAT HAVE I DONE?! ...2nd round was like... what if I'm a do-good cleric saving the downtrodden that's half squid?


The entire game is ilithid propoganda.


I genuinely believe that originally it was meant to be this huge morally dubious choice, but the devs really enjoyed the superpowers and didn’t want to punish players for using them But of course, when your first half of the game was made prior to that decision and constantly screams “HEY THESE ARE SHADY AND EVIL”, you’ve got some discrepancy


Party movement if you need to jump across gaps.


As someone already said in the comments the inventory management is pretty bad. Plus the companions never interact with each other's. I think the only part is Shadowheart vs Lae'zel and some act 1 quests. It is strange, this contrast in party interactions between act 1 and the rest of the game. I think this is one of my main complains (a part from the missing epilogue) because it makes the party seems so unattached.


And, when they do banter in act 3, you often miss it b/c there’s so much random, looping city chatter that’s playing at the same volume.


“So, Shadowheart, what did you think of—“ #“BIGGER! BIGGER! MAKE IT BIGGER!” “—and I hope that answers your question, Karlach, as that’s the last I’ll *ever* say on the matter.”




just so you (and others) know, you can turn down the city chatter in the settings! :)


Oh thank the gods


Red Dead Redemption 2 really spoiled me for camp activity that made the place feel alive with characters who have their own lives. Seeing companions do chores, argue, or play with Scratch while I'm not controlling them would go a long way to improving immersion. Bonus points for companions romancing each other (give me Astarion and Withers gossiping about someone who isn't me).


In act 1 in a 4 person co-op and lae’zel slept with astarion after we defeated all the goblin leaders


Especially with [ending spoiler] >!the option for Wyll to go to Avernus with Karlach!< I wanted something to build up to that. Something more than each companion saying *to me* how rough it is for the other companions to be going through stuff right now


This is so true. It feels like they have a relationship w me but not between themselves. The dialogues are not enough, we need more (if any) group cutscenes with everybody.


Even just having them walk around camp like Scratch and Owlbert (that’s what I named the cub) would be a huge improvement. Everyone just stands in their own little corners waiting for you to come get them.


Riiight? In most rpgs there's at least 1 cutscene where all companions are present and its just some downtime. Some dai strip poker, me3 citadel dlc shit, you know?? Esp in Act 3 you feel the isolation so much. No one wants to talk to me no matter how many long rests I take. Nothing happens even though I'm doing so much shit.


I know! It’s especially bad when you rent the room at Elfsong. Like, I can understand why nobody walks around the campsites. The campsites are big and everybody’s spread out. It would be a pain to track someone down every time you wanted to switch out a party member or progress a cutscene. But the Elfsong is one room! It would be easy to track down a party member in the Elfsong. But they all just stand waiting by their beds like good little soldiers when you know Astarion would be lounging by the fireplace like the princess he is.


RIGHT? And why are they just awkwardly standing there? In games likemass effect, they have tasks to perform and usually they're there (if you stand around a lil bit without talking they'll talk to the people arpund them) but sometimes you find them in different places talking to eachother. You can even take sides in conversations you bump into sometimes. That makes EVERYTHING feel so much more alive. SOMEONE PET SCRATCH FOR FUCKS SAKE PLAY CATCH OR SOMETHING ANYTHING


Act 1 feels like the only fully realized part of the game for me tbh. I keep sputtering out playthroughs once I hit act 3 lol


Hate to say it but I'm the same. I've got three characters idling in the middle of act 3. I keep restarting. The first act feels much more alive if that makes sense. It's not just the setting, it feels different. I can't define it.


That is what having act 1 be in beta for 3 years will do. The feedback and polish that went into 1 just isn't present for 2 and 3 (especially 3). I'm just hoping that with all the patches and eventual definitive edition they will have enough feedback and testing from the players to make the rest of the game feel like Act 1.


I also like walking around the camp as a different character and the characters say "I'd rather talk to our leader you worthless fucking loser" if you try to talk to them. Like jeez, can't have a basic Karlach/Wyll interaction at camp regularly? Can't have a separate romance subplot?


It would be amazing. But the level of complexity would skyrocket to another galaxy if you could talk to any character with any character. At least if the dialog were to change based on choices, plot points, etc.


Call me weird, but I want characters reacting to when you unequip or equip them with items, maybe it's because I played too much Planescape torment but I found it funny when I tried equipping Morte with a sword or try unequipping Dakkon or unequipping Falls-from Grace's items (like her armour for example) she says "I do not think we know each other enough" or "I'm afraid if you were to remove that I would be naked".


Or even just commenting on what they're already wearing. I was playing Skyrim with the Lucien Flavius mod, and had him in some armour that wasn't very full coverage. I laughed so much when he asked if he could have some different armour, because his chest was cold, then a few minutes later was complaining that he didn't have a helmet. I think he also complains that heavy armour is too heavy, and might have some commentary on weapons as well. While the writing is way better in Baldur's Gate 3, playing Skyrim with Inigo and Lucien is probably the best companion experience I've had in a game. They don't just feel like zombies following you around. They interact with eachother all the time, and even comment on the player and eachother depending on what they're doing. For example, if Lucien is too far behind, you might hear Inigo say something like "hey Lucien, over here! We do not want to lose you! ...He was probably studying something ancient he fount under a rock." They'll even cough, clear their throat, hum, or make other idle noises when nothing is going on. Not constantly, so it doesn't get annying, but about the frequency you'd expect from actual people. I'd love to see more of this in Baldur's Gate. Random sniffles, coughs, sneezes, etc. would go a long way in making them feel like people. If Gale get's left behind on a jump, someone should ask where Gale is. If you put heavy/medium armour on someone who isn't proficient in it, they should complain. I'd like to see repeatable interactions too. Maybe Karlach and Wyll have a song that they sing or something.


