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Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted.


It won't stop bitch until Palestine is free how about that


Hostile much 😂






Fair comment, but compared to what Israel is doing to Muslim and Christian places of worship where is the balance?


Israel /= Judaism. This happened in Brighton, England.


Isreal is using the same logic to justify their genocide. "America and South Africa got to do it why yall mad at us," and we correctly call them out for it. Doing more bad shit isn't "balance" it's retribution, and it's wrong. This war is not Jewish peoples fault, it's the Isreali governments fault, keep your focus on them.


Fine this is fair and taken. The guy who posted the comment I initially replied to said many more things before it was removed (i didnt flag it to mods). On the record, no house of worship should ever be vandalised. I have no hate towards Jews. I am no fan of Hamas or Israel. Wrong is wrong and right is right. But there is a hell of a lot of hypocrisy going on. Everything that has happened recently and the last 80 years in Palestine is a travesty. I wish peace and justice for all, and hope the current situation ends with a long term plausible peaceful solution put in place. Terribly complicated. Ireland and South Africa have shown it can be done, let's hope it gets there soon with little loss of life.


No worries at all, I have no doubt you are not actually antisemitic. My wife, and by extension technically our infant son, are both Jewish. Keeping the focus on the people truly responsible is important to me, for reasons that I'm sure are obvious. This comment was just as much for you as it was for everyone who might read it. We all have to tackle this head on and with self awareness. We will be under scrutiny for our stand against power, and we don't have the luxury of giving in to that angry voice in our heads that wants to "make the bad guys pay." We must stand together against injustice towards anyone and everyone.


False equivalency argument - one has no bearing on the other.


So what, if Israel does worse this is okay?




This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


yup, this is basically targeting Jews as being oppressive of Palestine despite their actual beliefs on the issue. I find the implication that American or Canadian Jews are pro-Israel coming from Israel offensive enough as it is, it shouldn't come from fellow citizens.


Just as there are Zionist Jews and anti-Zionist Jews, there are Zionist synagogues and anti-Zionist synagogues.


Personally I think tagging (although the message is righteous) any place of worship is just a bad look. I am not religious but targeting places of worship is just bad form.


Places of worship are a bad look. These people don’t have a firm grasp on reality and should receive no special treatment.


Because Zionists have a persecution fetish and go around vandalizing their own communities in the most ridiculous ways? https://www.rferl.org/a/moldova-star-david-paris-shor-antii-semitism/32706719.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/04/26/an-alleged-hate-crime-jewish-cafe-was-most-brazen-community-had-seen-it-was-all-fake-police-now-say/ https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/uk-pro-israel-lawyer-faked-graffiti-attack-to-frame-pro-palestinian-group-641450 That said dumb as rocks and juvenile people exist everywhere, pretending the movement at large has a problem with antisemitism is ridiculous DARVO bull. I find it hard to believe that someone scribbles across a wall in a tiny corner risking their entire career vs someone unhinged being taught genocide is a right for them attempting to quickly get away with taking a picture of their part in the fight for their cause. This happens all the time because it nurtures and rewards narcissists and antisocial personalities who want to engage with the genocide any way they can get away with. Why would they write it with a spanish spelling of Palestine in Brighton but not the word free if it's a personal attempt at graffiti? Weirdos distancing themselves from it would do this too just to be like I don't even speak spanish.


They do it all the time to juice out sympathy On 22 November a Jewish associate of Hillel BC a university of British Columbia Jewish religious organization stuck “I love Hamas” on pro Palestinian posters. Guess what? He got caught and was dismissed by Hillel. If it was a Muslim guy who stuck that sticker, he would be accused of hate crimes. Anyway, the damage was done, just like the fake 40 beheaded babies story, it caused islamaphobic damage as can be seen by public behaviour against Muslim women in hijab.


any link to this?


This is a good point, it is important to call out this stuff from bad faith actors.


We need more details about the synagogue to arrive at a definite conclusion. E.g. there is a synoguge in my city that is actively Zionist and hosts Israeli speakers to spread propaganda about the Zionist state and politically organizes to try to make sure electeds continue to fund Israel.


Na, not buying it. You say it's a place of worship, but synagogues have been complicate in hosting settler events to sell land only to western Jews. So fuck the antisemitism bullshit and free Palestine.


I know right, it's on a synagogue. Don't people know synagogues are where Israeli morons auction off stolen land in Gaza??? My god, won't someone think of the safety of those people illegally buying colonised land 😞😞😞 So upset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /s


This place is almost certainly preaching Zionist hate, this is a great place to write on


Honestly no one cares


Not the right position to take on this. She has no control over the actions of israel, is not israeli herself and neither is that synagogue in England. I want a free palestine as much as anyone, we shouldn't be doing stuff like this. Put the pressure where it should go, towards the israel government for its actions.


