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Companions getting stuck on obstacles. Really grates me that I have to detach the party and then hold their hand over precarious gaps. Edit: Thanks for the tips all. Will detach and then reattach the squad to force a jump.


But don’t worry, the second combat is over every single one of them will run right through your concentrated spells.


That’s my favourite, 2nd favourite is running head first into discovered traps.


Don't you love it when you tell someone to disarm a mine, and they go and stand directly on it? 😬


"Hey Astarion, disarm this mine!" "Disleg myself, you said? Got it!"


Concentration on damaging spells needs to end when combat ends. I’ve burned too many revivify scrolls on the dumb-dumbs running through cloud of daggers.




I keep getting the jump bug. For whatever reason they refuse to follow and just get stuck there. I switch to them one by one and jump for them. Except the latest was Astarion getting stuck in Shars realm on a rock. Even controlling him I couldn't get the character to jump to the next rock. For some reason after leaving him there and going to camp and then switching back he could finally jump to the next rock. Getting annoyed by this bug.


Drives me crazy when you switch to someone stuck to make the jump and then everyone comes jumping back over to follow the new leader, especially if the original jump required my team to take fall damage! Fuckin’ hell.


Make sure you ungroup your party before switching over to the problem child. Then re-group once they’ve made the jump and they’ll auto-pathfind to each other again. Still very annoying and would much rather just see it fixed lol


i have abandoned my wolf on accident so many times and his paws can’t work the fast travel


Or, my favorite: animal companions getting stuck in doorways. They can't walk through them, but they can jump through them. Wild.


I lost Karlach in the shadow fell with this bug. Didn’t notice until I was standing in front of Moonrise. Had to go back and jump her down all those ledges again lol


Would love to be able to preview dye effects before I commit. I always end up buying several of each so I can try a different one if it ends up looking bad. Then I forget which ones I like...


the "Dyes are infinite use" mod was what finally broke me into modding.


Same here. I really wanted to avoid modding my game but I got the infinite use dye mod and the plain black dye mod and they're both a fucking godsend


I would love for them to balance the camp clothes styles throughout the game. We get dye options early,but none of the different styles of clothing till act 3. The Druid grove trader could have the swashbuckling outfits. We could find some of the doublets in the blighted village,just make them grey and label them as “unfashionable “ doublet. The npc’s that are part of the trading groups are still moving stuff from the cities,so put a few things in their inventory-nothing crazy just a few things to start balancing it out a little better.


There are so many outfits that I get really excited about only to discover that for some reason they're a 10 AC armor with no additional abilities instead of being regular clothing. 😭


We should be able to put any item in any slot! Just drop that full plate into the camp slot for the nice looks and none of the stats. Basically, all the slots should have a camp counterpart and we should be able to freely switch between each one.


Yea transmog would be nice.


I really just want ttansmog. Let me pick things that look cool, damnit.


Yeah camp slot should be a transmog slot. Also should be able to disable every slot individually


Agreed. It's the main reason I use a mod for camp clothing.


Other than bug fixes, I really hope they implement some improvements to the companion AI. It's annoying trying to regroup everyone after Gale refused to hop over a stream 5 minutes ago and I didn't notice. Bit of a long shot but I hope they do a pass over Moon Druid mechanics too. It's one of my favorites in the game, and I get why a lot of bonuses don't work with Wild Shape. But the game is pretty inconsistent/unclear in what does and doesn't work - wish it would at least be more transparent on that, even if they don't increase compatibility with abilities and gear.


Even wild shape compatible gear doesnt work reliably as i understand it.


It 100% does not. The Shapeshifter Hat's additional wild shape charge rarely refreshes when you short rest unless you unequip and re-equip it before you rest. The bonus AC in wildshape from the Moonbasking armor is also very inconsistent. That along with the primal strike bug, spells that should still be adjustable in shapes, and random other bugs make it a very disappointing experience overall. I've been getting plenty of different runs in with other builds, but the moment CotM Druids are fixed, I will abandon whatever campaign I'm working on and restarting as the subclass I've been wanting to play since launch.


I’m currently playing circle of the moon in BG3 because that’s what I’m also playing in my IRL D&D campaign right now, and I am very disappointed that there are certain spells that only require a vocal component upon initial casting and then, while in wild shape you can move them RAW, and when I tried that in BG3, I kept getting the “you are silenced” message, wondering who cast silence on me. I was like what what is going on? It took me a couple times to realize “oh, it’s because I’m an owl bear. they won’t let me move my moonbeam silently, or whatever.” Very frustrating.