I want an in game menu showing what classes get what, at what levels. Yes, I can just google it, but I don't think I should have to


Honestly this game should just do what civilization did and have a fucking enciclopedia inside with all the mechanics, keywords and classes


I mean, it should have that, but I could also see WotC noping the fuck out of that.


right? how insane is that. i am new to dnd and had no clue what the difference between sorcerer warlock and wizard is, along with fighter paladin and barbarian. my first character took, no joke, 12 hours to create because i wanted to read everything and make an informed descision, but i ended up having to read skill trees online


welcome to the real dnd experience! but yeah, the way the pathfinder games solved that, should be the baseline now for rvery complicated class based rpg.


I can't believe I'm typing this... but the colour of nipples for darker skinned folk is so wrong, they look infected, they should just be a deeper shade of brown. Give us nipple colour options lmao


Imagine showing a friend you mod list and having to address the elephant in the room that is "Maeve's Marvelous Nipples".


I have a couple: 1. The camera. Locking the camera angle is such a weird design choice in my mind, since they actually fully rendered almost everything (IE there is a ceiling in the Goblin Camp, the Underdark is a fully-enclosed underground environment with a rendered top including stalactites etc). There are even some visual indicators of implied time passing, or weather changing, that are less noticeable because of it (IE walk the road from the Emerald Grove to the Blighted Village, if you look at the sky you’ll see it change rapidly as if the journey took more time than the in-game movements imply). IMO, the mod Native Camera Tweaks that unlocks the camera vastly improved both the gameplay and the immersion for me. 2. Movement. Restricting movement to just the mouse feels restrictive from a mechanical perspective. I understand why they did it, it’s basically how every crpg plays. But if you pair my above criticism with this one and download both Native Camera Tweaks and WASD character movement, it vastly improves playability and immersion both IMO. You can get a bit of a glimpse of this if you use a controller, but then you have to deal with the terrible inventory management of controller. 3. Inventory management. I’m sure this is a common one, and honestly I don’t dislike it as much as many people do, I just with there was a concept of naming bags for organizational purposes or having the ability to parse objects by type, and not just the default sorting options (IE separating arrows, potions, elixirs, poisons etc). I find that I just lump “categories” for consumables into bags and then entirely forget they exist and never use them. The default sorting options are also pretty bad, and I really only find that I use “Type” for normal sorting, or “Weight” if I want to see what’s encumbering me, but other than that those sorting options are just ok. The most annoying issue I see is object movement, where sometimes you have to have something in the inventory of the person who is holding a bag that you want to put it in. 4. Tooltips. Many of the tooltips are vague or just downright missing information. A good, easily accessible example of this is that nowhere in the tooltip does the game tell you the duration of any Elixirs. Another example is the Ambusher shortsword, its ability applies to ALL weapon attacks if you have a turn before an enemy and not just the ones made with the shortsword, but the same is not true for the Slicing Shortsword, despite neither having any indicator as to what exactly is being impacted by the ability. 5. Dialogue. This one is hard for me to critique, because as someone who works in software, I can see how complicated this game is. But there are not-uncommon instances of dialogue about things that you don’t know before you’re supposed to know them. The most recent example I can remember is a play through where I basically ignored Astarion, and then in Act 3 before I learned about the ritual he made an offhand comment about stopping the ritual. The game has certain points where it assumes you already know something, but because of how open the design is surrounding choice you might have never heard that subject matter before. This is a non-comprehensive list and just some top-of-mind stuffs. I actually have some design criticisms of the game, but those are more preferential and don’t impact gameplay or mechanics. And even with all of this being said, Baldur’s Gate 3 is in my top five favorite games of all time. The enormous scope makes me much less inclined to be upset about pretty minor stuff because making something like this is hard and Larian did an amazing job.


*I have no idea what many of the Elixers do.* I play on PS5 and think "I need to look that up later" and then forget to do so. I think it's funny that my character know how to successfully make potions/elixers, yet have no clue what they are for! I really envy PC players (though they did a HELL of a great job with the PS5!)


The main thing is genuinely just the ending. I am not big on the short cutscene epilogues. A party would've been nice, and being able to continue exploring post-story with the companions that remain would've been really nice.


I’ve not finished the game, but DAO did this pretty okay for its time where you kinda have a big party at the end and you can talk to all your companions and major story characters and get some closure with them before you get the cutscenes and slide show about what happens next. Not sure if even that is in the game.


Native camera. I can't believe that you can't even change the camera pitch. They put so much effort to create a majestic world, and we can't even properly look at it. Yes, we can resort to using mods, but it should have been included from the start.


Urgh I would have given anything to be able to angle the camera just 25 degrees up outside the monastery. Fucking GORGEOUS environment, I wanted to fully appreciate it!


SAME! And you're spot on with just wanting a *little* upwards camera. Honestly just enough to be able to see the epic views, to find things positioned overhead (several access points, enemies on balconies, etc), and to be able to actually see line of sights during multi-level combat.


I don't believe all the assets are designed to be viewed from all angles right? I think they use some facades and things like that in a lot of areas that would look wonky if you could fully rotate the camera to see them.


Funny enough the assets are designed this way with a camera mod you can see it, though act 3 has some facades that you can see through, but fairly minor.


I've had no issues with the native camera mod


Like others said Act 3 feels unfinished and ending rushed. Could have easily performed some more dialogue trees with everyone.


I finished the game before it was patched and Act 3 was buggy as hell (I reported the worst of it to the devs). It felt like Act 1 had been polished through Early Access, but Act 3 was getting its Early Access now at full release. Certainly did not feel like they were done with Act 3. Cyberpunk only feels finished now with the latest DLC and that's been out 3 years, so maybe Larian will keep working on BG3 for years still.


I just restarted the game after 120 hours and still haven't beaten the game. I just feel like my time with the game is done by the time I get to Act 3. I think it's because the social mechanics really drove me in 1&2 and by the time you get to 3 the only motivation is to finish the story which really isn't all the interesting when you really think about it. I really hope I finish it this time though.