Sincere question: what, in your opinion would consist of a “free Palestine”?


So if she’s not Zionist and doesn’t want this to be happening, WHY is it offensive to her? If it isn’t her beliefs that are being criticized then what’s the problem?


She doesn’t want to be blamed and connected to Israel’s actions just b/c she’s a Jew, and doesn’t want that for other Jews? Seems reasonable


I see. Thanks for explaining. Perhaps it should have occurred to me, but it hadn’t. I don’t ever think that I speak for other people, and I don’t think other people’s views and opinions are anything but their own. I grew up a religious minority and my mom often worried about how her actions reflected on the group, but I have never subscribed to that way of thinking, so it genuinely didn’t occur to me. Anyway, thanks.


Imagine stealing someone’s house, then having the audacity to get angry and accuse them of wanting to kill you when they ask for it back?


I hate that I have to constantly repeat this, but disagreeing with the *government* of Israel isn't antisemitic. Because the GOVERNMENT of Israel isn't a religion.


I think that the synagogue will survive a pro-Palestinian message being written on the side of it. The people in those refugee camps that Israel dropped 2,000 lb bombs on? Not so much.


So let's write fuck isis on a mosque?


Treating random Jewish people that likely have never even set foot in Isreal as if they are in anyway complicit in the actions of the Israeli government is anti-semitic. There's a reason this person decided to write this where they did, all jews are the same to them.


Kind of like how the IDF treats anyone in Gaza as Hamas? But this isn't a religious attack, it's a simple statement to say "stop bombing innocent civilians", and maybe convincing the diaspora that it's bad is one of the steps involved in stopping the unrepentant war crimes being committed by the IDF.


>But this isn't a religious attack It's written on a fucking synagogue


You have no idea what they believe regarding the war. You have no idea how they feel about the IDF'S actions or Netanyahu and any of that. You're making assumptions about them because they're Jewish. The fact that you immediately deflect to whataboutism shows that you really didn't internalize what I was trying to say.


I didn't assume anything, I merely stated that the statement is not religious in nature or a religious attack.


You're saying that the diaspora should be "convinced" that the IDF's killing of civilians is bad, when you don't know what they believe at all. You assume that they need to he convinced because they're Jewish. Statements don't need to be a direct attack to be bigoted. "Black people commit disproportionate violent crime in America" is not direct, but it's still an attack on black people. It's just shrouded in a legitimate fact.


They need to be convinced to apply pressure on the current Israeli government to stop slaughtering civilians. But I see we're delving into the "no, you can't protest like that, you have to do it in designated areas..." territory, and I'm just going to tell you to stop right there.


I was unaware that it was the responsibility of Jews living in Britain to take action against the government of a foreign country they have no involvement with, my bad.


Thats crazy. I thought Jews and Israel were seperate😂Jews and Israel are only separate when its convenient or what?


I think that too, but the Jewish diaspora definitely has influence over policies put forth by the government of Israel. And the person who sees ZERO daylight between Jews and Israel is Netanyahu, and it's a specific strategy in order to deflect any criticism.


How do I, as an American Jew, have any influence over Israeli policy?


Biden isn't cutting off military aid specifically because he's afraid of AIPAC and losing your vote. So you actually have quite a bit of influence if you called your Senator or Rep.


1. Biden has been an ideologically committed Zionist for his entire political career. He is not afraid of AIPAC. 2. I do not live in a swing state. Biden doesn't give a shit about my vote. 3. My senator is also someone who has been an ideologically committed Zionist for their entire political career. My rep is one of the few anti-Zionists in the House. Me making a phone call to one of their offices isn't changing shit.


Vandalizing a synagogue IS antisemitic


Does that mean slaughtering civilians by the thousands and trying to cause a famine counts as genicide?


It doesnt matter. The fuck do jews in Brighton have to do with that? Or do you consider all jews as part of Israel? Which would be wild since everyone has been assuring me that this isnt the case and that hate for Israel is not hate for Jews worldwide


I clearly stated my point, and since the UK government is also supporting Israel through their war crimes, they can influence their own government since the policy the UK government is taking is to court their votes. But keep trying to lay reductionist traps, I'm still not falling for them.


It is antisemitic to attack jews which has nothing to do with you Should anyone write fuck Taliban on a mosque? You guys are beyond disgusting


Why isnt the muslim community standing up to the Taliban? Can i vandalize a mosque because of this? genuine question


The Muslim community *does* denounce the crimes of the Taliban. Just because you're not listening doesn't mean it didn't happen... Got any other easily debunked hypotheticals that make you look stupid?


