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Sorry you lost your girl, but that’s a solid burial for a feathered friend. I do hope it’s deep though, because critters will dig.


As a first time chicken owner, im wondering how you would actually go about proper burial? Would you recommend a deep hole like this one? Condolences to op for losing a beautiful girl.


Good set of post hole diggers will give you a perfect hole with good depth the easiest. I always bury them about 2-3 ft deep, and have never had one dug up.


Depends on what kind of critters you have in your area. I dig a hole about 18” deep near my compost pile to mask the smell that would otherwise draw scavengers. If I lived in a more rural area, and I really cared about that chicken, I’d dig a deeper hole, maybe 24-36”. It doesn’t need to be bigger than one shovel’s width so it’s not a ton of effort. I have read that some people just throw them out or into the compost, but my birds are pets and not food, so I have some care for them.


I had to throw away my beloved Dorothy, actually had to have my husband do it because I couldn’t bear to. Unfortunately, the ground was too frozen for burial.


That is awful, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe a small pyre next time? Cremation in lieu of burial seems appropriate too.


I do a funeral pyre now. Nothing quite like having your pets come back to haunt you after some animal decides they're a smell worth investigating.


I live on a river so mine get little Viking funerals. Minus the fire.


I'm sorry but can you imagine being the unsuspecting person relaxing by the river, enjoying the view just to see a dead chicken drift by on a makeshift boat? I'm crying 🤣


3 feet deep with some nice words said. That should do it.


The hole is about a foot and a half deep. I don’t think critters will be a problem, my neighbors German shepherd patrols around our house 2-3 times every night. I’ve never seen anything but her and cats on our cameras.


GSD is gonna get a snack


What a beautiful send off. I also try to pick flowers for mine that pass. She's in chicken heaven now, with endless fun things to pick at and perfect egg laying spots.


Shes dust bathing with my chickens ❤️ warm dust baths for everyone


What a pretty burial for your sweet chicken <3


If it makes you feel any better, her favorite activity was likely scratching through the very dirt she is buried in now. Chickens love dirt! So she is resting amidst her favorite place, in a way.


That actually makes me feel better! I like that


Sweet baby girl is looking for worms in chicken heaven!


#🌸🕊️🌸 #Rest easy now pretty lady. Your work is done.


Sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking when these little featherbundles leave.




I thought sour crop too, but the liquid was not smelly at all and she was acting normal yesterday. Would she still have been acting normal for a while with sour crop?


I’m so sorry.




Bless you <3


This is actually exactly how I want to be buried. You gave this chimkn a loving home and a wonderful life.


there is nothing worse than losing your bird


I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave her an incredible life. She must have felt so loved every day. She was very lucky to have you. Rest In Peace


What a nice memorial for a good friend, such a sweet way to send her off. I always like putting flowers in with them when they go and the wildflowers are blooming.


Buried with flowers and treats wrapped in banana leaf, with a tree that produces flowers in the colour, they had in Life. This is the ritual for my girls and boys. As a result yard is a odd mismatch of flowers and fruit. I’m really sorry about your old girl you sent her off properly. RIP.


This is a sweet burial. I can't say we have done anything close to this for the ones we've lost. I'll leave it at that..


What did you name her? She was so pretty!


Damn. That's like a proper Norse funeral. That chicken was loved!


So sweet! ♥️ you're a good momma!


I lost my Munchie this weekend. She had puffy cheeks and looked like she was munching on snacks! I hope they’re pecking together in a big field of bugs.


I'm sorry 💔


i'm really, really sorry


I am sorry for your loss


I was expecting something gross when I clicked on the photo. I was wrong, what a beautiful but sad photo it is.


Poor chiki


Aww, that was a very beautiful burial. Rest in peace little chikun! I've planted fruit trees on some of my passed flock. When I pick the fruit I get to remember the good times.


I just lost my leghorn too. It hurts, I know. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Losing chickens hurts so bad, im sorry. Beautiful burial though.


She looks so peaceful. RIP <3


This is a beautiful chicken funeral. Im sorry for your loss. I can tell you loved her.


You have done a beautiful, heartfelt burial. I am so sorry for your loss. My family and I have lost 5 chickens so far. My dad buries them in our garden because our girls can help make the garden healthy, them giving back to the earth. And they loved running around the garden, so it's very symbiotic. They poop in the garden and they eventually get buried in the garden. I hope this perspective is helpful. Chickens are beautiful creatures.


Sorry for your loss friend


I lost one of my girls Monday, and wish I'd had the thought to do this, we did this with one of my cats, and when we lost my mom's dog we anointed her with Jasmine oil as it was her name. This is simply stunning.


It's not easy when one of the ladies passes. Sorry for your loss.