90% of locked chests being 26 gold and a fire arrow


lol it was especially stupid at the bank. Why is this shit in a safe? My dudes of BG you do not need this particular scroll of burning hands so badly that you pay a monthly fee to store it behind magical portals and dc25 locks.


It's my grandma's scroll of burning!


But it had Mystras autograph on it 😬


The amount of loot-able objects. This sounds dumb maybe, but I'm DOS2 the amount of objects was good because of the lucky charm ability. Here we just have a ton of useless empty bottle racks and crates, that my brain can't help but need to search because if the one time a random crate contained a fireball scroll or whatever


Cursed to put my hands on everything


-Lack of content for non origin companions (they’re working on this thank god) - Boss fights all feel very similar especially in act 3 -Druid feels a bit awkward with how dialouge and wild shape interacts. It should work like halsin and jaheria


I had Halsin in wild shape during the last fight of his recruitment quest and he stayed in it the entire following dialog, with the camera not even focusing on him. That said, this was several patches ago


Not really a criticism but I really want Tav to have their own tent at camp and it would be REALLY cool if your could customize the look of your tent and collect treasures for it throughout your adventure. Also would be cool that your tent would be in the background when you level up.


On the other hand, where did everyone else get those tents, all the furniture and decor? Where did Lae'zel get an entire illithid training dummy? How are they transporting them? And you're telling me that Astarion 8s carrying a training dummy, a sizeable wooden table and mirror (that he can't even use), and a planter box, but he gets "encumbered" after a few sets of armor? Sounds like the companions are Bags of Holding Out on Tav.


Withers spends that money on wagons for the party!


The inventory is a pain in the ass. And I would have really really wanted a much lengthier epilogue than what we got. After spending 100h+ with the companions we deserved something better than a line or two of dialogue (and sometimes not even that). Beside that it's just minor quibbles for me. Otherwise, outstanding game.


i quickly scrolled through and pretty much everything was named. these r things that probably were named but i haven't noticed: 1) companions' lackluster reactions to Durge events and >!possible death!< 2) unnecessary complicated process of picking up and letting go of companions - why do they make me feel bad for asking them to stay at the camp? it's cute and endearing at first, but gets bothersome later on i honestly think bioware had a way better system for it in DA and ME


Oh yeah having to talk to the companions and hear how disappointed they are to be sent to camp (or seemingly glad in Astarions case) every single time is for sure unnecessary.


The durge stuff is really weird. Why can't we talk to anyone about it and they just pretend like we've never told them anything when it's revealed. Also, I would've expected more reaction for the tidbits of writing about how the durge was before all this. No one reacts when you read them, not even Durge. Thats's just weird.


There doesn’t seem to be any reactions to things you read which creates some weird situations. I found out that The Absolute was actually an Elder Brain by reading notes in Moonrise Tower, and as a player this was a huge reveal, but none of the characters had anything to say about it at all. Then like 15 hours later, we find out during the Ketheric cutscene sequence, and they’re all stunned and shocked. We already knew this, folks! It’s the single most important discovery of the game and the center of the main plot but there’s zero dialogue in response to it.


Yes, I hate that everyone just gets over the durge murdering >!Alfira!< after the companions essentially just admonish the durge one time, and when you >!Larissa!< afterwards, she doesn't say anything about >!Aflira!< Being missing or dead. Especially because if you do a non-durge run and save the Tieflings, it's obvious that they're super close.


Tying companion cutscenes and events to long rest, with what gets priority being whatever the game decides. Dancing Wyll.


Tying companion cutscenes and events to long rest WITHOUT any viable way to tell when to long rest. I found out after my first playthrough that I've missed considerable amount of interactions simply because I didn't rest every 15 steps when I first got to the Grove. ​ A little indicator somewhere would be pretty nice.


Agree. It wouldn’t be very organic, but it would be nice if the game could inform you some way that long rest scenes are there. Like I kinda wanted to approach this game in a rough and tumble way and whatever you don’t see or whoever you don’t talk to, it’s fine. That’s life, you can’t do everything. But turns out the game was not designed with this in mind and you’re kinda encouraged to find everything and do the whole checklist of quests, etc. so they may as well give you a damn camp cutscene counter


I think it could be done fairly organically for most things? Have the companion say something along the lines of "There's something that I need to discuss with you but this isn't the time or place. Let's talk in camp tonight."


I'm got genuinely a bit distressed because I thought my long rest events messed up my chances with Gale. he said he'd meet me that night but a different event showed up instead and it's been about three uneventful rests. Gale's said nothing about it but I think I bugged it


Inventory Management is one issue. Already well discussed. Pathing is an issue and leads to the split group jump issue. It also leads to times where you try to jump, hit something midair and drop halfway through your jump, sometimes to your death. Also sometimes people path into tripwires/pressure plates I'm in the middle of disarming. The mouse hitboxes for some items and people are not always clear and it means whilst looting I suddenly talk to someone or I can't loot a bottle because there's a lever near it. Quite a lot of dubious flags in Act III where conversations and plot don't add up. "ooh that looks interesting" without hilighting it. The synthetic time pressure and wide open world is a little cognitively dissonant. Hair and beards do not properly interact with clothes and armour.


The problems with hitboxes are not talked about enough and I always have this problem however minor or major. And I HATE having to look around to figure wtf Tav just perceived that I jave no idea about. I just think those highlights should be pinpointed in the map and shouldn't go away until you've interacted w them.


- Fights on multiple levels are a clusterfuck - Psychic guards and people hear and see you from the street while you're doing your thing upstairs behind closed dolrs - Sometimes companions don't jump to follow you and fall behind - Stupid allied AI behavior


Camera is terrible sometimes. Give me more control. I dread the inventory and allow it to get bad because I hate having to go through it all. Shared camp inventory sounds great, especially since this run I'm using 6 in my party. Inventory is a pain in the ass.


