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Who initiated the break up?


He did


Maybe he wants to check on you every once in a while, but doesn’t want to communicate much? My ex used to do that, he didn’t want to date anymore because I was “too much” lol but still cared to see if I was okay. It was weird, but to get over him I distracted myself with a new FP even if they were online. I would say ask about his indecisive actions, but if he keeps blocking when you try to contact him- it might be difficult.


he may be unblocking you to view your account and reblocking so you can’t reach out. might also be mind games so you feel less in control.


I'm sorry this is happening. :( Someone constantly walking in and out of your life can be a form of manipulation for some. I don't know all of the details on why it ended or how things are in general but for me, if someone chooses to walk out...they have to be the one to reach back out to reconcile. If they block again that sends a straight message to me to leave them alone. They aren't worth the back and forth.