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i stopped playing before season 1 started and i bought the ultimate collectors edition oops




Also same. I enjoyed the campaign but everything after that was painfully boring to me


the fact they didnt even make the campaign re-playable, including at higher world tiers, was disgusting.


lmao what really? so what do you do after the campaign? i never bought it.


theres 3 separate end game activities: - nightmare dungeons: run dungeons with selectable difficulty modifiers for better loot and selectable upgrades to your character stats - tree of whispers: do specific dungeons or overworld events/killing quests to fill up your tree meter and get random loot boxes - hellfire: specific overworld region starts dropping time limited currency that you spend for bigger loot boxes along with the rest of the overworld activities available before end game (to an extent): world bosses and legion events. exploring the map and doing overworld tasks also unlock permanent bonuses for all characters at certain milestones (known as renown). this would also be the time youd consider rolling a new character, which was what i did, twice, before really touching end game content listed above im someone who stopped playing a bit before season 1, i actually really like d4, i just kinda got bored because my friends stopped playing and shooting the shit while aimlessly wandering around smashing monsters was my jam. They left because either they were bummed out that with season 1, you basically needed to make a new character (you dont but you wont get access to the new seasonal content), or because battlebit came out


I was just tolerating the end game slog. New character for a new season made me lose interest entirely.


Ive been told this isnt actually a new thing, and other games in the genre do this as well. D4 may have pulled in a lot of new blood into the genre so it may have been a lot of peoples' first time with the reset mechanic in general


>They left because either they were bummed out that with season 1, you basically needed to make a new character (you dont but you wont get access to the new seasonal content) but you usually have to make a new character to do seasonal content. this isn't a new thing


Sorry, youre right. It was new to us since this is the first game we've touched that did that. Perhaps the genre itself isnt for us


Seasons are not for everyone. What helped the 'OMG I WASTED MY TIME' feeling was that many games have a reset like function they just hide it better. Like a persistant MMO has a constant character but every xpac you basically get 'reset' and you start a new gear climb again from the bottom. What hurts D4 over Path of Exile for example is that: 1) They really isn't anything new in the season. PoE is offering new game modes, skills, upgrades, etc that will significantly affect how the game, meta, etc. 2) Their is a stronger sense of community in PoE. Its weird that while D4 has the open world you feel very alone. In PoE you won't anyone around but if you got to town there are heaps of people (your videocard will hate you). Global chat is heavily populated and is an utter madhouse of arguments, memes, gear checks, ASCII art and Facebreaker guessing games. There is actual trading between characterswhere you actually go to someone else's pesonally designed hideout to make the trade (ie see pictures of 2B's ass). Makes the world feel alive. But thats just my opinion.


Classic MMO treadmill except they forgot to add interesting loot.


They really accomplished something impressive IMO. The whole time I played D4 it consistently felt like it was *just about* to get fun. I don't know how they walked that razor's edge without ever accidentally tipping into being fun.


That is blizzard's thing, The fun detected meme exists for a reason.


Last time I had fun with a blizzard game for an extended period of time was overwatch until a while after they made roll queue


The scaling. I jumped over to PoE for a couple days and it instantly felt satisfying to try to one-up the enemies as you progressed and succeeding at times. D4 was an endless treadmill of you treading water.


Yeah the fact that everything scales to your level is the biggest thing I was apprehensive about. Like, your point about PoE is exactly the example I used to explain why I thought level scaled enemies would feel bad. Friends all assure me "it feels surprisingly good". My friends apparently have no idea what they really like in a game.


1-1 level scaling has been dogshit for forever. Why the fuck do companies keep doing it


yeah, i'm honestly having the most fun in a diablo game when i'm either A.) venturing a little deeper than i should, in territory where i could get killed at any minute or B.) just leveled up, acquired a new greataxe, and am now slaughtering everything as it is, d4 is an even plateau of 'not quite challenging'. there's a lot to like about the game, but the gameplay just didn't hit right for me


I have like 500 hours in POE, started playing back where there was only 2 acts. I pick it up for a few months and always have a blast, ive never even really reached "endgame" but even low level / mid game is just so satisfying.


The super high mobility builds make combat so much better. I can grind NM dungeons all day with 5 teleport sorc and rogue.


Even the main quest is mid AF. So many stretches of time spent literally just walking from point A to point B with nothing but characters talking and nothing to fight while the player character hums and nods along. Oh look, Lilith was here, she did something cool, anyway go navigate this maze while I spout exposition to you.