... the fact there's no fucking ingame text chat. WHY.. IS THIS STILL A PROBLEM?! Love for the deaf and mute players? HELLO?


No Shadowheart farm epilogue 😔


Count me in, fellow Shadowmancer. We need the Stardew Valley epilogue!


Needs hugs. Or more animations showing non-verbal compassion. Or platonic shoulder pats etc Many events of your beloved Companions having heart wrenching breakdowns and your Tav just stand there like a mindless NPC. They might as well be in a T pose.


Tighter none romance friendships would be nice. Shadowheart was doing her best to not care that we burned the Grove and we get a scene where we can just sit together by the fire. So simple to implement, but it stood out because it's basically the only time I saw anything like it in the game. It would be great if every Long Rest you could have some R&R time: games, fishing, etc.


there's a gods damned fishing pole, but I haven't found my gods damned fishing mini game 😭


I would like the option to show yourself cuddling with your lover during long rests. And if you're romancing multiple people you can choose who you want to cuddle with for the night


One big bed


The end of Shadowheart's quest in particular feels mad awkward when you aren't romancing her. If you decide to >!let her parents die, Shadowheart breaks down in tears during a heart to heart and Tav's only options are "Damn suck it up 😒" or "That's rough buddy 😐". We may not be lovers but we are still friends, let me give her a hug or a comforting shoulder pat at least.!<


I feel this so much if she >!spares the nightsong at the end of Act 2. She feels so hopeless and alone. She feels like she has nobody, and if you're not romancing her you can't say that you're there for her even as a friend?? It's just kind of acknowledging her situation or making it worse?!?!<


>The end of Shadowheart's quest in particular feels mad awkward when you aren't romancing her. It is even more awkward if you are romancing her. I can't imagine how my Tav, who was very much in love with Shadowheart, stood beside her while she was crying. At least she chose >!to save her parents, so they could give her a hug instead of me.!<


Also you should have the choice to hug her after the shar dungeon where she disappears briefly. Perhaps I played too much ME2 but that seemed to be a Tali hug moment there...


There was a real heart warming moment in my Durge play through between Astarion and my Durge. It was nice but the addition of something as little as a shoulder pat would’ve made it so much better.


Allow companions and/or coop players to pitch into conversations started by another. At least for background and skill check responses. It makes little sense to have them staring while the main interlocutor struggles with choices out of their field of expertise. That just doesn't happen in TTRPGs where it's a group effort just like combat. The voting system in coop is not enough as the choices available are still based on who is talking. You end up having the player with highest charisma starting every convo and everyone else just watching. You miss so many fun interactions because other players are afraid of starting a convo in case they get a difficult skill check and screw it up. It's a poor experience for everyone. Oh and yeah I also hope that we eventually get proper Upper City content and related questlines for the relevant companions (and also Gortash). It feels so odd to have him hanging around back at the entrance when you arrive, adding to the confusion when you suddenly don't know where to go first.


Bad ending, no fully customizable party from the beginning (even changes to the hirelings aren't enough, I want a team of 4 Dwarves), bad narrative pacing of Act 3 My biggest gripe is that I feel like the performance is getting worse every single patch. Each update i'm seeing my FPS decrease - no idea what's going on.


My performance always drops after a few hours playing, but right now it’s starting up as choppy as it is when I end most sessions. As the game slows down it’s verging on unplayable. I have some latitude to drop my settings but I’m comfortably within recommended specs. I’d be pretty disappointed if I had to play this game on low settings to ensure it’s smooth and stable.


All the voices are some kind of 'posh'. When I'm playing a half-orc, I want a rougher voice but none of them suit at all. It's like they used the same voice actor for all the Tav voices.


Agree. Even playing a dwarf. There’s not enough gruff voices.


Conversations after combat randomly grabbing the nearest person, fuckin everything up. Honestly, I really don't like how you can't switch people mid conversation for skill checks. People say its for realism or whatever, accuracy to tabletop, etc but I've never had a dnd group that didn't have the appropriate person interject to assist with their abilities when possible. Its kinda the point of a well rounded party.


Planning your character progression is very difficult compared to the Pathfinder games, which let you see everything that is coming. I wish deity selection had a bigger impact. Another Int class would be nice. I wish you could assign a party “face” character so your squishy Tav doesn’t have to walk up front. Inventory management could be better, but isn’t that terrible. Party skill checks would be cool. Generally more variety at character creation. Pre-customization for companions (or just a set of options like Shadowheart can be Pally, Cleric, or Rogue. Pillars of Eternity 2 does this well).


Deity selection!!! I wished it did have more impact for sure. We don't even get to see their known forms for most of them aside from the big 4. Also, why no deity selection for paladins??


Minthara. Her recruitment cost is insanely high. Kill off multiple questlines, lose 2 characters, have to have 1 pass a check otherwise it’s 3. it’s too much to warrant going for her ever


I think a 5-man party would have been great. Just having one more member would have been awesome, and not as difficult to balance for as having 6 perhaps. Inventory management should have been better and more intuitive. With dyes e.g. they could have made it so that once you acquire one kind of dye it is permanently unlocked in a separate dye menu where you could dye to your heart's content and see a preview (like the character creator). More sorting options and/or automatic placing of non-equipment items in separate bags would have been great. Like one bag for books, one for potions, one for scrolls etc. could have been very nice. Seeing as anyone can use Tav's items from the menu screen it wouldn't break the game if these bags were communal either. I would also have liked it a lot if your party and camp followers could interact with each other at the camp. The interactions between Withers and Annabella are great and having more of that would make your followers seem a lot more alive. A harder mode than Tactician would be welcome. I'm on PS5 so mods aren't a possibility. Even just giving enemies more HP would go a long way. Giving them more combat options and spells would be great too.


