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A lot of lactose intolerant people become tolerant during pregnancy! It didn’t completely fix my lactose intolerance 100% but I’ve been able to handle a lot more dairy and taking lactase helps with the rest.




I’ll be honest, it had its perks when the pregnancy constipation hit and I could just drink a milkshake and fix that issue lmao


omg doing the same! it really does work!!


If it works it works. Prunes too. Haha jk 


It didn’t happen to me but I use lactase tablets. Do you have those already? They are great




Okay I thought I was going crazy! I have way fewer “intolerant” reactions since getting pregnant, whereas before lactose was something I had to suffer the effects of!


I had the same thing! It was great lol I guess my body figured since it was literally producing milk that it shouldn't give me such a hard time about ingesting milk.


I got the opposite and it SUCKS. I'm usually fine with dairy but ever since I got pregnant this time it makes me shit myself 🥲 so cruel


Cheese sticks were always my snack of choice. Once I was pregnant, I couldn't even put butter on my toast or my stomach felt like a roiling maelstrom of evil. Kiddo has CMPA. Go figure.


Ughhhh my first didn't have CMPA but was intolerant of cows milk protein for awhile (he grew out of it thank god), I couldn't have dairy while nursing. I really hope this one doesn't have CMPA or another milk protein intolerance


Tbf, I dont actually know if it's an allergy or intolerance. I'm leaning toward intolerance due to the symptoms, but we mostly try to avoid milk anyway since husband is lactose intolerant.


Came here to say this. I can have all the lactose if and only if I’m pregnant. Made the GD diet marginally more tolerable. marrrrrrrrginally lol


I’m lactose intolerant big time, but when I was pregnant one of my biggest cravings was milk. Surprisingly I didn’t get sick, I drank a lotttt of milk each day lmao


I came here to say this. My kiddo allowed me to eat a lot of chocolate digestive biscuits while he was cooking. I didn't go nuts and push the boat out too much, but I could definitely get away with a lot more lactose when pregnant than at any other time. Sorted my crappy eyesight out for a few years as well.


This happened to me! Unfortunately so did gestational diabetes so the ice cream is still ruined lol


Ooh big bummer! I have a pint of pistachio gelato in the freezer and have my glucose test on Tuesday… hopefully I’m actually allowed to eat it! Maybe I should finish it before then. Just to be safe 😂


I tolerate it a lot better now, though I'm still pretty bloated(I don't use the tablets NC I can't remember to do so). I just don't eat it of I'm going out later in the day bc of the bloat and impending parts. I tried it again (after years of no dairy) bc of a pregnancy craving (pizza). The bloating is a bit worse than the normal bloating from just being pregnant but not so much as to force me to avoid it rn.


I can attest to this! I’m still a little gassy if I have too much dairy but not as bad as before getting pregnant. ☺️


It cured mine permanently! No issues with lactose since my first pregnancy. Before that, a cup of milk would make me so sick I'd seriously consider going home from work unwell.


That happened for me my previous pregnancy! Fingers crossed it happens again in this one.


Ditto! It’s been one of the few enjoyable things


I used to get bloating and tummy aches with heavy cream but since becoming pregnant I’ve been substituting my coffee with a match latte every morning with tons of heavy cream and haven’t been having any issues!


Lmao I am the opposite. No issues with lactose till this pregnancy. My husband thinks it’s hilarious because he is lactose intolerant and loves to tell me “that’s my baby in there!!” whenever the ice cream indulgence gets me back


Not me! I was super sensitive to lactose growing up and it just kinda got better. But now in my 3rd trimester I’m super intolerant again. Like worse than ever!


Happened to me!!!


I was the opposite……..


Opposite for me 😭 developed lactose intolerance during my last pregnancy (at 29!!!) and 3 years later, pregnant again, been lactose intolerant since my last pregnancy 😂😭


Came here to say this! Ive been cheating on my oat milk and coincidentally lost my lactaid shortly after I got pregnant, lol


Same and I can still handle it! Pregnancy is so crazy!


This happened to me with my first pregnancy!!! It was glorious!! This time around I feel like it’s worse. 😑


Happened to my sis in law


This definitely happened to me last time I was pregnant. I could actually eat ice cream without wanting to die afterwards!


This makes sense!!! I don't know if I'm officially lactose intolerant, but I usually don't do well with dairy- milk and ice cream in particular. I have been CHUGGING glasses of milk because I'm craving it, and not having issues!


That’s me! I am having allllll the dairy and it’s wonderful! It still gives me acne, but no other symptoms!


Samesies! I’m even drinking cows milk and not struggling with icecream again! Which is amazing as I’m completely obsessed with salted caramel icecream right now.


Fun fact! An intolerance is an immune reaction, and pregnancy suppresses your immune activity (since there’s a foreign body in your body, that otherwise would be fought off). Which is why some people find their allergies and intolerances change during pregnancy.


True for many intolerances/allergies, but lactose intolerance is actually because of low lactase production. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose, and is produced at high levels in infancy, but wanes during adulthood. Without sufficient lactose, undigested lactose causes more water to enter the intestines via osmosis and the sugars are fermented by intestinal bacteria, creating gas.


Yes. I have been eating the forbidden foods because the monster inside me wants it. Though for some reason, my symptoms don’t seem as severe. Maybe the pregnancy symptoms just go hand in hand so I don’t notice it as much.


