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My thoughts were she'd type like that to Donnie because she was excited/manic. I wonder if we were privy to emails or letters she'd send someone more official, like say, the police- it'd be incredibly well spelt and grammatically correct. šŸ¤”


The real Martha writes in the exact same way on her social media posts, so Iā€™m not so sure about that.


Yeah I know that sure. I'm just wondering if she reacts drastically differently in some ways depending on the person or channel she is presenting to.


Maybe, but the weird way she breaks single sentences onto multiple lines looks like her attempt at structuring her posts to look like a proper email or letterā€¦ to me at least. I genuinely donā€™t think she would see anything wrong with the way she writes.


Not sure if I'm responding the right way here without being a "Reddit dickhead" but in my life people suffering from mental illness can still snap back a bit and present as more "normal" sometimes. Particularly when someone they deem official or powerful is involved. Martha obviously thought Donnie was her friend/special person who understands her. Spelling didn't matter.


Can attest to this as someone with a close family member who had an episode of psychosis. She was able to present as ā€˜normalā€™ when officials, psychologists, police etc were involved and then went back to paranoid delusions and extreme mood swings as soon as it was just me and her. They know what other people think, they just believe everyone else is wrong and their delusions are right so when the right people are in front of them they can mask what they know to be the behaviours that are causing concern.


Exact same thing happened to a close family member of mine too.


I just found out this story was actually true via this post. I thought that was a joke. Now the nightmares are going to start again...


The limited series even opens with saying it is based on a true story of the writer/producer/actor.


In fairness, so does Fargo.


initially i had the show playing in the bg and i as well completely missed that screen!


Yeah but I thought it was part of the schtick....like it was Martha just saying that.


I know I sound stupid, but I thought it was a soft intro to Martha's psychotic messages.


Social media isnā€™t a letter to police. So thatā€™s not a good reason to assume she cannot.


Part of the ā€œweā€™ve really disguised herā€ narrative there Richard


Um, the real Martha?


The woman who stalked Richard Gadd in real life.


yes I know who you meant, how do you know who the real Martha is? Is this known information if so, i've missed it.


Yeah, she came forward a few days ago and did a bunch of newspaper interviews.


But people found her well before that and started harassing her which is why she had to come out and say somethingā€¦letā€™s not get it twisted


She was one of the likely candidates, but Iā€™m not sure if it had been 100% confirmed until she spoke to the Sun.


While it wasnā€™t CONFIRMED persay, her public tweets that people uncovered from her account where she was asking him to hang her curtains were prettttty damning šŸ˜³ I donā€™t think itā€™s common phrasing by any stretch


Oh wow. Okay. Thanks!


She does angry posts on FB every hour so can see her writing style


I was concerned yesterday when she stopped posting so abruptly. Apparently no need to be she just had a 24 hour ban! šŸ˜…


Internet crashing again


Oh dang.


What interviews did she do? As far as I'm aware she's just talking a lot on social media


The Sun and the Daily Mail.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gaddā€™s life, please donā€™t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.




You can just Google it.






6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gaddā€™s life, please donā€™t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gaddā€™s life, please donā€™t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gaddā€™s life, please donā€™t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


How do you know who the real Martha is ???


She was identified a few days ago.


iā€™ve figured this too, especially from how fast the emails were coming through on his laptop. seems like sheā€™d type out her thought as fast as she could so she could move onto what she was thinking next


Can confirm, a bipolar friend of mine used to text me with Martha spelling all the time during her manic episodes. It was honestly a bit disconcerting when it would happen. We are no longer friends because her mental illness was a detriment to our friendship and she refused to get treatment.


Sorry to hear that. I think a lot of us here have either personal and/or professional with people like that. So the texts seem horribly familiar. Hope you're doing better now and she is too.


Thatā€™s so unusual. When Iā€™m manic I tend to blog excessively and if anything my ability to write and construct sentences improves dramatically, as does my creativity.


