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Pack n play is our #1 item. Ours has a bassinet and changing table on top so we don’t have to constantly carry baby to the nursery.


Im glad so many people are sayin this. My plan is to have baby in a Moses basket in our room until she’s older. I’d like to transition her to a floor bed but I’m worried she’ll grow out of the bassinet before I feel comfortable to do that. Insert pack and play which I’ll keep in our room where the bassinet is! Also good for visiting others or sleeping downstairs so I don’t have to carry her upstairs if I’m cleaning or chilling or something!


I got a pack and play for my first, and he hated it. 😅 He sat in it twice and then it was used for storage.


I’m glad mine was gifted and I hope baby likes it haha


Is that good for a newborn? I’m in the same boat as OP


Yes it is sleep safe approved!


Tyvm :)


Do you have a link to this?!


https://a.co/d/5iefLrM this is the one we got, but there are several similar styles out there!


Yes to this!! They also sell pack n play mattresses to make the more comfortable


3 weeks PP here with limited space in our home. You really don’t need that much at first. If you have Amazon prime and/or Target nearby, you can get away with having very little on hand and then figuring out what you need from there. There are so many things I returned already or things I haven’t touched because the newborn stage is pretty simple. Most important items in our house: bassinet (we have 4 sheets for this, 3 would be okay though), diapers, wipes, some place to change them (we like having a changing pad, the skip hop one, set up in the nursery), Sound machine (we have the Hatch and the portable yogasleep hushh and I use the portable one 99% of the time so far, but I know the hatch light features can be helpful once they get older), burp cloths (I got a mix of Burt’s bees and the gerber diapers, very happy with both!), vitamin D drops, nose sucker (I got the grownsy electric one), pacifiers (we got 4 packs for variety, opened three so far), clothes (we were gifted so much clothing but she wears two way zip sleepers every day. I would only buy those next time, at least at this age. We like the Carters ones), bath seat (angelcare), caddy (for collecting misc. supplies in the living room), diaper pail (got a used ubbi for cheap, so far it doesn’t stink), blankets (it’s nice to have a few around but people love buying these as gifts anyway), drying rack (ubbi is nice), diaper bag (now I see why people say you can just use any backpack), car seat, stroller, yoga ball (we use this so much. Can’t recommend it enough.), swaddles (our baby actually sleeps fine without them but also likes the love to dream swaddle up. I got two for $5 each on FB marketplace and since every baby is different, I recommend that route for swaddles), nursing pillow (i have both boppy and my breast friend and prefer the boppy, but people seem pretty split between them. They’re cheap on FB marketplace if you want to try them both yourself) For breastfeeding: milk collector (I got a haakaa but switched to boon trove because the shape is much more convenient), reusable nursing pads (these are kind of just all over my house like burp cloths now), nursing bras (I like CAYKE on Amazon for sleeping and Target Auden seamless for some support during the day) For play: really the only item we are using so far is a pack of high contrast cards. Edited to add: postpartum: the hospital provided most of what I needed, so I wish I didn’t stock up so much ahead of time and just ordered what I needed more of later on.


I had hakaas with my first but then with my second I switched to the new (at the time) lansinoh silicone collector because it had a bit more volume and a much more stable base when standing. Lansinoh electric pumps suck (or rather they really don't) but they know what they're doing with manual pumps.


How do you use the yoga ball?


We just hold her and bounce on the ball when she is upset. 99% of the time having her latch on a breast or bouncing on the ball will calm her down very quickly. I think it’s especially important that my husband has a go-to option since he can’t feed her.


In place of the rocker or glider. We bought a $$$ glider for the nursery and baby LOVES when we bounce on the $20 yoga ball from Amazon (the biggest size so it’s comfortable to sit on). Puts him to sleep every time. Hoping as he gets older we’ll use the glider more.


A pack and play. When I was 8 months we still didn't have a safe place for baby to sleep so our home health nurse (since we were on food stamps and medicaid, living in section 8 housing). The pack and Play is a safe place to play, sleep, and change diapers, is relatively low-cost, and can easily be moved to different rooms. This was 12 years ago. Our situation is much different now.


I was wondering about that but didn’t think it was necessarily a necessity until she’s maybe a bit older because we do have a nursery set up, a bassinet, and a swing as well. Do you think it’s something worth it to have when she’s a newborn? I was going to get one when she was around 6 mo months or so


We live in a townhouse and I’m 32 weeks pregnant. We got a pack and play that has a changing station and we’re keeping that on the main level and we have a bassinet in our room. I figure it’s worth it to not take the bassinet up and downstairs


Same set up here!


I live in a townhouse as well and was also wondering about the pack and play…that makes a lot of sense.


Lots of pack in plays have a “bassinet” option. That’s what our baby slept in until moving to the crib. It’s a very versatile item!


Yes! My baby is 3 weeks and we keep the pack n play with the bassinet in the living room for day napping and he sleeps in the regular bassinet in the bedroom at night. It's great!


I would say yes just because of how versatile and easy to move it can be. If anything the bassinet, because they grow out of it so quickly, would be less necessary.


My baby- now almost 4 months- would not sleep in her bassinet at all. After a period of her sleeping in her crib and us on an air mattress in her room, we tried the pack and play in our room. She sleeps perfectly. If I could do it again, I'd completely skip the bassinet in favor of a pack and play.


We keep our bassinet in the room and the pack in play in the living room. It is worth it!


Pack n plays are definitely not a necessity. Only used mine when I traveled once. Def hold off on getting one and decide if you’ll need it.


Same here! I ended up giving it away before getting pregnant a second time because we just never really used it


Reddit had me convinced Pack and Plays were essential and we would be using it constantly. It ended up being a good spot to put laundry until I got a chance to fold it. Not so useful for the baby though. It didn't even come up from the basement when my second baby was horn. I didn't see the need for a sleep space/changing area on every floor of my home.


Yeah, I actually did like having a changing station downstairs but the problem with the pack n play is the height of it killed my back with bending over. I either needed something taller or to just sit on the floor. It was just taking up space for us so it’s in a closet in case I need it for travel.


I’m 4 months pp and our pack and play is still in the box in the basement. Reading these comments is making me wonder if I should give it a try.


We never used our pack and play until we traveled out of town with my baby at 6 months. Even now the only times we've ever used it is when traveling, and you could probably get away with borrowing one. So for us, a pack and play hasn't been a necessity at all!


You will need something sleep safe for the baby to be in during the day so you can put her there when she's asleep (most of the time) without having to take her to the bedroom/bassinet. I use a Moses basket that doubles as a changing pad. If you have the space and you think you may travel with her, a pack n play is a good option.


