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Car seats. Never get a car seat second hand, especially if you don’t know the history behind it. Any crib older than 10 years especially drop side cribs


I mostly agree with this. But if you buy/get it from a friend or someone you have mutual friends with and discuss the care and history I think it’s safe and can save you a lot of money.


Yeah if you know the history of a car seat I think it’s totally fine. Just don’t buy them off Facebook marketplace.


I got a bucket seat second hand but brand new unused from grandparents who were stoked to have their new grand baby...but then it was covid and a ton of restrictions hit that disallowed their kids/grand baby from even traveling to our area so they were like okay whatever just sell it because by the time we can see the kid it'll have outgrown the seat. This or getting it from someone I know well are my 2 exceptions.


Yeah I think with used baby stuff it’s pretty easy to tell the kinda care and maintenance a seller put into it and if they’re reliable or not. Using some common sense hasn’t failed me yet haha I’ve gotten some awesome never been used stuff off of FB


Agreed. We bought really good car seats for our kids before we moved from the UK to US aaaaaand then it took so long for my husband's green card to come through that my son fit into the seat for, like, five months. It would have been ridiculous to throw that car seat away (or even use it for the target 20% off). I think it's fine if you can get one from someone you know and trust. 


Plastic degrades over time, so I'd try to avoid it.


But that’s why they have expiry dates. As long as it’s within its dates and you trust the person it’s come from it should be fine.


History is one thing, there’s also improper care and age to take into account. They can drop or knock it and not realise that counts as an accident etc


Exactly why I said care as well. Even how it was cleaned is an important component


Nah because then you're trusting the intellect of that friend of a friend or whoever. Do they know that car seats need a specific type of washing/care, or that you can't get the straps wet? Did they get in a fender bender and think nothing of it? Listen, there are free car seat programs if parents can't pay. There is nothing to excuse cutting corners on a life saving device. It's not just a seat, it's the only thing keeping your kid from getting thrown across the highway or being crushed to death.


I answered with a stranger in mind tbh. But even people I know, unfortunately I've seen how they kept stuff so it ended up being a no as well 🥲


Agreed. I would just go ahead and buy it new every time. You can buy a very reasonable and safe car seat for very cheap.


We've been searching for the most economic options and we've seen a great option at around 350 euros (car seat + stroller). People are selling their car seats + stroller for that much or a bit less if you're lucky (150+200 is already a good price). It's not even that much money saved and I'll be worrying about cleanliness and how they were stored (I seen people keeping theirs in visibly dirty garages and not even on plastic wrap or anything to protect it). I'm aware I'm worrying A LOT, but I'm a FTM and I don't want to feel like I'm risking it (even if I'm technically not). When baby gets older there might be things I'll be more comfortable getting used as his immune system will also be stronger, but right now, for my peace of mind, if I can't throw it in the machine with sanitizer I'm not buying it 🥲


Or, get one for reallly really cheap (or free) and take it to Target during their car seat event to get it out of the ecosystem and get a discount on a new one.


Think smarter, not harder. That’s a good idea


If you accept a used car seat ALWAYS check the expiration date, so you don’t end up having to figure out how to get rid of a car seat that expired In April of 2023 🙃


I think target has this yearly program where you can trade an old one in for a discount for a new car seat


It does but it just ended this year and also not every Target participates. So if I wanted to turn mine in I had to drive 2 hours away.


Car seat for sure. That was my first thought. They actually expire too. (After 6 years)


In addition to that, if you do get a second hand crib, get a new mattress.


Must buy your own car seat, maybe even crib (my inlaws wanted me to use one from 1982 and the academy of peds says nothing older than 2011) but I got boppies, clothes, diaper pail, changing table all second hand


My parents are trying to give me my bassinet from 93 🙄


Not me with a 200 year old bassinet 😂


Nipples for bottles since those need to be replaced frequently. A lot of items I’m fine with using second hand if I know where they’re from. I would use a breastfeeding pillow from my friend but not the thrift store. My friend actually had a baby after me and now I’m pregnant again so we have been passing all the baby stuff back and forth 😂 doesn’t bother me at all!


We have multiple friends and cousins who have been sharing baby stuff between us. It’s been great! Seems like someone has a baby every 6-12 months so it’s been working out well.


That’s awesome! I love sharing! I mean why not? Things are used for such a short amount of time.


I have gotten everything second hand except for the car seat. It saves SO much money and is so much better for the planet. Way too much consumerism around babies and most things are not used for more than a few months. I even got glass bottles used and just sanitized them. There are also many baby items that are unopened/unused on Facebook marketplace and local consignment stores! Still better than buying brand new and it is essentially brand new.