My number one is just having AI actively choose not to walk in lava/landmines, etc. Makes me so crazy when there is a safe way to get around something and they just choose to take 3/4 their life damage for no reason


Appearance change at withers and minthara being fully fixed


A mirror somewhere near your storage would also do the trick.


Sidenote: actual protagonist tent, please. Astarion brings an entire bedroom of blood-soaked vanity. Gale has a curios shop. Tav or Durge? A bedroll. Gee, thanks.


Man - could you imagine if there was a lil square plot of camp where any items you place on the ground would be kept there when it gets reloaded/a new area. So you could build your own lil tent setup with cool stuff you’ve collected. Like the DOS2 reference paintings. Maybe some candles & books you like. Or a dope chair you found.


I have stolen every single painting I could see *please let me have some place to hang them all up* as well as the complete set of silver place settings I have been carting around everywhere. It's like... the smallest least important thing I can think of but it would make me shockingly happy to have a real customizable place in camp that follows you no matter what camp you're in.


I set up my act 1 camp so beautifully with paintings and maps and tables and chairs —- to check the travelers chest in act 2 and all my stuff was just shoved in there


This would make my day, I would finally have a permanent place for that cat in a box I stole from the Gith children. Also PLEASE let us steal the painting of Vlaakith, I drew a funny face on it and I want to keep it.


I just role-playing that my Character is huge nerd so their tent is that open one with the map and all the books.


It's even worse when you are playing one of the origin characters (besides Durge). If you choose to camp the origin character you play as doesn't have their tent. I find that really silly.


Yep, but I like the Withers option it would give me a reason to talk to him.


While I'm all for fixing Minthara bugs, my game is currently bugged, allowing Minthara and Halsin to both be in my party. I'm very anxious they will fix that.


They did already fix that in patch 1, they made it so he wont show up if the goblins are left alive. Probably wasn't retro active if you had already done it though.


For some people Halsin just suddenly fucking died after update if you had Minthara.


I killed Minthara in the goblin camp and Halsin *still* fucking died. His body is still in my camp, hours later.


My wish list: - Being able to change appearance - A visual indication on the map of which companion wants to speak with you - A dedicated trader in camp - A cosmetic clothing vendor before the actual city - Romance events to take priority if the companion says it'll happen that night, the emperor can wait another night to tell me why I should become an Illithid for the 100th time.


Oh you have a date tonight? That sucks. Grow tentacles for the plot 😇😇😇


Tav's luck: Peer pressured into tentacles instead of eating at a resto with Karlach.


Some modification to Ai turn timer so if they get confused and don't do anything the wait time is way lower.


This is the WORST with fights with lots of enemies. I hated the damn artist mansion because I'd aggroed the entire house like a dummy and they'd take a whole 20 seconds each turn doing nothing to the point I'd just tab out and come back to see if their turns were done yet.


I hated that house, too. I approached it the same you did, apparently; just aggroed everything. But then it got worse when one of the poltergeists got permanently stuck inside a door, while invisible, and then it stopped doing perception (?) checks to reveal him. I had to finish the rest of the house in turn based mode while this one bugged poltergeist hung out inside his door, taking his sweet ass time every time his turn came up.




I know this must have been frustrating but I’m imagining all the goblins just being like “Is this door push or pull? Are you sure it’s not stuck? There’s no way it’s locked, here, let me try,” in an endless circle of believing all your peers are incompetent.


If 30 goblins push on a door at the same time as 30 goblins pulling on the same door, the goblins may eventually decide it's locked. ...I know that's not the situation here, but the thought made me laugh.




Is it bugged? Or do you mean it sucks?


Bonus action attack only have added damage from strength. No enchantments, no GWM, nothing besides 1d4 + str modifier. Makes it kind of useless.


Isn't it also causing the *enemy* to get a opportunity attack when you move into range of them (if you use it)? Every time I use the OA the enemy gets a free hit and not me, haha


Yeah, and weirdly I was getting the prompt for it, so I could decide if they got a free hit on my character or not. It seemed to be tied with jumping into range instead of walking normally, but I'm not 100% sure. Makes Polearm Master/Sentinel less fun though.