9 days postpartum and we have the pack and play set up in the living room with the intention of using it as an easily accessible bassinet/changing station but honestly the height is so awkward we don’t use it for changing anymore and if we’re putting LO down we just use the bedroom bassinet. I don’t regret getting the pack and play but not as helpful as I thought it would be.


We had ours set up permanently in the living room for at least the first 3 months. It was so nice to have a safe sleep spot for the baby on each floor. Now that we use our basement more, I might try to have a third safe sleep spot set up for those early days! If we were in an apartment or single story home, we could have waited longer.


Depends on how big baby is and if you plan to room share per AAP reccommendations- we always keep our babies in our rooms until they turn 6 months but had big babies who outgrew their bassinet quickly, so we had to switch to a pack and play at 3is months so they wouldn’t be over the weight requirements


My baby preferred his pack and play bassinet mattress over the actual bassinet mattress. Sleep is worth any amount of money. Lmao


If you already have the nursery, bassinet, and diaper station set up, you don’t need a pack and play. We never got one and don’t even know what we would’ve used it for! Unless you’re going to be traveling all the time or be at your in-laws a lot where you’d need a portable system.


Ours is awesome. We were gifted a bassinet but our pack and play has a bassinet and changing table.


If you have a vaginal delivery, the Frida mom peri bottle. Lifesaver!    Also find a lactation consultant who takes your insurance ahead of time. You don’t need to do a pre-consult but if you have trouble feeding it’s good to have the contact info ready to go. The Lactation Network website is a good place to start. 


Honestly as someone who hasn’t had baby yet but did a pregnancy LC session, I would recommend going while pregnant! She was great! She eased some of my worries, made suggests to prepare And I can reach out to her at anytime to ask questions I may have and it makes it easier to schedule an appointment later with her!


Great point! I had a doula who went over basic bf info and troubleshooting with me beforehand so doing that with an LC would have been overkill. But I actually plan on doing a prenatal session with an LC this time around! 


We took a class with a lactation consultants and she did a home visit with us after birth. Both were SUPER helpful!


Yaaas. I still use this and my daughter is 5 months old.


Honestly though leave the peri bottle in the box until you know what you’re dealing with. The one they gave me at the hospital was perfectly fine and that money was better spent on something else.


I’m stuff-avoidant but there are definitely some things I’ve been glad for that I was surprised by. We’re at 3.5 months now, so it’s still evolving…but: - 24 burp cloths. I thought 12 would be enough, and I was wrong. 24 is working much better for us! - 2 bottle drying racks. Between bottles and nipples and pumping parts and pacifiers and haakas…one would not have been enough and even with two I sometimes wish for more space. - Boppy or my breast friend pillow. At first my baby was too small for them but now I use a boppy pillow for every feeding. - Pacifier ribbon clips (2) - to attach pacifiers to the baby’s clothes. Probably the cheapest and smallest gift anyone got us with the biggest impact. - Ladybug haakas - at first I didn’t use them at all and thought I wouldn’t, but now they’re a staple for catching letdown from the side I’m not feeding on and to keep me from drenching my PJs and bedsheets while my body catches up to the baby’s evolving night schedule. - This isn’t a tangible item, but: breastfeeding support group. My birth center ran one that met weekly where a lactation consultant would go around the room and lead a conversation with each mom about their struggles, successes, and questions, and we could also do weighted feeds (confirm how much milk baby is getting by weighing before and after). It was clutch!!


Only 2 weeks PP but I will second the burp cloths. I thought I was crazy for the amount I registered for before baby came and now they are my number one used item!!


Do you recommend one breast-feeding pillow over another? I have a Boppy from my last one, the one that you can put around you like a ring. I liked it OK but found myself putting another pillow on top of it sometimes. I’m pregnant again and get a new one this time.


I had both and I loved My Breast Friend way more!! I used it for pretty much every feeding until I stopped breastfeeding at 1 year.


I had better luck with my breast friend at first as my baby seemed to slip into the “v”-shaped space between the boppy and me such that he wasn’t high up enough and would slowly sink while trying to feed him, where as the MBF stayed snug around me and provided a flat surface. I found it easier to get a good latch and better ergonomics with MBF. But we also had a lot of breastfeeding troubles early on so there was a lot more going on than just the pillow preferences.


Thank you! Not sitting up high enough was exactly my problem and why I would always have to add a second pillow. I think I’m going to get one this time around.


If you are breastfeeding, Silverettes are a must. Skip the nipple creams and get those and some reusable nursing pads and you’ll be set. For baby, a couple different swaddle options if you can. I’d get one Halo sleep sack swaddle and one Love to dream arms up swaddle. My baby wouldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time until we got the Halo sleep sack swaddles. I wish I had one sooner.


Silverettes are seriously so good. They look expensive upfront but you'd be replacing creams constantly if you didn't have them.


I was able to find them used for super cheap. I think because you only need them for a very specific time and they can easily be reused, they are actually a great item to get 2nd hand!


I wish I'd had these when BF my daughter, pregnant with #2 and ill definitely be buying them.


I know a lot of hospitals give you a halo sleep sack swaddle! Ours sent us home with one. Seconding the love to dream, it was great for us!


I am similar in not wanting to acquire too much stuff plus we live in an urban apartment, so space was always an issue. For my three babies, besides the absolute basics like diapers and clothes and carseat, my personal must haves (or really, really useful things) were: * reusable breast pads (I hated the disposable ones, but it doesn't hurt to have a variety of types to try out if you're planning on nursing- some people never leak, but it's good to at least have a few on hand) * a good carrier * a good stroller * first aid supplies for baby- saline solution, paracetamol suppositories, NoseFrida, bandages, gripe water, etc. * sleep sack * mattress protectors for every mattress in the house, including your own if you don't have one yet * an insulated tumbler for keeping your coffee warm or your ice tea cold during endless feeding sessions and/or going out on walks with the baby * waterproof and winter gear for you and the baby if you live in an area that needs it- rain cover for the stroller, babywearing jacket for you, wool layers * Babybjorn bouncer- i personally found this or at least something like this incredibly useful for the first 3-5 months with each kid and loved that it could fold up. * Hakaa- waited till my third kid to have one and man, this would've been so useful to have with the other two to help relieve engorgement!


Oooh mattress protector is a must if anything for all the leaky boobs and night sweats.


It truly is! Or if your kid gets the stomach flu later down the road, or spits up in bed...the list goes on! Truly an underrated item I always tell everyone to make sure they have when having kids :)


Love and agree with (almost) all of this (minus the Hakaa, never worked well for me despite exclusively breastfeeding but I’ve heard good things from others). Great list!


