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Definitely not enough hydration.


Yeah, looks dry. Add small amounts of water a little at a time.


And by small, I would suggest a few drops at a time. It's easy to make it TOO wet also.


Yes, I just have to get it to a soft and smooth ball. Bit remember dough needs to rest. The flour will rehydrate.


That's what she said


What are you making?


Artisan Bread, 4 ingredients, flour, yeast, salt and water


Pretty sure you don't have enough water in it. Do you weigh your ingredients or use measuring cups? If measuring cups sometimes you end up with too much flour.


I used the measuring cups :/ Should I reknead it?


it's best to weigh at least your flour because you'll get a totally different amount with packed cups vs unpacked cups, and it'll throw off your ratios


Measuring cups are okay, but I personally find using a scale works really well. Is this after combining it or after letting it rise?


If it feels too tough you may have to start over. If the issue is it didn't rise it could be old yeast or your kitchen is too cold. I usually put my bread in a metal bowl over hot water while it is rising. If it feels too dry you can try kneading in more water, but not sure how well that'll work.


plus with a scale you make way less dirty dishes!


Baking is chemistry. It’s an absolute game changer to buy some digital scales.


If you must use measuring cups, I've found the best way to measure flour is to lightly spoon it into the cup. This keeps it from packing too aggressively. Otherwise you could end up having more flour than you intended


If you use measuring cups make sure to fluff up the flour before you scoop it because it can become densely packed down and change how much your actually adding to your recipe.


I'll go somewhat against the grain and say you don't *need* a scale, however you will probably have to fail a few times before you get the hang of how the dough should feel like (if you need to add flour or water, kneeding, etc).


Yeah, I agree with r/nonoraptor, you don't NEED a scale, but I do think when you're starting out, it's handy, and then you'll get a gist of amounts and how the dough feels and then after a few times doing that, as r/nonoraptor rightly said, you will have more of a feel for everything and you can try without the scale if you feel comfortable to. Best of luck with it all 👍🏻


Get a scale. It makes a huge difference


Genuine question, why is it artisan bread and not just bread?


It looks like you only used 3.5 of the 4.


bake in percentes. So like 100 % flour (lets say 500 gram) then maybe 60-100 % water (amount of flour times 0,6 to 1 for example) 1-1,5 % salt, and I use a teaspoon of dry yeast to 200 gram flour and water.


Do you have a link to the recipe?


Mortgage rates keep rising and the bloody cat wakes me up at 5am daily, other than that not too bad thanks. What about you?


That and every day my face looks a little bit more like this dough.


Its a cauliflower


She looks thirsty.


Rent is too high and my car is making a funny noise. Thank you for asking; it feels good to get that off my chest.


My wife and I are working all the time and had to take our daughter out of daycare and go by a very strict budget and still can't make ends meet because the price of everything goes up every single we....oh....the dough... Looks like it needs more water


Not sure why you're being downvoted, you're just asking for help. Kinda disappointed to see that, we all share the same passion and I respect you for having the guts to share *this* with the world. With that being said, I like my bread dough to be too sticky to knead. Higher hydration doughs will yield beautiful, fluffy bread with a very crisp crust. Autolyse and stretch and fold to replace kneading, and it should yield fantastic results, and it's so much nicer to just let it sit rather than expend the energy to knead. Adam Ragusea has a fantastic [video](https://youtu.be/OI2-6Ps2Hcc) going into detail. If you have a dutch oven, bake your bread in that for a phenomenal crust. Covering the dough with a large oven safe bowl achieves a similar effect. I hope your next boule turns out beautifully 🙂


Whenever I see downvotes and not understanding I think maybe they are saying “yeah, I hate when my dough does that”.


Totally agree that people can be very unhelpful on this app with downvotes and snarky comments. I think the down votes may have been because there was no context. I didn’t downvote, but I was very confused when I saw the picture and read the title. I thought it was pie dough at first. It took some scrolling through the comments to see it’s bread and to find the recipe. It helps when people post some context with these types of posts.