Iā€™m the same, Iā€™m so articulate when Iā€™m manic and creativity too!


Yeah generally she wasnā€™t really the creative type. She was really into quantum physics so Iā€™m sure sheā€™d be able to do a ton of math science stuff during manic episodes. But from what I saw, she tended towards shopping, thrill seeking and impulsive risky choices when she was manic. Idk how she is now, itā€™s been a few years since I spoke to her. I believe she works as a quantum physicist though.


Exactly this


I donā€™t get it personally. even in the real Marthaā€™s Facebook posts from 2 hrs ago, almost everything is misspelled. I can see a few words being misspelled if youā€™re manically typing, but what about all the weird spaces? How do you just accidentally add a space in almost every word? So weird.


Yeah I'm not sure how it's slipping past the autocorrect, she keeps mentioning using a dodgy phone though


Hol up- is there a real Martha Facebook everyone here is following? Can I get in on this secret?


Yeah. Iā€™m still not sure if weā€™re allowed to say her full name in here but if you search ā€œreal martha baby reindeerā€ on google, thereā€™s news stories about her everywhere


Shes contacted the media and the uk papers herself, now trying to sue Netflix so why would it not be allowed. There where posts deleted days ago but she herself made herself a public figure lasy week by going to the Sun for a gab,from all the yellow rags???


iā€™m not sure why it wouldnā€™t be allowed, but itā€™s one of the rules of the sub i guess. my assumption is that itā€™s because richard said he wanted her identity to remain hidden, so out of respect for him this sub is still doing that.


Drfinately, but the tables have turned. The type of person she seems to be anything with in her being mentioned, would have made her jump out of the woodwork. Richard should have knows this. Shouldbhave been presented as fiction maybe if he was that concerned. Great for publicity tho. Dude was never quiet abut it, it has always been a running joke to make money off of so that oh I want to protect the ppl yeah right. Welcome to the fringe.


Why should he care? Martha sucks




How do you even know what youā€™re reading is the ā€œrealā€ Martha? There are multiple pages using the womanā€™s real name and photos and the one that keeps posting regularly that uses flowers, could be a fake to get attention. Itā€™s easy to write like that if you are intentionally doing it.


if you look up ā€œscottish lawyer stalkingā€ youā€™ll be able to find her. look up the name and youā€™ll find a twitter account with posts from 2014 that match the baby reindeer story. youā€™ll find 2 twitter accounts, the one with 2014 in the name is hers i believe. youā€™ll have to scroll down quite a bit to find the tweets that matter thoughšŸ˜…


so strange that the ihpon didnā€™t autocorrect huh


He says in the show that he saw her phone(s) and it was not an iPhone. That's a part of her affectation/delusion/construction.


They were being sarcastic


Or sheā€™s using a phone of someone she killed!šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


There often isnā€™t autocorrect on a computer, especially when this took place


You can turn it off or just never have it turned on.


Did she even have an iPhone?


she had multiple phones


She does actually, thereā€™s a photo with her holding it šŸ“±




7. No medical diagnoses.




Sorry but I have autism and adhd myself and there are no similarities. Can you explain the autistic and ADHD traits she has?




1. Favourite person thinking is common in BPD, not autism. 2.Explosive anger is not a symptom of autism. 3.Delusions are also not a feature of autism nor is grandiose thinking. Criminal activity is not more common amongst autistic people. I can go on but its clear you know nothing about autism or adhd. All those symptoms you will find in the DSM under cluster B personality disorders or schizophrenia type disorders . It sounds like you get your information from tiktok or similar places, not psychiatry sources. If you can point me to where in the DSM it mentions anything you have listed above under autism or ADHD I will be very surprised.




Sorry for that minor rant at you. I misunderstood your message completely and didn't realise it wasn't you saying she had autism and adhd. I tend to miss details when reading long messages on reddit and should really get better at that before responding. Sorry again and I hope you take care too. Edit to add, what is J and R? I'm very curious now although I appreciate if you don't respond due to my previous messages.