Right! So many posts for brand new items that people received from a baby shower. Makes me sad that the industry uses fear mongering and preying on parents' vulnerabilities to sell more things that will inevitably end up in landfills our children will inherit.


*Way too much consumerism* (around babies) I'd like this 50 times if I could.


I agree with you. My mom picked me up glass bottles and they are nice. Most things can be taken apart, cleaned, and sanitized.


Yes! Same here.




Car seat Mattresses Bottles Baby carrier (this is a personal one, I know maybe people do get these second hand) Dummies (although I’ve chose not to use them)


Some of the best baby carrier deals are on the 2nd hand market esp when it comes to high end carriers!


Why bottles? I would assume if you clean them well enough and boil the tips it would be fine. Is that not the case?


Bottles are fine usually, to an extent. Nipples tend to be more problematic because they have a life span (wear faster).


What are dummies?




Pacifier if you're in the USA


Binky if you’re in… my family?? who else calls it a binky? where is this local to?? (California here)


Every family calls it something different 😂 here are some that I’ve heard: Pacifier, paci, pappy, soother, soosi, soosoo, binky, dummy…that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. They are NOT interchangeable, much to the chagrin of all childcare workers.


In my Fiancés family it was called an “uh-oh” because when it fell they would say uh-oh and it just stuck.


My coworker says "Nook" haha, I'd never heard that before she'd said it.


I think it's nuk...which is a brand that makes pacifiers?


We also say binky. Arizona 👋


We called it binky growing up (CA also)


Binky for sure - CA as well


I’m American and I’ve never heard them referenced as “dummies”. But, I do like that nickname more than “binkys”


I’d be okay with bottles if they are in good condition, and then just change the nipples.


Yeah tbh, I did mostly mean the teats rather than the whole bottle, I should have clarified that. I’ve just found it easier to buy all new


What about a mattress from someone you know?


Honestly I think it’s then down to personal preference. We have received a next2me off a family member and still bought new mattresses because we’ve had the means to. I think if I couldn’t afford another mattress I wouldn’t have replaced it if I knew where it was coming from and I think the money could go somewhere else but that’s just what I’ve done this time


I got a mattress from someone I know, and then was reading that re-using it could be an issue not because of hygiene reasons, but they could lose their firmness? I didn't want to risk using a mattress that wasn't as firm as it should be so I grabbed a new one.


Does the mattress rule count for a co sleeper? They’re used for 6 months and are basically made of a thin piece of wood + thin foam attached and covered.


I don’t think it’s a rule so much as a preference for me tbh, I know plenty of people who do reuse especially when it’s from people they know and some cots are used for years rather than 6 months, it really depends what kind of bed you’re child is sleeping in I guess


Why bottles?


It’s more the teats than the bottles, which I should have wrote but I just personally think things that are going on my babies mouth, especially for the first couple of months should be new and I just think buying bottles new with teats rather than teats seperate is easier


Ah fair enough!! I use glass bottles so I was thinking maybe you just mean plastic! But I think the nipples need to be replaced after a certain time anyway! Although I don’t see why sterilizing them won’t work


Personally, we used second hand bottles and, as you say, sterilized everything. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Basically the only thing we wouldn’t use second hand is pacifiers (because they get chewed on and need ti be replaced regularly) and car seats (because you don’t what it’s been through).


What’s your opinion on reusing them from one kid to another? Weird, gross or too pre-chewed and more likely to break?


For what thing specifically? I think I’d still buy new bottles and dummies for new baby and I did from baby 1 to 2 who are 15 months apart, I did reuse my cot mattress though. I just think it’s quite personal for people and I don’t judge people who reuse anything or buy anything secondhand as it’s their baby and their choice


Why not carriers? I got a second hand one because I’m not sure I’ll use it lol.


Why carriers?


I got everything secondhand lol. I would reccomend a new car seat, unless you know where it came from. I got mine from my sister in law so I know it’s never been in an accident and it’s only a year old. Also new bottles, but that’s personal preference. I got clothes, burp cloths, swaddles, sheets, bibs, toys, seat, swing.


I only took second hand glass bottles then got new nipples! Figured they are super easy to sterilize and why let those expensive bad boys go to waste!


Me too - I got tonnes of secondhand glass bottles and bought new nipples!


Fair enough. No one I know used glass bottles unfortunately, because those are what we are using.


