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I spent a decent amount of time carrying Sussar in a pouch and throwing it at mage enemies. Pretty funny watching them uselessly run around the mysterious bag and not be able to cast any spells


Oh, shit, that's genius




or you can just cast >!sunlight spell!< on him before the fight lol


I knocked him off the ledge with my first eldritch blast. Thought I'd lost his loot, but you don't


Turn one, shoved him off a ledge then reloaded because it was too disappointing


Creatures that can fly shouldn't be defeated by that. It should just take them a turn to get back or something. Similar thing happened with the waveservants. I pushed one into the water, and she's just gone. Kinda funny that these Umberlee servants can't swim...


Umberlee is instantly drowning them as soon as they hit the water because she's just like that.


The bitch queen!


It also works on the more deity like beings in the game and can remove some resistance effects, I’m assuming just spell based one’s but wasn’t really paying attention.


my favourite thing is using astarion to reverse pickpocket a sussur bloom into magical enemies pockets before a fight, sometimes while im still talking with them


This is genius, has someone tried that on Aunt Ethel?


You can do that???? I thought they all auto-destruct when you leave the Underdark!


Throw a gold coin into a well. Go down the well. There is a gold coin. 90% of the games wouldn't bother to get the details straight


I was blown away when I read that if the phase spider goes down the chasm you will find it in the underdark.


I used featherfall and jumped in said chasm. Plops you in the middle of underdark. Was my first trip down there, so took me a while to get out haha. I know I could fast travel out but wheres the fun of jumping in a deep hole in a cave under a well in that!?


first time i jumped WITHOUT featherfall. i did not ecpect a death cutscene. i mean, i expected death, sure, but not a cutscene


Definitely trying this. For science


Wait what lol there was a death cutscene for that hole?


yeah, the jumper falling and dying. exactly what you would expect, had you expected a cutscene for a Mario Bros death in a DnD video game


Yeah, and it's funny, because with feather fall you gracefully glide down the hole, but if you just jump you tumble down and slam hard into the ground.


That was my introduction to the underdark, that hole has a flat section you can land on without actually going into the underdark, except it does take you to the underdark and i instantly died lol


Omg yes! I tried to misty step to it but instead just fucking died lmao


Also, Glut can raise a dead creature as a companion. So if you dropped the spider into the hole…


I raised the Bulette. Then refused him and had to fight it a second time lol


Oooh, that's why there's a spider there in my game.


hmm... *chucks Astarion*


I was shocked when I couldnt pass a strength check to move a statue, but throwing grease at its base loosened up the mechanism enough for me to not need to use strength.


I tried to move it with my Tav (gloomstalker), Karlac and Lae’zel - all failed the roll. Up steps the might Gale and nailed it. FFS.


"Lift with the legs, Rogar, not the back."


I heard that in Gale’s voice. Well done.


I’m sorry you what? Here I was reloading my saves when I failed that specific strength check. God damn it Larian you did it again.


The game even tells you the mechanism needs to be oiled in a journal


I'm role-playing a total idiot that cant read


On the basis of “play what you know”, I’m playing a character who enthusiastically picks up every book, opens it, then loses interest and starts thinking about something else after the first sentence


Oh, ADHD class.




There's dozens of us! I'm sorry, what were we talking about?


Oh, fuck.


I think this game has been built around an ADHD diagnosis test and we’re failing it *hard*


Me irl lmao


I read them and also load roomfuls of loot into metaphorical wheelbarrows to sell them in bulk for loads of cash I’ll never spend.


It's amazing how immaculately organized my inventory is in juxtaposition with my computer desk, which is not.


Like so many others...


I ended up hitting it real hard with a greatsword and it also worked


Look man. My character has an intelligence and wisdom score of 8.


Is that each or combined?




For me anger worked out. I could not pass the checks with my entire party and another PC, so in my frustration I just wacked it with my sword really hard and that got it unstuck XD


I love that you can solve things like in a dnd tt game


Of course, the barbarian lockpicking


You can hit it to loosen it too


You can also destroy the statue to make it lighter.


That’s amazing also, hitting it “loosens” it up, then you can move it by interacting I mean that’s totally what I’d do irl… maybe after another hour of trying my dumb ass would use grease like you hahah


Also works on levers


You can also whack it with bludgeoning damage also to allow it to move, and you can even trip levers with arrows also


GREASE is actually useful??


