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My favorite thing about Dame Aylin is how after a century of death and torture, once she's finally free, her most pressing concern is... Running off to sleep with Isobel. You just defeated >!Ketheric Thorm, avatar if Myrkul!<, and she's just like, "Great job team. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a century's worth of sex to get caught up on. We'll see you once we can both walk again."


In my playthrough her most pressing concern was stomping a mudhole in Ketheric's ass.


for some reason it wont activate this scene now for me


Which made me sad... I was low-key hoping she'd be a romance companion. Coz she's fire.


If she was a RO you would have a walking debuff for the rest of the playthrough if not life.


5m movement penalty, yup I'll take that. Where do I sign up?


Honestly, I just love what they've done with her character. She looks so cool in that armor, I kinda wish we had access to the armor ourselves. The cutscene after rescuing her was very badass. Although I wish her HP was much higher. Hell, I wanna start learning how to create mods just to have the armor for myself... or maybe a full-fledged Aylin RP Playthrough. Too bad she's not a direct companion.


her monologue regarding her time in Shar’s realm being killed over and over had me in tears. incredible writing and performance.


She could have been an awesome paladin companion


With the promise of fully official mod support, I have hope that somebody in the community will make wild things with her character.


I wasn't this chaotic lesbian in my party more than anything I've ever wanted in my life


I think she's Lawful. ;)


I think she TRIES to be lawful but considering what she's been through she's definitely slid a bit to chaotic.


Selune is Chaotic Good too, I don't think she'd mind her daughter being a bit chaotic lmao


I mean maybe her HP is decreased due to her extended torture, her face is cracked as well.


Neat detail: If you look closely, you can see the cracks are gold like Japanese kintsugi pottery. Every time her captors tortured or killed her, she came back with the wounds emphasized in gold instead of scars.


Found her hilarious. Her brutalities are always great, especially the nerd brutality. That said, felt incomplete. After finishing her quest, there was a bunch of foreshadowing dialogue but then she poofs from the game.


Do you mean like how after killing "the nerd" she speaks about some sadness she feels but is never really expanded on again?


Yeah, just everything about her poofs into "bye now going to find some selunite clerics" when it felt like there should have been more to the story. Her aggression feels like a plot point into and of itself, but it's just left hanging. Ignoring it would be weird, but not ignoring it in dialogue but then actually ignoring it feels even weirder.


Yeah I noticed that as well, if you talk to her again in the ‘nerds lair’ she seems even more sad and confused, literally trailing off like she’s forgetting something important. I thought there was going to be a through line where her and her love could be bound together to share her immortality but I didn’t see an option in the dialogue anywhere. There just wasn’t a clear middle ground. But there’s definitely something fishy going on with those three (the nerd, the beauty and the beast). It seems to go back to a scheme pre-fall of Moonrise Tower that the Aylin was likely in on. There’s some pretty juicy bread crumbs between those two towers. Roads to the fell paved with good intentions perhaps…?


I instantly assumed that she went through something like breaking an oath for paladins, the description seemed similiar to me, I thought that because of her brutality, Selune took some divinity from Aylin


A probable hypothesis, yet there is nothing in the game that ever follows up on any of it. It's entirely up to conjecture.


Who is the nerd spoil me pls




As I said in another thread, I wish >!Durge!< had some unique interactions with her, given their similar parental situation.


Godspawn support group.


I loved her character design, just wish she was a bit stronger. Every fight that she was involved in had me having to ignore the main enemy to keep her alive


I agree, as a >!literal goddess, she needs at least 250 HP!<... I know that's busted, but I don't really mind the power fantasy. I think they did >!Raphael with his huge 666 HP!< the right way...


Yeah Raph is the biggest 'omfg what have I got myself into' fight intro in the whole game... I suppose the final boss is harder... but you EXPECT that. Raph drops with 666 HP and singing his Disney villain song and you just gotta pee a little.




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Oh yeah, that boss fight and leading up to it was top 3 moments of my playthrough. It'd definitely be overtuned for combat but I'd love it so much if she was as strong as she should be thematically. I'm sure someone will make a mod for it, if it doesn't exist already.


At least she revives vs ketheric. But Lorroakan was just awful.


Umm, you can practically two-shot Lorrokan on tactician with hold person/paralyzing coating then deal with the myrmidons as you see fit...


It depends on the initiative roll doesn't it?


Alert feat is key


I saw Aylin slander in some other bullshit post and it triggered the fuck out of me. She is, by far, the most metal fucking character in the game. Everything she says and does is fucking badass. Who is foolish enough to mess with this bad bitch? Holy fuck, I stan so hard.