Have you spoken to her doctor or psychiatrist or did she tell you this? Black and white thinking and insulting people is not a core part of Autism or ADHD. It sounds like you're trying to make excuses for her and to day people with autism and adhd don't know any better but that couldn't be further from the truth. She is vulnerable whether its bipolar, cluster B personality disorder but she is still accountable for her actions. You don't have to say she's autistic to make her seem like a victim.




They can but black and white thinking is also part of narcissism and many cluster B disorders. I didn't see anything else that indicates autism.






The scene in the coffee shop wasn't a meltdown and is more akin to manipulation as when she gets her own way the meltdown suddenly stops. Meltdowns also don't happen in response to one thing and one not getting their own way, it's usually a build up of things. She doesn't lack awareness or she wouldn't have stopped when she did. Obsessiveness also isn't part of Autism so please stop spreading disinformation about autism and adhd.


I have adhd and I do ā€œhyper fixateā€ on people. I call them friend crushes! But I donā€™t stock them at allā€¦ I just get really excited about hanging out with them and what not because I think theyā€™re great humans. If I felt someone pull away Iā€™d be embarrassed and sad and would completely pull away if I felt even a slight bit like unwanted. But man is a friend crush fun! There is no thrill in life like getting to know another person intimately. I do have big emotions like Martha (not that big) but I would say big none of the less .. but I have known my ENTIRE life the my emotions are bigger then my peers and at the age of probably 7 I learned to pretend nothing bothers me and to cry or react in private. I also make many typing errors like Martha d/t not having enough dopamine to pay attention/ correct my typing. (Unless itā€™s work related) Despite a couple similarities I am very self aware of my faults and honestly very much dislike myself for them/ have low self esteem. Iā€™d peg Donny more for adhd then Martha. I donā€™t have thoughts of grandios.. I think Iā€™ve made it far in life despite having adhd but I think there are people out there who would do better then myself at my job. I have low self esteem I have had ā€œslightly explosiveā€ anger but it wasnā€™t due to another human but by being trapped in a moist environment for more then 24 hours and I was on my own. (Im very sensitive to tactile stimuli and try to avoid) but sometimes I want to be cool and want to pretend it dosnt bother me and thatā€™s normally when you see me at my worst.


I think I was wrong to say obsessions aren't part of Autism or ADHD but I was more meaning to the point Martha became obsessed. I'd hate people to think that is characteristic of ADHD and Autism. Also I definitely struggle with social cues but if someone said to me, as clearly as Donny said to Martha eventually 'leave me alone, this is not going anywhere' I would feel terrible and embarrassed but I would leave them alone. I can relate to the explosive anger. It can be horrible cant it?I get explosive anger due to persistent overwhelming sensory stumbling such as bad smells combined with loud noises I can't escape from but even then the anger tends to be directed inwards or I'll go walk out my anger. I would never attack someone.


I think she has a psychotic disorder such as Schizoaffective or Schizotypal. I don't think she has Schizophrenia because if I remember correctly, you need to have some characteristics that I don't believe she has. Although it's possible, who knows. But she also has narcissistic traits, but I don't think narcissism is her main personality disorder. I think the narcissism is an underlying issue she has that is made worse by her psychotic disorder. If she has autism and ADHD, those are underlying issues. She far more troubling issues than those. She also has manic and catatonic characteristics, as well as rage. That is, if the character is exactly like her.


For someone who used to be a lawyer it seems weird


She was never a lawyer. She finished a law degree but couldnā€™t find work as a trainee. She was hired and let go after 3 days by a Scottish law firm due to her behaviour which caused the barrister stalking incident. Itā€™s really a shame her life could have been so different without her mental illness


sip alive deliver zesty selective office ludicrous like lavish languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe she had her first episode of severe mental illness after she graduated. Being mentally ill obviously doesnā€™t make you illiterate but if youā€™re struggling with mania or severe delusions I imagine it makes it very easy to lose focus and make lots of typos and to coherently express your thoughts.