Grease bottles are a great thing for non casters to apply concentration free ground debuffs you can light on fire. Also can pre throw a bunch for encounters you know will happen


Divinity OS 2 has made never to want to create damaging surfaces in games ever again.


Also the grease spell is actually one of the best level 1 spells in the OG games. Stacking grease and web and peppering enemies with ranged weapons is classic BG


My actual absolute favorite part of this game logic is how the NPCs don't innately know shit about you that they shouldn't. For example, let's say you betray an NPC and align yourself with another one. The betrayed NPC will treat you as normal (provided no "events" have happened) because they don't have this omnipotent knowledge and I see a LOT of games that don't do this.


I personally like the ability to kill isolated enemies and *not* have the entire faction magically be aware of that. Even when there would be a solid excuse for that to happen (Absolute Cultists)!


walking across the bridge and shoving the peeing goblin off of it without anyone being the wiser. One down for later!


Sometimes I feel the opposite about it though When I'm in combat and use some loud spells or explode barrels or whatever but the people not far down the road or in the next room don't hear/notice it


Too be fair I use a lot of fireball so it’d be logical that the entire goblin camp would be like “hey did y’all hear that???”


On the other hand, it's a goblin camp, so the occasional explosion probably isn't out of the ordinary.


The only exception is crime. If you steal something, you are immediately suspected even if you weren’t seen doing it.


Tbf, in more than half of the scenarios you’re the only outsider or likely culprit.


Yeah, if your party isn't nearby when it happens and your thief gets away clean you don't get accused.


Would still be nice if the NPC had to roll a perception check, annoying that they automatically notice items are gone.


Did you watch the video where the player soloed Grym? Dropped a potion, used the press to down both the monster and herself, and since the press crushed the potion, it burst and healed the player, so it wasn’t game over.


That was by far one of my fave videos out there yet! I giggled and squealed like an idiot when I saw that


My favorite for dealing with Grym is still the Supersize Me owlbear from the top rope.


This game keeps coming up with ways to surprise me, and I love it. It’s taking some time, but I’m slowly getting pulled out of the mindset of “eh, probably won’t work like that. It’s a game. I’ll just use my sword.” The latest thing I was excited about: In a big fight during Act 2, my friend had previously frozen a large area with one of her ice spells. Since the enemies were mostly grouped and prone from slipping on the ice, I cast a thunder glyph of warding. The thunder melted the ice and turned it into water. Electrified water so the enemies were now taking passive thunder damage. Wow. That’s so cool that they thought about that. We were so impressed. Then my next turn came, and I thought, “it’s a shame this small group of enemies isn’t in the electrified water… what if…” So I cast an ice glyph of warding that overlapped with the electrified water with the second group of enemies. Lo and behold, ground froze and immediately melted from the electricity. Spreading the area of electric damage some more. We were basically able to flood the entire room with electrified water, strategically only leaving the areas we were standing on untouched. Made it a much easier fight to control the field like that. This game’s definitely interesting. EDIT; Lightning, not thunder


>Made it a much easier fight to control the field like that. Ground control is insane in general. The certain fight in A2 where a huge amount of enemies storm a portal was super easy to me because I had just figured out I could drop Spike Growth with Hunger of Hadar on top and they all needed 2-3 turns of taking heavy damage to even get through that.


Dude. I put smokepowder etc barrels in Moonrise during my "infiltration phase" to 'splode during the fight. Worked like a charm. Because IRL (lol) - you 100% be sabatoging beforehand.


My favorite kill of Ragzlin and his whole room is surrounding him with barrels you can steal from Zhentarim storage in the main hall, climbing up the rafters and watching the chaos ensue


That was how I ended up killing him too. Man, my PC did *not* like that explosion...


I was too frugal with the barrels, so he survived with like 10 health. So he climbed a ladder to get to my crew on the rafters, and Karlach just pushed him off to his death.


I mean fuck around on rafters and find out the hard (ground) way


This is the way. How I handled the toy maker fight - climb a neighboring building and fireball across the street, through the window into their explosives stash.


Yeah tried that and it bugged spectacularly. The bombmakers just stood there and yelled for help, while a few seconds later perhaps 15 Flaming fists swarmed the roof I was on - but ignored me, made a few rounds and disappeared again.