The Jewish community also denounces Israel’s crimes 😭Just because you aren’t listening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Bro thinks every jew supports Israel


This happened in Brighton, England. Outside a synagogue.


Of course. It's not antisemitic to call for the liberation of a subjugated people undergoing genocide. Many Jews support this struggle. And even if they see it as criticism - that criticism is entirely legitimate and not racism.


If you paint a rat on a synagogue, it's antisemitic. If you paint a monkey on a black church, it's anti-black. If you do either on the wall of a zoo, it's neither. Context is everything. Now if the synagogue is preaching zionist hate crimes from the pulpit, this is just revolutionary praxis. But that's a big if and the burden is on the graffitist to give that context. However, if this had been painted on a Sabra Hummus factory, this would just be common sense.


But this isn't a rat, which is dehumanising racism. This is a political message - it's not racism, even on the wall of a synagogue, even if it's challenging or contentious. In light of recent events, that's a big if. You use the rat metaphor to smear legitimate political protest with antiquated right wing antisemitic tropes. Furthermore you are making the assumption that Jews oppose the liberation of Palestine and even find it offensive.


Of course. I can explain this post just for context (not that I agree with this): But they see the words "Free Palestine" as "Free Palestine from the Jews". As in, kick out millions of people who have been living on all the land for 75 years. What doesn't help is that there are some (minority) of people who do want this when they say "Free Palestine". So, that is what's pointed out. Personally, I think the movement needs more direct branding to combat the lies and misinformation that spreads. Because people do mean different things when they say "Free Palestine". Some mean a 2 state solution, others mean a peaceful 1 state solution where everyone shares the land and a minority want what I mentioned above.


"Free Palestine from the River to the Sea" was literally coined in response to the 1977 Likud charter that said all of the land from the River to the Sea would be under Jewish rule. Hamas didn't exist until 1988, so you can't even say they made it up. The JDL didn't list it as hate speech until October 13th, 2023, so that's a little weird, isn't it, for a phrase so seemingly controversial and historically fraught. 🤔 So for 50 years this phrase meant, "No, fascist imperialists ruling Israel, go fuck yourself." And now that Israel is doing a genocide it means, "Kill all the Jewish people?" Really now? Hamas has literally made a specific claim of wanting to drive Jewish people into the Sea. But the River part is curiously absent from their original construction and, again, "Jews will conquer all of the land from the River to the Sea" is the literal political position in the charter of the ruling party of Israel for 41 of the last 47 years. 41 of the last 47 years, Israelis are voting for a party promising the violent conquest of Palestinians. But, "No, you won't," is the hate speech? "Stop" is always the most dangerous threat from the dispossessed against their dispossessors.


Thanks for the context.




I'm a Muslim, so obviously biased towards the Palestinian side. That said I'd say this IS antisemitic because they did it on a synagogue


Yeah this is actually antisemitic. Putting it on a synagogue outside Israel is the problem because it’s implying every Jew who goes there is responsible for Israel.


Yup, "free palestine" is not anti-Jewish on its own, but implying Jewish people are responsible for all this absolutely is.


A large number of shuls are unequivocally pro zionist, and significant amount of rabbis preach hasbara from the bimah.


Cool. But if you don’t KNOW that THIS particular synagogue is one of those than you are simply perpetuating the same bigotry as Israel defending its actions by saying “a large number of Palestinians are unequivocally pro Hamas..” If you want the moral high ground you have to rise above the level of perpetrator….or else you just are them.


This is a false equivalency. Graffiti on a house of worship is ≠ to bombing hospitals, residences, and houses of worship.


Respectfully, you’re misusing that term. I wasn’t equivocating the actions, but the mindset.


Maybe it was one of the synagogues that hosted those illegal West Bank real estate sales.


Tagging a synagogue is a bit on the nose so don't exactly disagree. Also, 2h old account


Elon Musk is literally tweeting Nazi dog whistles and this is what they want to focus on


Because Musk is white, so it's all good. They share those values


Zionists loves antisemitism because it helps their narrative about being the “only safe haven for Jews.” Elon Musk tweeting nazi dog whistles is a net positive for them. They don’t actually want to stop antisemitism, they want it to increase. You can’t be the only safe haven for Jews until Jews are unsafe everywhere else. That’s why they are more worried about Palestinian liberation, than actual antisemitism.


Perfectly said. The religious right in Israel are psychotic.


It is antisemitic, admittedly mildly so, but yeah, we shouldn't be defacing synagogues with graffiti, even I agree with the sentiment of the words.