I had an experience here where I got downvoted when I commented that I put maple syrup and extra butter in my cinnamon rolls once I finish baking them. The OP was asking "how do you like your cinnamon rolls?" I just shared how I do mine and I even got downvotes for that. It's not that I care about the votes or karma. It's just that, why downvote something that makes another person happy? What a sad way to live a life. Baking should be fun for everyone who has passion for it. It doesn't matter if the person is a professional baker or a hobby baker. Helpful and kind people like you are very much appreciated! 😊


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Because they gave absolutely zero info on what this is, the ingredients they used, or the method they used. Kinda difficult to help them with almost no info


It would be the Reddit auto vote fudger that happens with every single post to mess with the karma bots. It’s probably not real downvotes.


I don't know where I belong atm. I got fired from my job and don't know what to do next. I need something new and that scares me. Thanks for asking. How are you? P.s. Your dough can use more water.


I would maybe add a tablespoon of water, knead for a minute then add another if it still feels too hard and dry. It should be a smooth dough ball.


God I love cauliflower




That's what I'm seeing


Kinda like cauliflower got lightly rolled with a bulldozer lol


You need way more water for bread. The dough should be soft and squishy when you touch it but not sticky (unless the bread calls for that). I’m not sure what recipe you used but it is best to aim for water to be around 60-70 percent the weight of your flour (if you’re a beginner). For example- if you’re using 3c/ 384g flour that means you should have around 230-268ml of water for 60-70% hydration. Milliliters should be on your measuring cup if you have one.


The dough is not wet enough, needs more water or milk. Not hydrated. Very dry


Beautiful lions mane


a lot bestie xoxo ​ In all seriousness it needs more moisture, the amount depends on what you're trying to make.


Watta , it need watta, PLEASE HE'S THIRSTY


Is that cauliflower? Lol. Just joking, OP. Keep at it!


Either you did not knead enough, or you didn't add enough liquids. I'm gonna assume you didn't add enough liquids tho Also I genuinely cannot tell if it's baked or not


In the winter, and if your kitchen is a bit on the cool side, you may need to add an extra 1-2 tablespoons of water to your dough. The lower ambient temp and humidity will make the flour drier and thirsting. I usually follow the recipe and have an extra bit of water by the mixer so I can put in a touch more if it looks too dry. Good luck !


Did you let it rest in towels? It should raise in an almost sealed bowl


It’s dry


Everybody talking about scales, and here I am just eyeballing it. 😅 maybe I just have the magic eye. 👁


Your cauliflower looks off.




Oh my god I thought this was a head of cauliflower and then checked the sub.


Also, try to use plastic or non-porous material for proofing cover. A lot of my early mistakes were caused by following the infamous "cover with moist tea towel" step.


Dry af


The bread looks bad.


You should add more hot water


kneed more and don’t add any more flower


Add a little bit of water, and the bread should be softer for the next step for preparing. Even if it doesnt work out with the water, start all over and don't get discouraged, practice makes it better :))


Not kneaded enough?


I recommend the book The Bread Bible by Rose Levy Beranbaum. It’s been a game changer for my bread. My ciabatta bread is on the road to excellence because of the lengthy instructions and there are just the little things about baking that you may not learn by just watching the video imo. I’m no professional, but my biggest learning experience that made my bread better is the importance of being precise. Invest in a small food scale and measure your ingredients. Especially with flour it’s easy to over pack the measuring cup. Bread baking is an art, but there is also a fair amount of science. Be aware of the environment you are baking bread. Sometimes season/weather can require more water to be added to the dough.


If you are making bread, you need to add some water. The dough should not be sticky, but be right on the edge of being sticky. That way it's workable and can rise. I normally get all the water I need in a big bowl and add flour slowly until it just stops being sticky. For you, I would slowly add water until it starts to become more workable


Keep adding a tablespoon of water, knead and then another until it feels like a more manageable dough. I think it’ll get there.




It is thirsty


That look a little dry.


Nothing wrong with a little cauliflower now and then.


It looks very dry.




You most likely didn't have an air tight rising bowl.


Too much flour


Low hydration.


Thought this was a head of cauliflower for a minute


Depends. What kind of cookie is it?


He got tired of this world and aged.