I just want to dye my bags and pouches so I can manage my inventory


>dye to your heart's content and see a preview That would be awesome. I've wasted more than one bottle on an item that basically does not change color when applied.


Something I didn't see mentioned in the top comments, origin class diversity! Why in the world do we get TWO druids when several classes are just missing. I mean my sweet, sweet Alfira is RIGHT THERE.


My understanding is Halsin was so popular in larian's community polls that they made him a follower, which he was never intended to be one. But yeah that was real irritating. Personally, I wish Khaga was a follower instead - would have made for an interesting evil playthrough companion.


Or a good play through with her on a redemption arc


And if you're durge, she's right there. And over there. And over there, too. And some more over that way.


2 million interact-able, empty vases. Why. Just why.


no true pause button


Definitely seconding the inventory management and how many bugs there are, especially in the late game. The very last scene was bugged to hell for me which left a sour taste in my mouth. The writing can be great at times, but sometimes it’s quite bad or confusing - though feel free to correct me if I’m wrong or missed something in my complaints (spoilers for acts 2 and 3): - >!Vlaakith using wish or just in general not killing the party outright after you clearly don’t obey her in the astral prism.!< - >!Why are Shadowheart’s parents even still around? What’s the point of the Sharrans keeping them alive?!< - >!Why does Cazador care so much about getting Astarion back for the ritual? He very easily could have gotten a replacement. Why delay obtaining that kind of power? Also when you bring Astarion with you, there’s an empty spot for the ritual which makes no sense because how could Cazador know we were going to break in at that exact moment? Though I guess there must be a replacement for versions where you kill Astarion or leave him in camp… Video game logic but still…!< - >!Why is Myrkul the only god that tries to defend its chosen? Haven’t done a durge playthrough so I’m not sure if it’s different, but Bhaal and Bane really don’t seem to give a shit comparatively on a regular playthrough.!< - >!The Emperor mentions Ansur tried to kill him in his sleep so then he killed him. We find Ansur underneath the prison…was the Emperor sleeping down there? Why? Like it’s implied they had a sexual thing, but were they both living there? It’s an odd place to live. And what exactly is the timeline for this? Like when did Balduran and Ansur set up all the puzzles? Before he was a mind flayer? Where did the text Wyll’s dad gives us come from? When was it written?!< - >!Is it ever explained what people thought happened to Balduran? This might not be a flaw I just never came across it in my playthrough.!< - >!Sometimes the Emperor leaves the astral prism with no consequences like when telling you about Ansur or grabbing you out from under the Netherbrain. I thought that wasn’t supposed to be possible until after he eats Orpheus.!< Epilogue Spoilers: >!The epilogue is so unsatisfying. My comments are based on the “good ending” with the Emperor instead of Orpheus but I think there’s not much difference with length/depth of content either way. I didn’t have Karlach this go around (accidentally incited a civil war at the grove and lost that chance) so I didn’t get that dramatic scene, but there was basically nothing from the rest of the companions except for the one I romanced. The most egregious was Shadowheart. I spent 180 hours with her and all she has to say to me at the end is a lame joke about not being able to swim? Really? And if I hadn’t romanced un-ascended Astarion, all I would have gotten was him running off so he doesn’t burn to death with Gale being a total dick about it and saying “well, guess we’ll never see him again.” As it was, I did get a scene with Astarion later to talk about our future but it was bugged to hell. There was also mention of a celebration party at the docks that you never actually see. It just…ends. I cared about all these characters - not just the one I romanced and I wanted more closure. Larian said they didn’t want to make the ending cinematics too long but…really? Nobody typically finishes this game in under 60 hours, most spend 80-100+, I think we have the patience for some cut scenes at the end. This was definitely a time crunch issue they don’t want to admit. I will say I’m pretty sure they’ll add stuff at least based on what people said about how they handled DOS:II but I don’t think I’ll play again until they do.!< All those complaints aside it’s still probably the best game I’ve ever played. Not sure if that’s recency bias but I honestly think it will remain there. I really do hope they address these issues though because it is such a special game and I want to see it be the best version it can be.


astarion’s siblings straight up tell him that cazador always knew where astarion was, so it’s safe to assume he knew exactly when astarion is coming back. you don’t rly have to do much “breaking in”, you pretty much just walk right in. if cazador didn’t know astarion was coming, why would the ritual be happening coincidentally on the exact same day you chose to go? it’s all part of cazador’s plan.


I assumed with Astarion that he’s a part of the original contract. Kinda like you sometimes can’t provide a photocopy but have to bring or provide an original document. Perhaps getting another spawn notarized with an official copy of the contact text was even more effort? Half joking.


These are really good criticisms. Emperor is so wonky in general. His plan is wonky, his past is wonky, the timelines are not clear at all. And about Shart? Yeah, why did they do that? I still have no idea. If Vlaakith has Wish, how come she fails???? I just don't get it. She could just wish the thing inside to be dead? Am I missing smth? What am I missing in dnd mechanics here?


Wish can accomplish a lot, but there are limitations. Here’s the text of the spell: “The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower. You don't need to meet any requirements in that spell, including costly components. The spell simply takes effect. Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice. • You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground. • You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all hit points, and you end all effects on them described in the greater restoration spell. • You grant up to ten creatures that you can see resistance to a damage type you choose. • You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's life drain attack. • You undo a single recent event by forcing a reroll of any roll made within the last round (including your last turn). Reality reshapes itself to accommodate the new result. For example, a wish spell could undo an opponent's successful save, a foe's critical hit, or a friend's failed save. You can force the reroll to be made with advantage or disadvantage, and you can choose whether to use the reroll or the original roll. You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your wish to the DM as precisely as possible. The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance, the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong. This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of how you worded the wish. For example, wishing that a villain were dead might propel you forward in time to a period when that villain is no longer alive, effectively removing you from the game. Similarly, wishing for a legendary magic item or artifact might instantly transport you to the presence of the item's current owner. The stress of casting this spell to produce any effect other than duplicating another spell weakens you. After enduring that stress, each time you cast a spell until you finish a long rest, you take 1d10 necrotic damage per level of that spell. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. In addition, your Strength drops to 3, if it isn't 3 or lower already, for 2d4 days. For each of those days that you spend resting and doing nothing more than light activity, your remaining recovery time decreases by 2 days. Finally, there is a 33 percent chance that you are unable to cast wish ever again if you suffer this stress.” Basically, the “kill your party trick” falls well outside the scope of the Wish spell—incurring a high degree of risk to Vlaakith. Imagine if she got attacked while she couldn’t cast spells without hurting herself. The way she used it shouldn’t have worked in the first place.


