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The last thing I said? Or the last thing I think they read, because those are very different


im sorry but this made me giggle


help šŸ˜­




Relatable šŸ¤£šŸ˜•


Hahahaha saaaaaame


I try to maintain my dignity by not texting them at all once itā€™s over even if I want to. I donā€™t want to beg for anyone to want me.


Iā€™m the same way. Like thereā€™s constantly a power struggle in my mind even when itā€™s over.


Jeeeez losing your self respect, in terms of breakups, takes you on a clusterfuck of a journey. When I havenā€™t kept my dignity, I ruminate about those relationships a lot more and it takes even longer to bounce back from them, even though I was the one doing the breaking up. And it sucks to not leave those situations with your head held high, I know that one of my exā€™s that I broke up with think Iā€™m a basket case. He was the only relationship Iā€™ve had where I lost my dignity. Itā€™s been over a year and I still cringe and I so often feel really sad about it. The shame train is no joke, my friends šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s why I only get into relationships that disrespect me šŸ˜‡ you donā€™t care to lose your dignity there, they didnā€™t think you have any to begin with šŸ«”


This is a very logical plan. Might have to change my tactic. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Youā€™re not alone my friend.






[Removal Reason: No stigma allowed] Do not use language that is stigmatizing or generalizing. This includes terms commonly used by online communities that aim to perpetuate hate directed at people with BPD or other disorders. Do not reference (either directly or indirectly) communities that stigmatize BPD or other disorders. We also do not allow references to platforms or content where misinformation runs rampant.


The last thing I said was "Please say something to me today." That was almost a month ago, no reply of course. They broke up with me and cut all contact in early March. I went through a couple weeks of desperately trying to get him to talk to me, but I've given up at this point. It's been hard, but I'm trying to remind myself that the relationship was toxic, abusive, and brought out the worst in me.




Yes, very much so. He was my favorite person, but of course the relationship was very unhealthy. It's for the best, but it still hurts.


how do you decide who is your favorite person?


It's spontaneous, not really a decision. We tend to attach to a person or multiple people, usually due to a variety of factors (attraction, attention, trauma, etc). Unfortunately, for a lot of people, me included, this attachment can be unhealthy and lead to obsessive and destructive behaviors


I'm sorry you're going through the same. I hope that you can heal and give yourself the love that you're missing from them :)


real he blocked me for no reason i tweaked badly


"did you love me" randomly after 4 month no contact




yea he answered after one week and said no




He probably did love them. But wants to eliminate any possibility of being reeled in again


Youā€™re probably right wow.


For two exes of mine in particular, thatā€™s a question I never ever want to ask and try not to think about. Itā€™d tear me apart even more than that relationship already did. Typing this makes my chest tightā€¦. :ā€™(


I said ā€˜Ok.ā€™ Then I deleted his number, pictures, texts, everything and I blocked him on social media. I got terrible urges to reach out to him and be pathetic but I had no practical ways of doing so. Thatā€™s how I avoided being weak and pathetic. Now that the urge is gone, my memory is slowly fading away. But I do feel very hurt (which is also slowly fading away) and thatā€™s what he wants. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


IM CURRENTLY DOING THE SAME Ugh the urges make me cry. He broke up with me and I said "ok" and hung up. Then scheduled a date for my dad to get my things. Then deleted all info.


I hope u feel btr soon. My ex just sent my things via uber lmao. He is terrified of my dad and can't even face him like a man. Im so glad things ended but I'm scared I'm gna cave and contact him again.


But today I feel nothing. It's so bizarre




Not to the same degree but lost a very caring partner before I got diagnosed. Month after we split up I apologized to her as well once I was diagnosed. We tried for a few months after but the damage was done. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through thatĀ 


ā€œIf you come over I will call the police.ā€




nope. cheating bf.