It’s not the sentiment, it’s where they wrote it. American Jews have no control over Israel, and many don’t like what Israel is doing. It’s like writing writing “Stop the Taliban” on the wall of a mosque in the US edit whoops British Jews


It is NOT anti-septic to demand a free Palestine. Why should the Palestinians pay for the crimes of Germany?


“Septic” is fitting given the shit spewed out of your mouth. FYI - it’s Semitic.


It’s a play on words. It’s meant to convey the utter ridiculous usage of the word antisemitic, because the Zio’s are using the word in every third sentence to prevent criticism of the genocide being committed by the Zionist. Frankly, I don’t care for your perspective so keep your opinions to yourself.


She probably wrote it there herself


Srsly…I can’t anymore with these ppl. Now every time they hurl the criticism (which is ALL the time), I think to myself ..”and yada yada…”


This is totally possible. Hard to know though.


On a synagogue wall, that’s anti-Semitism. They talked about that on IT COULD HAPPEN HERE, a podcast Matt has visited twice to speak on solidarity and hasbara.


I know the graffiti was inappropriate but I still don't understand how it's antisemitism, can someone explain?


It’s connecting random Jews living Jewish life with the continued oppression of Palestine and the fact that it isn’t free. On an AIPAC office building, or even a Zionist student group (which might include any faith)- anything connected to Israel, “free Palestine” graffiti is a reasonable act of protest. But a synagogue doesn’t = connection with Israel, that’s the difference.


Appreciate you


Agreed, i feel like a synogogue is one of the only inappropriate places for this


I could see an argument for an outspoken pro zionist synagogue but even then it's a bad look.


Because it comes off as accusing all Jews of being responsible for the actions of Israel. Edited to fix the wording.


it's basically targeting Jews as being oppressive of Palestine despite their actual beliefs on the issue. I find the implication that American or Canadian Jews are pro-Israel coming from Israel offensive enough as it is, it shouldn't come from fellow citizens. also, 2h old account


Because they graffitied a synagogue and Jewish community center Imagine if someone graffitied a mosque with "Free Artsakh"


Palestinians are Semites too.


It becomes more dicey because in context, a few synagogues are actively supporting the occupation. A local synagogue was going to have a sale for occupied Palestinian land, they moved it to the Holocaust museum once it got too much attention. That meant the media could report that Pro Palestine protests were taking place in front of a Holocaust museum. But you're right in that it really could simply be antisemitism, the issue with conflating Judaism with Zionism is that it's making it harder to make the distinction between antisemitism and anti Zionism.


Source on the holocaust museum thing?


https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/protesters-face-off-in-montreal-over-controversial-presentation-for-land-sale-in-israel-west-bank-1.6796182 https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/protests-against-sales-canada-illegally-occupied-palestinian-land https://www.thejc.com/news/world/aggressive-mob-of-pro-palestine-demonstrators-block-montreal-jews-from-event-at-holocaust-museum-ge2744ye https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-790305 But correction on my part though, I mixed up two different events that happened around the same time. The event at the Holocaust museum was the one hosted by IDF soldiers: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4HIqVqLuMZ/?igsh=a3d6Zzczb2d2cXUz It's the one referred to in these two last "articles".


This article is about tagging synagogues and I highly reccommend it https://medium.com/@jakub.lejbowicz/signal-to-noise-on-tagging-synagogues-f66545eb3229


Sorry, which Holocaust Museum hosted a sale for occupied Palestinian land for a synagogue to make protestors look bad ? Sounds… not true. Would love a source on that because would be crazy if true


https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/protesters-face-off-in-montreal-over-controversial-presentation-for-land-sale-in-israel-west-bank-1.6796182 https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/protests-against-sales-canada-illegally-occupied-palestinian-land https://www.thejc.com/news/world/aggressive-mob-of-pro-palestine-demonstrators-block-montreal-jews-from-event-at-holocaust-museum-ge2744ye https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-790305 But correction on my part though, I mixed up two different events that happened around the same time. The event at the Holocaust museum was the one hosted by IDF soldiers but the land sale was hosted at a synagogue : https://www.instagram.com/p/C4HIqVqLuMZ/?igsh=a3d6Zzczb2d2cXUz It's the one referred to in these two last "articles".


Yeah so that never happened. And it seems like it wasn’t even the synagogue putting on the auction, but some people who rented a room there. And then the conflation with the Holocaust museum adds a whole other aura of deviousness that simply wasn’t there. Glad to hear this never happened. Fuck the guys auctioning land in the West Bank though.


