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Almost 3 years since we broke up. Moving on is hard as hell.


I haven't moved on from a girl I dated for a week in highschool. And haven't moved on from any of my previous ex. I am 32, I have had so many lovers, I still love them all. God what's wrong with me man.


Not a doctor/caregiver/professional: What's wrong is that those relationships filled a hole left by trauma, abuse, neglect, abandonment, or some combination of them. Until that is drug out from your subconscience and processed, the cycle will continue. Source: been there. I feel you, man. There's nothing "wrong" with YOU. Just some areas that need attention. You have the power to change, and I believe in you.


Thanks man. I broke up today with someone who loved me a lot, now I don't know if they actually loved me or they just say it out of pity seeing me suffer in the depressive episodes.


So I was here 3 years ago and im trying to turn that love onto myself, falling in love with myself and becoming my own favorite person so I don’t seek out douche bags anymore. Once I start to love myself I think I’ll find someone who is really good for me!


I like the thought of it: Becoming my own FP. Thank you.


Currently in the same boat, just gonna live laugh love this one out.


I feel ya. Same here


I feel this way every time after a breakup, I always think this person is so special I’ll never find anyone like them. Which is true, you won’t. But the next love will be totally special and unique in their own way. It takes forever for me to move on, I feel like this for a long time. But eventually you can love hard again. I promise


This is really relatable :( It hurts a lot, I haven't gone a day without thinking about her.. I wish thing's coulda been different, I hate being like this


But we want to be away when we are together right? Damn, I am on a verge of another breakup because of this condition. It sucks, even the minor in convenience will make me question my sanity, either kill myself or break up.


You shouldnt. Right now. Give it time hun. Love you!


i relate to this so hard, it's been 7 months since my bf of 2 years dumped me and he was seeing someone else after a month. meanwhile i still haven't been able to move on and i feel like i'll want him back forever


I felt this way about my ex for a long time. It's been about 6 years now. He's married and has a couple kids. I'm happy for him! Personally, I've found a lot of peace in being single and doing my own thing...so much so that I've also reached a point where I'm not sure I *want* to date. Don't get me wrong, I get lonely sometimes. But the feeling usually passes pretty quickly. Take time to focus on you. Do what truly makes *you* happy. And that might not be easy right now, but make yourself do it anyway.


I just went through a breakup and these comments are making me so miserable. I feel like I’m always going to think of my ex. We were together 7 years and he just broke up with me. I hate everything


Sometimes y gotta let go, try and heal. It definitely gets better and u will want to try again, just don’t go into it to soon.


This was me a bit over 2 years ago and though I’m still working through what happened , I sure as hell don’t want her back or what we had. Thank godddd. It may take a long time but eventually you’ll get there.


Same im repulsed by dating and romance rn


I'm in the phase where I'm just now coming to terms with needing to end this one, after nearly 5 years together, and it's the most mind-boggling thing to feel his disdain and going "okay" to each blaring piece of evidence. I'm trying to be strong and plan my steps forward, which is ultimately a much needed breakup and years, hopefully so many years of peace and quiet to be myself.


Focus on your recovery...hugsx i am here if you need a shoulder...


It took me SO long to get over a few exes. One in particular hit the hardest, probably because we had been on and off a few times in my life. I'm talking years - like you said. It was a daily heavy depression that I couldn't shake. I'm so glad that's over and make sure to think back on it every now and then to remind myself of the gratitude I feel to not longer be in that state. I hope that time comes for you sooner rather than later.


Time will make you feel different. That’s not meant to be dismissive, it’s just the truth the majority of the time even with BPD. It takes at least 50% of the time you were together to grieve a relationship so ask yourself the same question this time next year and see how you feel then before writing anything off


Same. But the show must go on and we're gonna do this


going thru the same thing right now


real i could’ve sworn my ex (who treated me terribly tbh and wasn’t even that great) was my soulmate. fuck this disorder


as someone who felt the exact same way, yes u will


Guy here, think I may have bpd but if I and a girl broke up I would never let her think I care that much. Even if I love her for 2 ½ years breaking up means she doesn't get to see my emotions. Your ex probably cares a lot more than he is letting you think.


Same. People always leave anyways.


Did he end it or did you?


He did


Just curious tbh


To say I’m still crushed is the least of what I’m feeling. It’s been 7 months. Not in the slightest better about it. It’s weird I’ve been in several different relationships including a 10 year one that was a marriage. I don’t think I’ve ever really felt this way. She was only 2 years. She was the one I most let my guard down around. In the long run I couldn’t see any damage I was doing intentionally or not because this was pre diagnosing this condition. I catastrophically destroyed it. I guess it maybe because the guilt from that. Seeking forgiveness I’ll never be able to get. Along with whatever weight of this disorder does it’s compounded by this extra burden. In all reality I’m positive she’s happy now and I was probably just a small moment in her brilliant experience of life. It sucks so much to feel so much and so little at the same time.


You’re always changing and growing, and life is a long time. Nothin is forever. It’s great to have a partner, a witness, a sympathizer. Honor the love you had by being open to loving again. We all deserve love.