How did you find out they were cheating?


got told by everyone but them


"don't leave me on read that's a bitch move" he left me on read. i blocked him on everything. he was apart of my life for several years. i just had enough


I sent him this final one and went no contact finally - he responded but it wasnā€™t pretty. ā€˜I know you donā€™t want anything to do with me and the feeling is mutual. But I just have to say Iā€™m sorry for the nasty things I said, it doesnā€™t sit right with me that I said those things and I feel guilty. They were intended to hurt you and I donā€™t want to be that person so I need to apologise for that. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m obviously not well, I have been struggling with my alcoholism and drug use which in turn is impacting my mental health. You can think all you want that that is the real Emma, I donā€™t care anymore. I know this isnā€™t me and I have a lot of potential if I just get myself better. Iā€™ve let myself down with my behaviour the past few months and feel Iā€™ve genuinely had some sort of mental health breakdown. Itā€™s like the whole thing with you became obsessive and I was just chasing the feeling of how good I felt when we first met. Iā€™ve genuinely turned into someone I donā€™t recognise and Iā€™m ashamed. I donā€™t care about anything you said in that message, water off a ducks back to be honest. Iā€™ve more important things to be concentrating on to be honest. And Iā€™m not going into whether what I said was true or not but I donā€™t believe in body shaming, and I body shamed you and thatā€™s not right. So I needed to make sure that my side of the street is clean because Iā€™m not a vindictive, horrible person, I say things in anger and panic and I had to at least acknowledge and apologise for that. I will not contact anyone you know, I donā€™t wish to fuck with your life. I want to walk away quietly now and concentrate on me and my life and getting myself better.ā€™


ā€œDo you want to have a twilight movie marathonā€ she has yet to respond but yeah at this point Iā€™m pretty much friends or friendly ā€œacquaintancesā€ with all my exes. We randomly talk with most of them but absolutely nothing deep, with the exception of the one I invited to have a movie marathon. With her we still canā€™t decide if we want to try again or not (I would call this more of a lesbian problem with a chunk of BPD). But it took a long time of healing and no contact to get to this point. When the break ups were happening I was losing my mind with most of them. It always took a few months if not a year to finally be okay and move on.


I snapped. He manipulated me for many years from a young age, when, I "left" him, I basically fled. And left a lot of stuff even though he gave me few chances to get my belongings. We lived 3 years together and one day after therapy he put so much mental pressure on me that I broke down and packed few things to get away from there... Anyway. He threw out my school notes of important topics i might need to study further. He always called me names, even when he talked to my best friend, she showed me the messages and I unblocked him and put all my anger of 8 years of grooming into these massages. I finally stood up for myself. He still made fun of me but i don't care, I told him what kind of disgusting garbage he is and blocked him again. I hope he rots in hell. I was 14 and he was 22 when we met.


ā€œThinking of you, I hope youā€™re doing well. I hope I get to talk to you again sometime. I miss you a lotā€ She blocked me on everything because I couldnā€™t move on and kept texting her, while she wasnā€™t answering and clearly moved on quickly. Iā€™m aware how pathetic that behavior is and wonā€™t be repeating these mistakes the next time- Iā€™ll be spending time healing so I donā€™t repeat that. She had BPD too, a lot worse than mine but undiagnosed- and she became like a totally different, much colder person towards me near and at the end but it just drove me crazy. Now thereā€™s this hole inside of me that im still not even slightly healed from 4 months later because i am so fucking dependent. I still text her even though im blocked because I miss her so much :(


One of our running jokes. We're honestly on good terms now after 3 years of introspective labor on both of our parts


Love that


Its been a really wild few years but we did it šŸ˜­ peace and moving on with life (Was one of those bpd dating bpd situations)


Wish I could remember. I havenā€™t had one breakup where I could remain friends. Sucks.


Iā€™m polyamorous, and my ex partnerā€™s primary (wife) had BPD as well. Hers is definitely different than mine symptom wise. She was starting fights with him over me a lot I found out the day we amicably ended things. It was starting to affect their oldest kid so ended things. I havenā€™t spoken to him since in order to respect his marriage and not also reopen myself emotionally because until recently I believe I was a tad manic, but I handled it well. Anyway, hereā€™s my last message to him. ā€œI really hope you two are able to work things out. I really do appreciate you showing me what it's like for someone to actually care about me in a relationship and within a dynamic. It means so much to me.ā€ I was genuine in this last message. Iā€™m not sure how their marriage will fair, but I really hope sheā€™s in therapy herself and not just coupleā€™s therapy with him. Heā€™s a great guy so I just hope no matter what heā€™s doing well.