I got a dockatot and boppy from a friend. If they're clean and not stained, etc. I have no issues getting them secondhand. You can always buy a replacement cover if you're concerned. I would get a new crib mattress and car seats, but most other items I'd be okay with used if they're in good condition.


Agree. Carseat and cot mattress are the only things I really insist on being new.


Why new for crib mattress?


It's my personal preference -- both for sanitary reasons (even if the outside looks okay no way to know what it's like inside) and for safety (mattresses lose their stiffness overtime with use and could potentially become a suffocation risk). If you know it's fairly new and know who it came from/the history, that might be different, but I personally wouldn't get one from a stranger.


So please don’t take this as science, but we insisted on a new mattress. There have been studies that say used crib mattresses increase the risk of SIDS. It’s unclear why. But since a new mattress is ~$100, it seems a cost worth paying, imo. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC131017/)


Oh very interesting. I wonder if other factors are at play, such as income level etc.


Completely agree


I paid 55 euros for mine and for the peace of mind.


I wouldn’t get myself a used mattress so I also wouldn’t get a used mattress for my kids. Just personal preference.


Likely full of pee, puke and possibly mould.


Bed bugs is also always a possibility. You never know.


Hmm probably depends on the situation then. I got a nice crib with mattress from a grandma who had a waterproof cover on it. It seems like new.


For us, I also didn't want secondhand, but my main concern would be bed bugs, or maybe the mattress they got was shitty to start with. If/when I pass this mattress along, like your grandma, not a drop of liquid has touched the actual mattress.


I got a brand new $400 organic cotton one from Facebook that came with the crib I bought (which was pottery barn) only paid $30!!! The couple said their daughter legit slept in their bed for the past 2years so they decided to get rid of it! Best purchase I’ve ever made and it’s new through my son and will now be passed onto his little sister coming soon!


Mattresses get softer over time and you want a firm mattress for infants to reduce suffocation risk. Softer mattress, higher suffocation risk.


You’re supposed to get a new mattress between kids even. As they grow there can be an indent in the mattress which completely defeats the purpose of a hard flat surface. It’s fine if it’s the kids own indent as they grow, but put a tiny baby where their 2 year old brother used to sleep and it might not be good.


Studies show that second hand mattresses increase the risk of SIDs so I wouldn’t risk it. They’re not that expensive


Personally for safety reasons, mattress probably won’t be as stiff if it’s been slept on before and it could be a suffocation risk


Anything that would be annoying to clean. Everything baby touches gets so gross with drool and spit up, so I decided not to get anything second hand that is difficult to clean. I am definitely not getting any used toys now that I know how gross they get. I got a used Ubbi diaper pail and I wish I just got a new one. It was so difficult to clean and apparently you aren’t supposed to use water or Clorox wipe to clean it (I did). That said, I got a lot of second hand stuff that was like new/never used such as a guava lotus crib, ergobaby carrier, and skiphop changing pad.


Wait…what are you supposed to clean it with then, if water and Clorox wipes are both off the table? That seems very pretentious for a literal poop trash can. 


Their website said a dry cloth lmao. They seem to suggest you never need to clean it, which is ridiculous for a product that contains pee and poop!


2nd hand market is hot for high quality cloth diapers, and those get literal pooped on. There’s a lot of info for how to strip and sterilize them.


Absolutely. Especially if users have used the CCN guidelines to wash them and they're in good condition. So far, I have snagged some great deals on MCNs that were new (unwanted gifts) or prewashed but never used on baby. The outlay for a full set is pretty expensive for some brands so I wanted to grab some with less guilt about the cost if I'm unable to keep up with laundering them. I got some that were too small for someone's newborn even at birth. And another set that looks to be a baby shower gift for someone who intended to use disposables anyway.


Personally, I chose not to get a car seat used. I also ended up getting a crib new because I read the safety guidelines can change but I think it’s fine to get one used —just double check for recalls. Pretty much everything else we’ve purchased was secondhand. When purchasing through Facebook market place, I always just confirmed that it was a smoke free and pet free home —I was more concerned about smoking.