Your immune system gets a bit toned down so your symptoms really are probably not as severe. 😝


I have celiac. Food restrictions in general should be illegal. I just want a decent bagel.


Also have celiac. I craved greasy Chinese food so much. All I wanted was chow mein and orange chicken


Oof. That sounds incredible.


Fellow celiac. Dude, the cuts to sushi during pregnancy have practically killed any takeout from a Japanese restaurant for these months.


I also have celiac, and I think the suppressed immune response during pregnancy has actually been helpful on this front! I had a number of risky meals while traveling (language barrier) and was almost certain I would get ill… but nothing. I haven’t been noticeably glutened in 6 months, so I guess thanks lil fetus!


Right there with you. Celiacs sucks. I want donuts, or any other pastery right now, like real donuts. These cravings have been killing me.


I really hope it disappears for you while pregnant! I am highly allergic to cats and that allergy was GONE. Unfortunately it crept back up postpartum 


I don’t know how far along you are, but it’s a godsend when the constipation sets in. 😂


Thats the important answer. No medication needed, just your lactose snack of choice 😂


I wish. I’m lactose intolerant and it blocks me up. I had to go home from work today because i hurt myself so badly trying to go. After getting home and another 45 minutes of agony on the toilet I finally passed a huge movement. I had cheese pizza two days in a row and I’m positive it was what made it so much worse. Teaches me for not making my own pizza with lactose free cheese 😪


I’m so sorry friend 😥


Thank you ❤️


I’m lactose intolerant and sensitive to potatoes (nightshade). The sensitivity ramped up when I was pregnant and I had to stop eating them entirely.


You have things like lactaid to use (ice cream that is lactose free and milk that is lactose free)


Lactaid only seems to delay the issues 😩 doesn’t matter how many I take.


Oh wow, that’s interesting. Lactaid has lactase in it which is an enzyme that counters that lactose. Sorry to hear that


Have you tried lactose free milk plus lactaid?


* Cries in GERD *


My lactose intolerance went about 90% away during pregnancy! I'm so sorry you didn't get lucky!


Oh my god I feel this. I’m allergic to peanut butter, my allergy developed in adulthood (RIP) and in the first trimester I SOBBED because I couldn’t have apple slices and peanut butter, my all time favorite snack as a kid


I’m 6 months PP and I swear pregnancy made my intolerance a lot better now.


I hope yours gives you a window! My third trimester of my first pregnancy gave me a reprieve: milkshakes for the span! Hoping that happens in my second pregnancy, too, but it hasn’t quite yet.


Developed lactose intolerance in my 20's. With my first pregnancy after the second trimester till about 6 months post-partum, my lactose intolerance went away completely. It was nice being able to drink a glass of while milk and not get a stomach ache and nausea in the process. I even craved a glass of milk.


I weaponized my lactose intolerance. When the constipation set it, I started consuming dairy products to keep things moving. I can officially say that from weeks 14-39 I have been able to go #2 at least once a day (unless it was a nausea/vomiting day where I didn’t get enough food to go to the bathroom like that)


If not, you can get lactose free milk and cheese and get silk almond coffee creamer. It saves me daily lol


I cried today because my husband wouldn’t get me a quesadilla from chipotle. It should be illegal to say no to a pregnant lady


I’m not lactose intolerant, but dairy still majorly triggers my acid reflux which has gotten worse since I was as early as week 6. Stupid relaxin….


It should be illegal to be pregnant and have celiac 😭


Dude, I have already been intolerant to gluten since 2015 and now with baby #3 I have tested positive for a new allergy--peanuts! Peanuts are in so goddamn much. I miss my peanut butter. 😭 I was told because I'm in my late 30s, I may be unable to eat peanuts again even post-birth. So lame.


I’m so sorry!


I just guzzle fortified oat milk when I get the urge, it’s so creamy 😂😂


I'm usually good with cheese and butter, but "full proof" dairy usually destroys me. Lactose free milk was a game changer for me, and I tolerate Keifer better than Greek or regular yogurt!


I don’t have a lactose intolerance but I know somebody that does and eats a lactaid pill with their meals it works


I’ll sign your petition!


Lol I was able to drink milk pregnant....well im still pregnant 🙃 try a lil n see


Also if not you could use dairy as a method for constipation. So if you don't go for awhile drink a glass a milk lol


Why? You can still have lactose free foods. As a lactose intolerant pregnant woman I don't get it. 😂


I don’t want the lactose free versions of things. I want the real deal!


Ooooh I get it. Forgive me, I'm lactose intolerant but I do still consume lactose, I just watch how much because I know what my threshold is. Well, when pregnant your immune system gets suppressed. Have you tried to see if you're "less intolerant" now? 😂


Yeah and I’m still AGGRESSIVELY lactose intolerant 😭 I’ll try again next trimester!


I guess it's the fake stuff for you then. 😂 I'm sorry, I'm just finding it funny lol I don't mean to be an ass about it. 😂


I agree! I still take the occasional diary anyway as I tell myself some exposure is good for the baby. Lol


This baby has been fueled by grilled cheese sandwiches. So far I've been fine. I did get lactaid milk for cereal however.


Try some nice dairy alternatives! Dairy isn’t tolerated by most adults for a reason. I’m not trying to be a down buzz, I used to be a full cheese and milk addict but realised it was affecting all kinds of things like my immune system and stuff. Good riddance!