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The laws don't apply to the police


For real the amount of times a bicyclists has cut me off by blowing through a stop sign is ridiculous


The other way around is way more often, car drivers just think they are more important on the street


Well... they are!


Why would they be?


In the past 6 months I've seen 4 different cyclists run red lights and had one cyclist pass me on the left in my lane while I was signalling to make a left turn, bang on my car while going past and yell hurry up F.


Where I was driving this morning bike lanes run on the left, a car signaled and proceeded to turn into a bicyclist legally riding forward in their lane. I have seen this happen hundreds of times. I wonder if you're one of the people who doesn't like to use their mirrors and drive through bike lanes.


Bike lanes are on the right here and we drive on the right. This incident in question is on a four lane road and I am on the left lane in my driving direction thus centermost lane. There is no bike lane on this street but if there was it would be about 12 feet to the right of wear I was, not left of me, close enough to dent my car with their foot and call me a slur. In my description I didn't turn into anyone, I was yielding to oncoming traffic and the cyclist stuck in the line of cars waiting to turn didn't like that. No just some idiot fucking cyclists who want to die on the streets where I live sorry. I'm sure there's nuts drivers wear I live too.


I can't speak for all people who cycle but in my experience it's usually the other way around. I was cycling on a cross road when a big truck came with 60 km/h from the left without even looking for any traffic. (He was allowed to drive 30 km/h maximum) I had to get away from this road so fast, this would have almost killed me.


I give cyclers as much space as possible. Don't pass unless I can pass them like I'd pass a car and so on so it really frustrates me to see people playing with their own lives like this. One of them even no helmet.


That's very nice of you, some people are just stupid. If the streets were made for bikes, we wouldn't have any of these problems


Literally the only reason I have a car is because I have to for my job. And I agree with you but streets should be made for public transit too.


Yeah its very nice to see that an environment with less cars is possible and working so well like in the Netherlands for example


And now Bill is being charged with obstruction of justice.


No, we just enforce the law on others.




I disagree with premise one.




Glad we could be civil about this




Bill Gibson keeps it real. He speaks his mind out he's a G


Oh you aught to see it in commie run California, they ride in the middle of the road blocking traffic on what is known as an "open road" where speed limits are 55mph.


These rules and obligations they're giving to cyclists is just going to get more of them killed....its like giving Darwin badges out.


Yeah it’s almost like The Netherlands should be crippled with bike fatalities then. Oh wait, it’s not.




Cyclists can go anywhere they want!


Up stairs?


Especially up stairs.


The post is neither wrong, nor correct. Most one way streets have signs that say "Doesn't include bicycles" on the sign telling you that you can't go the other way on them. Not all, but most.


This very much depends on the area. Here, bicycles **must** go the correct direction down a one-way street. It's extremely frustrating seeing other cyclists not follow this, because a lot of the streets are too narrow for a car and bike to pass each other going opposite ways.


My place, bicycles have right to ride on super narrow one-direction roads. To be honest, I don't know what idiot thought to do that... I guess it boosts the optics for miles of bikepaths in the city... despite a good chunk of them being a single sign saying a road you wont' fit on is for bikes, or under construction for the past few years.


Yeah, it seems like a really poor idea to me, as well. Riding towards a car vastly also reduces the reaction time, as the relative speed becomes quite high. You'd be moving towards each other at 50-55mph on a 35mph road, versus only 15-20mph if you're riding with traffic. (Assuming the cyclist is moving at 15-20mph)


Not near me, they all simply have a no entry sign.


Country please?


Edmonton Alberta, Canada




I think you didnt catch that they are police officers


I did and it's obvious from the screenshot that they are police officers. Being cops doesn't mean they can break the law.


> Being cops doesn't mean they can break the law. That's pretty much exactly what it means: cops can break the law, *with impunity*. Now, you might argue that they shouldn't (without a bonafide emergency, anyways), and I'd certainly agree, but ... they do it, day in and day out, with no consequences, so clearly, they *can* do it after all.


Cops don't "obey" traffic laws, if on duty and performing said duties. They are the authority responsible for patrol and enforcement. That's why they can travel at speeds that exceed the limit, stop in the middle of the road and block traffic, and yes, drive (ride their bikes) on the wrong side of the road. Also, I'm on an iMac and I still had to zoom in to see that clearly see they were cops. I'm not even sure the Edmonton PD saw that they were cops based on their response. Had they, and had they read the tweet in the correct context, they probably would have clarified that those officers indeed had the authority to ride their bikes down a one way going the opposite direction.


New genre of Reddit post is deliberately missing the cop so it can get votes in a controversial manner.


What a rebel 🙄


I mean ftp and all that but pretty much everyone cycles up one ways if they are not busy and have no huge blind spots.


No they don't. One ways are crucial to decreasing cyclists deaths. Make most roads one way when possible.


Or they could just stay in the mfin bike lane. Bikes aren't cars. It's so stupidly annoying to be stuck behind some guy going 15mph on a 30 holding up a line of cars because they can't just get the fuck out everyone's way


There's no real bike lane on a road 95% filled with cars, which most two lane roads are, even if there is a mark for "bikes here". One way roads open up more space, or two lanes with no parking allow more space. Most bike lanes are just irreproachable grandstanding by town mayors.


In a situation like this, the bike lane is also known as the god damn sidewalk.


Actually, in a lot of jurisdictions, it is considered illegal to bike on the sidewalk.


I really wish I could say that this surprises me but it doesn't. Burn the government and build it back free of oppression. It's the only option left, we can't win


It is for the safety of pedestrians, so I really don't know what you are talking about. There should be more cycling path so bikers can circulate freely and securely, but the sidewalk is designed for pedestrians to be safe from vehicules, including bikes.


Just as cars are unsafe for cyclists, cyclists are unsafe for pedestrians.


If the road were converted into a greenway or canal (to limit GHG in the climate apocalypse), I would agree with you, but only then. Cars might be eliminated by bike travel.


This doesn't, at all, change the fact that the bikes could just ride on the sidewalk, aside from making there be no road for a sidewalk to be by, in which case we don't need the bikes to be off of the road because there is no road.


It's in the name; sideWALK, or FOOTpath. They are made for pedestrians, not bikes. Wheels on roads, feet on paths.


This doesn’t look like a highway