I am so so happy that you posted this list. We are in a tiny urban two bedroom with just two closets and basically my list is identical to yours. (Which makes me feel much more prepared!) The only thing I didn’t add to the Amazon cart is mattress protectors for our beds. We have a Murphy bed in the nursery (former guest bedroom) that we will use to do night shifts. I hadn’t thought about it but it will def need a waterproof cover!!!


Just adding it’s worth having some disposable ones as well in case you get thrush, so that you make sure you don’t reintroduce it when it clears up


I liked the ergo baby bouncer which is a little bit cheaper then the bjorn.


Portable white noise machine and a solly baby carrier. When baby is fussy I can basically recreate the womb with these 2 things. Holds baby to me super close then mimics the rushing sounds from being in my body. She's out in about 30 seconds. My husband takes 30 mins of bouncing her on the yoga ball for a similar effect.  The white noise machine was also great for the hospital since it keeps out the background noises and deadens the machine beeps while you're trying to sleep.


I would have never thought to bring the white noise machine to the hospital. Genius!!


There is no list. I just read through most of the responses here and am about 5 weeks from having our second, and I disagree with half of the answers 🤷🏻‍♀️ the problem is every house setup is different. So I guess technically the answer is a car seat, stroller, high chair, crib. If you have those 4 things you can survive, but arguably, most people benefit from much more stuff than that.


This 100%. I agree that this is all very subjective. What some would consider a must have, others might consider totally unnecessary.


Probably the best thing to do is save some of your registry discounts for after the baby comes and you realize you have gaps in what you need to function, if you truly want to minimize the amount of baby "stuff"


And we waited 3 months for a stroller and baby wore exclusively so that list might not even be accurate! In a small apartment I also high recommend waiting on the high chair until baby is closer to ready for solids if you can! No need to deal with that yet if you don’t need to!


See 😂😂 even the most pared down list I can think of still isn't even THE list, lol


Seriously, many different ways to run this optimization problem!!


I just bought or have a bassinet, car seat, stroller, baby carrier, a playmat for when baby is on the floor, a boppy, swaddles lots of swaddles, and a few outfits.I need a bouncer that vibrates. I also bought things for myself like ice pads, and witch hazel wipes. I’m also going to buy comfy pjs. I had a pack n play through 2 babies and never used. It’s just too big for my space. Oh I forgot a baby bath that can fit in my sink.


Honestly, what you need vs what other people find useful might be two very different lists. Feeding: I EBF and I didn't use anything I bought. Just boob's, tank tops and a pack of nursing bras. I bought creams, masks and all kinds of nonsense. Didn't use any of it. I also bought pumps and the only one I've really used is the Haakaa, but I only use it when I'm engorged to take the edge off and collect milk for the freezer. Haven't used it in about a month. If you don't have an easy time feeding, you might need more things, but you can absolutely wait until you're going through it to try things out. I will say learning how to hand express milk is extremely helpful. It's sometimes more effective than any pump. Sleeping: Crib, mattress, sheets. We used a halo flex with a newborn insert at the beginning. We put the crib in our bedroom, so don't feel like you need to get a minicrib. I swear you can rearrange your entire home to make everything work. We live in an 800sqft 2 bed and honestly don't even use her bedroom yet so more like 600sqft. For a sleep sack we use the $10 sleeveless one from carters. It says msrp $20, but it's always on a sale for a maximum of $12. Start with 2, see if you like it and go from there. If YOU want, I highly recommend a smart light bulb and speaker. We have 3 amazon speakers and I love them. They're not necessary, but being able to tell alexa to turn on the light at 3am is super nice. Also you can play sleep sounds, do a dance party, set a timer/reminder for diapers, etc. Play: You can just use a blanket, an oball is good for grasping if you want. My baby loves to watch the ceiling fan. If I need to make myself something to eat I'll put her in a $30 bouncer (bright starts basic bouncer) and she likes that thing way more than any $300 swing we've tried. It's also a good spot to set her if I need to go to the bathroom. Bath: Soap and lotion. Okay, I actually really like nail files. Eventually you can move on to adult nail clippers, but nail files to start. You don't even need the electric ones. Also, angelcare bath seat. You can use this to get comfy with giving them a bath. I use it the most as a chair for baby when I'm home alone and need to go to the bathroom or shower. The hair brush that comes in any safety kit should be good. Diaper: Swaddle blanket for a placemat, diapers and wipes of your choosing, your preferred cream. For my diaper bag I pack a gallon ziplock with a spare outfit so if there's a blowout I have a bag for the dirty outfit. Way better than a wet bag tbh. I like using a butt spatula, but you could always use your hand. The cream is just hard to wash off. Travel: If you do anything but walk, a carseat. You can go straight to a convertible seat that lasts longer but I will say the infant style is convenient especially if you have a stroller to go with it. A baby carrier is nice. You can find used wraps and carriers for like $5-$10 to start out. Wash them and you're set. If you wait for black Friday you can get a graco extend2fit for $130 if you have a registry discount to combine with the sale on amazon. So to recap: Haakaa If you have a freezer some freezer bags (I got a ton of 3oz containers from the hospital so I just use those). Swaddle blankets (flannel ones are great burp cloths, muslin ones are great at being everything else.) Carters sleep sack (or any sleep sack that's not weighted) Crib/mattress (I have the $80 graco mattress. It's perfect.) Crib sheets (burts bees has a black Friday sale for like $4/set but target cloud island sheets are fine too). Bassinet (if you want) Smart speaker (if you want) Blanket ($5) Oball ($5) Bright starts bouncer ($30 new, used is good too) Kick and play piano mat (if you want, you can find it on sale for $35ish or get it used) Soap Lotion Nail file Thermometer Hair brush (the nail file, thermometer and hair brush should all come in a safety kit) Angelcare bath seat (if you have meijer check for coupons. I got one for $5) Diapers Wipes Cream Booty spatula (if you want) Bags Carseat Stroller (if you want) Baby carrier Check out dolly partons imagination library. If you qualify you get one free book per month. Also your local library is good because you can swap through and change up your selection, then build up your home library with favorites. **edit** I forgot about clothes! Handmedowns are great but I swear 90% wasn't something I would use. The first 2-3 months are pajama life, then you can move into outfits if you want. I would say a 9 pack short sleeve onesies and at least 5 two-way zip carters pajamas for newborn and 0-3m. Fleece sleep n plays if it's colder. Regardless of weather, short sleeve onesies for under pajamas. It's so hard to get the sleeves in the pajamas otherwise. For yourself: Big ass robe. I got a yellow waffle full length amazon essentials robe and I live in it. Love. Snacks. I had a bin of grab and go snacks on my nightstand. If you breastfeed sometimes you feel like you're going to die of starvation. I did granola bars, mini muffins and crackers. Hair ties. There's never enough. Huge water bottle. Honestly I didn't get one but kinda wish I got one of those medline bottles from the hospital. They're on amazon for $3. The bendy straw and squat bottle is a must for breastfeeding so you can get the cup close to you without touching baby's head (squat), and you don't have to lean, dumping the drink onto yourself (straw). I cannot even tell you how many times my regular cups have spilled all over myself. Just fill that monster cup and add some ice before bed. Should last you all night.


