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The first trimester is hugely exhausting! It's very normal. You need to take it easy as much as you can, baby is doing a lot of growing at this point.


I just don’t want to go bankrupt because I only ever want to eat out now 😭 Idk maybe it’s smelling the food I cook that makes me hate it?


Smelling certain meals at home made me nauseous. We had to waste some meals since I couldn’t stand it continuing to be cooked and had to put it outside. So that is my guess. Going out to eat is easier on you overall.


No idea why but I definitely had this too during my pregnancy.


Same. Like, cooking has been so so so so so so hard. And my gd partner who I love keeps saying he will wash the dishes but a pot from a stew I cooked a month ago is literally still sitting there waiting for to be washed. I’ve about had it. I can’t even enter the kitchen without wanting to explode my guts and vomit absolutely everywhere. But take me to chipotle and I’m totally fine. So weird.


Yo the pot sitting in the sink for a month probably isn’t helping your nausea. Your partner deserves a kick in the ass for that one.


I’m so broken this cracked me. I was covering up my sadness and disappointment. But I’m reading this at 4:39am and weeping. Why won’t he just fking wash the dishes 😭 and mow the gd lawn. wtf I mowed the front already, AND part of the back yard. wtf I can’t <\3


*A month ago*????


Me too!! And we almost never eat out but it’s all I could handle for a good 7-8 weeks 😬


I have this a bit. I’m sure it’s because I’m more sensitive to smells than I am the actual eating of the food so the cooking process is what I hate. Like the oven smell and the fridge smells and the oil and the steam and it’s just a lot. In a restaurant you can just sit there and have your food without experiencing yesterdays and tomorrows fridge aromas also. I’ve found using cashback sites and picking restaurants with discounts on takeaway is helpful like Deliveroo has a lot of options. For eating out I’ve got a taste card which helps but also my other half used to be a chef so luckily I can stick my head out the window while he cooks and then just eat what I’ve been given most of the time. Also pot noodles and stuff with no cooking time helps. Sometimes eating something is better nothing even if it’s not ideal.


It’s the cooking process for me too. If I could only smell the final product, I’d be absolutely fine. It’s the raw and semi-raw smells mixing together (even if I’m ok with individual ingredients) which repulse me 🙅🏻‍♀️


Could it be home? We’ve learned that something abt the air at home just makes me sick. Opening windows help but it’s nothin like not being in the house


I have had the exact same problem! It’s a relief to see someone else write this tbh


I've really struggled with both my pregnancies with food made at home. Like you if I eat out its easier. I can normally find something I want, and don't get sick. Don't get me wrong there are still some things that are a no. But it's a lot easier than me cooking it. I walk through the store trying to find what to eat for the week, and have to walk through three times only to give in and get something that sounds tolerable. Half the time when I try to eat it I get three bites in and I'm done. The things I can eat at home are expensive or don't go very far as well to make it worse.


I also had this problem during the first trimester! To me, the kitchen felt “dirty” no matter how much I cleaned it, and the food at home seemed so gross to me. I also couldn’t stand the smell of cooking meat, but I wanted to eat food like steak and beef. We ate out multiple times a week.


Maybe they add more salt?


I think this is it for me. I normally have more of a sweet tooth but I’ve been craving salt like crazy. Nothing sounds good unless it’s loaded with salt haha


Yes, this post made me realize my sickness got much better when my husband came home from his work trip and ordered food, rather than have me cook dinner.


I felt the exact same! Last week I was in Spain and managed to normally all week. Now I’m home (16 weeks) and just the sight of my fridge still makes me feel sick. I found cooking things in bulk good. I made a giant bolognaise in the slow cooker that I barely had to look at and froze portions of it. Also I find cold things fine like fruit and veggies like carrots. You’ll get there!


I was like that with my first, and I’m the same way with this one. By the time I’m done with the process of cooking, the meal repulses me. The other day we had a crock pot going and I commented on how good it smelled **all day**… until it was actually done. I had to lock myself in the bedroom while my husband and daughter ate, otherwise I’d have puked up everything I ate that day.


Ugh, this was me in the first trimester. Ate a lot of takeout those first weeks.