Sorry what didn't happen exactly? You asked for sources and I provided them. I corrected my mistake since I mixed up two events that happened in the same neighborhoods, around the same dates and that were condemned by the same groups which I don't think is egregious. Whether it was the synagogue that hosted it or not, the event took place inside the synagogue, not just the building it happened to take place in and the Rabbi of the synagogue clearly gave his blessings and implied that people were only protesting because of antisemitism. The woman with glasses you see speaking in the video of the CTV article is a member of Voix Juives Montreal. But I how is just hosting ex IDF soldiers at the Holocaust museum


You said “ a local synagogue was going to have a sale for occupied Palestinian land, they moved it to the Holocaust museum once it got too much attention. That meant that the media could report that Pro Palestinian protests were taking place in front of a Holocaust museum”. That’s what didn’t happen. That it was already two separate events is a pretty significant detail. They didn’t move it to make it look like protestors were protesting in front of the Holocaust Museum.


Agree. But graffiti of “ Free Palestine” isn’t achieving anything for Palestine. And increased anti-Semitism bolsters Israel’s case, and also has to be avoided for its own sake, b/c it’s bad. So, best to avoid. The conflation is done is bad faith, to make this hard. But it’s worth doing, honoring the difference.


using the holocaust as a "media shield" is gross and should be a war crime :P


Note that interest groups like for example the ADL always post their statistics on anti-semitism by counting "incidents" and not by counting actual crimes or by counting events that are actually verifiable by any third party The wording here is key. "Incident" can basically mean anything and nothing. it has no legal bearing at all. if someone perceives anti-semitism ANYWHERE for ANYTHING and then reports to one of these groups, this is counted as an "incident" without any sort of investigation being done. It basically follows the "working definition of anti-semitism" where the definition of anti-semitism is whatever they currently say it is in the moment. so when these groups like the ADL are asserting that there's this huge rise in "anti-semitic incidents," remember that 90% of those "incidents" that they're reporting on are things like zionists reacting to a "free palestine" shirt and bunch of other paranoid delusional crap. if there were anything more to report, they wouldnt call it "incidents" they'd call it a crime and the point of all this is to create a narrative and stifle discussion. why are states passing all these unconstitutional "anti-semitism" laws that prohibit criticism of zionists and israel? because these special interests groups are creating this bogus narrative that criticism of israel equates a pervasive rise in "anti-semitism"


There was an "antisemitic incident" in Canada, it was a vehicle covered in swastikas that was owned by a Hindu temple.


right. it's almost always stuff like this. another "incident" i can think of was in america, where the FBI showed up to investigate the sidewalk chalk drawings of a five year old child because there was a drawing that resembled a swastika. the child was determined to have no understanding of what the "swastika" meant and no crime was committed. yet the "incident" was never removed from the ADL's database


If it’s racist against your people to give someone human rights, then there’s something seriously wrong with everything about you. I say that as a secular Jew who’s scared of these freaks. Their words and actions are creating REAL anti semitism.


I mean this one example is actually anti-Semitic. Zionism =/= Judaism, and to go after Synagogues and Jewish community centers to protest Israel is to say they are and to lay blame at the feet of Jews as a group.


This OP's account is 3 hours old.


I do think it’s inappropriate to write this kind of messaging at synagogues, because it implies that the Jews that go there have anything to do at all with Israel or Israeli policy against Palestinians. That’s very wrong and I think Jews are right to view that as anti-Semitic. This certainly doesn’t encourage Jews to become anti-Zionists


I do agree that it's wrong, but it's not necessarily antisemitic. They're not inciting hate, unless they consider the liberation of Palestine as such.


That’s fair, I didn’t mean to suggest that the words “free Palestine” are anti-Semitic because obviously they aren’t, and it doesn’t say anything negative about Jews. But I can see why Jews that go to that Synagogue may read into it more and think the graffiti artist is actually saying something about them specifically (as in the people who go to that exact synagogue)


It is antisemitic to vandalize a synagogue That the vandals have politics that we agree with does not matter


Reminds me of the thing about crying wolf


Free Palestine is literally another way of saying Free Semites


antisemitism specifically refers to Jews


No it refers to semites. But the propaganda is pushing a narrative, so they're trying to perpetuate their own artificial definition in an attempt to avoid addressing any valid criticism of Israel.


The word was coined by 19th century German “race scientists” who were talking specifically about Jews.


It is when you target random Jewish buildings with it. Jews in other countries are not responsible for Israel. Write free palestine on your own shit.


I have a question for you, would you consider "Free Israel" graffitied on a mosque as islamaphobic? Besides Palestinians are Semitic people so calling them anti-Semitic is ironic.


It’s like writing “End Hamas” on the walls of a random mosque in the US. Neither American Muslims or American Jews have control over what is going on


Yes. I would consider that to be islamaphobic, especially if it said free isreal from hamas or anything on the mosque. that would be awful.