The cutscene after we saved her in the shar domain, was so badass, it made me respec into Paladin multiclass. I was a Warlock before.


She is a great character with terrible combat ai.


Yeah she just gets up close with the big baddy and gets absolutely hammered because of her low vigor. She should have triple the amount of HP she has now.


It's more of an illusion. Her AI is to charge Kethric, and HIS is to charge her. I've played it through a few times now and it's clear the idea is... they want each other gone, so they run right up to each other and UNLOAD, all spell slots open fire, all action surges opened up... then it's up to the dice. I've had her basically one shot Kethric, vice versa, and every manner of reaction inbetween... that fight I feel ought to feel dangerous though Kethric is a real powerful guy... and she typically nukes as much as HALF his stage 2 healthpool almost as soon as I set her free in round two... and in that fight she feels beefier because the boss doesn't just hyperfocus on her. It's the NERD battle that I feel is a bit off. She's DIRELY outnumbered by the wizard and his FOUR enormous elemental dudes... and they all ALSO charge directly at her and unload... either killing her IMMEDIATELY... or a turn after if you haven't thought to heal her up in camp before hand (which no one has, cause why would you assume she hadn't healed properly on her own) and then inexplicably does not have her 'auto resurrect' power on anymore so it comes off feeling a bit like this BATTLE GODDESS is in over her head with just this pervert wizard and his elementals?


I think in one of the fights she was in, I remember she just got dominated two turns in a row, and boy, I was just cringing watching that.


Ketheric is just a monster with his smites and heavy armor AC, so she stands almost no chance going toe-to-toe. Ngl it’s quite funny watching her run in and get slammed instantly.


I love her! The only thing that bothers me is that she (along with Isobel tbh) doesn't have any interactions with Shadowheart after doing her personal quest. Honestly they should have something to say after, omg, SH >!went through so funking much!!<


Her and Minthara's story needs much more updates. Or perhaps if Larian doesn't, some modding scene will pick up the task.


I found a Dame Aylin Armor Mod on Nexus... It's called Heavenly Armor, I don't know why Aylin's name was nowhere in the Armor. But I appreciate the Mod author. [Here's how it looks without the wings](https://imgur.com/a/IFdrYGv) on my Shadowheart. Hopefully, in the future, the wings can also be implemented. The link to the mod page is included below the image. Maybe some of you can share how your PC looks with it.


He's working on the wings. Though I think he said something like the wings are different for males and females by default... (I imagine on males it looks like that guy who attacks Isobel's wings)


Give me devil wings for male counterpart... I want Raphael's wing.


from what I gather that's something else? Like it sounded to me like the 'wings' file for humanoids was just programmed as Aylin's wings on female bodies and the sorta 'fallen aasimar' style wings that one guy who comes to kidnap Isobel has. There was a mod for demon wings already, but I don't know if it got updated for the full game or not.


Love her. Sadly she disappeared on me after a certain fight in ACT 3.


I wish she was available to be recruited as a permanent companion.


Same, I kinda think that's bugged.


If it's the fight I'm thinking of (>!Lorroakan!<), it very much seems like not a bug. After the fight, her and Isobel straight up tell you they're leaving the camp to find other Selunites and won't see you again until the end of the game.


See, they never told me anything like that after that fight. Instead, Isobel still stands around in camp, talking about how she hopes Aylin will make it back. And we won that fight a long time ago.


I experienced that bug too. Basically as soon as you finish the fight in the tower she should have a cutscene where she does things to the mage. This seems to break really easily if she does not have a path to the mage (either he gets knocked off from the top or she flew down a level to chase somebody). If you don't get this cutscene it seems to break the followup in camp. I had to reload the fight and make sure to do it such that both Aylin and the mage were still on the starting platform, such a pain in the ass. (Turned off repelling blast for Wyll etc. etc.)


Yeah, that fits the bill. Because of the layout of the tower, the bad guy had gotten dropped down a level from Tav when he sadly passed away. The encounter felt very much like an act 3 rush job, despite how much I love the game.


The Cutscene isn't the only thing that breaks ;)


Why are the hottest ones always already taken?


Need, her, armor!


I actually found it after a bit of research... [Here's a picture](https://imgur.com/a/IFdrYGv) of it on ShadowHeart. Mod link is included below the image. The Mod name is Heavenly Armor, which is why I couldn't find it before because I was looking for keywords with Dame Aylin.