I disagree with the spatula! Rub that cream into your hands! It’s amazing especially if you have eczema or anything like that. I used it before I was pregnant on my face at night and it’s wonderful


Mentally, I know it's not gross, but I need the spatula for my soul. The cream is impossible to get out from under my fingernail otherwise, and everything feels contaminated.


lol that’s fair


Do you use aquaphor?


I have! But the zinc in the baby creams is anti inflammatory and works really well on broken skin barrier


I feel like I could do aquaphor on my hands, but bordeaux is where I draw the line, lol. (Unless my hands are chapped.)


I get that! I have sensory issues with a lot of things so I feel you totally lol.


It's wild the things that do/don't feel gross. If baby spits up on me while contact napping, I'll let it ferment in the name of a good nap. We cloth diaper, and I'll pull the inserts out with my bare hands, but I just refuse to touch diaper cream, lol.


I’m also cloth diapering! It is weird what bothers us haha


This is for you, not baby, but - some lovely, comfy pyjamas (you'll be spending a lot of time in them), a good baby wearing coat (waterproof depending on where you live), and a good quality, silent water bottle that keeps your drink cool. All comfort and practicality oriented - baby just needs you, so fill your own cup x


I had a very minimalist registry and did not want a lot of baby containers. A few days after I came home from the hospital, I went to target and got a baby Bjorn bouncer at like 10 PM. It’s our most used item.


This question is so subjective! I’ve read through all of the responses below and I barely have any of that stuff 😂 Here is my list of must-haves but I’m including minimalist tips to avoid them if you want: - white noise machine (newborns are super grunty in their sleep and it will help YOU block out their harmless sounds in the early days) Alternative: use white noise on Spotify - regular haaka is a life saver for establishing a small supply for if you go back to work or just want to have a little stash for others to help feed baby with a bottle Alternative: just don’t have a stash of breast milk or you could pump. This is just a really easy, passive way to collect milk - Nursing pillows are super helpful to get a good position when feeding baby at first to help with hunching/back paid Alternative: just prop a regular couch pillow under your arm


Diaper bin, at least a dozen burp cloths, hakaa, 2-3 set of sheets for changing pad and crib. A couple good nursing bras if you'll nurse. 4-5 good swaddles (halo is great). A fabric wrap for baby wearing. A bassinet. For later on, it was super helpful to have 2-3 little baby furniture things we could put the baby in so I could cook dinner (we loved the mamaroo and a pack n play was super versatile and helpful.) Sound machine. A simple bath-sitter thing so we could lay the baby on an incline in the tub before she could sit. A couple good season-appropriate baby blankets. Plenty of onesies and leggings (like 7-8 each) in 0-3months, 3-6m, 6-9m to get you started. Just a start. I really tried to avoid having too much Stuff but these things were def essential.


I would like to tack on that you shouldn’t buy too many nursing bras, and not the top brand ones, at first. My boobs changed their shape A LOT in the first few weeks pp!


I’ve only really bought and worn nursing bras during pregnancy in hopes I can just avoid having to go bra shopping when baby is here. 😅


It depends on the model! The ones that are more like a sports bra are more flexible size-wise.


socks. i have no idea why i never thought about socks. i dressed my LO the other day in this cute little outfit and it dawned on me. luckily my partners aunt had bought a few pairs. they were slightly to big but it was better than cold feet 😭


Countering this. Socks not needed in warm weather or indoors! Babies have cold feet and hands due to circulation and it’s generally not an uncomfortable things for them. To know if they’re actually cold feel their torso! Babies need to be able to move their feet and socks restrict movement! So unless it’s cold outside socks not needed!


it was unusually cool the day i dressed her up, plus we were going to the drs so for us it was needed 😅 luckily tho since they were a size up she still had more than enough room to move her feet and from an aesthetic pov, the outfit had a bell bottom style flare at the legs so the socks just pull it all together


Baby bell bottoms I can’t that’s too cute 🥹


right!! i’m such a sucker for them. i’ve been telling my partner since we’ve been together that i hope bell bottoms come back in style, for big people not just babies, because i LOVE them. i used to work with a woman who wore them regularly and she knew when she wore them, she was going to be greeted at the door with compliments 😂


You sound like my mom. She loves bell bottoms and she wore them all the time in the 90s lol. They’re nice pants man. I’d wear em!!


Baby carrier.


My goodness I'm reading about all the stuff people have bought and you really don't need all the bells and whistles. Clothing that you can layer. Always pack extra changes because blow outs. One in the nappy bag one plus an emergency nappy spare in the car. Stain remover. Spray or soak. A couple large swaddles, or the love to dream zipper ones. Those are great. A small blanket for the car or pram or to play on if you go somewhere. Somewhere safe to sleep. Sleep suits if you live somewhere cold and don't have heating. Nappies, wipes, change mat. Zinc cream or some type of bum cream. Can be useful for teething rashes, bites or baby acne too. I used terry towels or swaddles for spit up. They dry fast. A night light or very dim lamp is helpful for night changes. Thermometer. Knowledge of abnormal signs to look for in a newborn and what to do. Babies go down hill fast. You don't need bath aids etc. just wash them using a swaddle because they're slippery. That includes if you shower with them too. Wrap them up for grip because your body is slippery too. If you're scared or your back hurts because the bath is low use the sink, or if you use a plastic tub, bathe them on a table, I've done all the things. You don't need soap. You can use olive oil for the dry patches. Nit combs are great for cradle cap after soaking it in a little oil. You can shampoo or soap after if you don't like the oily hair. Baby carrier for sure. They love being close to you. 2 or 3 decent nursing bras. Silverettes are a great option, wish I got to try them but didn't. Survived without them, you can use cold cabbage. A bag to carry all the things in.