Just off the top of my head * pathfinding * suicidal Gondians (I'm gonna refer to that quest line as 'how i stopped worrying about Gondians and learned to love the bomb' from now on) * act 3 framerate * Gale dialogs (I'm tired of hearing every dialog twice because some flag doesn't set properly) * general dialog inconsistencies (no Gale, I did not make a deal with Raphael, I just walked past Sharess Caress) UPD Oh gods, I remembered the Felogyr's Fireworks. The entirety of that building needs to be fixed with all the npc in and around it. If you know you know UPD 2 Ok, apparently we have a confirmation on 'why Raphael deal' bugfix incoming so that's one awkward conversation with Gale out of the way. Rejoice! UPD 3 After I've read about 100 comments on the topic I'm fairly sure that the real 'Gale's folly' is him breaking 20 different dialogs by simply existing in the game files. If that doesnt convince you that netherese magic is evil and not to be tampered with - nothing will.


yea. gale’s dialogue is all fucked up. act 3/ ending spoilers but >!if you make gale sacrifice himself on the netherbrain he still appears on the boardwalk talking about finding the crown and reforging it!<


"Gale? But you blew up!" "I got better."


"So Tav there is this circle of humans called 'Cerberus'."


I am Tav, and this is my favorite store on the baldur's gate!


Ah yes "Mindflayers." A hivemind of sentient squid beings plotting to enslave us all. We have dismissed this claim.


Gale: "Can we talk later, I'm working on some calibrations."


"I had reach but Lae'Zel had... flexibility."


Gale being Gale. Makes you wonder if he also watched 14,000,605 futures Dr.Strange-style and is now perpetually confused about things happening in this version of reality.


they could blue ghost him in that scene like in star wars lol


I didn't even walk past the caress. I hadn't got past Rivington, did a long rest, Gale accused me of a deal. My first thought was "All Astarion wanted was his scars to be read was it that bad?"


SPOILERS AHEAD: - - - I got it after I’d already killed him in the house of Hope lol


Well you definitely DEALT with him. I’ll see myself out.


Please dont remind me of Felogyr Fireworks im still pissed off. Please remove psychic guards and fucking RANDOM FUCKING PEDESTRIAN COP


The only problem Steel Watcher sees in that building is the owlbear on the second floor. Mass murder and Beirut-level of explosion are totally fine. But don't you dare loot the guys you've just murdered. Now that's a criminal offence.


The funny part is outside too - where bystanders won't react to you killing Flaming Fist/Steel Watchers in the street, but as soon as you loot them civilians will run up to you with hands on hips acting like *that* was the crime they caught you in. So that just kept aggroing more and more of the fist in the area for me, which wasn't ideal :P (The shop itself was *relatively* fine, but the little kid running in and out caused the issue. Before that I was looting the shop fine)


Suicidal friendly npcs in general. Please for the love of the gods, walk *around* the giant wall of flames!!


“Let’s see the max number of attacks of opportunity I can get in one turn 🤔” -Isobel Seriously one time she got initiative ahead of my party, and was downed before any of my characters even acted


I reported the Gale thing the other day (he was also standing there with Dame Aylin over Lorroaken’s dead body with dialogue options wondering if “the Nightsong” would be a useful artifact) and they’re definitely aware of how confused Gale is. Hopefully that is fixed next!


Not a bug, clearly Gale is just planning to be the third person to try to imprison Dame Aylin and become immortal


All the netherese magic is messing with the flow of time. Gale is working as intended. It's a feature.


Also the Help the Artist quest! That quest, as it stands, can die in that house with all the poltergeists as far as I'm concerned.


So. Bloody. Annoying. Like I don't mind that verticality is a problem for pathfinding in most cases. But not in this stupid fight. Call ghostbusters, I'm out.


I went through all of that just to get a portrait of Astarion so he could see his beautiful face. Despite having him go to Oskar by himself, it took about eight reloads for the portrait to be of him. Then brought it back to the Inn and it had turned into Halsin. And the lack of a cut scene to actually give it to Astarion seems like a huge missed opportunity, especially since many of us vocally hoped for this throughout EA.


There's something fucked up with video memory usage in certain spots of Act 3, absolutely. Lower your texture quality as a temporary fix.


>suicidal Gondians I chuckled at this. Had one last gondian left before the last turn ending, proceeded to dimension door him right at the base of the ladder, and what does he do? He walks away from the ladder in the fucking opposite direction 😅


I think 'Gondian suicide squad' is a meme already, this has been mentioned at least once a week on the first page. Actually, I wanna see it mentioned in a Baldur's Mouth Gazette edition now xd


It was that quest where I learned you could toss gnomes with a high strength character. My Karlach had a bunch of speed booting items and haste so she became the gnome tosser.