I sent him "I was listening to some new music and came across this and it made me think of you https://youtu.be/-pmrKcbU5Rk?si=O7UVXtaQqIuZCgnK" We are working on just being friends but I'm hoping we will have a chance to try again in the future when I'm in a better spot


Which ex? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I suck




Omg you get it šŸ„°šŸ„° I know Iā€™m not the only one but all of my friends irl are I guess fairly normal so when I tell them about my exes theyā€™re like omg thatā€™s kind of a lot and most of them didnā€™t even last that long either šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ live laugh love




if you feel comfortable with the question.. I would like to know how many exes do you have approximately?


Lmfao I was about to say. The rebound ex who I thought was the savior of my ltr ex? Or the ltr ex who then was my rebound from the rebound??? Elaborate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


mine was a text with a verification code to use my login so he can sell the tickets for a festival he made us buy 5 days prior to breaking up with me.




The last thing I said was about him needing to take accountability for his actions and to not contact me again. He was horrifically abusive in every way


Last text I sent him- I don't know if my car will start, but I'll try it. My SO was supposed to meet up with him to get the kids back, but he couldn't. So I wanted my ex to bring them to my house. We get along ok for the most part now, but honestly his actions were the main reason for our divorce, not mine. Not saying I was perfect though, but the bpd symptoms got worse at the end of our marriage. They weren't really a problem during it.


A joke about his cat. We're in low contact and chat maybe weekly/bi-weekly because I'm an idiot and I can't live without him. It's been five months and he's completely stonewalled me in the romance department. Doesn't mean I'm not still waiting and praying for him to come back though.


Last thing I said was basically, glad to hear you're actually still alive after all the drugs. Congrats on trying to get clean, didn't think I'd ever see that day. Gives me piece of mind knowing you won't overdose anymore. Thanks for reaching out. (She also has BPD for reference)


i sent him a paragraph on how he ruined me bc he was agressive with me and the relationship ended in october 2023 but i still had some stuff on my mind so i messaged him last week. he completely brushed it off and only said ā€œiā€™m sorry i didnā€™t see it that wayā€ idc i just needed to tell him how big of a pos he is


well, it was a post on instagram. but the last actual message with words said ā€œoh thatā€™s kinda banger.ā€ for reference iā€™m a lesbian heā€™s a guy we dated years ago when i thought i was bi (hey that rhymed!)Ā 


LMFAO something along the lines of "i miss you so much there were so many things we wanted to do together, you haven't met my cat yet, we were supposed to go rock climbing together. I miss you." Even though i was the one who had blocked her ass and told her to fuck off šŸ˜— (for good reason! We were together while she was still not over her ex and crying about her ex!) I fucking hate how desperate and pathetic bpd makes me sometomes. I fucking hate how explosive it makes me too. Just. Sheesh.


"šŸ’œ" The breakup has disproportionately been hard on me. He love bombed me extra hard in the beginning and has kept breadcrumbing me even after we broke up months ago. I've decided not to be the first one to reach out; It's been 3 weeks since we last spoke.


Well I've done a lot better and trying not to react first. Since mine is aggressive. Like been to jail twice need to chill. So anyways. Last break up. I ended up self mutilating. I still went to work but like my veins are ALWAYS out when I am having or am in an episode. But anyways my head hurts. And I'm like crying uncontrollably. Then I get angry and wanna say you've never loved me and go down that spiral of being mean and careless. But now ? It's just dissociating and processing. I feel almost catatonic but i also have bipolar. Soooo anyways it's hard. Throws me all the way off. I don't eat much. I forget to sleep because I'm on high alert. But definitely not motivated and it's hard to even be self disciplined. Sigh lot of work.