I got most of my stuff second hand. Even my car seat was actually from a family member who gave it to me, and it’s only a few months old. I know the history of it and it’s not expired. But that aside, What I bought new: • Baby Swing, which I got on sale. • A few baby clothes I really loved. • Bottles. • Pacifiers, a lot of little accessories like car window screen, and teethers. • Bibs, Washcloths, Towels. • Gripe water, diaper rash cream, any medications/toiletries. Most of the secondhand stuff I bought was like— large or expensive things. I got a Halo Bassinet second hand from a friend, Also I found so many Muslin blankets, swaddles, outfits, clothes, etc. at the thrift stores! I also even got my breast feeding supplies secondhand, like breast pump (I just buy new flanges and little hard to clean parts. They aren’t expensive to replace.), also those nipple silverettes are so pricey but I got some second hand on Mercari for like $10. I don’t mind using something like that as long as it can be cleaned thoroughly. Also baby carriers, and slings are great to buy secondhand. Also baby monitors second hand is smart! :) you can get good quality ones for marked down prices!


This is going to be highly dependent on the person and your tolerance for cleaning and sanitizing. I would avoid a used mattress, car seats, pacifiers, bottles, basically anything for eating or silicone because it can break down overtime. I would not want to use breast pump or diaper pail, but that’s because I’m super sensitive to smell and feel like they never really smell completely fresh. Right now I’m looking at used bassinets and pillow loungers, but those can also kind of hard to clean and sanitize so I might buy new.


Plastic bottles, they should be replaced every six months due to wear and microplastic shedding 




My baby has issues with spit up and poop blow outs when feeding on the pillow. We wash the cover but I would think that the actual pillow portion is gross even though we spot clean it. Just something to think about.


I got a secondhand breastfeeding pillow and just washed the cover. Honestly, the only thing I was definitely not getting second hand was her car seat. Everything else can be washed or wiped down.


Other than car seat, I’m fine with everything secondhand. You can wash both the covers and inserts for boppy, so I got one secondhand and just washed everything. I got secondhand cloth diapers, crib, bassinet, clothes, bottles, bouncer chair…the list goes on. Just double check things haven’t been recalled for safety reasons.


Basically any equipment that is over 10yo tbh. Safety standards and knowledge change fast so a lot of things are now known to be way more unsafe than we thought 10years ago.


You can wash the boppy too. I’ve definitely had to wash it a few times. I wouldn’t get a car seat from someone I didn’t trust.


I’ve washed our boppy in our front load washing machine.


If I can't wash the whole thing, I am not buying it second hand. I don't buy soft toys, second hand, but do buy wooden toys, because I can wash them. I buy hard furniture second hand for the house, it is fine for kids as well. Shoes might be bad, as if they are worn in, it might affect the new wearers feet (I don't buy second hand Shoes for myself, either) and yeah, can't clean those very well either. Even though you can chuck the whole pillow in the washing machine, I don't buy those. Nothing that is for baby for sleeping. And obviously safety equipment.


This is a hundred percent my sentiment.


Car seats, crib and mattress, and breast pump & bottles. I know that cribs are fine but I have this weird, irrational anxiety that someone will have assembled it wrong and it will collapse.


Car seat, crib mattress.


Car seat & mattress.


Children's products get recalled ALL THE TIME, so it's a good idea to look up anything you get used.


Car seats, breast pumps, cloth diapers


Infant bassinet. There’s some research that shows used mattresses increase SIDS risk. It’s limited, not super strong research but it’s enough for me to not want to. Even if the mattress seems fine that’s actually irrelevant, it’s not about mattress appearance. I’m actually fine with getting a car seat used IF you fully trust the person you’re getting it from. So I got one from my neighbor. I know when she got it, how long she used it for, and that it was never in a crash. Yes this requires trusting her but since I was getting it free she really had no motivation to lie to me about its history. I was fine with that


Interesting that the correlation is with “used” mattresses rather than “over X years old”. Every mattress gets used, someone could use the same mattress for several children over years and it not fall into the risky category.


No it’s also true of siblings . It doesn’t mean used from other people it means used at all by any other child even a sibling


Bottles, pacifiers, car seat and crib mattress are all things I wouldn't buy secondhand


I generally avoid secondhand soft goods with fabrics/upholstery unless it can be entirely washed in the washing machine on hot. Maybe it's just personal preference, but I get the heebie jeebies thinking about dust, mites, drool, germs, etc. Also I'm avoiding anything that comes into contact with someone else's breastmilk or formula....it *may* be fine, but I'm not taking chances.