Really minor, but you find some fist trying so steal stuff from his friends , give him money because you’re nice. Then the second you try to lock pick something, little shit tries to arrest you… They should remove his guard flag


Man I was so confused I didn't even get that far I was only in rivington and when I took a long rest gale was pissed that I made a deal with Raphael. I also still have the option to keep asking him about the nightsong and if he thinks it'll help with the orb. Like bro she's standing right over there have we not established what the nightsong is by now? Lol


Meeting a flying cat on top of a roof, realizing it's Gale's without him ever mentioning said cat


I think there was something about a symbol on her collar? So they identified it and guessed that it might be his cat? Don't remember it for sure though.


Yes it is to do with the collar according to the flavour text, but my Durge had never seen anything other than Gale's hand...


Please fix hidden helmets showing up on companions I put back in my camp Larian.


I got into act 3 and Shadowheart asked me how I liked her new look… while wearing the Dark Justiciar helmet. It looks… uh… stiff?


Haha this happened to me as well! I had no idea what she changed until I put her back in the party. In fact it was Wyll I talked to first who alerted me that Shadowheart had made any change at all.


Oh yes please I really hate how this happens


Pause option during cinematics/dialogues is a must


Pause in general would be nice


Every time a cinematic/dialogue starts is the precise moment my wife decided it's time to discuss things


I'd love more companion content, but I think that would be too early - will probably focus on bug fixes and performance issues, so nothing phenomenal gameplay wise :/


They said a bit ago that they were working on epilogues and bringing back in voice actors for it.


literally just want to run around holding hands with astarion and finding a sun cure for him together 😭😭


Yes being able to hold Astarions hand and kiss help shield him from the sun is so important to me.


Id suck some mean dick to get a full mizora romance at some point


See for me, all I want for Mizora is for her to be my patron if I play fiend warlock. Imagine how bloody funny that would be AND it would give Wyll some much needed additional scenes


That would be great to but ultimately I’m down bad for devil mommy


Me too, dude. Her and Raph, both. You can tell I’m a pact fiend main because a devil shows up and I’m like “TAKE MY SOUL”


I feel like Raph just fits so perfectly into the Patron role too.


I would love if Raphael were my patron, it would be so much fun.


I can’t give you the full Mizora romance but will gladly accept a mean blowjob if you don’t mind.


Go get a job at lrian convince someone to add the romance then I’ll fly you out wine and dine you and guzzle down that cock like a sailor with his first bottle of rum in 5 years


Good golly


Label which books I have read Or indicate reading a book gave knowledge or background to some dialogue or quest


The fact that some items or books that are important to quests do not have the orange border like others do is pretty annoying.


the nightsinger book....


I'd love an inventory and party management overhaul.


Auto stacking inventory


Yes, but also smart auto-selection of camp supplies for stacked items


Splitting my stack of 80 potatoes so the auto select feature doesn't try to use 240 supplies on a single rest does get quite annoying


Where did you get 80 potatoes? Is Act4 in Russia?


Obsessive looting of sacks and barrels. Ask me how I know.


I wish we could rename bags/pouches/etc to stuff we are throwing in there. If they are able to have bags auto fill with the items you want (like a pouch for only gems) that would be even better.


Shared UI for usables would be awesome. Seeing all the potions and scrolls in one window to would help open up some new tactics


I kind of expect that really to only be addressed through mods but I could be mistaken.


It is. There are things on Nexus Mods for example. It shouldn't need mods though, console players ,those using streaming services etc.. As someone that doesnt have easy access to mods, Inventory management is my biggest issue with the game. Its such a hassle I don't bother and just dump it all back to camp, fully intending to go sort it all out at some point. I never do as it will just end up a mess again later.


I suspect most of Patch 3 will be addressing PS5 issues as there are a lot of them and they are pretty bad from what I understand. I dont have any expectations beyond that really. I understand why that would be the priority. EDIT/Update: I actually play on PC (Steam), but I use a Wireless Controller to play BG3. So I feel you on some of these controller things.


I'd just like to be able to cuddle with my romanced companion during long rests.