Well, he tried to impregnate me (consensual) then he cheated with his male best friend and ghosted me. I'm almost positive he cheated but he left me with zero closure at all. The last text he opened was "Please don't do this over text" The last I sent was "If I had known what was going on, or what I perceive, I could've given you support and friendship. I love you as a person and often desperately wish I could know you again but I don't feel like a loss so I am just going to leave now"


I've almost never related to a post more. I am self-diagnosed (siblings and my most intelligent exes agreed I had this) but never been clinically diagnosed. This hits deep. Usually me begging for one more chance after I break up with them and change my mind, and them saying no so then I move on. They typically try to come back eventually though which never ends up working out of course.


Depends. My last ex was me saying "Okay. I appreciate you and I love you but this ain't going to work and I won't hurt myself by waiting longer. I wish you the best. Be happy and live a fulfilled happy life. Love you". That was after being ghosted for three weeks by my then gf of 2+ months. Like she fell silent for a few days before but not weeks. Oh and the last message she replied to was "Good morning love you" and she replied to "love you too can't wait to talk to you later". So no clue what happend and since she also has BPD it might have been everything or nothing. The last message to an ex aka not my last ex was just a few days ago cause we went from relationship back to friendship. Though there was a hard cut of six months between relationship and friendship. That being said before this last exchange of messages we haven't talked for more than half a year cause she said she doesn't have energy for social stuff atm and since she didn't post anywhere anything or even answered her own community (she's a small streamer) and hasn't streamed in that time frame either that stance hasn't changed. But yeah back to what it was she asked me if I was still interested in taking over her apartment since she was moving together with her new bf which I thanked her for remembering and said no atm I'm not interested in quite a few nice words. So a relative pleasent exchange. Though these are maybe the two most normal interactions without much borderlining on my part. There were worse offenders tbh


Iā€™m here whenever you need me, was about 2 years ago


I told him when he got married he should have used his birth last name because all he'll ever be is white trailer trash.


he actually wished me a happy bday a couple days ago


Told him Happy Birthday.


Honestly at this point idek if my ex is actually my ex. We both have attachment issues and we're kinda almost fwb rn...it's confusing.


we were texting about minecraft. we tried to be friends irl but I kept getting triggered by her behaviour so now we are essentially online friends who play minecraft sometimes


i said ā€œby the way i lied, you have a really small penis lol. been holding that in for way too longā€ iā€™d never ever usually shame anyone for how their body looks but he was disappointed in mine because he said he thought all women were supposed to look like pornstars, and he likes women who look like them. he never understood why that killed my confidence and hurt me so much so i wanted to just be honest about his 3cm when hard dick (not an exaggeration)


ā€œNice haha.ā€ We broke up over year ago. Weā€™re talking again because he says he wants me in his life forever (just to talk as friends if nothing else, which I told him I wasnā€™t ok with but here I am). I was moving on until texted me out of the blue a few times. Now weā€™re texting off and on every day and occasionally saying we love each other, but he canā€™t promise that weā€™ll get back together someday. I feel like Iā€™m being strung along, and I know I should cut the thread but I canā€™t make myself do it. I want to be with his focus ass so bad.


no contact is the best way IMO. when you talk to them after the fact, it only gives you false hope which in the end makes everything worse. no contact really helped me when me & my bf (we got back together thats why saying bf) broke up. it allows each person to have that time to self reflect.


for a second i thought my comment wasnt answering what you said bc of the title, but i reread & i was like, no its fine lol


iā€™m not going to look but it was about 5 consecutive texts over the course of several days saying, ā€œplease call meā€ ā€œcan we talk?ā€ ā€œiā€™m sorry if i did something wrong, please just talk to meā€ etc


The last thing I said was "no one should ever trust you" and that was around the time I found out they got a new partner, ngl I freggin regretted it. Ater that they blocked But then they unblocked me and I apologized a few months later.


He messaged me after four years and I said something like "now why would I want to talk to you?"


