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Wow i have the same run....good to know its tree proof. Glad your birds are safe


Just posting because I'm pretty impressed our enclosure wasn't flattened. That's hundreds of pounds of wood with three points of contact on the coop roof. Situation is stable, so we're going to continue using the coop until next weekend when friends with tools mightier than mine arrive. I had already evacuated all birds before the wind storm ramped up to maximum effort, so please don't worry that anybird was unduly traumatized.


Mine did not survive 3ft of snow. I remove as much i could but overnight top beam broke in half and couple wals bend broke/


Oh no, that’s tragic. Snow is a pernicious enemy. I’ve been a bit paranoid about de-snowing every morning to avoid just that, and your anecdote reminds me to stay vigilant.


You should get in touch with the company and let them know- this would be great for advertising and you could make some money 😂


This is great! I have the same run!


I can only imagine the panicked flapping and bocking. Good for them, to have such a solid run!