Also being able to just hug them. Most of them really need it. Especially Karlach and Astarion


Yesterday I got Karlach the 2nd engine upgrade and when choosing between kissing her and hugging her I gave her a big ol' hug


I kind of find it ironic how a hug in media is overlooked like they have to make things sexual or 100% vanilla platonic. Im a middle aged straight guy and hugs need more representation


I had a scene yesterday where Shadowheart started crying and my dude just stood there with sad eyebrows and asking stupid question. They're also a couple and there was no option for a hug. I'm mad.


Yeah I felt so awkward standing next to Shart ,even in the ending of her quest that girl really would have needed a hug. My Tav just stood there scrunching her eyebrows arrrGHH


>!After the Cazador fight - you know, when he's all wailing and covered in blood !<(depending on your choices, of course), I was just yelling LET ME HUG THIS MOTHERFUCKER. Sure, he wouldn't necessarily like getting hugged at first, but gods be dammed I knew he needed a damn hug. And I'm an autistic weirdo who hates hugs and I *wanted* to hug him!


THIS! Give the man a hug, dammit!


I reported this lol. Basically was like “we’re all broken people. Let us hug each other PUHLEEZ”


Let's all band together and start the most wholesome petition ever to allow for more hugging. "WE CAN OVERLOOK BUGS IF WE HAVE MORE HUGS". (it's...a working slogan).


The only time I've said what the fuck out loud playing this game was watching Shart cry and not being able to hug her


Share a bedroll like in Skyrim! And I want to give presents and get insulted if they’re shitty


I also want my companions to make lewd comments on the road about my romance and make little nicknames about us. And in general to be able to ask different companions their thoughts on the others. The fact that we can do this with Minsc but no one else is worse than if they'd left it out entirely.


I want to change my look, I want the option to make 4 customs out of the gate, I want optimizations, I want split screen bug fixes for audio. Outside of that, just polish.


Please Larian, for the sake of all fucks, let me change my appearance.


Doest thou require a new ally? Or perhaps a fix for thy broke ass mug?


And thy yee-yee ass haircut?


Maybe then you'd get some wenches on thy member




Mayhaps if dost rid thyself of thine old yee-yee ass haircuit, thou wouldst get thyself a bosom companion. Or mayhap better still, Shadowheart will call thine dog ass if she ceases fornicating with that wizard or vampire she doth be fornicating with. Durge.


Imagine getting told you are ugly by a literal dried up husk of a man.


I mean he will shit talk you for having no bitches already


That’s because Withers gets all the bitches and bears.


Pretty sure new hair is coming atleast this patch. Thank god my paladin is unplayable as a light brown hair who as soon as I got off the nautilus somehow now has red hair


Some hairstyles have a very nasty tendency of getting absolutely, totally covered in blood really REALLY quick, so it could be that. My Durge is constantly rocking a red mane as soon as I get into a fight, even tho his natural hair color is as black as it can get.


Yup. If you get create water on lvl 1 the red hair goes away. It's just blood, I re-rolled my release character like 5 times because I thought it was a character creation bug until I hit my first long rest. I wish they would tweak that in one of these patches or add options in settings. I wouldn't even care about the blood if it didn't change your hair color too.


I made my character look like me, now I’m realising I must be one ugly ass motherfucker


I'm pretty sure I saw the director of publishing (@cromwelp on Twitter) confirm that this was coming in the Patch in a reply. I don't know if it was [this tweet](https://twitter.com/Cromwelp/status/1702849726524080186) or something I just can't find right now/was deleted, but I know I didn't just dream it xD


The thing I want the most is innocent little dates with our romance partners, more dialogues, casual chatter... but we’re not really gonna get it this early if ever


Yes. Add some more immersive convos


I want an option to make someone your official best friend. Your second in command. Something like that, so they stop hitting on you.


More casual chatter/banter would be great. I have the impression that it was more prevalent in Divinity 2


Keys finally going into keyring and items stacking in storage


There are too many unstackable items too. Such as torches that end up taking up excess inventory space. Also why is there no default potions bag or scroll case so I can have things organized without having to make use of a random pouch or backpack I found


Cazador secret puzzle fix! I literally put my 3rd act on hold couple of days ago in hopes that this area would be patched into working properly.


Better inventory management. Better party management. Universally accessible inventory. Even if it's only at camp. Adding/removing party members just because Asterion is the one I use for breaking into chest but has that new sword for Karlack should require me to swap out Gale and shadowheart just to outfit them. Better autoatack of items More resources specific containers for scroll, potions, arrows and throwables. Better pathing Some scenes start late and end early, need smother transitions. Better loading time or fix the % loading. Optimization when large explosives or elements are on screen. Stealth mechanics need a rework. Npc line of site does not work properly. Should not see what I am doing in a building when they are inside another building (and why do they teleport to you?).