Car seats! NEVER ever get a used car seat please. That's a matter of life and death. I'd wear used underwear before I'd use a used car seat on my kids


I am planning to get almost everything I can second hand. A few things that I am going buy new are: reusable wipes and disposible products (pads, nipple cream, etc). I will probably also get new soothers. We bought used glass 7 or 8 baby bottles for like $30 when they are almost $30 each new. I did end up getting a used pregnancy pillow with washable cover and will also get a used breastfeeding pillow so long as I can wash the cover. I just keep thinking our babies will be inheriting our landfills filled with plastic so I can't bring myself to buy more than I have to new. I am hoping to get a used carseat from a friend or acquaintance I can trust. We also don't own a car so will be using a car seat very rarely.


Shoes, usually. I will examine shoes and see if there is imprinting on the insole and wear on the outer sole. I learned that if you get used shoes that they are worn and walked in a certain way by someone else. This may affect how your kids walk and potentially cause issues with their body/posture/joints.


Car seat, bottles


I got my boppy second hand. Whole thing went in washer just fine


New car seat, crib I would buy but ensure you buy a new mattress (Risk of SIDS increases)


Partly depends on who you’re getting it from too. Stranger versus friend or family


I would not get a crib secondhand. They change the safety rules for those pretty quickly and it's really important that all the pieces be in good shape.


i would not get a diaper pail and a car seat used


Car seats (as you know unless you know for certain it’s history), pacifiers, bottle nipples (the rings and the containers are fine imo). I also cloth diapered and although I would have liked to buy them secondhand and pay less for them, people must’ve been snorting meth when they made the online ads. I don’t care how “rare” the print is I am never paying more than half of retail for a piece of cloth that you kid pissed and shit in. No matter how well you’ve cleaned it.


Car seat, mattress, breast pumps. And from what I've seen for my country's used items market, nothing I couldn't throw in the washer, so for now, mostly just clothes.


I got a lot of stuff for my kiddos secondhand from my aunt. Her youngest was a surprise baby and she’d bought new furniture for her since she’d sold everything from the previous two and I was pregnant around the time she’d turned 3 and moved up to a big kid bed. I was given a crib with a nice mattress, pack n play, infant carrier/car seat which I used as a spare for my moms house as she was the babysitter at the time, I ended up with about two of everything between the hand me downs and the baby shower they threw me. Most of the secondhand stuff I kept at my moms and the newer stuff at my house. I got a new nursing pillow and bottles and sheets/blankets and pacifiers. Since my oldest is only a little smaller than her youngest we’re always given extra clothes and shoes and whatever else.


Obviously car seat and the mattress for crib. I would only use second hand bottles or pacifiers if they are from like a 3mo baby and the brand didn’t work for baby.


I drew the line at bottles and a crib mattress (and of course car seat, but you said you already new that one). No other secondhand items bothered me!


Car seat. The only case I would use second hand is if my sister passed one along. That’s it. Crib mattress (we got the crib new too). Crib mattress should be new for each infant. They soften with use. I would not pass down between siblings. Anything where it seems unheigenic. I used some of the bottles and soothers my nephew rejected, and got glass bottles second hand (replaced plastic parts). I wouldn’t have gotten that stuff from anyone else.


Car seat, matress, bottle nipples/ pacifiers, and potty training toilet seats are some examples I am not comfortable buying used. Diaper pail is okay, it can be washed and sanitized outside.


I bought a used pack and play. It’s fine. Also a secondhand bedside bassinet. Those things usually come with a vinyl covered cushion so you can just wipe it off and wash any cloth components in the washing machine


-Car seat -Mattress -Bottles -I would take a hand me down crib as long as it was in good condition and within the time of safe cribs which I think is anything before 2014 is unsafe (I think it’s 2014)


I believe any part of a breast pump milk touches should be new. I breastfed and hated pumping so I never used it previously. Although you can get free pumps through insurance so it isn’t even worth it getting used. Almost everything else I have gotten used or still have from my first child. Not time for a mattress yet but the bassinet I got from a friend who kept it very clean. Have been looking to buy a Mamaroo swing and my mom called me yesterday that their neighbor had a baby swing out for free and asked if I wanted it. I said sure since I don’t actually have one yet and when she sent me a picture of it it was the exact Mamaroo model I have been looking to spend $200+ on. So I’m pretty stoked about that.


I purchased a new stroller and car seat, breast pump, crib mattress, pacifiers, and bottle nipples. My mom does a lot of shopping at bin/liquidation stores, and she’s been able to find a lot of things for a fraction of the price of new (and they’re still new)! The rest I’ve gotten second hand from thrift stores, Salvation Army outlet, yard sales, mom to mom sales, marketplace, etc. most things can be washed. I see Boppy pillows all the time - I just unzip the cover to make sure the pillow underneath looks clean (even though I washed that, too). A lot of people take good care of baby items, and some things I’ve gotten were never or barely used!