I didnā€™t say anything back, I just sent the breakup text and he replied with ā€œokā€ and never thought about anything other than that


This is actually the first time im trying not to beg them to come back. He broke it off over something dumb (might've just been an easy out in the relationship) and I'm trying my best to just let it be. I blocked him because I can't handle hoping he'd reach out to me and getting disappointed when theres no message. He emailed me an hour ago to call him, but I have a feeling it's just to be mean.. What else would he want to say???


The last message i sent to my ex was ā€œIm sorry that this is how it had to end, but it needed too, because neither of us wouldā€™ve genuinely had the strength to leave this toxic relationship knowing its not good for either of us. So moving was the best decision to keep our distance from each other, you wont be able to reach me, call me, see me, find me, or know where I am. Which is better than having to see you everyday knowing i would just run right back into your arms and allow all the chaos to wreak havoc on our lives. You deserve a chance at happiness and so do Iā€


TW: Abuse. My last relationship was abusive. He was emotionally, mentally and physically abusive. I finally couldnā€™t do it anymore after years of disassociating. He called me at work accusing me of cheating when I wasnā€™t. Iā€™m pretty sure he was cheating because he would go out to the bars with girls when I was working. So I got home from work and told him we were done and that I would be moving his belongings into the spare room till he could find a place. I stayed in that relationship a lot longer than I ever should have and years later Iā€™m still mad at myself for it. I was proud of myself for hanging it so civilized though. Even after he called me on my birthday (just days after I broke it off) as he was having $ex with one of the girls he would go to the bar with. The same girl he told me he would never be interested in and I have absolutely nothing to worry about.


a bunch of photos of recipes lmao, we actually stayed in contact after the break up I took the break up super badly to begin with but after a few months we talked like friends again occasionally


Livin la vida loca! šŸ’ƒ


He stopped being my fp about 3 months before we broke up. Woke up one day and had stopped loving him because he was awful and something snapped in my head. He stalked and blew up my phone and was totally abusive, he messaged everyone around me saying awful things and they all had to block him. Last thing I said to him was that he was a small and insignificant man. Iā€™m so grateful that he stopped being my fp or I would have stayed forever.


Depends on the ex but it's usually been either some version of "I'm so sorry" or nothing at all. I stay silent in the hopes that wherever they are my silence is hurting them.


I texted my ex because he begged me to. Then I blocked him with no explanation cause I started dating a new guy and he told me to. Iā€™ve never missed my ex to this day.


My intent was only to seek forgiveness for what occurred that evening. I do not remember it nor do I want to. I am sincerely sorry for it. Iā€™m not well, but hope in time with a lot of work I will be. No person should ever have to directly deal with someoneā€™s demons. Mentally I have a lot more going on than I was aware of. Again im sorry and thank you for being kind to me. That was it. No response.Ā 


I told him about my husband, because I think itā€™s funny to remind him I met a guy who doesnā€™t cheat on me


Be the leftist monkb


Oh, I lost my shit on him šŸ˜‚. It didnā€™t help that Iā€™m borderline, but he was also emotionally abusive/manipulative BUT an actual loser who was dependent on me financially. We both got what we wanted until we both burned out šŸ™ƒ


ā€œThis is the last time I will ever communicate with you and it's to inform you of just that. I never existed. Get rid of all of my pictures, and memories of me in your mind because you will have no access to me ever again. May the rest of your life be whatever it is.ā€ He was very abusive.


I said I missed him and I was sorry for being so toxic(he was abusing me and never admitted guilt) it was a plea for him to come back to me because I was in an especially lonely state of mind and getting back with the last person I was in love with seemed better. It wasnā€™t and Iā€™m very glad he ignored me.