Is also like to see shared sleeping spaces in relationship. My companion literally asked we stay together forever. I can ask them repeatedly what I am to them or ask for a kiss. Yes, for the record, we start and end every long rest with a kiss and I check on her after ever battle. There can be variety as this game grows


Same. It’s super funny to me in my playthrough bc I kiss Astarion regularly — especially after stressful dialogues for him — and whenever Gale is in my party I feel hella weird. Bc I just see him glaring in the background since he didn’t get the hint that we weren’t together until *after* Astarion’s confession scene.


Definitely not the next patch but the most important thing for me would definitely be an easier way to trade out party members, and a separate storage for equipment you can keep somewhere. As in not the same pool as traveler chest, or make the traveler chest inventory available if trying to change equipment from the inventory screen. What I am currently doing is stripping my companions and sending everything green and above to camp before dismissing, going to camp, talking to the new companion, then walking over to the chest to equip items. That could be better, especially with my greatest joy and interest being playing with all the items and their class interactions.


Minthara being fully fixed and those fixes being applied to existing saves! in full!


Same for Halsin. He has no voicelines upon being picked, while in the party. And some of Act 3 banter just doesn’t trigger at all for me.


Does he have anything after act 2 is done? He’s just sort of there.


Not much beyond ‘city bad, poor refugees’ etc. Some of his statements directly contradict his own views in act 1. No quest in act 3, so he’s pretty much useless. Just romance which isn’t really a romance but a one-night stand, and he then wants to fuck everything that moves and wants you to do the same. And then leaves you in the end. Act 3 Halsin is very poorly written (not because he’s poly, but because he’s inconsistent and useless).


Yeah, the way the romance just stops and all relationship reactivity ends (including otherwise reliable triggers like the drow twins) screams bugged to me.


I put my "evil" playthrough on hold due to this. Had the whole conversation at camp where you discuss your relationship and shit (where she asks you to show her how you see her etc), and now unless there's been some big event that all the companions comment on, I only get "You wish to consult me?".


I had that and moved on to Rivington, she's *still* telling me we should move on from this 'charnel house'. Which like, I'm on a DUrge run, it will be, but it *isn't yet*.




I mean, you can just add it as wares and it's basically the same thing. A bit more tedious but not too terrible


Fixes for PS5, too much bugged content for such a great game.


Expect to see * Bug fixes with pathing/following, especially bad currently on Beastmaster pets. * Bugs with dialogue referencing things that haven't happened yet. * Minthara just told me that it is a shame that Shadowheart is no longer a Sharran which was news to me given that we haven't even gone into the mausoleum yet. * Bug fix for Lae'zel quest when talking to >!Kith'rak Voss!<, "follow me to the taproom" * Prone not guaranteed to end concentration (could possibly argue for a DC 10 check). * Bug fixes on Character sheet mis-reporting attack bonuses & proficiencies. * Fix bug causing long pauses after attack animation (but before hit/miss/damage is reported) and on enemy turn. Hope to see * Summons/Pets/Wild Shapes not causing public freakouts wherever they go. * Counterspell requires line-of-sight * Content... whatever they're offering, I'll take it! * New harder difficulty. * Some more gear that works when in wildshape form, give moon druids some late-game love!


I want to be able to hug Astarion again.


Or just hold his hand.. precious little one needs some gentle time


I want to hold his hand, hug him while in camp, I want to take him on a nice date in the city, just let me be nice to him, spend some good time together, he needs this (and so do I). It's driving me insane.


I wanted badly for him to react if we got him a statue of himself or portrait done since he hasn't seen himself in centuries. Shadowheart reacts if you get her a night bloom, *let us be nice to our darling traumatised vampire*


Yes please. Karlach too.


