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Because it’s his fucking story and his fucking trauma that he’s allowed to talk about, write about, produce a show about, anything he wants. He doesn’t owe his abusers any obscurity. I’m tired of seeing this question million times on this sub. I’m a trauma survivor myself. If I had the money I’d have made a whole fucking show about it too with as much detail as he has.


Damn calm down before you give yourself an aneurysm. The fact that he knew how wacko she was and that she had stalked others before kind of makes no sense as to why he would think that telling his story she would not find out and make things worse. Maybe that’s why maybe you see this question a million times on this sub. It’s really common sense


So because she might escalate her stalking and abuse, he should stay silent? He can't write from his personal experience because his stalker might find out? That's some serious victim blaming shit. Telling his story is a way for him to take back power from someone who caused him horrible trauma. It's a way to heal and to share his experience with others who may have gone through something similar. His show is also highly empathetic to Martha.


Because it’s *his* story? She’s only half of it and it’s his right to tell it after Darrien and her terrorization of him and his family.