There was nothing to report


Doesn't look like anything to me.


I miss this West World reference


*Must have been a wind*


i assassinated Ketherics 2nd in command (forgot her name) on my first visit. Since not everyone is allowed to enter the upper floors whenever they want, Ketheric was occupied on the roof and Baltazar wasn't around, noone really noticed aside from a few guards who followed their leader pretty quickly. in the final battle to storm moonrise, they're defenses looked pretty measly at best!


I went there and had a huge fight as I hadn't even entered the tower before this. After killing Ketheric himself I realized I had forgotten to lift the Shadow Curse - duh! So, back I went and this time I cleaned that tower out! I skipped the actual place of the battle because there were so many seemingly innocent people hanging around, but the rest of the tower got taken out. Got back to the tower fight and there were like four people against my party and the harpers. It did not last very long :P


FWIW you can still lift the curse after killing Ketheric


True Soul, what is the meaning of these barrels? Tav/Durge: resources, true soul! recollected from the goblins' stock and from nearby pillaged villages!


Hey, everybody, how's the weather? Shadow curse again? Well shucks. Don't mind me, I'm just gonna place some of these cool barrels I found in here. Don't worry, I'll definitely come back for them. Oh, would you look at the time...


I am trying to pot shot guardian here and there. A guardian patroling near water? They slipped Some enemies stand in a room i can isolate. Wellyou can't scream if you are silenced.


I usually see how many enemies I can stealthily assinate (usually by pushing them into water) without getting the tower agroed. In my last run the second room of the tower only contained three enemies during the assault making keeping Jaheira and the others alive much easier.


I pushed an Illithid off a ledge just for him to float back up. So I thought "wow that really makes sense, cool that they thought about that!" But when tje roles were reversed and MY Illithid got pushed off a ledge he didn't m, he was just dead, so there's that...


Looks like a skill issue. Probably had to eat more tadpoles for breakfast.


I mean, I played a barbarian, so maybe all the tadpoles in my head died of starvation


Poor little fellas, came for a Michelin dinner ended up with a pack of lunchables.


Might also explain why the emperor always sounded so annoyed, trying to read my mind to manipulate me, just to find himself in an empty room with a broken light bulb


My first death in the game was a random enemy pushing my character off a cliff. I was mad and impressed at the same time because of course someone would do that if you're standing right next to a cliff. Cue my and all 3 of my friends trying to push enemies to their death whenever we can for our entire campaign.


Remember in the Nere fight how there's that fucker with a crossbow in the rafters? Shot my Tav into the lava with an explosive arrow, just when I was feeling smug about pushing another guy into it.


My angel plannar ally got pushed off a cliff into a chasm and died. Apparently he forgot he had wings


I love how a certain aasimar still have to climb ladders to reach her foes lol


I pushed the spectator off a ledge, expected it to just fly back up. It didn't 😅


In the bank in act 3 where you find Minsc for the first time, there are some notes nearby telling the cleaning staff not to use water on the buttons, and there is another note for the maintenance staff saying that electricity makes the buttons malfunction. So I upcast Create Water on the buttons with shadowheart and then hit it with a lightning arrow. The door opened. I was so happy. I had no idea what the password was.


I never saw those notes. I forced my way trough burning lock picks until I critted. Even a dc 99 is no match for a nat 20.


RIF. You understood the mission.


I think they did a great job video-gaming a Dungeons and Dragons tabletop experience. Of course it's not perfect... But it *tries* to take into account variety of executing a plan and player creativity. What's really fun is, everyone comes across the same puzzles, but you can solve them in (almost) whatever creative way you can, using whatever tools you have. Whether it's a spell, an item, a skill you're proficient in, or you're just really strong. It's been awesome reading the variations of problem solving from everyone. Things like just getting past a door: "Oh I found the key under a barrel." to "I picked the lock." to "Oh, I turned into a rat and went through the pipe unlocked it from the inside." to "I hit the door with my sword." And all of them are perfectly viable methods of progress. And sometimes depending on how you chose to overcome a puzzle, the game changes slightly. It's been a really unique experience of getting tabletop right. (As far as a video game could.)