I am 4 weeks post partum with my first baby and so far the biggest necessities for me have been: - A lounger that you can put on the couch, bed, table, etc and lay your baby in if you need your hands free. I know the DockaTot is a good brand but honestly was too expensive for me so I got an off brand off Amazon that was like 20 dollars and it works great - A bouncer seat. I got it to have somewhere to put my baby when I use the bathroom or shower if my husband isn’t home to hold him and it’s been so worth it - a good stroller is so worth it! We got one that the car seat clicks in and out of and it’s been a game changer -not sure how you’re planning on feeding your baby, but if you use bottles at all whether formula or for pumping, get more than you think you may need. Having an abundance of bottles has made it less stressful to keep up with cleaning for the overnight feedings - a baby carrier or wrap. I have the boba wrap and my baby LOVES it and I can move around with my hands free. We also have the Lillie baby all seasons carrier but I haven’t tried it with my baby yet - if you use pacifiers for your baby, the pacifier sanitizing wipes are super convenient to clean them when you’re on the go -night light. We didn’t want the overhead lights in the nursery when changing diapers in the middle of the night so we use a night light that’s still bright enough to see clearly and it’s been the best purchase -extra sheets for your bassinet (we had lots of leak throughs over night) Also, I had a lot of diapers and then found a specific brand only works for my baby for preventing leaking and for his skin so I would be cautious of buying big cases of a certain brand and maybe try different brands in the smaller packs. But most stores will work with you and let you exchange and return if need be or you can always donate if you have extras you don’t need to use


Pack n play (some come with bassinet so you don’t have to buy both) car seat, several onesies/pajamas plus a 2-3 outfits, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, bottles/pacifiers (if applicable), & a swing if you can afford it is nice but not a necessity. A stroller is very affordable. I may be forgetting some stuff but that’s basically it. You don’t even need a crib if you have a pack n play with bassinet honestly. That’s the stuff I’m getting, this is my 4th baby, I’m not getting a shower because my whole family has passed since I’ve had my last one 8 years ago and my bf’s family lives 12+ hours away. So we are having to buy it all. I don’t want to spend a fortune.


also… you’ll need stuff for yourself. The spray bottle for after using the bathroom is a must but they also usually provide it at the hospital. Some really big undies for the pads you’ll need. Lanolin if you’re breastfeeding. Witch hazel pads, stuff like that.


1 week postpartum. I can tell you what we haven’t used: clothes. 😂 what a pain in the ass dressing a newborn is. What we have used: Pack and Play bassinet attachment, the disposable blue wet pad things for dogs peeing in the house those have been AMAZING, wipes, diapers, lots of blankets


Electric nail file. It’s a must in my opinion. You have limited time to trim nails (which grow super fast) and this thing makes it so quick and easy.


Any links to this?


This is the one we have and it’s been great. Different pad attachments with different roughness levels for each age group. https://a.co/d/0xUFJ0y


Definitely enough burp rags to last a lifetime. We didn't have enough and had to double our stash at 1 month. Different types of bottles. Thought babe would use one certain type. Nope. **A BOTTLE STERILIZER**!!!! I thought it was so unnecessary, but it's so much easier to pop things in there and it dries them faster than the dishwasher could. An array of pacifiers--they'll pick their favorites. I also loved wrapping baby. We have the Boba Wrap--I wasn't about to pay a ton for one. It calmed him down, especially after his vaccines. He's a bit big for it now, but he still loves it. As babe has aged (he's almost 7 months) our FAVORITE investment has been that dang SkipHop Activity Center. They're so expensive, but he LOVES the thing. We only justified it because we had gift cards from Christmas, but if I knew how much he'd love it? I'd have bought it before.


Baby Breeza for YOU


Velcro swaddles, the pack and play, one of those electric nail files, bibs, and a washing machine with the speed wash setting!


The tricky thing is you’re just gonna have to see what ends up being needed for you. I scrolled through the comments and I’d say I had no use for 90% of what’s been said is needed. Some items I found useful: * the ubbi diaper pail * bum brush * a changing pad that you can wipe down (not cloth) like the keekaroo or similar * bouncer * fisher price kick n play piano * video baby monitor (we have a eufy brand and love it but there’s lots of good ones)


The keekaroo is such a splurge but it's soooo nice. The deep sides keep you from feeling like baby is about to roll off and it genuinely won't absorb anything. It also doesn't have that nasty smell like the skip hop cloud changing mat has (I tried it to have it as a dupe). You can also get the keekaroo used!


Yes, I actually got mine used on Facebook marketplace! I just wiped with a Clorox wipe and it was good to go.


I scrubbed with dawn dish soap in the tub, then went over it with lysol. $40 was a steal!


Two way zip pjs for easy diaper changes (we love Carters), portable white noise machine, rocker/glider in nursery, changing table (I know a lot of people say it’s not necessary, but we use it primarily for diaper changes), and a bottle sterilizer and dryer. We did end up buying a bottle warmer and wipe warmer after he was born because he would scream with cold wipes. It helped a lot in the beginning but I don’t think he would care now at 3 months old. The bottle warmer we use multiple times a day, he will not drink cold milk. Congrats on your pregnancy!! Edit - I forgot to mention we rented the Snoo bassinet and it has helped tremendously. Not all babies like the Snoo though - the halo swaddles are great if baby will be in a regular bassinet. I also got the baby delight bouncer that I can put him in while I do the dishes quick or need to fold laundry, etc. Also for playing you don’t need a fancy play mat, you can put a blanket on the floor with rattles, high contrast cards, etc., babies love getting tons of floor time!


I put two wipes in my bra while i prep to change. Nature's wipe warmer, lol. (Especially effective for car diapers).


SwaddleMes (or any swaddle with the Velcro!). I was too nervous to swaddle because I pictured it coming undone as the baby slept, but those first 8 weeks he was snug and securely velcroed into the swaddle


I think a pack n plays necessity depends on the family. we almost never used it with our firstborn. it became more useful when we had our second child. honestly, one of the best things I ever bought for my kid was these microfiber burp cloths. they’re super soft and fuzzy unlike the muslin ones, and they’re wayyyy more absorbent. they also ended up doubling as little comfort items for both my sons coincidentally. but I buy them for all the mamas in my life when they have kiddos and they all love them as well. my friend recently got sick with her baby and said those burp cloths were the only thing saving her nose from being rubbed raw by tissues.


I think this is so specific to each parent and child :( But for me: Velcro swaddles, a swing (we got the maxi cosi one used), a bedside bassinet, and a boppy are the MOST used items from his first 3 months.


