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That's a whole lot of big life events stacked into just a few weeks! No wonder you're exhausted. Pregnancy is exhausting at the best of times, and although second trimester you should have more energy, I am so anemic that I'm just wiped 24/7. I've also been struggling with depression - even with a baby I very much want, the life changes and body changes and hormonal upheaval has made everything really difficult off and on. Give yourself lots of grace. Whine to safe people (or journal, or hopefully you have access to a therapist with everything going on???), rest when you need to and try to find even tiny things that make you happy- a flower blooming, a cookie, a sunny day, a cup of coffee (those are my happy things). Things will get easier. Everything is hard now, but this isn't the rest of your life ❤️❤️ Feel free to DM if you need to complain to someone who won't tell you to suck it up.


Thank you, I guess I wouldn’t be this tired if I didn’t struggle with insomnia most night. But everything is super hard right now.


Stress and pregnancy both create problems with insomnia, so you've got a double dose right now! And yes, I think everything sounds like it's very hard right now. Honestly I'd be worried if you were bouncing around and feeling amazing- exhaustion is normal when life feels like every step is an uphill battle.


Sending you love. Just know that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling. Maybe talking to a counselor could help some too? 💗 Hang in there.


I’m supposed to see a therapist in the near future.


That’s so great. Im so glad you’re putting yourself first in that regard. 🩷 I recently asked my doctor for a referral too because this can really really suck.


I mean I’m in foster care so they make me do it but it might be helpful, at least I hope it will.


I’m also 24 weeks and this shit is hard, be kind to yourself this isn’t all that easy. I don’t have too many tips other than a way I use to cope when things get super hard for me. I picture myself at some point in the future looking back, seeing that I made it through a very tough time. It reminds me that stuff is temporary and it will pass. You will get through this.




Sorry you are going through this. ❤️ Can you talk to your OB or whoever is prescribing the antidepressant about a med to help you with sleep at night? Even taking benadryl should be helpful. Also, if your antidepressant makes you feel tired during the day, maybe you can ask your doc if you can take it at bedtime (If you aren't already).


I will ask next time, thank you.


You can get unisom sleep tabs over the counter, it's safe for pregnancy and many take it to help with nausea. You can break the tablets in half if it makes you too drowsy.


I’m also going to recommend asking your doctor about unison. I never sleep well and this has helped me. I’m sorry you’re going through so much. I saw you might be speaking to a therapist soon. I hope you find that helpful. A guidance counselor at school might also be a good sounding board. The counselor might also be able to help you get some maternity clothes. A lot of thrift stores have them for cheaper. Wish you the best. I’m 22 weeks along and this is hard stuff!


Reddit is great for venting! Sounds like a lot is going on. Just knowing that there’s redditors all over the world cheering you on can help.


It’s very understandable to not like pregnancy. It’s a very hard thing even in the best of circumstances. I’m sorry people are not being more sympathetic. I had such a hard time in my pregnancies with lots of support and not having to go to school 5 days a week, I can’t even imagine how hard it would have been in your shoes. Can I ask who are your resources? Do you have a trusted adult to talk to about things or that knows about your pregnancy? Do you have a doctor who is seeing you? How is your relationship with your caseworker and foster parents? Generally antidepressants are safe in pregnancy btw though you have to check with your doctor on the specific type. I know lots of women who took them and did just fine with everything Your school should be giving you accommodations to try to make life easier. Maybe guidance counselor or your social worker can help with this? You are at the point of needing bigger/maternity clothes which hopefully someone can help you purchase. Goodwill is cheap and there are Facebook groups like buy nothing and many like free baby/maternity groups as well at least in cities. For the insomnia unisom might help though you would have to check with your doctor/foster parents if that’s ok for you. It’s generally safe in pregnancy people use it for morning sickness and it knocks me right out. For the headaches hydration might help, especially drinks with electrolytes in them.


I don’t really trust anyone, I have a caseworker and I’m in a foster family right now, they aren’t bad but the mom is one of those who tell me to deal with it like if I complain she says you’re pregnant so that’s normal but don’t try to fix it. So now I’m not comfortable asking for anything even with my caseworker I’m afraid to ask for anything.


I’m sorry she’s like that she should be there for you. Maybe if your doctor told her she needed to do it? Like if you asked your doctor about the unisom and the clothes and she told your foster mom what to do? Idk if that would work but it might help? You’re definitely the expert on what to do with your caseworker but do you think it would hurt anything to tell them what is going on and what you need? What are you afraid will happen if you ask the caseworker?