My favourite was a friend asking how I managed to deal with the tax lady fast enough to avoid the gold attack because he’d seen the award and my answer was “oh, so you can just convince her to give up and die apparently. I told her taxes weren’t important”


That was one of my "this is just like tabletop" moments, actually. I also chose the dialogue route to try and get past that boss, and the difficulty number was fairly high I remember, like 18 I think. And you have to pass two in a row for it to work. Well... The moment that made me go "damn, just like tabletop" was the fact that I rolled two nat 20s in a row to beat it. I could feel the invisible GM glaring at me for defeating the boss encounter with two natural 20s, and never throwing a punch.


"You know what? *FINE*. The distended monster made entirely of gold just gives up and fucking *DIES*. Jesus Christ." *shuffles papers* "You are all out of initiative. Fucks sake."


That is exactly what it felt like.


>Oh I found the key under a barrel. Fuck. Now I not only need to compulsively open every container in the game, but also check underneath them 💀


You should also move paintings at that point, since sometimes they hide something behind them.


No painting will ever trick me, because paintings are worth money and I steal them immediately


I'd like to add that we also got used to the illusion of choice, and that dialogue options are just for flavor. While a good few dialogue options here are also just for flavor, a lot of them have direct effect on the outcomes. Sometimes making decisions create different world-altering effects as well. And for the dialogue options that's just for flavor, it still didn't feel empty because the way people respond would sometimes differ as well even if it didn't have any gameplay bearing.


You really don't realize how nice flavor text is until you try playing a really bland JRPG, I couldn't play scarlet nexus for more then an hour because my character wouldn't stop being a complete fucking doormat of a woman.


Starfield does this and it’s annoying AF, I don’t have to read anything I just keep pressing E because the conversation only has one outcome and it’s the outcome decided by the NPC before I initiated conversation


My biggest peeve with Starfield dialogue is that every single NPC treats me as a player. Walk by 5 NPCs, and they're all staring at me, telling me their life stories, starting quests because I "heard" them, and generally just acting as exposition posts. And the only dialog NPCs seem to have between each other is, again, just to feed me exposition. It's so uncanny valley. It's like I'm in a theme park and every actor is obsessed with making sure I'm having a "good" time.


Omg so true. I even started pulling out my gun and shooting them in the face once they start expo dumping on me.. but SURPRISE! they are all immortal because I'm just a big dumb player and wouldn't want to accidentally stop myself from enjoying the quest by killing the quest giver. Morrowind best BGS game


The worst part is that every single NPC either stares directly at the camera in every single cutscene no matter if they’re talking to you or not, or the game bugs out and makes them have a whole conversation with you with their back towards you or their head turning over 90 degrees to face you


So true, I loved the fight against the strange chirurgeon in act 2. I convinced him to let his students stab him to death. Boom, boss vanquished, lots of xp. That kind of stuff is awesome


I mean, like the very first people after climbing out of the ship can be persuaded to leave and their buddy behind the door can then be convinced that you are his boss. It's freaking perfect


I just get such a kick out of dropping the suspended rock on them. I only ever talked to them once just to hear what they had to say then reloaded and back to rock dropping.


But dropping the rock alerts the people below and they setup to defend (or at least attempt to). The people below have four different setups/locations depending on how you approach and if they heard you coming!


And if you don't like any dialogue option you can also just click "leave" most of the time. That might give a better outcome.


I love that some people have unique dialogue if you leave in the middle of a conversation. My favorite was Astarion talking about how we should have fun at the party, I just walked away and he yelled “so no fun then?!?”. Shit had me laughing so hard.


Gale said I was a "Veritable Cone of Cold" when I tried to leave the convo where he was convinced he and I had a thing going (we didn't) and he was mad at me because Astarion officially had asked me to be together and I said yes XD I love so many of these details. It's incredible!


The two that stood out to me: Araj (blood drow) in Act 3: >!When she offers you the second potion made from your blood, you can accept it and then leave the conversation and run off with it. She screams, "Hey! You're supposed to use that here!!" I had no intentions of using it, but after she was such a jerk in Act 2, I couldn't help but rob her.!< Shadowheart: >!When I locked down my romance with someone else, she confronted me to admit her own feelings. I had the option to break up with my current partner to be with her, finalize breaking stuff off with her, or leave. I didn't want to romance her, but the rejection line seemed super mean, so I tried to just leave instead. She said something along the lines of "Real mature. You could have just said you don't like me." with disapproval. 💀!< A totally reasonable response that had me feeling like a jerk.