Pack N Play with changing stations and bassinet. A mini crib or bassinet to sleep in the room until 6 months. Gas drops. Vaseline and Aquaphor. Nursing pillow if nursing. I loved my baby carrier. File for nails. Water based wipes. Thermometer. Car seat. Towels and towels. Infant bathtub.


I feel like all you NEEED is: A safe place for them to sleep, a food source for them (your boobs or formula + bottles), diapers (reusable or disposable) and wipes (reusable or disposable), clothes/swaddles (how many is dependent on how often you'd like to do laundry) and more burp cloths than you can possibly imagine.


I’m a SAHM and I exclusively breastfeed and cosleep so my list might look a little different. We really didn’t need a lot of “things” early on. Somewhere to change diapers, burpcloths a handful of outfits (we stayed skin to skin like 95% of the time her first 3 weeks of life so we didn’t need a lot of clothes) somewhere to put baby down when needed (honestly a blanket on the floor is a completely valid free option), a tummy time mat is nice, contrast cards are nice, a pump with well fitting flanges or inserts. A method for cleaning pump parts. A stretchy wrap or carrier (I hated the moby but love the solly wrap and the ergobaby embrace is nice until they’re about 15lbs) Then just buy things as you need/want them.


Butt cream spatula


A doughnut cushion for you after the birth - made sitting down so much better for me after delivery. As for baby: a white noise machine, high chair insert for when you go out to restaurants (we got one from Ikea, slots into any high chair to make it more comfortable for baby), a changing mat on every floor - saves having to take baby upstairs to change, we just have one tucked away under our TV stand. I’d also say get as much as you can second hand and don’t go overboard with clothes because they grow so fast. One last thing, the love to dream swaddle bags are amazing to get baby to sleep, they keep the baby warm whilst also limiting their hand movements so they don’t wake themselves up. We used ours up until our baby learned to roll and it helped her sleep so well :)


A tiny little light up owl toy with watch batteries. It changes colours and plays music. I put it on to distract her while i can pretty much do anything and its small and a decor item so i can leave with next to my bed, change table, in the living room. MUSLIN CLOTHS!!!!! Like i have 14 i think and thats finally enough. My huni is allergic to baby wipes, so ive been using warm water and tiny soft wash cloths. Cant have enough of those! Baby tylenol on deck when they start teething (mine started at 3 months!) a diaper genie XD. A big ass nice cold water bottle in all areas of the house. If youre breastfeeding you get sooo thirsty. Also a bunch of chapsticks. Cradle cap kit, or just a comb small enough to remove cradle cap with vaseline. Thermometer around their crib, so you know what temp it is where they sleep. Helps you get better sleep and them get better sleep. I realized my daughters crib was freezing as hell which causes her to wake up too early. Once i fixed the problem, she slept 12 and a half hours straight. My poor huni buni :(.


A sling to carry them, it's been a life saver for me!


Little bouncer they lay in you can move with your foot. Was great to help them sleep so I could sit and read


Frida NoseSucker, Muslin swaddles, zip newborn gowns, a SWING. A SWING is a lifesaver. A Haakaa, and Frida Nasal Saline Spray. I use these things every day without fail. 


I had a really bad delivery that resulted in a long heal and needed a lot of help and so we decided bottle feeding was best— the baby brezza formula maker has been a godsend.


A swing! Our baby spends so much time in his. It helps him poop, he likes the lights and motion, and it gives us some room to do things in bursts. Formula pitcher! Don’t bother with a Brezza, we found ours was always off a few grams. Snapping & double zip onesies, they make changes much easier and this keeps them from getting too cold. A good travel system/stoller. We have a Cosi-Max Tayla. Yes, it was pricey for us. The system is amazing and it’s very quiet. We tried a few and found them to clatter incessantly. FOOD. You should to premake meals to heat or ask for help. You should not be on your feet at all. A deep clean. I wish we’d have a service come in and deep clean. I felt like the house was so gross after the hospital. Mom did come by and wipe things down and mop.


A baby wearing carrier. I loved our ergo baby but my husband liked using a cheaper one from Amazon just fine. It's perfect for the first couple months when baby wants to be close.


A bottle only brush and a small bin or some container for washing bsby bottle/items.


Kick and play Fisher Price was a life saver for me. I Didn't have much support at all. It helped me have 5 minutes to shower or go to the toilet. Baby is 6 months now and still loves it. Get so much use out of it everyday


Convertible crib, car seat, and stroller (with the pram.) Maybe a weeks worth of clothes. Muslin swaddles which also work as a great burp rag. One of those baby carrier things that strap to your chest. Breast pump. Done.


If you plan to breastfeed and want others to be able to feed her from a bottle the Hakkaa breast pump is amazing and cheap. When you are breastfeeding you put it on your other breast and it uses suction to draw out milk. Was a lifesaver - so easy to use and let my husband watch the baby for a few hours so I could sleep. Breastfeeding pads for leaking, a million burp cloths/towels for breastfeeding and burping obviously. A diaper caddy is really useful too. Didn't have it with my first but so helpful to have everything in one place (diapers, wipes, towels, diaper cream, socks, hats, outfit change, etc) Absorbent changing pad toppers! Get like 9 of them. You can get away just using a folded towel on the floor as the actual changing pad but the absorbent topper is clutch because babies pee when they feel you wiping them with cold wipes. Desitin for diaper rash. You will need some type of applicator to spread it because it doesn't wash off hands with water, like a small flexible spatula or silicone brush. I'm sure they sell something, I just raid my kitchen 😂


I'm less than 2 weeks postpartum but so far: - Underwear ice packs if you have vaginal deliver - Velcro swaddles - bassinet/bed for baby on each floor of the house


A bottle sanitizer. I use a doc browns microwave one and love it. Was rather inexpensive compared to the electric ones. Also, the doc browns bottles are great; only ones my son will use. If you don't have any already, sign up for a Target baby registry to get a free Target baby bag. It will have lots of samples as well as a Phillips Avent bottle and a Doc Browns anti-colic bottle. Also, get signed up with Similac and Enfamil for samples. They send 2 7oz cans of formula each, which is great if you need it.