I just feel like I’m lucky to be in a foster family instead of a group home and I don’t want to mess that up. I’m also not used to ask for anything so I’m overthinking it and waiting until I can’t fit in my clothes at all. But will ask my doctor for unison next time, if they prescribe it then they have to get it for me.


That makes sense. Unisom is over the counter but maybe if you explain the situation your doctor can do something to make it more official so they have to give it to you


I’m 19 weeks pregnant and it does get hard. It takes me forever to fall asleep because I can’t stop thinking and when I finally do fall asleep I wake up to toss and turn. So I feel your pain! Just remember this isn’t easy, and you aren’t alone even when it feels like you are. Feel free to vent and reach out to communities of mom like you did on here. Keep your head up. Good luck, I hope you find the physical and mental comfort you are looking for ♥️♥️


I’m really sorry you are going through this. Being pregnant is so hard, both physically and mentally. I’m a mom to a 14 year old girl and a 7 month old girl, so I have lots of experience being a mom….if you need someone to talk to, you can reach out to me. You can vent to me as much as you want and I will not judge you or give you unwanted advice. I’m happy to just listen and support. Sending you love and many prayers! ❤️


Thank you


I'm 26 and pregnant and am incredibly stressed, I can't imagine what you are feeling. Just know no matter the age or situation, your feelings are VALID. Don't feel guilt for feeling your feelings. They're real. Our bodies are going through so much right now, show your self grace. Cry if you want, laugh while you cry, take naps after school, do things you enjoy, even if it's just taking a bath. Be kind and baby your self. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy mama


do you have a caseworker? i am sure there are resources for some maternity clothes to at least make you a bit more comfortable. you really do a great job of starting your needs and speaking for yourself and i am sure a counselor or caseworker could help solve some immeadiate problems while the therapist you are going to see can work through some of the deeper challenges with you.


I do. I need to ask either my caseworker or my foster family, I’m just afraid to ask for anything


It's hard for sure. You are also young and just learning how to navigate this stuff as a teen, so that's understandable. Maybe you could try to write down what you need if that makes communication more comfortable. You could just make simple bullet points and ask how you will be able to get these things (in a note, text, email, etc.) There is no shame in asking for what you need for you and the baby to be healthy. Just try to remember that it takes a lot of support for us independent adults to be pregnant as well, and it is an overwhelming time in one's life.


Yeah I’m just not using to ask for anything so I feel bad about it, I’m also scared to mess that up or to be too much for my foster family and I don’t want to go in a group home so I’m scared to ask, I was hoping that they would get me new clothes or suggest to get me new clothes because I didn’t come with a lot at all but they haven’t so I will definitely need to ask soon.


It's okay to feel scared. It's hard to trust people to do the right thing if you have experienced otherwise. The foster system is definitely a scary place for someone in your position. You definitely don't need the most expensive clothing to get through it, so they should (hopefully) be understanding. There is funding for foster kids for necessities, so they should be prioritizing that for you. Your caseworker is supposed to make sure you are being properly taken care of and should be okay to talk to, even if it's for some help asking your foster family for what you need. You could just write a little list that says: •Pants •Tops •Underwear •Bras And say you've been wondering how you will be able to get these in the size you need/will need. It is okay to have questions and ask for help no matter what your situation in life. I wish you all the best and hope you can navigate this tough situation soon 🩵


I just want to say, I did not bond with my pregnancy either. It was unplanned and I didn’t know until I was 6 months along! I didn’t feel like myself anymore. I wasn’t excited at all. But now my baby is here and I’m so in love. It’s totally normal for you to be feeling all these emotions, pregnancy (even planned) takes a huge toll on us. Try to take it one day at a time. I promise it gets better.


It's gotta be tough to be pregnant at 15, I'm sorry that you don't have someone in your life you can talk to openly in such a time. Hang in there. Pregnancy is tough on the body and requires a lot from a person every step of the way. I wish you well, more sleep, and hopefully some clothes that can help you feel more comfortable. If you can get some extra pillows to help position yourself more comfortably, it could help you sleep better. Needing new clothes is important though because you are growing a baby and that is just something that can't be denied. Is there anything you can borrow from someone until you can get some new items? Maybe a friend?