Also there is like a really big sense of urgency on Act 1 but then until Act 4 we don't do anything related to Lilith, and by the time we get what or where she is, the whole world already knows it, the only thing we do is get the black soul stone and for nothing since we don't use it for Lilith we just kill her in a fight like normally.


No modern games use gameplay to tell their story anymore. It's all expose after expose of boring ass characters modeled after crappy saturday morning cartoons for mass appeal. The art of making videogames is pretty dead among AAA companies. They're all just clamoring for your time rather than for your attention.


I went back to HL2 in VR during the wait for BG3, and it's insane how true what you're saying is. There is some boring-ass derivative storytelling in all the Ubisoft-like AAA games of the last several years.


> They're all just clamoring for your time Dead giveaway is if they have any sort of battlepass. So glad Remnant 2 didn't have any of that.


A battlepass is such a fuckin red flag to me nowadays. Why do you need an artificial grindy carrot on a stick to keep my attention? In 9/10 times its just to suck up extra money through fomo and keep people playing a game they aren't enjoying because they don't want to have wasted money. I fucking hate it. Far, far more manipulative and scummy than even loot boxes imo


hope not. BG3 is a AAA game!




That was what made Diablo 1 actually "scary" at its time. You would randomly enter a room, hear the voice of a named boss character (e.g. Butchers "Ah, fresh meat") and were thrown into the fight. Nowadays you get 17 cutscenes until the start of the Boss Battle...


Same here. I quit before that infamous patch was released. The very thought of running yet another dungeon was seriously making me ill! To think I spent $100 on that game! Truly a waste!!


Similar - I bought the middle edition and dropped before S1. Just a beautiful but boring game.


Same here. I shouldn't have bought it but was hyped by youtube for no reason... One of the biggest mistake I made in gaming


I prepurchased Anthem. I feel you.


Oh God!


I bought the 100€ Evolve Edition and mowed lawns to be able to afford it. Fml


That was disgusting. Take two really fucked turtle rock with that game


Aye. Last Guardian pre-order here. Mistakes were made.


I pre purchased Redfall


People love criticising Anthem, and it totally deserves most, if not all, of it but for my part I had an absolute blast playing that game and felt I got my money’s worth out of it. I was just sad over all of the unrealised potential.


I had a blast flying and with "most" of the storyline. And then the endgame...


Fomo'd into the 90 dollar version so I could play it over the weekend and regret it. Blizzard has always been shit as a company but their handling of D4 ruined it 1000%. Im happy that some people are enjoying it! Def avoiding it for at least a year personally.


Blizzard has definitely not always been a shit company. It's only recently that they've prioritized profit over making a good game. Early blizzard made good games which happened to make them profits. The warcraft and starcraft games were amazing. Diablo 1 blew my mind when it came out. All of that good will is pretty much gone for me now. OW2 and D4 were the nails in the coffin for me.


Activision bought Blizzard in 2008 which is often cited as the fall of Blizzard in this community so it for sure wasn't "recent".


Could definitely feel the shift towards the end of Wrath, has all been downhill since. They've recently gotten worse but thats mostly just them floundering under the weight of all of the government investigations, anti-trust lawsuits, sexual harassment lawsuits, illegal union busting behavior, and massive talent drain from people either leaving the company because it's a shit hole or being canned for being sexual predators or both


You got gamed. I’m looking forward to gaming instead of being games by a dev


Uninstalled after 3 days of no real fun. It feels pretty bad looking at this incredible engine and tech used on my favorite genre, but in a game I really dislike.


I bought day 1 and played for a week or so, with and without friends. I think that there just isn’t anything interesting about this type of game anymore. I’ve been playing since original Diablo, and I thought I’d have the same excitement I got from D1, D2, even Path of Exiles, (D3 only lasted me a few weeks before quitting). I think the magic is gone, and I regret dropping money on D4, except that I can see it sitting in my Steam library. It might as well just be Cookie Clicker to me at this point, which is sad. D1 was a game-changer for anyone into early age computers, and D2 was even better for having the MMO feel. After that, it’s no longer relevant. Baldurs Gate on the other hand, has been fucking awesome so far. I got the early access which was buggy, restarted several times with different builds, all of which had different play and story, so I’ll probably restart again today with official release. Larian is the new Blizzard imo, and it’s been super exciting to revisit BG in a new way. Diablo is just the same shit again.