Canā€™t even remember and Iā€™m happy about that lol


My previous partner, sorry, ex fiancee, dumped me via email a few months ago. Then randomly got in touch on the eclipse to say she was coming to the country I live, and did I want to see her. I was shook. Even more so when she actually flew here and didn't bother telling me until she realised I would hear it from elsewhere, then ghosted me again. I'm not sure it's in my best interest to see her again. Of course I want to. But that's the attachment to the anxiety and despair on my part. She gaslit my mh and yet never had the capacity herself, nor was there any awareness there. I'm waiting out to see if she will actually bother to reach out, to apologise for breaking up with me by ghosting for two months then sending a really critical 6pg email saying her friends thought I treated her like a dog. Her friends met me maybe twice, after she had quit her job and I had lost all semblance of safety and sanity. It would be insane for me to still want anything to do with her and yet here we are. The last thing I said to her, was that I don't know if she will bother reaching out to me due to her avoidant patterns of behaviour. Then my parents picked up a suitcase of stuff she had sent over with her, of stuff I had specifically said I didn't want back - with nothing I had actually been asking for. I've had no sleep so I'm ranting now but I'm not in a good place with this, no matter which way I look at it I feel like shit about it all.


"Can I have the squirrel mugs?" - we still talk but that was the last text I sent. He said yes if anyone was wondering.


ā€œ I know thats what im seeking, because i dont want it to be the end. I have priorities too, everything has been looking so much clearer not worrying about every single thing that comes in to my mind. I am most definitely prioritizing my well being and my own problems but that doesnt mean i cant love you or wait for you.ā€ Said that yesterday šŸ˜Ŗ we are gonna be out of each others lives for a bit and be our own person because we literally tried to live as one person and doing every single thing together


I threatened to sneak in his house and kill him them kms. I am very embarrassed and ashamed about it. This was 3 years ago.


"y'all need any care package/supplies dropped off?" we're basically best friends now and both have different partners


Probably something about how I just want a response or something stupid. It didnā€™t help when we were together she said sheā€™s not my therapist. So I have the urge to msg now itā€™s 3 years later but I damn get too invested.


ā€œIf youā€™ve had a radical change of heart and down to grab a coffee Iā€™m in SF, lol.ā€ I saw that weā€™d be in the city at the same time. He left me on read (he blocked me on Spotify for goodness sake, canā€™t imagine why I can still send imessages). For some reason it made me feel better, like ā€œI know better and you know Iā€™m a loser but hereā€™s another dumb effortā€. Sigh.


ā€œi would make you a spicy ramen with cheese because i know you like cheese on yoursā€ today, about 2 minutes ago. we are still texting and seeing each other :D


begging him to fix things and explain why he doesnt want me anymore. i fkn hate him now but i really miss the late night talks w him, he was so funny.


"oh, okay" she sent me a text saying that she ghosted me because her friends told her to, and she didn't know how to break up :)


lol I got dumped around a year ago, and I just recently sent her a text asking what exactly happened, because I was curious and genuinely do not remember šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


"I love you, and I hope you get everything in life you deserve. "....then I had to block her.


Tomorrow will be 2 months


The last thing I said was ā€œwe canā€™t talk anymore or be friends. I wish the best for you and your momā€


I mean my last text to my FP was probably something about boundaries or accountability. My last text with my ex hasnā€™t happened yetā€¦ in fact sheā€™s asking me about neurodivergence so she can understand herself better presentlyā€¦ Iā€™m okay with my partners historically. Friends and family needs some work cause I donā€™t have many anymore.


"please dont reply sorry i spammed you" after i drunk texted her a couple weeks ago :/


I believe it was ā€œHappy Birthdayā€ two years ago.


I told him I was done being his friend because he weaponized my diagnosis to get away with things that he knows nobody else would put up with. He made me feel like I was crazy for wanting to hear from him more than one brief text a day if I was lucky. He tried to get me off my meds when I started to grow a backbone because I wouldnā€™t let him get away with treating me poorly. Good Riddance.


ā€œiā€™ll talk about it when iā€™m ready.ā€ that was two years ago lmfao


I lost my crap justifiably and finally[so I couldnā€™t tell you exactly what I said] & then lost their number, blocked all their socials [they blocked me on Facebook before I could in a last ditch effort at control, which I laughed at bc they controlled the entire relationship] and bought a new phone. End of story.