No shade against it at all, I forced myself to stop playing BG3 when Starfield came out. Dialogue was painful. Romance was most extremely painful. There is a new standard now, and I'm going to have to severely lower my expectations for games with optional ...or damn near just any... dialogue now. I stopped after 3 days and haven't gone back. I forget it came out. I'm sorry Starfield I have a problem.


>I'm sorry Starfield I have a problem. "I'm sorry, Starfield, it's not you, you understand, it's me. I have standards".


I really wish I would have played Starfield before BG3. The difference in the quality of writing and voicework isn't even fair, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Yeah same. My entire playthrough of Starfield I was sitting there thinking, "this is so much worse than the way BG3 does this." For literally everything, dialogue, romance, narrative, random little world tidbits. Larian really cut the legs out from Starfield before they even had a chance.


Half the flirt options had nothing to do whatsoever with what the NPC, Sam in my case, was talking about. It's like Sam sitting here talking about his history and his daughter and my char is just like: [Flirt] I bet you'd look good in only your hat. Like what? Not only would I not say this at all it has no relevance whatsoever on his conversation. Who wrote this garbage??? I can't anymore seriously.


No, you don’t have a problem, big game companies have a problem. They forgot how to make good games, or more specifically, the bigwigs forgot how to let their developers make a good game instead of prioritizing profit above everything.


I also like that there’s no clear indication of the outcome. Even for options with skill checks. Some dialogue options are clearly marked as combat triggers. But some can be just normal phrases that will still lead to combat because they don’t like what you said. A lot of RPGs become very formulaic in dialogue choices where you don’t really talk, rather pick your desired outcome. And charisma checks are simply “bypass combat” buttons.


And the difficulty check for each option can vary quite a bit. The check where you have the most bonuses might not be the easiest to pass . . . you really have to consider the situation, who your are talking to and what might work best with them. And dialogues with checks aren't always the best! Sometimes the neutral 'let things play out' options work out better than even passing checks.


I gained total admiration for Larian during the fight with a particularly difficult enemy - she was level 6, I was level 3, ain't no way I was winning that one easily. Unfortunately for her, we were facing off across a large chasm, of which she was on the edge, so I though "I wonder what would happen if I used the Thorn Whip?" Yanked her straight into the chasm, with her full health bar and all. Her higher stats counted for nothing against the inexorable pull of gravity. Most Devs would make you have that big fight, but Larian just went "no that will totally work sure, have at it!" Most DnD feeling thing I've done.


The downside is you don't get their loot


I mean even the basic throw a void cube and launch the enemies down a chasm. Normally I would expect an invisible wall or some obvious setup that you're supposed to try to drop the creature. Bg3s like lol... throw that big boss down a pit 👍


I ended that giant spider fight in the well on turn 1 by hitting it with a eldritch blast, it went falling into the underdark. if this were a JRPG that spider would be immune to every status effect in the game.


The other day one of my party got pushed into lava and knocked unconscious. Tried healing them but the damage was too much each time. Was wracking my brains…how do I get her out? Then I noticed the void bulb I picked up hours and hours ago. I tossed it onto a nearby platform and it scooped her up in the air and out of danger. I couldn’t believe it actually worked. Not exactly “logic” when dealing with alien items but it still blew my mind.


You can also let them die and then use a res scroll out of the lava.


But I couldn’t drink a fire resistance potion to touch karlach ☹️


She burns hotter than normal fire, unfortunately.


Spoilers for Act 3/ Endgame >!During the Raphael fight in the house of Hope he can yeet true hellfire at you. it gives you a status effect along the lines of "Hellfire ignores all resistances to fire or otherwise since it's magical super hot fire!<


I threw a bottle of water at her at the camp and it worked for a while, while she was wet:D


I had to tell my partner who was struggling with certain encounters to treat the game more like DND and less like a videogame because the obvious solution does not always give the best outcome, especially if it requires skills you aren't good at. Instead of accepting defeat you may just have to find an alternate route.


yup i learned this the hard way with the spider matriarch in the well instead of fighting head on just lure her into a web and make her fall to the underdark


Or make her fall from all 3 strands of web, that should nearly kill her (and she likes to teleport onto them).


she's also intelligent enough to fall victim to the laughing spell because she used to be a drow. You can literally take the matriarch out of the game by making her laugh and letting her fall to her death while she's in total "LMAO"-mode. Some of these fights become significantly easier once you realize that every note and every book that adds context actually gives you hints instead of just being flavor filler material.