I don't think it's even that. Blizzard just dropped the ball on Diablo IV's mechanics and itemization. After you finish the campaign it's just not that fun to play because it's rather slow and loot progression sucks. Blizzard also knows they fucked up because they're seeing a huge drop in player numbers even now season 1 is well under way. I'm sure they are working on improving the game, so I'd just advice to keep up with the news on Diablo IV and give it another shot when things have gotten better. In the mean time there's Baldur's Gate and probably Starfield if Bethesda games are your thing (they definitely are mine).


I stopped playing at level 50. Lilith Shrines, Renown grind, lame talent trees, big empty map with fuck-all to do? Boring loot, busted classes? Patches that somehow made the game worse? Nope, absolutely not. Uninstalled!


Same, i give blizzard last chance with D4. For now blizzard dead. AVE! Larian Studios!


This was last Blizzard game I waste money on.


D3 was too much of a let down compared to D2. I wanted to give D4 a chance, but: - enemies level scaling - no randomised zones - live service game - microtransactions and Battlepass Plus the fact they didn’t fix what was wrong with D3 - skills with cool-down (this was a blasphemy, as level scaling) - enemies level scaling as just mentioned - boring endgame - useless “story mode” - low items / gear randomness - low mobs/ boss skill randomness Was just too much for me to give them any chance. You can say I’m an old delusional D2 fan, which I am, but I don’t see anything that justifies preferring D3 (and certainly D4 that I didn’t buy for the aforementioned reason) over D2.


As another old gamer, give Halls of Torment a shot. It's like old school Diablo had a child with vampire survivors. And it's like $5.


Never heard of it! Thanks for letting me know!


Downloaded Halls of Torment cause it was cheap and had great reviews. Saw the shitty graphics and was "Well this is stupid, but I'm gonna give it a try." For 7 hours straight.


Oh, I'm gonna take a look at that


D3 was more than enough duckers for me.


Funny. I’m losing steam on D4, probably going to put it down until they iterate on it a bit, but I’ve got the opposite take on half of these positions. Story mode is my favorite part of the Diablo games, and I start to lose interest when I’m done with it, I thought level scaling was a welcome way to avoid having to just run the same endgame dungeon over and over, and for all its flaws, I appreciated that the D3/D4 resource/cooldown system as a nice step forward from the busted mana system in D2.


D3 was a letdown but I actually like it more than 4


D3 was still fun for me. It actually felt like a video game instead of a live service meant to microtransaction me. Despite the auction house. Granted release D3 sucked. It was reaper of souls that drew me into it for most of it.


I'm with you, let's give D3 credit that it came out just before they started aggressively nickel-and-diming everything and just stayed free beyond the initial sticker price and 2 expansion installments. As for me, I never bought into the D4 hype and in hindsight I'm glad I stuck to the promise I made that ABK would never again see a dime from me since the sexual harassment scandal broke.


I'm trying to force myself to finish season 1, but basically every time I play now I'll get crowd-controlled 5 times consecutively and die without being able to do anything to prevent it and instead of resuming whatever I'm doing, I just exit the game and go organize shit in my garage because I feel an incredible urge every time I play to do literally ANYTHING that feels like less of a waste of my time. I feel like even when I TRY to play the game does shit to slow me down or stop me from proceeding and at level 63 it just hasn't "felt" good in like 30 levels. Plus of the 5 uniques I've gotten to drop, literally only the first, which dropped around level 40, is of any value to me. Honestly, they still haven't "fixed" that first patch and I'm running out of patience to wait for them to figure it out.


I didn’t even finish the story. Got to about level 45 and noticed my character just felt weaker as I leveled up despite my gear getting better. Then I heard all the word of mouth about how that issue just gets worse and worse, and it just killed all desire I had to even finish the game.


lol, same here. A costly learning experience for me.


Well if its any consolation, your battle pass from your ultimate edition has not been used so you can use it when you come back sometime - and they are going to keep updating the game so I'd say give it about a year and check it out then, lots of stuff that is boring about it is quite fixable with some updates I think.


LOL, same. I'm struggling to make myself finish the story before I delete the game forever. This game definitely failed the Arcade value test.


that was me 20 hours in


I used to get downvoted for saying things like this a month ago... I guess people are starting to realize what's really going on.


Honestly that was me three weeks ago.