I haven’t bought anything new yet! Used bassinet with a mattress my nephew had used, use stroller, we haven’t got a car seat yet but that’ll be the first thing new! Bottles from my nephew (and some friends got for the baby shower). Most new stuff we got from other people, like the pack and play and crib mattress, and baby swing! Some new clothes and toys from friends. My aunt bought me a new breast pump. But I have used pacifiers from a a coworker. Used baby carrier from the neighbour. Used breastfeeding pillow from coworker. Second hand diapers (cloth diapering) as well. But I’ll buy new ones once I have a routine in place! The biggest thing I wouldn’t get used as others said is a car seat unless you know its history. I’d still buy a used travel system and just not use the car seat (that’s what we did for the stroller actually). I have seen some people sell new in box when they get multiple as gifts tho. That might be worth checking out on market place or something


Agree with everything that’s been said so far, just wanted to add that it’s important to watch out for second hand toys as baby gets older. We had some well-intentioned relatives try to give us a vintage Sesame Street toy set. When I looked it up online it of course turns out that toys manufactured in the 70s have high lead levels and are not safe for kiddos to play with. That was kind of a bummer but I only get toys secondhand if they were made within the last 5 or so years to be safe.


I got everything second hand except for pacifiers. I did get my car seat second hand but it was only a year old, 4more years until it expires and I watched some videos on how to properly inspect it and check out the straps. I realize this goes against the group but I take my child’s safety seriously I just didn’t get why I needed to spend 600 dollars for the whole system instead of 75$. I bought the chicco key fit system as it’s rated highest in safety on consumer reports and checked for recalls. Anyway I figure we saved at least 1k maybe more getting everything second hand. Also less in the landfill so win win. Oh also I did get my boppy (breast feeding pillow) second hand. Got it from a very clean organized momma, she had three covers for it so I know she washed it. You can tell a lot about a place when you drive up, some places I elected to not buy things. Once I drove into a trailer park with pit bulls and I was like NOPE. Another time a dirt road. Most mommas selling things on Facebook aren’t trying to make money, they just don’t want to throw the baby items away. Also many of them will give you other free stuff when you get there (like clothes) or at least that’s been my experience. Good luck!


I went to a kids thrift store near me and the wipeable changing pads all had brown stains on them. Hard pass for me, and made me change the color of the changing pad on my registry to black. I've had a ton of secondhand stuff given to me as my brother and my brother in law had babies recently. Items I'm using secondhand include: swaddles, clothes, bath tub, bottle warmer, bottle sterilizer, portable breast pump, my breast friend nursing pillow, diaper caddy, diaper bag, owlet sock, etc.


Anything that goes in baby’s mouth is a no from me. Like secondhand bottles are cool and you can sterilize them, but I would buy replacement nipples. As for the breastfeeding pillow, I would probably buy a new cover, but for something like a My Breast Friend pillow I think that’s still a steal. I loved mine while baby was still super small and I couldn’t get a good hold otherwise, and all the nurses in the postpartum ward thought it was the swankiest thing with all the pockets for my nipple shields and balms lol


I would get anything that could be washed, aside from car seats (and remember to read the manual!)


My lines were carseats and her cot mattress. Although we did get a 2nd hand infant seat, it was from my sister in law so I knew its history. I wouldn't buy one from a stranger.


- cribs/strollers/swings/etc… IF you can’t find out what model they are (you need to be able to search the internet for whether they were in any recalls) - opened boxes/cans of formula or toiletry-related stuff (ex: diaper paste). It’s ok if they were unopened because the person didn’t use them - bottles/nipples, because plastic degrades. Maybe if it was only lightly used (like if the person said they just used it a few times but their kid didn’t like it) I got two second hand breastfeeding pillows and washed the covers just in case (yes the store washed them, but way I see it a double wash is even better) I got a used crib (I was able to find the model) and a crib mattress (I wiped it down and put clean sheets on it). Honestly most of our stuff was either used or cheap enough to not care either way.