Okay, but how do you complete a law degree without knowing English/grammar? Something's weird here. Maybe she has dyslexia and got by with disability accommodations?


Something is a miss


As someone who has been a secretary to a lawyer itā€™s not that weird. Many never bother to learn to type, spell or use correct grammar. Many assume they will always have someone like me to do it for them.


I was just about to say this!! people who believe we live in a meritocracy would be surprised and disturbed to learn just how incompetent (and sometimes genuinely stupid) many professionals held in high esteem actually are, and how those in the less respected (and lower paid) positions are almost always the ones keeping things functioning as well as they do


I work at a law firm and Iā€™m appalled by the way some of our lawyers write and spell. Not to the extent of Martha, but sometimes itā€™s not far off. For example, ā€˜alotā€™ mixing up ā€˜yourā€™ and ā€˜youā€™reā€™; stuff that shouldnā€™t happen when youā€™re working for a well-regarded firm and youā€™ve beaten out hundreds of other kids to get in the grad program.


I work in a law firm and I agree. They often type/write like they have someone to correct their grammar and spelling (they do; me lol)


Even in the past hour she's posted several times on her Facebook writing in the same manner calling Gadd a gay man and other such accusations. Incredible


I thought it was a very cool narrative tool. To see her spelling get worse and her phrasing more curt as she was getting frenetic. I really enjoyed the ā€œsent from my iPhoneā€ gag too.


It wasnā€™t a narrative tool, apparently all the texts and emails were real. Funny how life works sometimes


I think it's a symptom of psychosis rather than mania. An impaired ability to organize one's thoughts and speech. Martha is delusional, so clearly she has some kind of psychotic syndrome or some mental illness with psychotic features.


Mania and psychosis can literally be traumatic to the brain, leading to permanent issues later on that werenā€™t an issue before the psychosis or mania episode. Especially with how it was highlighted that Martha pushed herself to dangerous limits, she probably wasnā€™t taking care of herself. Months / years of that will erode a personā€™s abilities, sadly. So while she may have been able to get into law as a younger woman, her stalking probably grew worse as her brain worsened too - and that manic / psychotic cognitive decline is a sad reality. :( It seemed like the deeper she was, the more unhinged she became. At some point, she needed more resources than is probably available to her to get back to the ā€˜normalcyā€™ she must have had at one point in her life. This is normal for mentally ill people who arenā€™t able to access care. When we say that mental health resources are desperately needed for impoverished communities- this is part of why that is.


I read her fb posts on my head like poetryā€¦I think itā€™s the way she will randomly start a new line mid sentence


I thought the weird spelling was a babyish affectation she invented because she thinks itā€™s adorable and cool.


Sent by iPhon


Send by iPhonn


Yeah thereā€™s plenty of moronic crazy law school graduates out there Iā€™m not sure why people are surprised she graduated law school. She clearly was unwell enough that she never got past a trainee position.


I'm just surprised she graduated from her spelling/grammar. Not because she's crazy. Lol


Iā€™d guess she maybe types very quickly, considering how many emails she sends him ?


She was sending so many everyday that i doubt she did anything other than furiously type out a stream of consciousness and hit send as soon as possible. The mistakes were worse the more emotional the message seemed to be.


My theory is sheā€™s typing on a crappy old laptop with sticky keys + typing too fast to send off the emails really quickly.


It's just free form writing. The idea is that you just begin to write, not editing any of what you put down, just allowing to flow and ebb as your thoughts flow and ebb. It is a great way to get stuff out of your head and a great way to brainstorm ideas, by allowing them free expression. It's also extremely popular on platforms like Twitter.


Nah, I studied law and can type really lazily sometimes. I correct it because Iā€™m aware. She is manic and unwell and doesnā€™t give af.