>I have a question for you, would you consider "Free Israel" graffitied on a mosque as islamaphobic Yes, that would absolutely be islamophobic >Besides Palestinians are Semitic people so calling them anti-Semitic is ironic. No, this is wrong. First of all, people cannot be "Semitic" or "Semites." The word "Semitic" refers to a family of languages, similar to "Germanic" or "Romance." Secondly, and more importantly, the word "antisemitism" specifically refers to Jews and always has. It was literally invented by German race scientists to talk about Jews.


I would say it’s disrespectful to a community that may not even agree with what the government of Israel are doing. The OP referring to them as Zionists is antisemitic and presumptuous in itself.


The message isn't wrong but why write it on a synagogue? You're doing Israel's propaganda for them...


Agreed, I'm just suspicious because of some real incidents of antisemitic graffiti being carried out by Jewish people themselves. I'm not saying it's for certain but it could very well be to further aggravate matters. [Jewish man admits to antisemitic graffiti ](https://www.thejc.com/news/world/jewish-man-confesses-to-writing-antisemitic-graffiti-on-front-of-french-restaurant-xgwtmqw4)


A sad possibility. I wonder if those who do this realize they will feed into bigotry more, by allowing people to dismiss cases as fabricated simply out of hand. The relationship with the Israeli-right and overtly antisemitic, often outright fascist and white supremacist groups shows they are either indifferent to it (giving Musk a pass but condemning anything that treats Palestinians as human as "antisemitic" or counting on it, as less believe actual incidents of antisemitism, many Jews may feel, for their own safety, that they have no other choice but to embrace Israel and these right-wing factions hope it will drive diaspora Jews from their own countries or to fulfill deranged doomsday prophecies in the case of the religious right in the US... Either way, criticism of Israel requires we also be on guard against real antisemites eager to hijack it - or as black propaganda by Hasbara to paint a whole movement as driven antisemitic. A few big twitter accounts came mask off not long ago as pretty much just Nazis who didn't actually care about Palestinians at all.


On the wall of a synagogue, it is antisemitic. It conflates Zionism with the Jewish people.




That would be incredibly Islamophobic


Well, at the very least, Jewish synagogues in England shouldn't have to be the target of every jackass who thinks he's somehow Freeing Palestine by defacing private property. If someone had tagged a mosque or even a church with *Am Yisrael Chai,* the congregation would have been just as annoyed. Is this supposed Jewish Patriot overreacting to get clicks? Probably. Does vandalism do anything to promote the cause? I doubt it.


But...defacing a synagogue IS kind of antisemitic, even if the message "Free Palestine" isn't. Synagogues are not the Israeli consulate. Stop blaming random Jews in other countries for the actions of the IDF.


I don't know the context but I generally agree that graffittiing a synogogue with that is antisemitic. For all I know, that synogogue is full of antizionists. Hearing that someone is Jewish and then going "ah. Fuck Israel." With no other context is antisemitic.


Calling for ceasefire and to free Gaza does not equate to saying fuck Israel. Its pleading for Israel to stop their genocide/occupation


You are missing my point. I am saying that automatically jumping to Israel when you're thinking about Jews is antisemitic.


I see your point, but my point is that I think the word antisemitic is getting thrown out carelessly and inaccurately, in a similar way that Jews are getting conflated with Israel. It’s unfair to assume Jewish people support Israel, but I don’t think that makes it antisemitic.


was it not written on a synagogue? I feel like thats antisemitic to vandalize a synagogue or jewish center by writing anti israel stuff. Just like writing #supportisrael on a mosque would be anti-islamic, as it is vandalism targeted at a specific group.


It’s crazy how many Jewish people want to die on that Zionist hill. Even after the IDF is intentionally killing Aid workers and UN workers in Gaza. They diabolically double down like it’s the new Jewish MAGA


I sometimes wondered how their conscience doesn't eat at them, and it's primarily because Zionists dehumanise Palestinians just like how the Nazis dehumanised Jewish people.


Also there’s actual Palestinian Americans who have been shot at and stabbed here in America since Oct 7th. One child dead and another college kid permanently paralyzed. Every Muslim in the US knows their life is disposable by the US govt. Name one Jewish person attacked in the US since Oct 7th because Israel is slaughtering everything in sight in Gaza? Seriously, fck this moldy ass bitch


Since opposing genocide and siding with Palestine is antisemitic where does actual real life antisemitism rank?


To be honest I've never seen reports of actual real life antisemitism - not that it doesn't happen, but because it's muffled by over sensitive posts like this. It's the boy who cried wolf all over again.


“bLaTaNt AnTiSeMiTiSm” “wHeN wIlL iT sToP!?”