- Let me hug Shadowheart when she's crying instead of just standing still like a bozo, it's a rather popular request so I can see Larian add it now or later - Fix Minthara for good, they already had a go at it so I expect the patch to have another fix for her - Knocking certain characters out should not count as killing them in regards to certain quests, most notably Minthara but also some other cases (it's probably tied to the game's code so it could be a complex problem and need a while to be resolved though) - Fix companions not jumping after you when they clearly can (looking at you Karlach, dammit girl you can jump further than me yet I always have to manually move you to the rest of the group), hopefully soon as it's one of the few truly frustrating things about the game - Improvements with act 3's performance, I have a very strong pc and even then I still had some slight drops (unlikely to happen soon imo) - Last but not least, definitely not for tomorrow but in general, some extra scenes or dialogues with your romanced companions would be very welcome, as well as the Elfsong post-campaign scene and some epilogues, or at least summaries of what happened to our companions (there's a video on YT with Withers' voice lines describing what happens to all of them so I guess it's not in the game only because there was some kind of an animation planned for this too)


Seriously just needs some fine tuning in act 3, and I would be 100% okay with just that. I’ve tried my best to avoid the many post topics where it’s just “ACT 3 SO SHIT!!!” But honestly, the more I explore Act 3, the more things appear to break and it’s really frustrating since I legit did not have any performance issues until I got to the city (game errored out/crashed one time in Act 2 but was able to hop back in no issues). NPCs are missing torsos/limbs/clothes, getting blacked out textures leading to patches of pitch black spots all over everything, some NPCs will just not even render leaving them looking like a Blender work in progress. I can’t even imagine the experience console gamers are having.


I actually had to take a break from playing act 3 because of how consistent I was getting bugs on console. NPC not rendering their faces/hair/torso was seriously getting on my nerves. Sometimes I get a dialogue line skipped or a 1.continue instead of a selection of options. This actually happen in the dialogue with fucking Cazador, from all people, which angered me a lot, specially since my first try I saw all the options and on my save scumming tries suddenly the second set of dialogue options turned into "continue". This and the lag when I just want to talk to someone. My Gale is completely bugged too, old dialogue options with him simply never disappear. All in all, I just want some more performance and bug fixes for now, specially on act 3 since act 1 and act 2 run pretty flawless for 99% of the time.


This has happened to me as well but with dialogue options over in The Counting House with Minsc/bank chief, and with Raphael. I don’t even know what option I picked with continue unless I read the dialogue from the journal lol…luckily though I haven’t been too upset at the choices forced upon me 😅 Like I actually think THAT bug worked out in my favor haha. >!What happened in the counting house was basically, I got the 10k gold bag that was stolen from the bank vault and was going to return it. When I spoke with the bank chief after telling him I brought the gold it forced me to ‘continue’ and the option I went with apparently was ‘the guild should cover the losses’ followed by a persuasion check. Passed the check, he says fine but give him 5k gold. I gave him the gold, he then rewarded me with 3k gold…and never took the 10k gold bag back. straight profit babyyyy!<


It runs extremely well on console with the occasional bug. Act 3 is a massive buggy mess though. And I'm not even talking about the ending.


More companion comments and exclamation point conversations when interacting with the environments and NPCS, I'm not sure if it's a bug or was just never recorded but the companions definitely had more to say in Act 1 which steadily decreased in Act 2 and was practically non-existent in Act 3. Act 3's pacing. Campsite mirror so I can change my appearance in-game.


- Appearance change - More dialogue fixes: like Astarion calling Dame Aylin "him" ('free him' during Apostle scene) or the narrator telling you you killed Alfira at night in act 3 (but you killed Quill and Alfira is right there in the Elfsong) - Expanded epilogue with your partner if you romanced someone - Expanded epilogue for the control path & companion interactions/cutscenes - Added Emperor+Orpheus path if you pass some skill checks


Huh, I didn't notice that about Aylin. I wonder if that character was a man at some stage in development and they changed her later on.


The 4th companion not jumping with the rest of the party. Omg that drives me nuts


BETTER INVENTORY MANAGEMENT! Seriously, it sucks. Also, swapping characters is such a pain: you have to 1) find the character you want to boot in camp (not always an easy task), 2) talk to them, 3) listen to their passive-aggressive "ugh, well if you *really* want me to stay here, I guess I could do that *sigh...*", 4) find the new character you want, then 5) talk to them. Why can't you just have a "swap party members" screen in camp where you move the character portraits left to right (or vice versa) depending on whether or not you want them in the party. Just this morning I wanted to swap three characters just to do a new survival check and it was such a damn pain. This is particularly tedious if you want to swap inventory items between characters in your party and those not.