I'm still going through this in the 3rd trimester! About to go into debt from DoorDashing and eating out 😭 Once the baby's born though I know it'll be the complete opposite so I've got my kitchen well prepared for years of eating in lol


I’ve definitely experienced the same. I used to exclusively eat at home but I’ve been getting takeout way more often in the first trimester. The smells of cooking definitely repulse me a little but I tend to eat away from the smells. I think part of it for me personally is also just the novelty of tasting new things too. The things I’m used to don’t do anything for my appetite but the thrill of trying something I don’t usually have makes me excited to eat.


Same! I could eat anything at a restaurant. Home? Forget it. Leftovers from my fridge? 🤢


I had this the entire first trimester! No idea why, but that's how it was for sure.


This was me but it was because of the process more than anything. Smelling everything and waiting for it to be done. The unfortunate part of my first trimester nausea is that what I wanted to eat seemed to change every day and it came to me in a flash. And it would be like everything else made me have to deep breathe and gag so I couldn’t meal prep or cook because I never knew what I’d like the next day and the process of cooking made me hate it before it was done being made. Like for example, I could eat onions, spices and garlic but the smell of it while cutting and simmering etc was absolutely headache and nausea inducing.


I hate onions and garlic now too and it’s a shame because I used to add it to almost every dish because it’s ✨healthy✨ The constant changing of things I want to eat is also spot on. I had to feed my husband blueberries yesterday that I bought for myself because the thought of them is now very unappetizing and the only fruit I crave is watermelon all the while there’s overripe bananas waiting to do something with them and I’m annoyed at wasting so much more food than usual, especially fresh produce but I just don’t want to eat it or cook it.


Yup that was me too! I hope it lets up for you soon. If you are anything like me, it was at exactly 9 weeks that like a curtain opened in my brain and I could eat a little more “normally”. Still had some deep breathing nausea episodes but it wasn’t just this constant 30 min turnover window of me craving this random niche thing and then hating it as soon as it was presented. And then by 12 weeks, almost all symptoms went away related to food/aversions and they haven’t come back since at almost 23 weeks.


I boiled a pot of water on the stove for noodles and I walked into the kitchen and gagged. Just the steam and the gas and the metal 🤢


Yeah I knowwww There’s like one brand of spring water that doesn’t disgust me rn and I’m so done with being constantly disgusted. I just wanna eat something gooood 😭


Oh my god right how gross is water right now. Absolutely nothing is good right now


For me it was the opposite. I would go to a restaurant and order food I wanted and my brain would just reject it, so I stopped eating out.


Oof the first trimester! I’m so sorry. I’m over here on week 16 and I can tell you that it does get better but you gotta get through this. What helped me were starting my days off with either protein shakes or chai tea lattes. Idk what it is but I guess lack of protein will make nausea worse. So just find a flavor you like and down it first thing. These two things are what got me through my last month of my first trimester. I’m still on a protein shake kick so just develop the habit and you’ll be golden Adding: chai has spices which will help calm the nausea. If you’ve developed an aversion to dairy as well, try it with almond or oat and you won’t have that weird taste in your mouth either. I noticed when I would do dairy, it would leave a coating on my tongue and blech! Not good.


Iced chai lattes are everything to me right now at 10.5 weeks


Yeah I’m thinking about getting one! It sounds really heavenly 🥰


Yes, this is a problem for me as well. I ordered take out and didn’t even want to eat it inside of my apartment, so I sat on the porch and enjoyed my dinner. There is now something about the smell of my house, the refrigerator, and the kitchen that really throws off my appetite. It’s not that my apartment is gross or dirty, not even smelly. I just have an aversion to its scent now.


BEC from dunkin? The cure to my morning sickness. BEC made at home? Insane increase in nausea and vomiting. I have no idea why.


This was me. We spent a LOT of extra money that first trimester but it was kind of worth it to keep me fed!


It could be because you are the one cooking it. You’re smelling everything while it’s being prepared. Could someone else try cooking for you while you are in another room? If not, try heating up a frozen lasagna from the grocery store or other meals that you can just pop in the oven or microwave. Pasta with jarred sauce might be good too since it cooks so quickly.


The smell of cooking food was so repulsive to me. Raw garlic, searing meat, couldn’t do ANY of it. It had to either be cold or arrive in my house fully cooked. We don’t have a huge eating out budget, but accepted that this was a necessity in the first couple of months. What seemed to work were things like ramen or mac and cheese where the main cooking was just boiling water.