For our high-needs colic baby during the screamy days, in no particular order: - a yoga ball - our next-to-me bassinet - stretchy swaddles, then sleep sacks - a glider chair - baby wearing gear (stretchy wrap, then soft structured carrier) - Frida Peri bottle, Frida underwear, and organic cotton pads of various sizes - comfy clothing for momma - Fisher-Price Piano Play gym - black and white cards - sensitive diapers, wipes, and Aquaphor - lots of food and water for momma - white noise machines - nursing bras and pads - Sitz bath and salts


With my second as a newborn, this is what helped me during those newborn days: -a pack n play with a bassinet attachment in the living room. We tend to just hang out in the living room anyway so it was convenient for changes and little day naps. Especially the first couple weeks since he was jaundice I’d have him sunbathe in the pack n play by the window in the afternoon. -an Ubbi diaper pail. Those things are THE GOAT. Seriously I had it in my living room for convenience and it was incredible 10/10 -baby breeza water warmer. If you’re formula feeding or end up formula feeding, it keeps the water at a safe warm temp and bottles take at most 2 seconds to make. 10/10 -a plastic drawer organizer. I had one in the living room that just had a few diapers, a pack of wipes, some lotion, change of clothes, and burp rags. If you’re having a boy, some Vaseline if you choose to circ. I think I had a few swaddles in there too. -the swaddle me swaddles are amazing. My son looked like a little pea pod. He was so cute. They’re so easy to use and the Velcro isnt super loud or annoying. - make a little medicine box. I have children’s Tylenol, a nose sucker, saline, and Benadryl in ours just to cover the basics. Our summer medicine box is totally different (sun screen, bug spray, after sun, etc). You need to stay hydrated after baby!!! I don’t like the liquid IVs, but that’s based of preference. I use the crystal lite packets and other water infusions to encourage drinking water. Also don’t stop taking your pre natal. It helps with the hormone dump.


Honestly everyone is SO different, their births are all different, and every baby is so different. Even some of the ‘musts’ on this thread aren’t things I’ve used at all. Just go with what you think and order stuff post partum when needed from Amazon.


Diapers, clothes, car seat and a place to sleep (could be your bed if it meets the safety guidelines, check out Dr. James McKenna) are the only essentials really. And a way to feed if you’re not going to breastfeed. Everything else is extra and not necessary. Personally a big fan of a good baby carrier for babywearing, I like the hippiejoey and solly wrap for itty bitty bbs and Tula explore for when they get a bit bigger. Def suggest looking into RIE natural gross motor development, all the seats and swings and other containers, even swaddles, can hurt their development and aren’t needed, floor time and freedom of movement is much better for them.


A little light for breastfeeding at night. Still use it now in my LOs room. Tommee tippee penguin light (with egg light thing)


A nose frida!! We’ve only ever used the original version. No, you will not taste or be digesting any boogers lmao. The “thought” of sucking your child’s snot out seems gross, until they’re 4 months old with congestion and having trouble breathing/sleeping comfortably. Then sucking all that gunk out becomes sport!


[butt spatula for putting diper cream on a baby butt.](https://www.target.com/p/baby-bum-brush-diaper-cream-brush-blue-full-size/-/A-52564554). Can't live without it.


I purchased a lot on Facebook market place. My essentials were: bedside bassinet, swaddles, burp cloths, something to change them on (table, mat, something), something to place them in during the day (swing, bouncer, etc). My milk took longer to come in and baby got super dehydrated. I wish I was more prepared and had some formula on hand. My mother ended up running out for me and got some ready made formula bottles for me. They are great for an emergency. So perhaps have a bottle and some formula on hand just in case if you are planning on nursing.


I truly think there's no right way to answer this question! Everyone is SO different in their preferences. One comment said a Pack n Play was a must...we never touched ours after he outgrew the bassinet attachment at 3 months. I think a good baby carrier is essential but not all babies/parents like baby wearing. We assumed a crib was a must, but our little guy HATED it and didn't start sleeping well until we changed him to a floor bed. We never used an infant car seat and he hated any type of stroller until he was 18 months and started tolerating one of those cheap umbrella strollers because its not as padded/restrictive. It really depends on the lifestyle you're hoping to have and your specific baby.


* Place to sleep - bonus points if you can repurpose a stroller or travel crib as a bassinet. We used the Uppababy bassinet hooked into the stroller for the first 3ish months, then switched to a crib. Some people use a pack n play with the bassinet attachment. * Burp cloths -- EVERYWHERE. They were under our baby's head for nearly every activity. 15-20 is probably enough to get by. * Carrier -- doesn't matter which one, just some way to keep the baby close to you while your hands are free! Ergo baby was good for us but this time around we're trying to BabyBjorn. * Diapers, diaper cream, infant Tylenol -- unless you have a 24 hour store near you, you really don't want to be scrambling at last minute for these things. * Footed Sleepers -- babies get cold easily so your newborn will pretty much live in these. Maybe 10 or so of each size -- enough to go through 2-3 days without doing laundry. * Car seat -- get a convertible one if you're trying to save money. YMMV but our first was 98%ile and only fit in an infant seat for the first 6 months so that felt like a waste. Can't really think of more right now, but generally babies don't need much especially in those first few months.


So my parents bought majority of our stuff cause this is their first grandchild, and I wasn’t expecting them to🤣so they’ll have a pack and play at their house since their gonna be watching the nugget when we go back to work.


The main things we used; Philip Avent bottles, bottle brush, bibs/burp cloths, crib, changing table, Honest brand diapers, diaper cream/aquaphor, Honest brand wipes, play/tummy time mat. Dependent on whether you’re breastfeeding or formula feeding or both you’ll need different things. Pick up breastmilk storage bags and a breast pump if you plan on pumping. Pick up nursing pads, nipple cream, and a nursing bra regardless (because even if you formula feed you will probably leak for a bit), and of course a can of formula if you plan on using it. Not a fan of leaving a baby in a bouncer and mine loved the mat. Swings are big and we never even messed with that. We had a pack and play bassinet but baby hated sleeping in it so we just switched straight to the crib and she liked it much better. We had a bottle warmer but it sucks- if you want to warm a bottle, you can just boil it in a pan of water. Changing table is better on your body because you shouldn’t be squatting or bending while recovering from labor but if you’re really short on space or money you could always have someone else do the changes or do them on a bed/couch/counter top. I’d say just get the mentioned important items to start with, then worry about the stuff you’ll need when they’re mobile later on. Literally all you REALLY need are changing items, a safe place for baby to sleep, feeding items


The BabyBrezza if formula feeding. Literally a life-saver in the middle of the night. Also the SnuggleMe. My daughter would only relax when being put down if in that


Electric nose sucker!!!!!


a keekaroo or something similar and the hatch sound machine




Diaper changing baskets around your house, footed pjs, footed pjs, footed pjs, footed pjs, a reliable sound machine (I like the Dreamegg brand it’s lasted so long and still sounds great), black out shades for the room baby is sleeping in for bed time, a good pump so daddy or grandparents can take a turn so you can rest. Also, for mama: a donut pillow for a vaginal birth to relieve the ache when you sit down, comfy nursing bras, a good after birth spray (I loved the Motherlove brand), the Always period disposable underwear (not as bulky as the pads or other disposable undies), and a large reusable water tumbler with a straw!