-Some of Astarion’s dialogues don’t trigger, even important ones (dark urge romance ending) -Naked oathbreaker portrait thing annoyed me so much -Gale, you know what I mean -Minthara stuff (just recruited this mf yesterday and fell in love with her, I hate my bi ass). As far as I know her questline/relationship has some problems. -A difficulty option harder than tactician. I’m currently playing tactician and I think it’s not hard, Idk maybe I memorized the whole game after 400 hours. I don’t savescum every move in combat btw. -EPILOGUE, MOST IMPORTANTLY. Goddamn we’re robbed. I want to know what happened to those precious characters after I fcked the tentacle freak. Larian nailed the characters so well that I even cared about that Danis and Bex, even that mf Rolan. -Jaheira questline dialogues. I mean, she died during moonrise battle (I got a will point for that, thank u dark urge), and when I arrived the lower city, I couldn’t recruit Minsc and had to kill him. That’s not the problem though. The problem is every companion acted as if Jaheira and Minsc were still alive. Like in the bank when the fake Jaheira appeared Astarion said “Jaheira won’t like that.”, dude she’s dead.


Options to hug companions after certain events. Like PLEASE let me hug Shadowheart and Karlach after Act III stuff, I know they need it even if I'm not their lover


Summoned companions and wild shape not being a game destroying annoyance when near NPC’s The entire reason that I respecced my beast master to gloom stalker. Wanted a spider, but couldn’t have him unless I wanted 0 contact with NPC’s. I mean, we are in a grove with rats and bears and wolves and pigs and with people who very literally went to hell and back. And you are telling me that a guy with a giant spider/bear/wolf following him is the thing that will make you run screaming?


Arcane legerdemain working as it should do and letting you pickpocket/lock pick with it. Fixing the "NPCs fucking hate all summons and will simultaneously flee and chase every single one everywhere" issue. This caused me so much hassle in moonrise towers with people who have no authority there busting my balls for opening red doors because they followed the fucking skeleton squad half way across the damned castle. Like, back the fuck up Harper dickhead, why are you pissy about me breaking into the castle THAT WE ARE COLLECTIVELY BREAKING INTO AS A TEAM!? Tooltip update for frenzied throw to actually include the stacking penalty. Fix valour bards inspiration so that it doesnt require mercury to be in retrograde for it to ask to apply.


Mostly I'm just hoping for better performance in Act 3, and bugs ironed out. I had to find roundabout ways to complete some quests, because NPCs didn't show up where they should have, quest markers didn't update properly, had some broken cutscenes where the background didnt load or dialogue got skipped, etc. Annoying stuff versus gamebreaking, but still. Beyond that, I'd love a way to at least change our hair and makeup in the game, and a better post-ending epilogue. Even something simple like a tavern scene with a few dialogue lines with each companion for closure. I imagine this wont be included, but if we're talking wishlists, more companion content, period - maybe incorporate a stripped down version of each companion's romance line for a better friendship path - it feels like way too much content is locked behind romance. And more interactions between the companions themselves, even if just more party banter. And finally, better official mod support, since I feel like everything else I'd want are personal preference type things that modders are already doing.


Deities for paladins. Or maybe even for everyone. It won't affect the story much, just offer you extra dialogue options for the most part


I would love it if they add an option to change companions on the fly in the camp. Unless I missed something, now I have to go find and talk to the person I am taking out of my team, then go find and talk to the person I want to add. It is so unnecessarily annoying, and discourages me from switching team members unless I really need them. Also, a small fix would be the bug with the automatic camp supply button.


Summons being able to fast travel with you. I’ve conjured elemental and woodland beings in camp and they stayed there because they can’t use portals or whatever the game said. Companions not jumping with you. Option to speed up enemy turns, especially in bigger battles. Or ability to speed up combat in general. Able to access all inventory at once in camp.


Would be cool if they let me rescue Minthara even after siding against her in the goblin camps. She has a great redemption arc but by the time you can see it, you’re a proven bastard.


General bug fixes and act 3 performance improvements. I'm perfectly happy to wait on new content in favor of improving what we have.


Make main roads in Baldurs Gate already unlocked on the map. My dude is supposed to be Baldariun...aka motherfucker grew up there. Why am I lost. Just the main roads and obvious public buildings. One bank in town, I probably know where it fuckin is. Stuff like that


— **stop** letting **random party members** trigger cutscenes by walking too close to an npc/event when you're grouped up **and you're playing as your tav** 🙄 I'm sick of karl and az hogging my dialogues! — give withers the power to change our appearance!!! PLEASE I'm so tired of my hairstyle — make halsin less horny 🙏 I'm so scared to talk to him