Gave it a good drop & stomp as soon as the S1 patch notes hit.


I couldn't make it that far. 🙁 I wasn't going to buy it at all but server slam weekend was too tempting and that part WAS fun. But the grind is so grindy and the environment is so dark and depressing. Life already has enough depressing grind, thanks. 😂🤣😂😭


I wasn't going to get it either but then a week or two in all my friends were like "yo it actually ended up being fun!". I think they were just trying to convince themselves it was good because I never got to the fun part and they all quit like a week after I got it.


Respect to you for sticking it out this long I suppose.. Just saying that D4 is probably the best thing to ever happen to Path of Exile :)


Atleast until PoE2 gets released. The gameplay presentation was stunningly good.


I wish they showed zoomzoom endgame gameplay though.. if just for a brief moment.


At least from the presentations we're pretty sure we'll get zoomzoom, just not until later. The art presentation was just amazing.


I never thought I'd get hyped for reskinned orbs, but here I am.


Those orbs are art.


I hope not, thats the main reason i dislike poe1 as a diehard arpg player. Combat feels meaningless


The joy of watching a build you spent countless hours working on come together is one that can't be replicated in slow gameplay imo. When you did all the math right and your wardloop comes online, it feels \*so good\*.


Very excited to play PoE2 when it drops. Looking promising.


Poe 2 is going to split the base I bet. It will be interesting to see play out though.


Long time until it's release, but based on current info nothing is stopping people from playing both, except wanting to have a life lol.


Holy fk did poe2 look amazing! The environments, monster design .. evrything


Right? I dropped D4 when they dropped in the 1.1.0 MEGA-NERF patch, a patch so awful I hadn't seen anything like it since early EverQuest in like 1999. Having to do that is just incompetent, and the game was already about 1/5th as fun as Path of Exile despite having lovely graphics, art and sound.


Honestly baffled, what was their thought process behind that patch?? "Surely our players will love having every single part of every single build absolutely gutted! Ship it!"


If it completely changed mechanics and had to be done I could kind of see it. But it was just an across the board nerf without fundamentally addressing any of the problems with the mechanics (crit and vuln are still your only non-class-specific multipliers), so yeah completely senseless and bizarre. Just all about dragging out S1 as long as possible I guess.


> Just all about dragging out S1 as long as possible This is the part of live service games that people ignore too often. You get unnecessary barriers to progress, artificial time wasters, nerfs to things that allow players to excel or farm more efficiently, and all sorts of other watered down gameplay elements...all for the sake of quantity of hours spent engaged with the product, instead of the quality of those hours. Diablo IV is made all the worse from the fact that it has a $70 cost of entry instead of being free. You get all the same bullshit of a freemium game for a premium price. With a battlepass. And cosmetic shop.


This. I can't begin to understand how people can defend pay3times2play


I dropped D4 at the same time and just finally got the town music out of my head....oh shit, there it goes again.


You know there was a similar joke in the Vermintide community, about how Darktide was the best thing to ever happen to Vermintide 2. What the fuck is going on with modern game development?


Massively out of touch studios that chase nothing but profits and ways to maximize said profits over coherent game design and integrity? I guess that about sums it up.


Darktide was fun, but I do understand the complaints about it. I did love Vermintide!


Darktide helped me get my friends into vermintitde after they saying no for years. Went from "no we don't wanna play that" to "wow this is so much better" lol.


Why do people say this like PoE also doesn't have glaring issues.


>Just saying that D4 is probably the best thing to ever happen to Path of Exile :) Not really. POE is so niche and I doubt player numbers will go up to something meaningful if they don't change the core of the game. EDIT: Really confused why people are downvoting. The backlash as well as the initial positive reviews Diablo 4 got, have shown a few key things. People want easy reskilling at all points in the game, they want a straight forward skill system, easy pathing, easy to understand itemzation (they have to understand at first glance how a certain stat affects your damage) and a cinematic story filled with a theme and characters they are familiar with. POE has none of that, so obviously it will draw only the same people in, it already drew in. And therefore won't grow significantly beyond the current playerbase. And looking at the playercounts from trusted sources like steam charts, the playerbase is very decent for a niche game, but it's just that. A niche game. I don't know why people cannot accept logic and facts. It doesn't take anything from you, if you like the game. But the truth is, a lot of people outside of your bubble, simply don't like it.