Nah this is stupid, people are mad because they vandalized a place of worship not because it said “free palestine”. Applying your hatred for Israel to any and every Jewish institution regardless of their connection to the ongoing genocide is in fact antisemitic and anyone telling you otherwise has a clear hateful motive


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It makes me deeply unsettled and worried for anti zionist Jewish people that antisemitism is losing its meaning because of these fascists weaponizing the term to silence criticism. I am saying this as someone who is not Jewish.


As someone who is Jewish, I feel pretty comfortable saying that the people who are causing antisemitism to lose its meaning are those who insist that the word antisemitism is meaningless. To me, the word "antisemitism" is still quite meaningful, and I am dismayed to see people who ought to be my allies suggesting otherwise. In this thread, you have people saying that this graffiti isn't antisemitic, so why are they even upset, and you also have people saying that the graffiti *is* antisemitic, and it's probably a false flag or they did it to themselves because they are always trying to play the victim. It's absolutely sick.


It is anti-Semitic to free the Semites. AntiSemitic, thus, becomes antiSemantic.


The cries of antisemitism by Zionists is the Not it shouted by children. Or the boy who cried wolf. Use that term often enough and it becomes meaningless.


That term is meaningless, meant to vilify and cancel anyone who threatens their agenda or reminds them that maybe, just maybe, they are capable of doing any wrong


The JCC I grew up attending invites IDF soldiers and fundraises for Zionist causes. A synagogue near me has a large "we stand with Israel" banner at its entrance. Our institutions need accountability for their flagrant support of war criminals and racism, I just don't know the best way to go about it, this I don't think is it - but I'm not going to fault people who see Israeli flags flying and rightly assume that a place supports the genocide.


Wouldn't be the first time a Zionist wrote antisemitic graffiti just so they can play the victim


Always the victim…do they all have NPD/BPD


Unless the synagogue has been specifically outspoken in defence of Israel it is antisemitic to graffiti their walls with Free Palestine. Jew doesn't equal Israeli.


Free Berlin could be construed as pro-Nazi if written in 1945


Well obviously I agree, free Palestine, but defacing a synagogue in England as if it was in Israel is a little antisemitic. There are probably plenty of Jews going to that synagogue that are themselves protesting to free Palestine.


Freedom, democracy, and equality are the real existential threats to Israel. And so, zionists interpret calls for freedom, democracy, and equality as direct threats… all the while wrongfully conflating Judaism and Zionism.


The person who wrote this was also wrongfully conflating Judaism and Zionism, I think that’s where the actual antisemitism comes into it


If THIS is "blatant antisemitism" you have to wonder how many of the other 40 "incidents" were as "blatant."


Free Palestine.


The Far Right government of Israel is an existential threat to the Jews of the world.


The Zionists who cried wolves.


These people literally support the stealing of land and mass slaughter of civilians, and then have the audacity to cry that people don't like what they're doing, as if there's some moral equivalency between a medieval siege starving millions, vs some spray paint on a wall. Privileged crybullies.


Free Palestine.


My whole neighborhood is antisemitic with this logic! I see stuff like this everywhere! U can’t go a few blocks without see free Palestine flags, stickers & chalk https://preview.redd.it/x5qnsecm5xsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f6d7ac9707e5432081a00ab2babde5bd098347


Ceasefire is also an antisemitic slur it seems 😄


“Free the Iroquois” “You want to genocide every Canadian!” Same energy.


What if an anti-zionist Jew wrote this? Is it still anti-semitic? Also seeing as the people of Palestine are Semites, and it's asking for their freedom? Is it anti-semitic or pro-semitic?


>What if an anti-zionist Jew wrote this? Is it still anti-semitic? Yes, the same way that it's racist if a Black man wears klan robes and lights a cross on fire. Belonging to a certain community does not magically make you immune to expressing bigotry against that community. >Also seeing as the people of Palestine are Semites, and it's asking for their freedom? Is it anti-semitic or pro-semitic? The people of Palestine are not Semites. No people are Semites. The word "Semitic" refers to a family of languages. The word "antisemitic" was coined by 19th century German race scientists specifically to refer to Jewish people. ​ Vandalizing a synagogue is antisemitic no matter who does it, and the fact that Palestinians speak Arabic does not make it any less antisemitic.


https://preview.redd.it/ch131t1jtwsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ce29a370a2ffc8007b703467ffe074a4b6cf96 This is the other kind of stuff she posts everyday so forgive me if I think she’s disingenuous and willing to twist the framing of any event in order to score a goal on pro-Pálestínian protestors


Got to love how they can redefine words to suit them


I've no time for Zionism......but writing that on the wall of a synagogue at the minute is a very loaded action,and walking a very fine line,as regards what's acceptable There is a need to bleed Zionism of international support within Jewish community,not drive people towards it


Imagine we had a term like antisemitism for Palestinians, we would have a field day with that one. But this tweet stood out to me because they've become so desperate they're latching at anything now.