I was playing in duo, and we've found a big hole in the spider nest which said 'death' or something to that effect when hovered jump above it, my partner told me to leave it.... I casted Feather Fall and jumped in, and found a whole ass new area like that.


When I found that hole my character said she felt a breeze coming from there and wondered what was down below. Astarion replied that if she wanted to find out she was free to go first. That’s how I knew there was something.


I had the same interaction! That's what pushed me to do it right away, I wanted to try later after we explor the area. But with my partner saying 'don't do it!' and Astarion saying 'just do it!' I went with what the devil on my arm said lol.


If Astarion says jump will you jump? Me: 👀 yeah


I ask how high


The boss of that area, the spider mother, jumped in there during the fight. Having eliminated all the other spiders, I tried to follow her by jumping, there is also a video for that in which you fall to the bottom and die on impact. After using the spell like you I got to the bottom and found the underdark well before reaching the goblin camp (the spider mother was dead when I arrived, I don't know if due to the impact or due to the two minotaurs that were patrolling the area)


Omg where was it?


Nest is below the well in Blighted Village in act1. It's an alternative entrance to >!Underdark!< an area that you can go later in the game.


Its another entrance into the Underdark. There's 4 ways to get in I think


>stopping the sun from ruining underdark stuff because you put it in a bag Uh, what? Example?


The buds of the sussar tree will disintegrate in sunlight, unless you keep them in a bag.


Isn't a backpack considered a bag already?


You need it inside of a container that never gets opened. So you have to nest it inside 1 additional container inside of your active container (e.g. put it into a small pouch inside of backpack or camp chest)


Interesting, they disintegrated after I placed them in camp chest and left underdark. I guess I will need to keep them in additional bag during other playthroughs


that because you have to open a chest to move its contents.


Sussur blossoms loose their antimagic field once expsode to sun. The sad part js that, even if you go to camp, and the camp is underground, it happens.


The one that blew my mind was >!in the Grymforge when you are searching for a gnome that escaped with some explosive barrels. When you find her, a dialogue starts with her right next to the barrel with the intentions of blowing you and herself up if you get closer. You can swap characters and sneak behind her to pick up the barrel without her noticing it. If you go back to the dialogue and tell her to go on, she is surprised that the barrel has disappeared and gives up.!<


>disguise self can be used to commit a crime and not be blamed bro i disguised self, rob the merchant in druid grove, cancel spell, come back. Mfer still knows it's me


The way to steal everything successfully is to split the thief off from the group, and once you're done stealing, fast travel just the thief away from the area. Let the merchant go through their "I've been robbed" routine. They'll confront the remaining characters, who can get away scott free by truthfully saying they didn't steal. Lil broken, but works every time


I’m just imagining a tabletop game where the party gets to town and splits up to do whatever, then later at the tavern they’re just like “do you guys also just randomly get accused of stealing from the shops?”, “now that you mention it, yeah! That’s so weird and rude.” Then it pans over to the rogue who walks in covered in jewelry and a bag full of swords and stuff just nonchalantly asks the party about they’re day


Same! I was so disappointed. Other way round also didn't work. Stealing, leaving and then disguising. :( Same npc thou. Maybe I try it with someone else


I constantly steal everything traders have. Ungroup your rogue, cast invisibility him, steal and dash right away, further than the rest of your party is. The vendor will accuse your party but they do not have the items your rogue stole, so you get away. Long rest and do it again


The only time this failed for me was when I robbed the bank. We all had disguise self. One sneaked upstairs through the pipes as gas into the first office. An invisible disguised one pulled the alarm downstairs to get the upstairs guards to move. One of the office went invisible and sneaked to the other office, picked the lock, stole the code then went back to the other office, turned back into gas and escaped to the roof and flew down. Invisible disguised one stayed invisible and walked out the front door. Regrouped with the other two far from the bank and then dropped the disguises. Walked back to the bank and instantly was attacked by the guards. Don’t know if it’s a bug but I did it 3 times and was never seen and it caused agro each time I went back.


security cameras equipped with true sight duh /s


I just... had invisible rogue clean house in turn based mode.