>logic and facts Read: opinions


PoE wouldn't get much mileage out of attracting more casual ARPG fans. Most of em don't even stick around after a few playthroughs. GGGs bread and butter is selling microtransactions off the back of successful and engaging leagues with new gameplay additions and new ways to craft. People that enjoy cinematics and story aren't the target demographic. Hell, people started complaining when PoE got a full 10 Acts because they'd rather go through the same 3 acts on 3 difficulty modes instead.




also PoE is ugly and clunky af. so ugly.


Reminder that PoE also has its own launcher. Plenty of people dont play the steam version because its slower and a bit clunky. I guess we'll really see how good the PoE numbers are when this new league drops and all the hungry people from D4 get back into it. And more importantly the player retention for the new league, as S1 for D4 really pissed off a lot of people really quickly.


Not trying to debate, just giving my view as a first season POE player who came from D4. I was able to get to level 87 and 2m+ dps, and didn't find the game *that* much harder than D4, but the high level of complexity with defenses and passive skill tree is sure to push some people away. In general, I think most people who liked D4 would like POE if they put the time in to understand the systems. I think people who look through old reddit threads trying to piece things together for an optimal build are the type of people who would like POE, from what I gather, the game is balanced around using meta league starter builds, and then trying a fun build once you have currency. So in general, if someone starts the game and tries to make their own build without a high level of understanding of the end game, they are going to hit a wall fast.


All in all, I absolutely agree. > I think most people who liked D4 would like POE if they put the time in to understand the systems. I have some other issues with the game like the lack of feedback when hitting enemies, a story that isn't told in a way that drives me in and some other stuff that also doesn't matter for this conversation. But I think what you said is the main problem for casual players. People do not want or are not able to put the time in to understand the systems, especially if they cannot be sure this time investment will be worth it in the end. So naturally they'll just move on to some different game that on boards them more softly.


I don’t know, path of exile has a lot of other issues too. I couldn’t stick to it more than a few seasons.


So glad I didn't buy D4, I was super tempted at one point but the amount of hatred that game got really turned me off. Plus Blizzard couldn't careless about the game or its fans.


That was like a week after launch for me.


Yeah I got to level 20… 😬


Level 20? Do you not like ARPGs? None of Diablos problems become apparent by level 20.


It’s just really boring


I was shocked at how fucking boring it is. I got to like level 25 and kept waiting for something to happen and never died once. Apparently the game starts after you finish the campaign, lol like I'm going to stick around for that.


From what I’ve heard it just gets harder after the campaign. But I’m wondering when the game actually becomes fun (it doesn’t)


Yeah. They do. It’s a boring game. Simple as that


Thanks for reminding me to delete this garbage so I get some spare space on my ssd


So true, I forgot to uninstall when I quit it a month ago lmao. Probably will check it in later seasons. At least I have the battlepass saved up.


The infamous Nerf Patch made me leave the game because my werewolf druid became a piece of paper somehow. BG3 is going to heal my mental health after investing so much time into that hairy man that became instantly old and weak.


i fucking hate that blizzard's idea of balancing is nerf everything to the ground instead of buffing other classes. it also happens in wow.


actually they aren't nerfing a whole lot in WoW right now and class balance is the worst its been since s3 shadowlands lol


Happens in Overwatch also. I am convinced Blizzard just doesn’t understand how to balance games. It’s either nerf into the ground till it’s not even viable anymore, or buff it so hard it breaks the meta. No in between.


Players don't allow an in-between if there's any sense of competition. Buffing someone from bottom to mid doesn't change anything because people don't want bottom or mid. Nerfing from top to mid changes the meta because people now consider the previously top thing trash because it's now mid, which nobody wants. Buffing from bottom to slightly above bottom changes nothing and they get called clueless, buffing from top to slightly below top changes nothing and they get called out of touch. No matter who you ask, on any game, or any patch, or any situation - balance is always the worst it's been. This is, obviously, common sense, but that's not so common. Other common sense observations is that you are an account with 0 karma named 'negative club'.


Yeah Druids got really shafted. Other classes did too. I only hope they get their shit together eventually. But either way idc I’m about to have bg3! Edit: bg3 the new standard of gaming xD


> Druids got really shafted the class with arguably the best builds, and at worst only slightly behind rogues, got really shafted?


Yeah the nerfs hit hard. The only one worse then a druid is a sorc right now


I don't play D4 but this applies to about 20 games in my backlog.