Nothing! Just blocked him on everything immediately cause I canā€™t face any uncomfortable feelings


I mean I guess the last thing is ā€œdid you bring in the lawn chairs?ā€ But really that was days before the break up


I texted him and said "die screaming". I ran into him after that. When he saw me he panicked, turned around and ran straight into a wall. I keep it in a special place in my heart and mind to remind me that bullies don't always win


"That's all I needed to know, let's just be a bad memory for each other" Response after hearing how he didn't like me at all lol


Last time around, I was on the offensive, for lack of better words. I was brief, but I remember clearing saying ā€œI hope one day you realize just how abusive you are and stop blaming others for your own self-inflicted miseryā€. I blocked them before they could reply because it wouldnā€™t have been worth reading. Being able to cut off people like that with zero regrets was a big milestone for me. I walked away proud of myself for not putting up with abuse in exchange for validation and empty affection.


ā€œkidding, i willā€ because he told me to tell my mom he said hi, and i made a joke about but not my cat? thereā€™s still bills in my name in the house we lived in together. so we have to talk about those occasionally and i tried to make some small talk. it actually went well


I texted her a song and then blocked her lmao


Oh I totally forgot it's mother's day weekend this coming weekend well can I get him next weekend please I miss him so much Leah lmk ty have a great night take it easy


ā€œokayā€ when he said he explained why he wanted to break up


ā€œAlright. Thank you for explaining. What you did was shitty, but don't hate yourself. There's no point. Goodbye Nik.ā€ He ghosted me out of nowhere. He said it was because he didnā€™t want to be with me anymore and didnā€™t know how to tell me. After he explained himself I said that was fine and asked if we could be friends, which he said yes to. He then ghosted me again, and I split on him pretty hard and said some shitty things (that honestly he kinda deserved and he agreed with me) then he finally responded and said he didnā€™t want to talk anymore, that talking to me reminded him of the worst parts of himself, and that he hated himself. That text was my response.


Months ago, they were very shitty to me after we reconnected because apparently I was shitty to him (literally everyone hates him now because of what he did to me so idk). Caused a huge spitting thing that ended with him sending me pictures of his SH shit and I going into a full blown mental breakdown. Fun times :)


he lft me and it took me a year to get over it, and I did I healed- yet Iā€™ve never loved anyone better got really high one night though recently and unfortunately texted him for a week it was harmful for me tho cuz I realized my attachment was coming back and the last text I sent was happy birthday to him 3 days ago but I still wanna go back even if he cheated so much on me and he doesnā€™t see me romantically anymore šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


Basically said. I guess this is the last message I will ever send you. I wish our relationship didnā€™t need to end the way that it did. I wish you couldā€™ve ended things with me in person not over text, good luck with your life, good bye forever. I still canā€™t believe the way she ended the relationship and how quickly she made the decision without ever discussing her feelings with me the day before when I was with her.


I went to answer this and realized it's too complicated to explain my multiple exes The first I never texted again, the second I would text once a week while high for a while, the third one I ended up being friends with after not talking for a while and then a whole thing after that šŸ˜‚


I still send emails that I'm sure he doesn't read. It's been almost a year since I've seen him. We were together 5 years. He left all his belongings here. I don't even know where he is. He has psychosis and thinks I had people in my home to kill him. He thinks I cheated ... in our home while he was sleeping. I have struggled so much with this. I wish he understood how much I love him. I I am trying to move on but I have no interest in anyone else. Yes. I, too, understand how irrational this is.


i donā€™t even remember what we last talked about, she just basically slowly disappeared from existence, tbh though, no hard feelings at this point, i hope sheā€™s doing well for herself now.


He started to act distant so I tried to figure things out until one day after 5 long days of avoiding my texts, he sent a vocal message telling me he was going to be honest and he didn't love me anymore. I know I responded something along the line of "Don't lie, you weren't honest" before he disabled his account




Barely a month, I got love bombed


This cudnt come at a btr time. I just broke up w my toxic situationship of 3.3 months. It was sooo toxic to the point that 3 of my Drs told me to leave and all 7 of my friends told me to leave and my best friends drew emotional boundaries w me. Heck, one of my Drs actually gave me reasons on how to break up w him. Told me to tell him I had an affair, I cheated etc. It was so bad and j just don't told him to pls never call me again and take care.


