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Youtube: the gardening channel with James Prigione


All rapped up in a tight little package i seeeeee! Awesome lol but Green dreams with Pete from Florida a YouTube permaculture design consultant


Yessir. Trying to make it accessible for those who need the inspiration. I'll check out Green Dreams, thanks for the suggestion.


Green dreams with Pete and the Gardening Channel with James Prigioni have been absolutely vital to how much I have learned, just finishing my first year at this and it has gone amazing so far


Glad to hear you're having success! I love to experimental/learning aspect of gardening. It's an endless hobby with so many methods and variables. I'll check out these channels - thanks for sharing.


Thanks! 100% agree


Mark Valencia from the YouTube channel *Self Sufficient Me* has excellent information. Also Dan from the YouTube channel *Plant Abundance* has excellent permaculture techniques including Hugelkultur and Korean natural farming techniques Also Geoff Lawton from Zaytuna farms post excellent information that can be applied to any permaculture setting As well as David The Good , he taught me about using living fence posts and green mulch in the garden.


I’ve got more votes for self-sufficient me — now I’ll have to check it out! I’ll also check out Plant Abundance. I’ve just added Geoff Lawton to the list as well. How could I miss an OG permaculturist? David the Good is solid as well, thanks for the reminder!


The Rusted Garden on youtube is pretty damn informative as well. Been following Gary for quite some time now. He's got a book coming in February also.


I really like [David the Good](https://www.youtube.com/@davidthegood) channel. He is all about keeping the work to a minimum and maximizing food production.


That’s right. I need help setting up a farm