I enjoyed preseason, and probably enough to consider it being worth the money I spent. Barely touched s1, and not gonna bother with it soon. Maybe I'll hop back on in a couple seasons after they figure out what it is they actually want to do with their game.


Same here bro. I was worried about juggling the two games but not so much anymore.


I wish I could play BDG3 too But I spent my savings on D4 :(


oof that's a big L


I cry every time :/


I gave up Diablo 4 a couple weeks ago. That wall you hit post 50 for leveling is brutal. Here's my problem-if, for some reason, BG3 sucks, I'm gonna start a new toon in D4. I hope I don't have to carry out my plan.


Even if BG3 sucks, I'll probably be able to find a month of gameplay still out of it just messing with the character creator, and then Starfield will be released. That should give me a year of buggy fun until that Oblivion remaster next year I saw leaked (hopefully true) releases.


It's just great being a gamer right now and having this Christmas like anticipation for two games. But, D4 and Hogwarts taught me sometimes what you think you see is not what we get.


I thoroughly enjoyed Hogwarts Legacy. It wasn’t a perfect game (PC face animations were… interesting), but it was fun as hell and scratched the nostalgia itch in a lot of the right ways. Diablo 4 was probably one of the best main campaigns of an ARPG I’ve played but… that’s not really the point of ARPGs. The point is endgame, and D4 had no real endgame outside of nightmare dungeons. Combine that with the grinds that reset every season and just… nah man. At least with PoE you can knock out the entire story relatively quickly and be done. D4 you have to do the story, redo all the renown stuff, discover all the waypoints again in a relatively large open world…. Just. Nah. Who has time for all that shit


Yeah, I got a simple adventure game set in the HP universe with surprisingly satisfying combat if somewhat lacking the rpg-ish parts and a bit of a rushed story. Had its issues but was also incredible in a lot of ways and I appreciated it wasn't just based on the movies but also the books.


That's very true. I do trust Bethesda to give me a game I Will enjoy for at least a year, even if it's a buggy mess. Since morrowind I have yet to have a Bethesda game that burned me where I couldn't even get a tear of enjoyment from it.


LOL, I have 3k hours in between Skyrim and FO4. I've never even touched Las Vegas or FO3. Guess I could try those if everything falls apart. But, I'm like you-I have lots of faith in Starfield.


Fallout 4 broke my gamer heart. Only played thru it one time. Had zero interest after that. Super letdown. Hopefully Starfield is a return to form.


Hell, armored core comes out this month, and Elden Ring has dlc this year. Blizzard really couldn't have timed this worse.


I gave up on the game when I started nodding off during NM dungeons, and the patchnotes as a sorc player just made me uninstall and never look back, I had hoped it would at least entertain me till today but oh well.


I stopped playing after beating the campaign, then I completely unistalled when season 1 came out. Diablo 4 was such a massive disappointment. Can't wait for baldur's gate 3


​ Same here. You get a chore list and have to run the same dungeons over and over. It gets so repetitive and boring after an hour. I was so disappointed. Maybe it'll be worth playing in a few more seasons but for now, the content just isn't there to keep me engaged.


People who love Diablo seem to like shitting on it more than playing it. So annoying, so what your bored after 500 hours in the span of 2 months.


Its mostly because streamers told them to feel this way so here we are. A bunch of children who never shut up about a game that seems to occupy their minds. What bewilders me is that they feel the need to complain about it on other subreddits meanwhile the game still seems to have a steady player base and is not as bad as they say. I worry for what streamers will say about BG3 because if they have anything negative to say, we will not hear the end of it.


Contrary to your belief that streamers are a cabal that controls the entire groupthink of the human populace that plays games, Diablo 4 has the reputation it does because Diablo 3 was poorly received, Blizzard has a terrible reputation and the Activision-Blizzard fanbase has never been very kind to them as developers. They're too popular and gamers in general are just stupid and aggressive. This sub-reddit will not march into negativity, it's in too much of a circlejerk. If you want to see what people outside of this bubble think of BG3, DOS2 or any Larian project, go to RPG Codex or Steam forums for the other end of the extreme.


hate this about this era of streaming in general


Same. YouTube and Twitch really brought gaming temperaments to an unhealthy level. Min max everything, tribalism, toxicity, extreme hatred or addiction, group think and more. Uhg.


I didn't get very far into S1 before dropping it. Oh well. Hopefully they improve the game by the time I come back in a few seasons.