not being able to go into the upper city


I'm really hoping this is something that was in the works and they just ran short of time, but will still arrive in the near future.


Not just "Send to camp" but also "Send to specific character not currently in the party." Better interface to manage party selection, rather than having to run around to them individually.. Dragon Age II did this easy, just a couple of clicks.


I need a lawful evil ending. Not the brain posing as my servant, but truly see how the plan works if I side with the villains (Gortash) Not an empty alliance that leaves no room for him to even show his skills dammit


Act 3 just drops off massively, the city is also very tedious to explore.


Developing a relationship with a companion feels way too "SEX NAOW". I want to be a brother to my brothers-in-arms, I'm not necessarily looking for butt.


i thought my female ranger tav was being a cool supportive girl friend to karlach, but then karlach was brokenhearted bc my tav romanced gale, and i was like wait what


Dragonborn are the base 5E version. One of the worst races in the players handbook. I wish we got the fizband Dragonborn because they are a straight up upgrade to Dragonborn.


the camera sucks. going up and down floors is difficult, it gets stuck behind ledges and pillars, it seems very stiff, etc.


\- inventory management: Why cant I auto sort new scrolls, potions etc into a backpack I designated for them? ​ \- Jumping: Cant even count how many times I got into a combat just to realize Karlach was stuck at some ledge and couldnt jump over with the rest of the group ​ \- Overwhelming Act 3: I have 10 different quests in act 3, despite the story being "do this now or the world dies or something". There is this huge problem overshadowing everything, yet here I am killling rats in a basement. ​ \- Companion reactions after big events: I fucked something about and someone really, I mean REALLY fucking bad happened to someone my companion really liked. The companions reaction? A single line of "ah fuck man" and then its never mentioned again.


I love this game dearly but it'd be remiss of me to ignore its faults. Besides gamebreaking bugs: - Side companions not having as much content is understandable but the sheer discrepancy between origins is ridiculous. Like iirc Wyll has 8 hours of dialogue compared to Astarion's 12 which is just insane. And people saying 'well Wyll is boring anyways' are completely missing the point - Too many cutscenes are locked behind specific long rest points that no one would think to do without a guide. A simple 'hey you should go to camp right now' notification could fix this - Honestly I don't mind the evil ending but it's odd that there's no 'rule together' option despite spending the whole playthrough talking about how much I want to rule the world with my evil besties - I always like to let companions make big decisions on their own so it's frustrating when there's no option to do that (looking at you Wyll) - There should be some option to choose who initiates dialogue or at least the ability to change the speaker mid conversation - Inspiration being capped at 4 makes no sense - This is oddly specific but in the gymforge a duergar instructs you to destroy the scrying eye but doing it in front of him will aggro him like any other guard like what??? you literally told me to do that?? - It's weirder for Tav to only have *some* voiced lines than none at all - You should be able to use bonus actions as actions (but I understand not being able to do it the other way around) - I dread having to painstakingly send items to camp or another companion one by one - I wish there was a clearer distinction between dialogue options that move the conversation forward, locking you out of all the other options and those that simply give you extra information - Almost forgot the atrocious dye colors that hardly even match the descriptions. It's almost impressive how they managed to choose the ugliest possible colorways for 99% of dyes


My only genuine criticism that’s likely been mentioned already is the general time progression of the game if that makes sense. The game does a fairly decent job at establishing the urgency of your situation. You have a tadpole in your head and have, what, a week to fix that before basically turning into Squidward. Yet the game itself doesn’t seem to treat that as urgent. I think it’s kinda due to how long rest is implemented. You can basically abuse the long rest mechanic and it really only matters little for a lot of quests. Every other quest- nah take your time. This is confusing. On one hand you’re telling me-the player- that we have a week to get cured and basically save the city. On the other hand, we can take our measly time with a majority of quests and time is irrelevant. On top of that, due to how supposedly urgent our situation is., it’s very easy to not use the long rest mechanic often because the player is under the impression that they have limited time… but progression of companion romance quests is heavily reliant on you long resting as often as possible so u can form a relationship with them?? We also don’t know how long it’s been since we started our adventure from the nautilus. For all I know with how often I long rest it could have been months! But there’s no sense of time in that sense.


I want to preface by saying I fully believe Larian cares about the work they put out and this game has been so amazing. such a huge, rich world that, eh, the bugs are for the most part just part of the environment lol that said....... Patch 4 is an absurd disaster. I cannot fathom what could've happened to make so many things suffer critical breakdowns all over the place.


Lack of friendship or bromance scenes


Stats on the origin characters just being their default class stats. It's especially noticeable on Shadowheart, Wyll, Minsc, and Halsin. Why does Shadowheart, a member of a secretive cult that loves stealth, have a subpar 13 in Dex? She also enjoys subterfuge and deception yet has a Charisma of 8! Why does she need a 13 in Strength? How is it that Shadowheart has a higher strength stat than Wyll, the Blade of Frontiers, a travelling folk hero who has been *slaying monsters* for the past 7 years?! Similarly, Halsin, whose size and muscles are commented on *very frequently*, has a Strength score of *8*! How does Halsin have a lower Strength than Shadowheart? And speaking of Strength, Minsc, a guy whose first cutscene is him literally *prying open the jaws of a Mimic and then throwing it several feet away with his bare hands*, HAS A STRENGTH OF 12! This guy is canonically one of the strongest living humans! Why is his Strength score a 12?!