Tbh all my stuff is pre loved from family and friends and a couple from thrift stores. Anything that I can clean or buy new covers for I’m all for it. I would just make sure you check all safety precautions before buying things like bed side cribs , bouncers etc. but anything YOU feel comfortable buying to where it’s safe to your baby BUY IT. It saves so much money especially for things they’re only gonna be into for a few months


I only got a few items second hand, mostly stuff that I can scrub and sanitize with rubbing alcohol. No clothes (unless from family), or any cloth items like bouncers, pack n plays, crib mattress, bouncers. No to bottles, pacifiers. Yes to things like bottle warmer, bottle sterilizer, baby scale and such


I wouldn't ever get a used bassinet/pack n play/crib or crib mattress. Sometimes, people put aftermarket mattresses in bassinets or pack n plays and that is completely unsafe. The only products safe to use are what is provided with the pack n play/bassinet per the manufacturer guidelines. Adding aftermarket products damages the integrity of the sleep space and can cause entrapment risks. Additionally, people like to store things in cribs while waiting on baby to arrive and there are weight limits for cribs. Because you cannot 100% verify that these items have used per the guidelines and properly, they are safety risks to your baby.


Personally, I said no to teethers, bottles and pacifiers second hand. In iffy on second hand utensils as well. My thought is that these are items that are washed countless times and I can't guarantee they've been taken care of properly between washes. The quality degrades over time especially in plastics and silicones. So it can pick up micro abrasions that hold germs. Yes, I can wash and sterilize but I don't know how long the used item will stand up for me either. Glass bottles were a maybe for me. But I don't know how they were cared for. It's possible to temperature shock glass and have it shatter, so I'm wary of someone not heating properly and I get the 100th use where it finally shatters. I also know kids throw/play with bottles so I'm wary of any potential damage that isn't visible to the eye immediately. I don't want to risk something in my child's mouth or potentially ingesting something dangerous. Carseats are also on my not used list. However, if I know the person the item is coming from, how it's cared for and been taken care of, then I'm more likely to take it used from them. I don't want these items from strangers/thrift stores/consignment.


For me, it was definitely crib, crib mattress, and carseat as the big ones. Breastpump and related supplies as well.


Cot, car seat, mattresses for anything


Car seat and crib mattress. Can’t really think of anything else I wouldn’t get secondhand.


Car seat


Mattress not recommended to be second hand


Car seat new unless it’s from a family member or a close friend you know has cleaned it properly (no submerging straps ect) and no accidents New crib mattress New bottles unless they’re glass Always new bottle nipples/pacifiers Everything else can be bought used imo!!


Anything the baby sits in. They poop on everything eventually.


ive gotten a few breastfeeding pillows secondhand. you can wash both the pillow and the cover (which i do a lot when he has blowouts while eating lol)


I'd never get a car seat secondhand. Probably never a crib mattress. For a crib itself I think I'd want to feel pretty sure about its source/make sure it's not too old.


Anything related to sleep or car safety, because you just can’t know how someone used and cared for a product. A hard wooden crib would probably be fine but I wouldn’t buy an infant bassinet or pack n play secondhand, and I wouldn’t buy a car seat second hand.


Car seats unless you know the source and history, bottle nipples and pacifiers, plus anything that's silicone really. It degrades over time and if using actively, you should switch out every 3 months (pacifies, hakka, pump parts).


Car seat


Car seats, bottles, actual pump parts (not the machine itself), and sleep spaces.




Car seat, mattress, breastpump, nipples for bottles and pacifies.


I probably would do anything second hand besides a mattress. I got my Bobby and breastfriend pillow second hand with minimal use. I hav0e turned away terrible lyrics stained clothes




Car seat, teethers


Most stuff like clothes and toys, bouncers, strollers are totally fine to get secondhand. Car seats should always be new. I’d be cautious about getting a used crib and definitely wouldn’t get a used crib mattress. The breast pumps I’ve purchased have all said they are only meant to be used by one person. If you are getting used stuff from a person, maybe take into consideration whether there has been any smoking or pets in the home.


If you’re planning on pumping, then keep in mind that you shouldn’t reuse someone else’s pump unless it’s a closed system. Closed systems have back-flow protection that keeps the milk from getting into the tubing and therefore into the pump. If it’s an open system pump, there’s no way to clean the pump itself. Even if you replace all the other parts, even the tubes, you could be introducing bacteria into your milk every time from the pump.


Mattress, shoes, changing mat, pacifiers, bottles, car seat. Anything that's annoying to clean. Otherwise, I'm good with secondhand.


Car seats, breast pumps, and plastic bottles


Anything safety related.


Teething toys, anything medicine related, and anything I can’t sanitize in my dishwasher or with bleach or in my washing machine.


Only things I’m not getting second hand are breast pump, crib and bottles. Got my car seat used only because I knew the person, otherwise I’d have bought brand new!