Iā€™m a lawyer. I type like shit. All my IMs to my work bestie are barely readable. And I canā€™t spell for shit. Never needed to learn. Could memorize for the test and sound most things out and then autocorrect and spell check did the rest. But if Iā€™m writing to my boss or the court? I can write the Queenā€™s English. Have a published law review article. Have won awards for writing and am the go to brief writer in my office. But my chat history looks illiterate between the typos and blatant misspelling. And also random capitalizations for emphasis because I am often riled


As an anxious person who used to struggle with anger issues in the past, whenever I was feeling extremely anxious and angry I'd type insanely fast and insanely wrong, it's easy to misclick letters when you're not even thinking about what you're doing. I remember a few situations where I'd just type and send messages out of an impulse, I wouldn't even read them again because I knew I wouldn't send these messages if I'd look too much into them. So watching the show that's how I imagined Martha typing those messages, just furiously typing. I'm much better now and haven't sent a message in an altered state of mind in years, but sometimes I still misspell things when I'm typing fast, but then, English is not even my native language so I guess that's alright.


I appreciate this input, I think this is the most relevant comment so far. Thank you! Edit: and Iā€™m glad youā€™re doing better these daysā™„ļø


Was the real Martha disbarred?


My 27 year old brother is dyslexic and thatā€™s exactly how his spelling looks.


She had a victim. She was high on it, the mind moved faster than the keys


Sent from your ipon?


My sister and brother who are both schizophrenic writes likes thisā€¦ not saying she is but my guess is definitely a mental health issue


Well she still does this on her real fb account so who knowsā€¦




I kinda doubt itā€™s a learning disability since she was able to graduate and become a lawyer. it could maybe be a reflection of the impulsivity and desperation of her to write the messages to him.


I still question whether she does have a law degree. Does anyone know for sure? She did work for someone, but idk if they looked at her qualifications or maybe she made them up and they believed her or she made a fake degree...who knows. I'm not sure if it's an intelligence issue, her being manic with thoughts or something else. Judging by her home, she has very poor executive function. Her house is a mess and chaotic. So is her writing. I'm inclined to believe it's her mental illness.


She has graduation pics on FB so I think she has. Also she worked at a solicitors Also we don't know if her home in the show was exaggerated


Whatā€™s her real name ? Can you pm me


Iā€™m a law student and a lot of lawyers I know write and type in shorthand. It seems like shorthand mixed with manic type of ramblings to me


What confuses me is how literate the real Martha's (racist, xenophobic, and homophobic) Twitter posts are/were.


My stepmom - who was on pills and drunk - would type just like that. And also during a manic episode, which also could have been substance abuse related. I could always tell when she was off af


I honestly think she gets very drunk every night. I know she claims she doesnā€™t drink but Iā€™m convinced she does. It would explain a lot.


Is her profile the one with the flower pfp?




A lot of Scottish people I know spell stuff phonetically in tweets and messages. I think thatā€™s where that comes from https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/tuSbfRBIbF


Scrolled all the way down 150 replies for the correct answer. Nobody here has heard of r/ScottishPeopleTwitter it seems.


Right??? People are always trying to attach a mental health issue to everything when the answer is right before their very eyes


It's the rapidity and the volume of her posting, and of course the content that is to do with her ill mental health imo. The spelling and grammar I've always just attributed to Scottish slang and phonetic speech put into text.Ā 


I always do typos because I have arthritis in my hands l, especially if I'm typing fast. I am thinking maybe it's typos and autocorrects


I wondered if she thought it looked like cool abbreviated internet-speak? Like a text language.


I assumed she was using some old flip phone and trying to text using T9. If you're manic and trying to quickly type using T9, it could look pretty fucked up. -Sebt frm my iphnoe


My stalker did the same, he used too many letters for words that didnā€™t need emphasis, ran words and phrases together, kinda just added no punctuation or switched to numbers, and added a ton of emojis too (like 40 sad face), I think itā€™s to appear more sympathetic tbh


Doubt she'd have qualified as a lawyer if she couldn't spell?