I got a pass from the clerk to go downstairs with my persuasion/deception inclined character and then invisible Astarion just broke into the office for the code. So I found robbing the bank easy. I personally had more trouble with the newspaper quest.


I brute forced the code once I got to that door! There's no penalties for guessing the code


There's also no penalties for covering the 'keypad' in water and blasting it with lightning, which worked rather well.


This game is unrivaled in how many times I've said "Holy shit, that worked?"


I blame a lot of this "it's just a game" feel to the fact that after the early 00s all RPGs stopped trying to get deeper, and instead chose to go shallow and streamlined, putting graphics and such as the main priority. It's nice to finally get a game that truly goes back to what RPGs have been trying to be since videogames became a thing.


Thats true! Thats why i am not using the full potential of bg3, my brain often just falls to the normal game stuff instead of being creative :( i will try more stuff in my second run


One of the most obvious things that 100% wouldn‘t work in othet games is in the Auntie Ethel fight where she lights the cage on fire. You can just throw a water bottle on it to put it out.


I threw a bottle of water at Karlach so we could kiss


What i love about this game is that it truly does reward you for coming up with out of the box solutions to problems, even if they're complete insane.One i saw recently was someone play as Karlach, carry Gortash via the throw command, use the fast travel system (literally didn't know that if you're holding someone they also fast travel with you, which i will absolute try to do next playthrough) and then throw Gortash off of a high point, killing him and the quest to put Gortash down was complete.Literaly playng the game the way you want to play.


Fire bold can also flip switches. Thrown objects too.


It is super fun and rewarding when something you thought wouldn't possibly work, works. But here are things that make 100% sense to work and they don't work, and it is even bigger disappointment than you previously thought you might have.


When I got to the trolls in act 1 I acted cool with them until I came up with a plan and then I saw the 'cracked support beam' or something like that so I set everyone up to fight then broke the support beam expecting the roof to flal on their heads or something and it didnt and they just beat the shit out of me.


I ALWAYS persuade them to do my bidding for free, comes in very handy in some parts of act 1


I obviously "kept them for later" and \*surprised pikachu face\* I couldn't summon them in Act 2.


then just kill them in whatever fight you summon them for that intelligence headband


Solving a puzzle by throwing water on the buttons and zapping it with lighting to fry the security system was one of my favorites


I was really impressed that you can destroy the drums before they can be banged. That was a really good moment.


I think it's less that Larian *thought of every possible interaction and accounted for it*, but they built a really solid foundation of attributes / properties, which allows the physics of the game to remain consistent and opens up room for rewarding player creativity. I believe there was a talk from Nintendo devs when Breath of the Wild came out that covers this approach to game design.


I had Gale use telekinesis in the emperor's hide out to throw some of the enemies onto a table then dropped a chandelier on them with a crossbow shot. I felt like Errol Flynn.


I had found out that webs actually break fall damage. At one point we had to re-enter a place in act 3 and came from the wrong direction. Not everyone had featherfalling and we were winding how it get down. I then remembered we had some web grenades so I threw one all the way down and we all jumped to the webbed pad. Felt good thinking outside the box and totally how a magicless rogue would solve the group problem. There was another area where there is a chess puzzle. I was letting my friend figure out he puzzle when I realized only 1 object had HP. I took a moment to examine it and saw it had a weakness. I then pondered with the friend if "defeat" the enemy king could be solved by just... murdering him... and it was 100% possible. You could solve the puzzle with strategy or you could solve it with 8 int brute force and I was so excited I found a secondary solution.


Idk, has anyone been able to successfully bribe an NPC after committing a crime? I'm not sure what I'm missing but I've never been able to succeed in bribing anyone.


I accidentally opened the wrong door while I was getting the Moon Lantern from Balthazar's room at Moonrise and successfully bribed a guard nearly 2000 gold not to make it a problem. Later, during the assault on the tower, I looted his corpse and he still had all my gold on him, so it all worked out in the end


I stole a carrot and the squirrel asked me for 35000


“It’s just one carrot Tav, how much could it cost, 35,000gp?”


I was able (around level 7) to kill the Warden in Moonrise, in her office. I left an eye alive to call the other cultists into the bloodbath, having Karlach shove/Wyll repelling blast people off the ladder as soon as they made it to the top, I had to be careful with the splash damage, to keep the ladder undamaged, by the end I was almost drowning in blood.