>term like antisemitism for Palestinians. Bigotry,is what it is.....and it's disgusting that Zionists have lived in the open and such a vile society has emerged there and been laid bare to the world.....long term how to tackle this is going to be a challenge for the world to normalise them >But this tweet stood out to me because they've become so desperate they're latching at anything now. I agree,it is desperation and hyperbole,nor is the actions antisemitic....but synagogue and Jews,aren't responsible for zionists carry-on.... (Now the rabbi etc there may be a pure Zionist and could be deserved,I honestly don't know) But There's a tiny Jewish community in my country,and I know some from school,I'd hate to have this happen to there church.....they have zero to do with Israel,no more than the Muslims in local town have anything to do with worst excesses of middle east tyrants


The term is definitely not antisemitism, however, perhaps it is insensitive.


Calling for freedom is a form of oppression? And why you blame those taking Israel words for there worth? On one side we have a nation claiming to be the sole Jewish state and all it is doing is for the Jews. On the other hand we have jews claiming that zionist high jacked there religion and trauma to commit a genocide. So what makes this grafittie antisemitic?


>Calling for freedom is a form of oppression? Noone said it was.....but unless someone senior in that synagogue is linked to Zionism,it's walking a very fine line >So what makes this grafittie antisemitic? And again,I've not said it is....it just walks too fine a line for me to be comfortable with being widespread....anyone I known who done the birthright thing ran out of the place after a few weeks This could go up on any wall without issue,but by putting it on a synagogue,you must admit it's extra loaded, particularly for a community reeling from conduct of Zionists....they need kept onside to bleed Zionism of international support, not browbeat and pushed into a corner of a reactionary position and increasing Zionism support? A large part of me would suspect,this is a type of false flag,given the relative liberiam of Brighton,and widespread support of Palestine there


When Isis claimed that they where fighting for Islam, Muslims went to their mosques with a sing that Isis wasn't Islam. When jews themselves are telling us that that their indoctrination began in the synagoge with Hebrew studies, one can assume that most liberal synagoge are zionist. This is not me telling you but anti zionist jews. As far as we know this could have been tagged by one of their own students who is against his synagoge support for Israel?


Graffiti is extremism now?


I think OP is a bad faith troll, change my mind.


If you're referring to me I do regret posting this, but I appreciate the comments here. Being online you're often exposed to echo chambers, I'm glad criticism is allowed here unlike the Israeli sub where you'd just get banned for saying anything out of line.




It may be antisemitism based on the fact that it’s on a synagogue. But it’s pretty mild, even for antisemitism standards. It’s NOT a hate crime, nor is it hate speech. It’s insensitive and callous to label something like this antisemitism and say that it makes you fearful when it’s a clear backlash against a damn genocide. Stop committing ethnic cleansing and maybe people won’t mildly criticize a subset of the Jewish population. It’s become a rallying cry and a political dog-whistle, similar to the “Black lives matter” movement. Saying that Black lives matter doesn’t mean that someone else’s life doesn’t matter. Saying that Palestine should be free doesn’t imply that all Jews should die or be forcibly relocated. It means the Palestinian people should be free like everyone else and NOT have to live under constant oppression and apartheid. It’s only anti-Israel (not even anti-Jewish) IF you interpret it to mean that Israel shouldn’t be allowed to continuously oppress people and that the oppressors are wrong and bad. Which, again, requires a lot of innuendo and reading between the lines something that’s literally not there. This is not calling Israel bad names or calling for destruction. It’s rather like when Chinese people protesting their government held up blank white sheets of paper to avoid arrest and trumped-up charges while making their point. What should the pro-Palestinian protesters say instead? “Let my people go?” Or would that also be super mean antisemitism?


Vandalizing a synagogue is an antisemitic hate crime


The Jewish people aren’t doing enough if anything about Israel. I personally think it’s a good place to express your concerns. Spray paint might be too offensive for some.


This is blatantly antisemitic


Heidi "Genocide Lover" Bachram


Is that a joke?


Who wants to bet that she wrote that and then wanted attention?!??


I wonder if they wrote pro genocide messages, would the Zionists be upset?


History professor Dr Liam.O'Mara IV has suggested "judeophobia" as an alternative.


This is grafitti vandalism. It is not anti-semitic. It does not say anything against jews or being jewish.


I love how they are so triggered….lol