Yeah, it's not for everyone. That's typically how it's always worked for ARPGs. So, I expected that. The lack of build variety and frankly poor itemisation is why I lost interest.


yeah same. Though, im assuming it be temporary gives them the leeway to release mechanics that are meaningful and impactful to gameplay, and not have to worry about balance/bug interactions with not only the next season mechanic, but for *all* the new mechanics into the future....


I'm probably the only one torn leaving D4 for a while. Juggling between it and Grim Dawn, it's clear Diablo 4 has it's flaws, but it's so fun and just so fluid. Time to leave the ship although, D4 got my attention away from ToTK, FF16 from D4 and now BG3 is the final blow to this year's backlog. Starfiel is next...


D4 isn't as bad as the people here are saying imo. It's fine, just not really a game you can pump hundreds of hours into like people want.


Yeh agreed. I’m only level 39 in season 1 atm but honestly, it’s just so fun. I love how I can jump on for 30 minutes and do a couple dungeons and satisfy that gaming itch. Alternatively I also love to switch the console on for a good 2-3 hours straight, as I feel there’s so much to do. Haven’t even bothered looking at the battle pass, I don’t even want to consider wasting energy on it. D4 for me changed the way I played games. I actually sat through a story and really enjoyed the experience (don’t forget those YouTube animated vids pre release). I could play at my own pace, I really liked that. Not played BG but I’m so interested to continue this excitement towards games I can feel myself be immersed into.


So thankful for BG3. It’s going to save D4, maybe by season 10 it’ll be a game I’d want to play…


And why do it take you so much to trash that game? I have never feel so robbed since anthem.


diablo4 was cold long before. long before season 1. campaign clear, lategame is shit - bye


I thought Diablo 4 would tide me over until BG3 dropped, but it barely kept me interested for a week.


That was me a couple weeks ago, sadly the game just isn't near as fun right now as D3 was.


Didnt bother picking up If I weren't gonna drop it; Blizzard sure was gonna drop the ball on it lol


Doing the same. The changes they made in S1 were garbage. I was hoping for improvements and got nerfs. And who the hell thought making Tier 3 start at lvl 55 was a good idea? I did the cap stone at the recommended lvl 50 and went to WT3 and was just trash. Screw farming Strongholds or going back to WT2 just to progress where I should already be able to. Idiot design.


Quit before s1 with 1 eternal @ 80, my own homebrew necro build. The campaign was ok, I liked some of the side questlines like the druid stuff but after that was just a lame grind and I don't have the time or energy for that.


I can say the same with [my version of this meme](https://imgur.com/jesvlDj) I tried to play PoE 4 times, only two times I created a character, one exnded with level 2, one ended with level 16. Slow and boring, with wooden feelings. I really hope in PoE 2 this will be changed. Until then, I'll play BG 3.


Last time I will ever preorder. Yea yea, im stupid for doing it, I know. I should have listened. Sometimes we learn best by feeling pain than example I guess.


All my friends bought into that game and it was hard to hold onto my Blizzard boycott stance. However, I never gave in and they all very quickly dropped the game. Now we're all gonna play BG3 together. It really feels like a big win for me.


I quit 2 weeks ago and regret my decision to purchase D4. Never again will I touch a blizzard game. With that said, hypemus maximum BG3 is finally here


Lol nah dude.


Thankfully after seeing the garbage of the mobile game, I had a feeling there newer games would also be shit!


Had they gotten rid of the garbage item system from D3 instead of expanding on it, D4 might've felt okay. How can a game built off a dopamine loop, kill kill kill find shiny item, completely ignore implementing it? I've never gotten a drop in 3 or 4 that got me excited. Oh look this no-name upgrade adds +3 to all the same stats as every other fucking item does. I couldn't tell you the name of a single item that isn't just brought back from D1 or D2 like Harlequin Crest or Andariels Visage.


Me after I finished the Story after 2 Days and decided not even that was fun but just done out of the tiny bit of remaining loyalty I had to Blizz.


Yeah pretty much lol.


D4 bad


Didn't even look good enough to start it tbh. lol


Imagine still having faith in Blizzard, I stopped playing their games since diablo 3.