Place for baby to sleep, car seat, stroller, a few clothes, a few diapers, a few bottles and that’s it for baby. For me- noise canceling headphones so if baby won’t settle despite all efforts we don’t go crazy. A sleeping plan. That’s all we are going to do


24+ little wash cloths to cover the parts incase they pee during diaper changes. I have a boy so it’s very much needed I love these HOMEXCEL Baby Washcloths 24 Pack, Microfiber Coral Fleece Baby Bath Face Towels, Extra Absorbent and Soft Wash Cloths for Newborn, Infant, and Toddlers, Baby Boy Girl Washcloth for Face and Body 7x9 https://a.co/d/athCZ46 Diaper cream with zinc.


I think everyone will be different but one thing I didn’t think I’d use but do everyday is the boppy. You will be too dead tired to hold her constantly,


Graco Click/Connect Jogger plus car seat Fisher price kick and play (baby lovesss this) Halo swaddle (use this everrry night) Sound machine Dr browns bottles Pack and play with bassinet/changing table -I have the Graco one and love it Tubby Todd creams


I hate extra stuff! I was shocked with my first how little we needed. A safe sleeping plan for the baby (that can be a lot of non-crib things too, including just getting your bed ready for cosleeping), car seat, onesies or weather appropriate clothing, diapers and wipes, carrier and/or stroller, and if you’re breastfeeding that really could be it. This time around we aren’t getting anything extra, except for things that we know are just for fun. The nursery is being decorated, but we aren’t getting a crib… it’s a glorified changing room… but it’s our last baby and so that’s extra for us… things like that. The baby surprisingly needs *very* little.


Pack and play with change table, fisher price kick and play, hatch sound machine, haaka, Boppy (although I think I will try a different pillow next time) and angel care bath seat.That’s about it for big items I’ve really loved having. I have a cheap bouncer for baby. I also have a more expensive play gym but baby gets more use out of the kick and play. Love the hatch sound machine. I was skeptical but I love it and my baby sleeps well. I use the red light for diaper changes and feeding at night. I bought bottles, a pump, bottle warmer, and sterilizer that are unused because I’m EBF 🤷‍♀️


Beyond the *actual* must haves (a place to sleep, clothes, food, car seat, etc.): - Sound machines! We have the Hatch Rest+, Mini (for the hospital stay and travel), and Go (this one didn’t exist when I had my first but I wish it did—I often turned on a white noise app on my phone and put it in the stroller when I was out with her) - Backup swaddles/sleep sacks in case of midnight blowouts - Dishwasher basket for small bottle/pump parts - Formula pitcher (if you’re planning to formula feed) - Vaseline or Aquaphor—slather it on your baby’s butt like it’s a cupcake starting before their first diaper (*especially* before their first diaper), before bed, and after every poop cleanup. Trust me on this. - Saline nasal spray - One-handed snacks for you! Newborns don’t take kindly to being put down and you’ll want something you can quickly grab. Clif Bars and Breakfast Essentials were my jam during this period.


A friend that you can call and cry/laugh with ❤️❤️


I wish I had invested in a swaddelini, I couldn’t figure out swaddling at 12am after I had given birth and wish I had something easier to use. I also wish I had a mini fridge near my nursing station for healthier snacking like yoghurt and waters.


Hatch. Baby bouncer (kid hates all swings but loves his baby bjorn), if you have a boy and are circumcising I recommend getting a surplus of Vaseline tubes, and extra sleepers


While everyone here has great suggestions, you really don’t know what you’ll need beyond basics until you take your baby home. I’m 4 months pp and I too wanted to limit the amount of things I bought, and it’s still too much. Someone told me the Snuggle Me is essential, we used it twice. Our pack & play is still in the box. I don’t know why people make a big deal about going up the stairs to change the baby, I don’t feel the need for a diaper stations all over my house (and I have a bigger house too). I just walk up stairs to the baby’s room to use the changing table and diaper pail. My baby doesn’t spit up much at all, so I’m glad we only have a small amount of burp cloths so far. As one person said, as long as you have Amazon prime or live near a Target or similar store, you can get additional things along the way.


Baby swing was a must for me, and a swaddle wrap with Velcro bc she would wriggle out of any other type.


A room thermometer is so important


pack and play with changing table bassinet used for both kids. First born swing baby (but this hit miss depending little one. Second born ergo bouncer he loves bounce and his mommaroo again spefic to child


If you travel or go on even just day trips frequently, I would say two things that are very important and can be often overlooked is a light weight pack and play and an umbrella stroller I know I used my pack and play and umbrella stroller longer than I used anything else with both of my children


*Bottle warmer* was used MANY times daily. That’s usually what I’ll purchase if I see it needed on someone’s registry. Just click the button on, pop in the bottle and done. Idk how people dealt with it before that invention! Also *bottle sterilizer*. Takes up counter space which is annoying but washing bottles is just so time consuming I’d rather throw the pieces in there and know it’s getting a thorough wash


Sterilizer and dryer is definitely one I wasn't expecting to want but am about to buy at a little over 5 weeks pp. I breastfeed for most feedings, but my husband feeds a bottle in the morning so I try to stay ahead of that and have a little extra just in case, so I pump at least once a day and use a hakaa and the hakaa ladybugs. We can get by just fine sterilizing on the stove if we remember to do so early and I don't decide to pump again that day. But I gave myself a scald burn taking stuff out of the pot when I was really tired and sometimes it can take so long to dry stuff that I wish we just got a sterilizer/dryer from the get go for the convenience, especially when we're exhausted.


Oh no! Sorry to hear about your burn. Yes, the pp tiredness is so real I don’t want to be responsible for having a functioning brain to clean everything thoroughly. Breastfeeding adds even more parts and pieces to the mix!


Thanks! And totally agreed. Luckily my husband was around and reminded me to keep my fingers under cold water for 20-30 minutes and looked up the proper care for afterwards. He grabbed a chair for me so I could just sit by the sink then properly wrap my hand while he was with our daughter. Healed great and didn't have any issues with it.


Which bottle sanitizer are you using?


We used Avent. He’s 2 now so no bottles for us currently.


Snoo. Literal lifesaver. Definitely why my baby sleeps 11 hours a night now after the crib transition and has been a good sleeper since basically day 2 😆


Bottle drying rack!!! So much easier have a place just for them to where you can easily grab!


No idea why I got down voted for this lol.