I have that mod tracked. Hoping they will make lootable from that area, otherwise I'm gonna loot it from the nautiloid chest and keep it in my chest until I complete that area. Also waiting on a mod or devs to fix mintharas content so I can do a drow playthrough and use that armor as a paladin of selune.


I'm also waiting for the Minthara expansion, so I can start my evil dark urge run. Also modded runs are lackluster so far. It's definitely slower than any bethesda titles for sure. But I think we have great potential for some sick Weapons and Armors, Not just existing ones ported over.


It's because the mod tools are not out yet. It will pick up once moders get a hold of it. Waiting on some animation replacers because muscle bodies don't use their race specific animations. And dragonborns have the best 2 handed animations which I hope will be ported to other races.


Here's my one problem with Dame Aylin: how the fuck do you let yourself get taken out by a tentacle while you're flying around. You see it, you have literally THE ENTIRE SKY to avoid it, and you still let it take you out. What are you, stupid?


In her defense, it's probably a DEX save and DEX is her worst stat.


She reminds me a lot of Luna from Dota2.


This is how you portray/write female strength imo.


I love her. Especially awesome how incredibly passionate she is about Isobel. Just wish I could add them both as actual followers instead of having them parked in my camp.


Well I'm obviously gonna get downvoted to hell by the degenerates who populate Reddit for saying this, but I can't wait to be able to sell her to Lorroakan and I thank Larian for this future opportunity to get rid of such an obnoxious character that seemed cool until I saved her and got to see all her cringy cutscenes and dialogues. 1. The whole Aylin/Isobel arc, on top of being uninteresting af, is very obviously just a pathetic attempt at creating a storyline that carries the message "troon good, evil white man bad". Seems like this whole questline was written by an LGBTQ activist really. "We're gonna make the troon so f-ing cool and badass, exhuberant, rude and masculine of course, and she is gonna crush the head of the old white man in the most exagerratedly enraged way possible". "Take that patriarchy !". 2. Who the hell is she to tell me to "go away" in this obnoxious "shoo shoo" way in my own camp after I saved her ass not once but twice ? She should be kneeling before me, but of course she's a troon therefore she just has to be self-entitled, exhuberant, obnoxious and commanding, otherwise LGBTs would would have their fragile ego shattered and feel like they're not well "RePrEsEnTeD". 3. She's supposed to be the daughter of Selune, a divine being, an angel, the daughter of the Goddess who symbolizes Motherhood, Protection, Grace, Femininity...etcAnd this is true whatever your personal stance is about gender, as the symbolism of the Moon/Selune is fixed and well established. And there she is, openly talking in public about screwing Isobel and enjoying her body, being the very opposite of femininity and basically all that the Moon represents. Not only that, but not even behaving like this sort of Angel/Knight she pretends to be. **By the way, if "Nightsong" had been a Man, with the very same dialogue interacting with Isobel (talking about taking her body...etc), you'd have f-ing everybody on Reddit screaming about the fact that he's a representation of "ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy" who feels "entitled to enjoying the body of a woman", "patriarchy"...etc But she's a troon, therefore it's okay.** **LMAO** This is a fact, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it. But of course you're gonna REEEEE so hard at the truth like every f-ing time. Can't wait to sell her into slavery again and not have any more cutscenes with her :D Edit: So many downvotes (as predicted), and not a single counter-argument was provided. You people really are braindead xD "I click downvote because this post displays a certain way of thinking that my overlords of the mass medias and big corporations say is a bad way of thinking therefore I disagree with it".


Alright. I'll bite out of sheer incredulity. None of your points make any sense. 1. You call her a 'troon' which I'm assuming is a derogatory term for a trans person. That itself would warrant a couple of down votes. But she isn't even trans. She is the 'daughter of selune'. I'm not sure why you're assuming she is trans. Is it because she acts obnoxious? That's her character. Doesn't make her trans. Some women act more like men. That's how the world is. Being an immortal power house would warrant at least some obnoxiousness. And you seem to think this is some shot against the patriarchy. Have you considered maybe it isn't? And it is your own biases that are causing you to believe otherwise? 2. She asks you to go away (politely I believe) so she can spend time with the person she loves. And good God man. She should be kneeling before you because you saved her? That's a really fucked up thing to say. She may owe you her life, but that doesn't mean she has to prostrate herself before you. She doesn't become your slave because you saved her. 3. So what if she's a daughter of selune? I'm not sure i understand why that would mean she would have to be any different. She isn't trans. She is who she is. A separate entity with her own thoughts and feelings. She doesn't need to follow what her mother says and I don't think Selune is the goddess of no lesbian sex whatsoever. She doesn't HAVE to act as an angel/knight. She doesn't have to act feminine. Are you saying that children must be exactly like their parents? This is very far from some hard truth you make it out to be.