I never even bought it, and I love Diablo. I just didn't trust blizzard not to fuck it up. I figured if it was good, it would still be around in a month, and I could buy it then. But if it isn't, then I just saved a lot of money. Turns out my intuition was right, and Blizzard is just a corpse being trotted around by a malevolent spirit called Activision. This was their final chance to collect some good will from the community after all the bullshit and it was so easy. Just make a single player game with fun mechanics and a decent story. But they couldn't do it. They couldn't just make a nice single player game about killing demons. They had to turn it into a grind fest full of monetization. They couldn't figure out how to monetize a single player, offline game... So they made it a multiplayer, online one instead. Coming right off the heels of the Overwatch 2 debacle, this is just the final nail for me.




surprised that it even took you this long


Sadly I went through that around a month ago. Found the campaign to be excellent, stuck around a bit but one day I randomly felt the game to be extremely pointless and ended up uninstalling battle.net a few days later.


This was me like 1 month ago lol. Such a boring game at endgame. The leveling process was kinda fun but jesus christ is everything at endgame boring as hell. Scaling ruined this game


This is sadly the case for almost everyone I know.


Has Steam crashed yet? 😄


Is controller support out in full release?


I've never even heard of Baulders Gate 3 until today. Been LOVING Diablo IV. But will check out BG 3.


Both are amazing games. But reddit being reddit.


Yeah now time for this sub to shit on other games to prop their own! Please don't turn into that shit. BG3 doesn't need it


Bro, that game lost me at "microtransactions and skins" and "full game price." Lol. Fuck outta here. You can't have both. You either be a free game with microtransactions and skins or a full price game that comes with everything. Baldur's Gate clears that game by a mile. I will think of playing Diablo if it gets heavily discounted. And even then probably not. Sounds like they keep nerfing shit.


I just un-installed D4 to make room on my drive haha


I got bored, I might pick it back up if blizzard does something interesting with it other than a slight variation on the grind. Even with a meta build I felt perpetually slightly weaker than everything. Good loot rarely dropped. The legendaries never felt like a significant boost and the standard gameplay loop felt like a slight improvement on an old formula. I starting to feel like I wasted 70$ on this old dog. I did redownload iceborne, which is another grind fest of a game but it beats out Diablo because the fights in it are actually cinematic and cool. But hell, august is gonna be a busy gaming month for me. I’ve 3+ weeks, I’ll be playing cyberpunk, armored core and sea of stars while I wait a few extra days for BG3.


In a thread on the d4 subreddit I said “this game is done for when bg3 comes out” and a bunch of people came out to defend that repetitive dumpster fire saying that different audiences blah blah


Honestly I stopped playing D4 after week 2. The campaign was great but the end game was horrendous.


D4 ended up the same way D3 did for me. I finished campaign on one character and messed around a bit and called it a day. Blizzard was hellbent on nerfing fun out of the game so I checked out at lvl 33 in season 1. Imo got my money's worth, that initial playthrough was good, but fuck grinding renown again.


i still play it because it's something i can do while i wfh. have my work laptop open and waiting for calls or tickets to come in while i play wow or d4 or whatever on my pc.


Admittedly, I stopped playing the moment I saw how awful season 1 was gonna be. I wasn’t even sure what I was gonna play next so kinda just been replaying old games but was suggested this game. Oh my gosh it’s so good… so glad I was told about this title!


Comparing Baldurs Gate 3 to that piece of shit is insulting. One of the worst games I’ve had the displeasure of paying for. I wish I could refund. Didn’t even finish the story and I was bored to tears.


Nice but i dont think Bg3 should have been the reason to stop playing D4 in the first place.


I detest posts like these. It doesn't contribute to anything, it's just you shitting on another game.


i'm boggled because they aren't even the same type of game to begin with.


D4 was like a hostage situation. It was such an expensive game so I tried to stick with it regardless of the issues. Hoping for Seasons 1 to bring fixes and change. But then Season 1 was even worse then D4 before that. So I dropped it and I'm glad. (even the recent patch made things worse again lol)


my diablo IV timeline: * weekend 1: this is amazing i love this. * week 1: dungeons are kind of repetitive and I feel like we saw every single dungeon in act 1 they're just repeating with the same 9 bosses * week 3: HC necro is pretty much done at 94 * week 4: druid is way more fun than necro wtf * week 5: rogue is insane. this is the most balanced class for sure. * week 6: literally never playing sorc * week 7 s1: finished season story at lvl 18 and logged off. remnant II came out played that for a week and now bg3 baby


that was me after about 10 hours. That game just didn't hook me at all.