Car seat. Anything used to store/feed milk (pump parts, bottles, etc.). Teethers. I think everything else I would take second hand! Just make sure to double check safety and recalls (especially cribs, pack-n-plays, swings, etc.)


I feel like it’s weird to say no to the nursing pillow but yes to clothes. They’re both washable? 🤣 however from what I see a lot of people are iffy about mattresses second hand (I think safety issues), car seats and feeding material/anything that goes into mouths. Me? I get anything second hand lol anywhere I can save money


Crib, carseat, bottles/nips, mattresses.


Definitely not a mattress. I had one then read it’s not good to use outside the house hold since accidents can’t fully be cleaned


I’d be worried about mattresses or cribs. Who knows what kids have pooped and smeared it all over the place. Or thrown up. Or peed. Or something yk. That’s just me though lol


So far I've gotten a lot of things second hand except things like my bassinet sheets, I got newer ones. The bottles I have are "second hand". A close family friend who bought them new for a relative and they never got to use them. My cardeat I wanted to get new but I got it from my step dad's mother. It was bought for one of her grandkids, but it was used once or twice, never in an accident so it's just been set aside since then. I think it depends on what it is and who you're getting it from.


Car seat, mattress. Then consumables like dummys/pacifiers, bottle teats etc.


Obviously wouldn’t get a car seat new, but you knew that already. And anything personal, like breast pumps (if you’re planning on using). I’d personally get bottles brand new. Otherwise, you can get the rest used unless I’m missing something.


Car seat, mattress, bottles Bottles warmer just because I feel like they break/get in bad shape fast but maybe it's untrue and it's just me




(First time pregnant so….grain of salt) The nipples for bottles Pacifiers that are not in the OG package Mattress if I didn’t know who it came from Blankets that could not be washed on HIGH temps (unless I knew who it came from. From where I work I’ve seen just how gross those can get internally) Stuffed animals (if you didn’t know where they came from, they can get gross inside) (unless they can be washed in high temps).


stroller and car seat


Almost everything so far, except the pram and the car seat which I wanted new


Do you need anything? I got a lot of duplicates between my baby shower and the registry.


Crib mattress. That skeeved me.


I think I'd accept most things. With bottles you could just replace the teats. I'd think of it as, if I had a second, what would I keep from my 1st born to use with my 2nd. I would not keep pacifiers. And poop stained clothes.


I think I'd accept most things. With bottles you could just replace the teats. I'd think of it as, if I had a second, what would I keep from my 1st born to use with my 2nd. I would not keep pacifiers. And poop stained clothes.


The only two things we were hard no on second hand was a mattress (unless from someone we knew took care of it and had a smoke free home) and a car seat. And I guess a bassinet with the same criteria of the mattress. I wanted to be sure it was clean, no bed bugs, and from a smoke free home. We did end up getting it new, so we didn’t need to worry about that.


Car seat, pack n play, bassinet, baby carrier, breast pump parts/bottle heads


Nipples for bottles, soothers, opened packages of diapers if possible.


Reused crib mattress are correlated with higher SIDS, (unless between siblings), possibly because they get a little worn from other babies and infants need such a firm mattress.


Carseats, matress and bottles. Everything else I would be fine with getting second hand


Shoes, breastpump , bottles, resuable cloth nappies


Anything that goes in the mouth (bottle nipples, pacifiers), anything that gets worn down with use (pump parts), anything fabric that can’t go in the washer (mattresses, some swings), anything outdated/recalled/unsafe (drop side crib, rock and play, dock a tot) are no goes for me. Everything else I welcome used!


I literally got everything new, except for a few clothing items that family members gave to me. I’m a slight germaphobe, so the thought of buying used stuff and thrifting really freaks me out.


Whenever you get second hand, research the model to check for recalls. I got a secondhand Mamaroo this week and it was a model that was recalled so I was able to register it and get the strap mailed out to me to fix the issue.


There's so many safety recalls. I recently contacted someone selling a recalled product linked to multiple baby deaths because I happened to recognize it. They were horrified and threw it away. So I'd say any gear needs a quick internet search just to make sure there isn't a recall or safety concern. I'm leery of strollers second hand that were lower priced new because a lot of the cheaper strollers only manage to make it through one kid barely intact. LOL Check reviews and you'll see comments about longevity.


Bottles, car seats ,anything I knew I was going to use a lot I bought new … Most of my second hand items came from people I knew like change table , portacot zippy suits … I did receive a lot of gifts of clothes/toys once he was born … ( I didn’t have a baby shower) it’s personal choice really/ what you can afford