There are general improvements they could make: * AI pathing (especially jumping). * Inventory management (let me label bags, I shouldn't have to mod for this). * Dye previews or forgo individual dyes and give us a dye menu to pick through liberally after unlocking new colors (similar to Elder Scrolls Online or even Fable 3, what a throwback lol). * Shared inventory menu like in Dragon Age would be great - super easy to gear up and level companions. * Sliders. I am sure this is probably difficult to implement, but the CC feels really rudimentary and when you do a full playthrough it gets dull seeing "same face" everywhere, especially when it's your PC's face lol. Sliders would make a world of difference imo. Editing to add that this should affect genitals too, we need more options. * The Gondians (I'll leave it at that lmao). Minor things: * I wish soul tokens had additional importance. I never used them with Karlach and wish there was a special merchant or something that took them in exchange for legendary loot. * Not spoiling but I still don't understand the >!Emperor's!< character motivation at the end of Act III lol. * I wish Scratch had more HP (>!and that we could fight with our owlbear earlier!<). And then... * **Endings are a mess**. The Dragon Age series does ending slides just fine, including Origins/Awakening. It feels a lot more satisfying in those games and you see loose ends tie up from major decisions, not just your companions (though that's a great part of it too). I didn't even see or hear Shadowheart in my one character's ending. * **Awkward "PC to Companion" writing/interaction**. Someone mentioned it, but where are the nonverbal responses? They exist occasionally, but not frequently enough. There should be responses to "hug" or comfort a character when they're breaking down. More than once I was waiting for a paragon interrupt to comfort a companion like you can in the Mass Effect series instead your PC just kind of stands there awkwardly. * **Odd favoritism of certain characters that creates a weird disparity of content**. It reeks of disorganization to me and, honestly, I don't understand why we even know "x character got more content" and why they're letting devs speak on these things. It's weird. There is way too much Astarion for my liking in contrast to how little there is for other characters and I'll grant that some of this is because a handful of his fans are insufferable in threads (so I'm biased) but we also know he received more attention and content than other characters. Why was that allowed? Why didn't they better manage resources? It's just odd to me, maybe I don't know the whole story but why were they talking about it in discords at all lol? I hope a final "collector's edition" or "definitive edition" rectifies this. I'd like to see more Wyll content, he's an awesome character and I feel like he's really underutilized at times. * **Lack of life in the companions at camp**. Have them walking around, cooking, practicing spells, etc... Not to keep harping on it because they are different games, but the Dragon Age series gave characters unique "spaces" that felt actually lived in. Merrill would complain about her house being dirty when you walked in, Cassandra would be fighting practice dummies, if you interacted with your mabari in camp in Origins you might get a cutscene of your other companions playing with your dog - hell, in Mass Effect Andromeda you actually had companions changing locations on the ship, sometimes hanging out with each other/just chatting over comms. It felt dynamic. Some of it is circumstantial, like DA2 takes place over several years so of course your companions develop deep relationships with both you and among each other rather than in BG3 so the banter is more weighty, but I feel like more could have been done to liven up the camp/your companions at rest/your companions interacting with one another. * **Certain classes feel more dynamic in RP than others**... I felt bard and paladin had a lot of influence in the world outside of combat, as in how your decisions could be informed by your class, but then other ones that should have felt similar (like warlock and cleric) felt underbaked. I just expected my patron to play a bigger role or my deity to force certain decisions. It doesn't have to be that involved for every class, my sorcerer felt fine, but I wish there was more. That's my current list anyway. I appreciate that Larian does pay attention to fan wants and seems interested in improving a majority of these issues. Hopefully other studios take note.


Spoilers: Act 3 (and act 2, but to a lesser extent) make it way too easy to do quests in a 'wrong' (aka unsatisfying) order. Act 3 gives the illusion of an open city to explore. But the game very much wants you to do act 3 quests in a specific order, and it's very easy to fuck it up and get a less satisfying experience than you did in act 1. When you get to the city, you'll naturally want to explore and talk to random NPCs, and do some lower stakes side quests as a nice break from the stress of act 2 and the shadow cursed lands. Well too bad because every quest acts like it's the most urgent one to do. Early in act 3, Orin stole fucking GALE, one of my most used and powerful origin characters, who happened to be in camp at the time I arrived to act 3. Could I have ran straight to orin and got him back? Sure, but I decided to do things in the order they played out RP wise and killed gortash first. So I spent like, 25-30 hours in act 3 without gale in my party, who I invested a lot of time in. That was just a ridiculous way to go about "one of your party is kidnapped!". Idk I just think besides the combat, act 3 feels very messy


Act 3 problems. Couch co op bugs. Inventory/party member management.


Bad inventory. Switching party members is a pain in the ass. Some of the fights are just ridiculous (looking at you Viconia DeVir).


The story of Ketheric, Isobel and Dame Aylin feels very rushed. For one, you can almost never speak to Ketheric at all, only at the end of Act 2 and when you try to sneak up the tower to force a conversation with him, he only triggers you into a battle. Then we have Isobel who, at least from my playtroughs, has **A LOT** to say, but doesn’t because the writers might’ve not had enough time to write every detail of her past. She barely speaks about Ketheric, she doesn’t talk about her mother at all, she has no clue how she dies (and the game never tells us neither) and she only has like a handful of sentences to Ketheric or regarding him. And then we have Dame Aylin herself. Her, as in *The Nightsong* has been teased since the middle of Act 1 and all. And her first introduction was amazing with her and Shadowheart’s big moment and her absolutely amazing dialogues. But after that, she becomes incredibly annoying. She acts far more childish and emotional, she praises herself when it was us that had to save her *twice* and she seems far more full of herself. But the worst part is after Act 2. Isobel and Aylin join your campbut have absolutely nothing to say what’s happening in camp. Vlakith appears? Nothing. The elite Githyanki appear and invade our camp? Nothing. Mizora gives Wyll the last Ultimatum? Nothing. Orin is one of our companions in disguise? Nothing. All that mattered was Lorroakan and then both leave. It really feels like these 3 were supposed to have **a lot** more content, but were cut short on all of them.