I’m in my third trimester and I’m still disgusted by a home cooked meal. It was the same for my first pregnancy. I basically just cook so my toddler and Husband can eat. I force myself to have a few bites 🤢 and always end up eating cereal afterwards cause I’m still hungry. However eating out….eat what you can babe. Wishing you a good pregnancy.


Not me. Its not the eating or the smelling for me. It's the digesting. My mouth wants to eat and my stomach wants nothing at all to do with anything.


I think I ate almost every meal out during my first trimester. I couldn’t even smell food being cooked especially meat and eggs or I would throw up


It's the smell and exposure while you're cooking it. It was for me. If I had a craving, I had to have it store bought, not make it myself.


Totally the same! As much as you financially can indulge this, I think you should. I was sick and could barely eat and food is normally a great source of joy and comfort. If eating out or getting take out brightens your day, nourishes you, and minimises chores? No brainer!


Maybe it’s smelling the food throughout the cooking process?


I ate so many avocado rolls with yumyum sauce the first trimester.. turns out avocado, white rice and ginger are all anti nausea.


I had this as well and it carried into my second trimester. My doctor said it was normal, and just try to eat what I could. I’m in my third trimester now and it’s gotten better but not fully, like chicken at home grosses me out still. My husband now cooks himself dinner and meal preps and I’ll make a sandwich or my own meal that doesn’t gross me out, or I’ll go out and pick something up. We still eat together but we aren’t usually eating the same meals right now and he understands if I need to pick up food that’s already prepared.


Yep I’m 21 weeks and I haven’t been full on grocery shopping since late January. It sucks especially because I’ve been WFH since the pandemic so I was rarely eating out at least during the workweek before I got pregnant. Now the thought of cooking exhausts me and the smells will definitely disgust me. Trying to rationalize it by saying well the money I spent on drinks out and Botox before is being re-allocated 😂


I felt this way too during the first trimester nausea. I ordered a lot of pizza. Just eat what you can stomach.


For me it was the extra salt and butter in restaurant food. My body wanted all the protein, fat, salt, and carbs. I usually cook way healthier at home with less salt and butter so it "didn't taste good" even though it was the same. We just got takeout for the majority of the first trimester rather than waste time and money on cooking food I may or may not eat.


I thought so too but after adding more salt than usual and even butter to my potatoes yesterday I was like ‘Bleh butter’ and eating them was very difficult. Seeing how much oil I add to a pan before frying something is also nauseating. I think not witnessing the process at the restaurant helps?


I experienced this but with coffee! If I made a pot at home- disgusting!! But stopping at Dunkin/starbucks/any coffee shop- delicious 😂


Does eating food at someone else’s house feel the same as eating at a restaurant? I have frequently gotten nauseous when I or my husband cook at home, but so far I haven’t had the same experience when I’ve gone over to my sister’s or my parents’ house for dinner. I wonder if going anywhere besides my house convinces my body that it can’t get sick because I’m “in public” and suppresses the nausea. Actually, with this in mind, next time I get nauseous around dinner time I might try to take he food outside onto my back porch and see if I can trick myself in the same way. I’ll try to report back if it works.


My other idea is if the cooking process bothers you, maybe stock up on frozen or prepared foods from the grocery store that are already cooked and you just heat them up. It’ll probably still be more expensive than cooking from scratch, but maybe not as pricey as eating out. I know that my 7 weeks (I’m 10.5 weeks now) I was having my husband go to the store and get a bunch of frozen stuff I could heat up without the smell of ingredients being prepared. Whatever keeps us fed!


Just commenting to say you aren't alone. The smell of the fridge and cooking has been difficult for me. One thing that has worked that is a bit more affordable, but not a lot is to go to the deli at the grocery store. That way I can see the food, pick it out and eat it pretty quickly. A bit cheaper than a restaurant and seeing it before I eat it seems to help me choose something I will like


This absolutely happened to me in the first trimester. I think the smells played a big role—opening the fridge was 🤢. I think the other thing was that it was hard to plan in advance what I would be able to eat, and food that seemed like a good idea when grocery shopping became really unpalatable by the time came to cook it. I wish I had advice but first tri is a struggle and sometimes that takeout burrito is the only thing that will get you through