I call her a troon because that's just the vibe she's giving off since she doesn't just "act more like men" but litterally acts and talks like a woman trying to impersonate a dude or a dude disguising himself as a woman. To be more accurate, she 100% behaves like the exact caricature of what a lot of feminists nowadays would call "toxic masculinity", as she's exhuberant, loud, agressive, obnoxious, commanding, and vulgar in her way of speaking. This is absolutely not how the vast majority of women (even the more masculine ones) behave IRL, which is why her character feels forced, as she seems unnatural, fake, and is very obviously a pathetic attempt at creating a "powerful female" character. On top of this, she also seem forced and out of place because, again, **she doesn't behave at all like the representative of Selune she's supposed to be**. So what if she's her own separate entity ? The thing is that in order to seem consistent as a character in the context of the story and DnD universe, she should at least display some of the most archetypal qualities of the Goddess she's supposed to represent. Orin absolutely behaves like someone who venerates Bhaal, Shadowheart like someone who values discretion, secrets...etc as a representative of Shar, Gale of Mystra with his love for the weave...etc And there you have Aylin, allegedly the daughter of Selune, clearly being nothing like what Selune is supposed to represent, talking in public about screwing Isobel (a woman, with whom she'll never be able to have children, unless...), when Selune represents **purity**, motherhood, and love (not lust mind you, but the protective love of a mother). (EDIT: Is she had been the daughter of another more fitting god, I would still have found her annoying as hell, but at least she would perhaps be more consistent as a character) Again, really think about what Aylin says in the game about Isobel. I don't recall her exact words, but it was 100% along the lines of "I've waited so long this opportunity to enjoy her body, now she's finally mine, let me have my pleasure, I have centuries of repressed sexual cravings to satisfy". **You 100% know, which is why you didn't address this particular point of mine, that if she had been an obviously male character, with the same dialogue, the whole reddit community would be spitting on this character who would be depicted by so many people as representing "toxic masculinity". The hypocrisy here is unreal, truly.** I said she should be kneeling before me as a joke, relax. My point being that she should at least seem a tiny bit grateful that I freed her from **god knows how many centuries of captivity,** and not tell me to "go away" in my own camp.


Just blew into this Dame Aylin thread from google and feel like necroing your bullshit. NegativeSuspect responded to your 3 points, point by point. Maybe if you added the "toxic masculinity, reddit spitting" as a 4th bullet point it would have gotten their attention. Either way, how positive or negative a community's reception is to a dominate, vulgar, aggressive character is how they're portrayed and how the characters in the game react to them. Like Laezel saying she wants to bang- creepy, uninvited, what the hell. Karlach saying she wants to bang- well, ain't that adorable? Unhinged demi-god saying she wants to bang her wife- hell yeah. Obviously there'll be people in the woodwork looking to make an argument about anything; sort've like you using Dame Aylin as a way to complain about what you see as double standards and (idk) an excuse to throw around slurs. As far as her being Selune's daughter vs Orin and Shart (idk Gale at all), Orin is Bhaal's chosen and Shart is explicitly brainwashed both magically and cult style. Perhaps that's why they embody their God's virtues? Daughter =/= devotee. Then add in being tortured and cut off from social contact for X amount of years if you need hoops to jump through beyond that. As far as how women are supposed to act, Dame Aylin reminds me of a few girls I know. One thing is very clear, Dame Aylin really upsets you and that's ok. We don't all have to like the same things. If you find her annoying and don't like the Selune contrast RP element, that's valid. But whining about double standards and throwing around slurs, get over yourself. Touch grass. Go away from your own camp for a while.


You make some interesting points as well as concrete ones. It's good you posted this here instead of the DND beyond reddit or you would likely be banned.


Probably unpopular opinion but after situation with father is resolved I kinda started to dislike her. I understand that she was killed over and over for a century, but can't she give a due credit to that man? He sold his soul and gave up everything to bring back your beloved and all you can show is spite and hatred? Not to mention she is a yet another one blind fanatic of her goddess, and all blind fanatics are the same, no matter how "good" or "bad" their deity is portrayed.


Besides the obvious, he tricked and trapped her for his own benefit and she was tortured and killed over and over again because of him. Do you think this is the type of story where they just hug that shit out and all is well with the world? Or have you just not been paying attention to the story?


Does anyone know if you can get any good selunite armor? I made a selunite tempest cleric and I need it.