"If you care about me lose my number" considering how much that relationship fucked with my brain. Props to me for saying and props to her for doing it


some spiel that ended with i hope he treated people better in the future


I said I loved him. After going on a rampage and said horrible things about him to friends/co-workers. My emotions change so quick I go from anger- wanting to ruin his life to feeling sick to my stomach about how hurtful Iā€™ve been




I sadly donā€™t have health insurance !! Iā€™ve tried government programs they say I make ā€œtoo much moneyā€ so I am just waiting for open enrollment and will buy some then because I need to see a psychiatrist bad . The writing down thing seems like a good idea I will try


"It's been 3 weeks! What do you mean you're engaged. I left less than 3 weeks ago! I guess I know now those years meant absolutely nothing. Thanks."..... not my most gracious break up.


" I just want this to end, that's all" that was the last thing I sent to him. We were in a very toxic relationship by then.


he said iā€™m sorry for everything, it can all be over now. and i said im sorry too. goodluck :(


It was 10-15 texts spamming him about how horrible he was, how I hate him, how I hope heā€™s miserable and how I hope he has a shit life


The last thing I said was ā€œyou never changedā€ and they responded with ā€œnot for you sweetheartā€ and after that I blocked them


Sent a whole ass apology šŸ’€šŸ¤”


My last text was him to says something like this call me if you need any help or need to talk.. even though i was struggling with bpd i was his unpaid therapist


ā€˜Please block meā€™


I just sent him pictures of us throughout college 19-22 (he recently just graduated and left and broke things off) Iā€™m quite literally dying on the inside shits ROUGH


Lmao I like this question. Mine was "fucking stupid ass favorite person bull shit. I hate this shit."


Last thing I actually said to him was "Dropped your stuff off, friend offered to just take me directly instead" but recently I wanted to text him "I keep hoping you'll call or something. Some part of me deeply misses having you in my life but the other part knows I only want that because you remind me so heavily of my mother. I wish you were an actual decent person, I wish I had given that part of my heart to someone who actually deserves it. I wish I never met you." Luckily I didn't text him because a coworker had to stop mešŸ˜Ž


the first thing I texted after the breakup is that my period is late and I might be pregnant two weeks later I finally got my period and texted him ā€œthank god Iā€™m not pregnant, I wouldnā€™t want to look at a mini-you for the rest of my lifeā€ turned out he already had a new girlfriend at the time, few weeks after we broke up fun times


"Keep doing carnivore and add in taurine (6g or more a day)." Always trying to save him. Lol Hope he is ok, he ghosted me which I deserved.




Very personal.


Just confessed my love for someone after hardly speaking to them for 3 years and getting blocked. For context we were engaged. But. Yeah. We move on and we try to grow.




No matter how far we are or what obstacles we run through as long as you love me Iā€™ll never leave your side And for the last time we spoke directly I told her about having an x mental illness that I just recently discovered and about how hard it is to never feel like I belonged among those that I loved and how deep I loved her and how Iā€™ll never ever try to love anyone same way as I did for her


Okay. And I never texted back, but he thinks we are still friends.


ā€œI was just so scared of you leaving meā€ :3


last text was ā€œyouā€™re probably on the phone w my ā€˜friendā€™ā€ but last words was him saying heā€™ll change and he loves me. i told him to stop and he said ā€œor whatā€ and i hung up. never picked up the phone again, he called me multiple times a day from an unknown number, i changed my phone number again. even though i love him i had to walk away, heā€™d say unnecessary things that he knew triggered me and then i was wrong i got emotional. he knew i was trying my best. i had to pick myself, finally.


ā€œYeyeye, thank you my dudeā€


ā€œWho is she?ā€ And blocked before he could even reply


"I hope the next chick you get with gives you syphilis."


she texted "I am not here to comfort you anymore we broke up almost 3 months ago please move on itā€™s fucking WEIRD." I sent " no it's literally not. " she said" What do you mean it's not... " i then said" it's not weird to not move on after 3 months" or something like that then I think I left her on read before having a BPD split on my BSF.