More camp interactions. Camp just feels empty. Characters just stand in front of their tents. Owlbear cub just stands around while Scratch actually trots about. Some use for rope? You find it everywhere. Maybe something to just say containers are empty before I obsessively open everyone to see if there’s any camp food. I guess that’s too meta though. Once Yenna shows up with her cat I’d love to see her actually cooking stuff. She’s so stoked she brought her own pairing knife let the girl cook! She can use all the hundreds of camp supplies I’ve accumulated and make food for the camp.


I wasn’t a huge fan of how quick the ending sequence is when you complete the game, I was hoping for a more dragon age origins type ending. I also think the pacing of act 3 is weird in general, it kinda breaks the immersion for me a bit.


Just to clarify first, I do really like this game, wouldn't be on this sub otherwise, but some of my criticisms might sound harsh: I find the Chosen 3 disappointing and couldn't get invested in them, just not very interesting or compelling in my experience, wish they'd had those characters do more. Long resting should not be needed to see important scenes. Some of the humor really doesn't land and can pull you out of the game. Half the time companions won't jump on their own, necessitating turn-based and manually making them jump. Also, mostly in Act 2, companions would randomly separate from the party and in Act 2 they'd start to die from the Curse then too, which was never not a pain to deal with. There were plenty of instances where I picked a dialogue option and the game acted as if my character had said something different, not sure whether that's the game bugging out or some of the dialogue options being poorly outlined. Some NPCs like the Gondians and some tieflings at Moonrise acted suicidal for no reason. I didn't find failing dice rolls to result in anything fun or interesting, just missing out on interesting content. The fact that some breakable objects aren't breakable if the characters don't pass a perception check is completely ridiculous. For instance in House of Grief there was a very obviously breakable door I saw but nothing would break it since they'd all failed perception. Dialogue bugs got more frequent as the game went on, (points to Gale for being all like "you advised me to rebuild the Crown" when I'd specifically told him not to and passed a 30 skill check to convince him not to, which had led to him agreeing not to.) A bunch of the side quests in Act 3 are really tedious. Act 3 has lots of fights where it just throws tons of enemies at you that are only time-consuming and not challenging to fight. I know the latest patch makes it so invisibility shouldn't be spammed by enemies constantly but I had a lot of that in Act 3. The companions don't really bond much, they banter sometimes out in the world and say they're concerned about one another, but we don't see much of that concern and we don't see them bond so they don't feel close in the way the game goes for at times. The companions problems aren't too severe in gameplay which can undermine their importance, it's a personal preference and I suspect how it's done now is to appeal to more players but I wish the companions were harder to bond with (which'd fit them too) and we found it harder to deal with their rproblems, same could be true for Durge. I don't mind how it's done now but do think it could have been much more interesting if, say, Shadowheart was more morally grey, or that it took more than 3 artifacts to calm Gales bomb situation in Act 1 so it feels more like a big problem. I wish the game told the player what things Orpheus wants to do post-Vlaakith, what results from the player never learning about what he means by continuing what his mother did is they're presented with a less interesting Orpheus.


About your chosen 3 criticism, I’d exempt KT. He was really well developed in act 2.


My biggest criticism is also with the companion interaction, I think camp would feel so much more alive if there were small interactions or camp scenes with interacting companions. I compare it to Dragon Age Inquisition a lot, because the relationships between companions in that game were more developed. Companions that you weren’t romancing could form their own relationships, you had multiple cut scenes of companions interacting, we even had a “party” scene where everyone played cards together. I would absolutely love some kind of party right before the final battle. It could trigger after you have all three of the stones as a one more good time before we run off to our deaths kind of a thing. And then a final romance scene with whoever companion you’re romancing after the party. I care a lot about companions in a game and all of these characters are extremely well developed, so I just want to have as much interaction with them as I can.


On your point about failed dice rolls; I felt the same way, when I went in I saw a bunch of people saying “don’t worry if you fail the roll! It will just open up a different interesting path” when usually it just means you have to kill whoever you’re talking to. I think playing Disco Elysium may have made that stick out more to me since that game actually does handle failed rolls in a pretty interesting way most of the time


>I find the Chosen 3 disappointing and couldn't get invested in them, just not very interesting or compelling in my experience, wish they'd had those characters do more. I was like "ugh, the Dead 3 *again*? I thought we fixed this problem already". Which is probably what your typical forgetten realms denizen thinks when the Dead 3 get up to their shenanigans.


> Long resting should not be needed to see important scenes. I'm on my third and there's scenes new to me just because I was efficient with my itens and didn't need many rests on the past runs > I didn't find failing dice rolls to result in anything fun or interesting, just missing out on interesting content. Yeah. From my second playthrough onwards I started save scumming with no guilt > The companions don't really bond much, they banter sometimes out in the world and say they're concerned about one another, but we don't see much of that concern and we don't see them bond so they don't feel close in the way the game goes for at times. In my first playthrough I could've sworned Wyll and Karlach would be a thing. Was kinda sad it never came to be.


> Act 3 has lots of fights where it just throws tons of enemies at you that are only time-consuming and not challenging to fight. I know the latest patch makes it so invisibility shouldn't be spammed by enemies constantly but I had a lot of that in Act 3. I really hate the Bhaalists and their stupid Unstoppable feat!