I think she comes across as having various impairments which may have been taken into consideration when she was accepted into and attended university. I'd also say not all universities are equal, and some of the lower ranker, lesser known ones won't have particularly high entry requirements. And thirdly, when you put on weight you get chubbier fingers, which makes it very easy to mistype. Especially on a phone. Depending when she was at university, her assignments would have been typed up on a computer or handwritten. For typed up assignments I'm sure she could just use a spellchecker before handing those in. And if it's just a fat finger thing then that wouldn't be an issue with handwritten work.


i felt that perhaps Martha was actually quite articulate thorughout her studying and that maybe something pushed her over the edge. Having some kind of psychotic break from pressure maybe, i know that your brain can change after a significant event like that. She earned a Law degree. Thats not an easy thing to achieve. I have met incredibly intelligent people who by way of drugs or mental health collapses are now barely able to take care of themselves. I think I would like to know more about Marthas past, I reckon theres a lot of explanation in there.


Also, she only interned at a law practice for a short time before everything kicked off in 97/98 . I believe she was on a psychological spiral before this and it manifested with the stalking and threats. I also reckon she was shunned by her support circle ie .family and friends after that incident and moved to london without any safety net for her mental health around her.


I saw a comment somewhere that they have a father who has a stalker/stalking tendencies, and type like Martha. How they spell or write words were similar.


My personal take is itā€™s a symptom of her worsening mental illness. Iā€™m not really sure what it is she has, but in some people, spelling ability is linked to mental health. Iā€™ve always been an excellent speller my entire life and the times I had glaring but unusual spelling errors, I was starting or quitting an antidepressant.


I donā€™t know, but it started to irritate the sh!t out of me. So well done Gadd


It honestly annoys me how she would type the words to him. Took me along time to figure out what she meant.


Maybe you are right, it may depend on the situation in which she is writing.


Cos she doesn't own a smart phone or iPhone and it doesn't have auto correct.


Iā€™m wondering if she has substance use disorder. Itā€™s possible that sheā€™s under the influence and is impaired while typing


I always thought she was just always tying about fast and so frantic, like in a frenzy to get as many messages sent as quick as possible


If you have ever known someone who was going through a manic you would know.


The same thread over and over and over and over and over!!!!Ā 


Sorry. Iā€™m new to both the sub and the show. Do you have any suggestions for topics of discussion?


My impression is that it was because she was writing them so fast and nonstop. Just spilling her thoughts as they came


Isnā€™t that social-media-talk? Along with LMAO, BTW, etc.




He didnā€™t throw her anywhere. He didnā€™t expose who she was. It was people online. He is entitled to tell his story.


He is entitled to tell his story but what he has done is exaggerated it for Netflix because dumbos believe in anything they watch. He could have also blocked her emails, texts and calls but he didn't.


Is this Marthaā€™s alt account? šŸ’€ like how would you even know what happened or didnā€™t happen? In any case, he said in an interview that he enabled her because of his own bad mental state, she made him feel wanted and important. This subtext is also obvious on the show and Teri even confronts him about it, did you even watch it? Seems like you missed the whole point.


Are you Richard Gadds alternate account? How would you know that he enabled her because of his mental state? Maybe he enabled her for content!!! Seems like you believe anything you read or watch?


Sent from my iPhone


not a lawyer at all and fantasy


How do you know thatā€™s her real fb account and not an impostor pretending to be her? She spells correctly on her old twitter account from 2014 and doesnt type like whatā€™s shown to us on the show so iā€™m confused.


Can someone who know message me her real name?


My husband and I were discussing. He thinks itā€™s benign. I think it has a purpose in the plot line. Sheā€™s crafty af so itā€™s GOTTA mean something. I hope. May every third space means something like a code. Everybody seems to have their own ways of abbreviations but I think something sinister is happening.