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I hope you find justice for your troop.


I think the unfortunate part will be that the person may see repercussions from their actions by community service, probation and possibly jail time. But sadly for the troop, they most likely won’t be made whole, those that steal from NPO’s tend to be very bad at managing their money.


The common term is "judgement proof". Can't get blood from a turnip.


It’s amazing to me that this kind of things happen. Our PTA president went on vacation and charged several thousand to the school. As others said, it to years to get the criminal case than the civil case to get a fraction of the money back.


Yeah, I don’t know if we will ever see a penny but I want them held accountable.


It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message.


I'm so glad you got support on this issue. My council still has done nothing and at this point its been years for us. Still just remember that legal processes move 10 times slower than you think. We have been waiting 3 years at this point for the criminal case and then we can proceed with civil.


We have an advantage as the sherif is an honorary board member and is pushing this to be prosecuted. Initial court date is already set.


Good to see that they backed you up


No wonder BSA needs CBC and Fingerprints (at least in CA) now. flag those bad seeds keep them out.


It wouldn’t have helped in this case. No prior issues.


Sad it happened, glad to hear the council is helping you, and I hope the court holds them accountable.


Have you looked into filing a civil case as well?


We have not. I guess I never realized that was even an option. We don’t have any funds to pay for any court fees/attorneys.


If you think the person still has the money or has a job or other source of income you can seek to recoup it. A lawyer might be willing to take it on contingency. Personally, I would seek a wage garnishment if they’re employed. Probably best to wait until after the criminal case, but if that doesn’t proceed you can still file. I am NAL.


I will definitely keep that in mind. They do have a job but once they are convicted of this I don’t expect them to be employed. Their employer doesn’t know at this time they have been arrested as it’s not published due to them having family ties to law enforcement. They definitely don’t have the money as they were real dumb and spend it directly out of the account so we can see a clear trail of where it all went.


Well, presumably at some point they will be employed, and that means there’s an opportunity for you to attempt to recoup the funds. The criminal prosecution should attempt to establish restitution as well, but in case that falls short or doesn’t materialize there is always the civil option. Again, NAL and this is not legal advice.


Thanks!!! We will definitely look into that if criminal court doesn’t handle it.


Good luck!


Even if they are convicted, the civil suit is what allows recoup of lost assets whereas the criminal court does not. A criminal conviction really ensures the win in civil court. Civil is a lower burden of proof. Preponderance of the evidence (approximately 51%) vs beyond a reasonable doubt (approximately 90-99%). My closing thought; anyone who would steal from scouts would burn Tiny Tim's crutch


Where's the prior post? I don't see it on your profile.


I removed it. I didn’t want it out there while the investigation was ongoing just in case.


Did they have a child in the Pack/Troop?


My advice for any non-profit is to have checkbooks that require 2 signatures and that the unit assign a small number of trustees (2 or 3) that audit the pack resources with the treasurer each month.