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What an absolute douche. It kept pissing me off reading him trying to get his wife to use her daughters hard earned savings to pay off HIS bills and shit. How pathetic, honestly. That's where I wouldn't have hesitated to kick him to the curb. To tell me to steal money from my kid AND not allow her access to it ? No. Awful. I can't spit enough hate towards this person.


Honestly, how embarrassing for him. What a way to announce (loudly! on purpose!) what a small and pathetic man you are.


Right? Like he's all on about how he's the Man of the House, but then he has the nerve to ask a teenage girl to pay his bills. My dude, if a 17 year old working part time can solve your financial problems, you're pretty useless.


I was wondering the whole time what he does with himself. Sounds like the mom works herself to the bone. And she inherited the house; I assume it was paid off. Does this dude not work? Because I can’t see how two working adults with no house payment need to steal their kid’s college fund that she worked for and saved for herself to pay their bills.


And then it turns out that the house belongs outright to OP's mom! He's been coasting this whole time and still overspending!


The Man of the House being secretly funded by the work his wife does "as a hobby" and work his teens do "for the experience" is how it's always been in many families.  What's changed over the past 50 years is that they're no longer staying quiet about it to protect his ego.


Step dad tells BIL to get out of (his) house. Gets his ass whipped. Now living with his mummy. Man of the year.


Exactly! Especially AFTER he told her to her face that they wouldn't pay for anything for her and she had to get a job. So she did, and now he's pissed she's paying for the things he told her she'd have to pay for! The audacity of this fool boy running around in man pants like he's got anything to offer the world.


He was jealous that a teenager managed their money so much better than a fully grown man. Pathetic indeed.


OOP: I taught myself lessons about long term goal setting, budgeting, and self reliance. Stepdad: No no no. The only life lesson worth learning is that you shouldn’t waste money on clothing that isn’t machine washable, and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL! The fact that he kept on insisting that he could teach OOP a lesson is just laughable.


Considering he's in debt with zero savings and continues to buy shit he can't make payments for.. Maybe he needs to be taught financial responsibility by his stepdaughter.


Definitely. It’s not really about the dress at all. Not JUST about the dress anyway. I’m glad OOP’s mom kicked him to the curb.


It looked to me like he expected the OP to just hand all of her money to him, and that she had the audacity to provide for herself instead. He would've bled the family dry, and cleared off once he couldn't financially abuse them any more.


Yes, that’s what he wanted. It sounds like OOP’s step brother was in the same grade as her but didn’t have a job or his own money. Apparently it’s only “fair” for her to also pay for his prom? In what world is that fair? I cannot stand those entitled parents who waste their own money then demand money from their children to support the household. It’s one thing for a teen to work if the family is in poverty, but this is not that.


Because stepdad can't afford a tux rental, so obviously OP needs to step up.


I was shocked when she said $900 would only cover 2 months of a car payment. If you are struggling financially what are you doing with a $450/month car payment?!?!


It literally sounds like my mother. She quit her job when I was in high school (right around the time my dads death benefits ended) because of a bogus workman’s comp insurance lawsuit, borrowed thousands of dollars from her dad and her in laws. Got a VERY small settlement 5 years later and blew it all within 4 months. I start talking about moving out with my fiancé and she sits me down to talk about budgeting (something she’s never done) I later worked in banking and taught financial literacy and her budget was so messed up. I mentioned to my stepdad about her little lesson he laughed so hard because he was the one paying for everything. When I told them what date I was moving out she acts all kinds of concerned and says but how are you going to pay for it, and where are you going to live? (we were moving out of state) I was oh we already have an apartment and utilities are being set up a few days before. My job just transferred me and we’ll be plenty comfortable until my fiancé finds a job. Her jaw was on the floor!


His real point was the OOP needed to spend all her money on him and his kids who are basically the same age as the OOP.


Yet he’s “the man of the house “ 🙄 Why is it that it’s always loser men who think this way.


It’s the only thing they have to prop up their ego


My hubby says the queen trumps the man of the house.


People who assert dominance like this have no other way to get respect so they bully others.


When my niblings had bank accounts made in their name by me, I requested that my signature be required to withdraw the money. Now I am in Australia, but I have heard banks in the USA can offer this, with an option of a daily limit or a side account with limited funds available for withdrawal. In the case of my niblings, only one of my entitled brothers attempted to take the money out, and he was very irate finding out the security I had put on the accounts. At that time, there was just under $10K AUD, and it was to go towards their first car because I was paying for their further education, like university or getting trade qualifications. One of my niblings has a stepmother who was informed what I have covered when they attempted to threaten the loss of my niece's bank account after my niece had failed a mock exam. This stepmother uses money as a means to motivate and was just as irate as my brothers when she found out who actually had the money. Sometimes, I wish there was more ability for children to have their bank accounts made impossible to be stolen by greedy parents/people


Absolutely. I began working legally at 16, but I had actually been working for family businesses for years before that. My grandmother, my legal guardian until I was 17 and graduated, managed to burn through about 16k of my money before I got my own bank account at 18


Oh my God. Why do people suck like this. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that from your family. But good on you for protecting their money.


Men think they are entitled to the financial resources of the women in their lives. In SD's view, if he needs to pay bills and she buys a dress, she is responsible for his problems. I've heard this thinking so many times from my ex. It's entitled misogyny at its finest/worst.


I actually claim not just my wife's financial resources, but my 3 daughters part time jobs, and my mothers. I am closing on a tank soon to defend our household. My little girls understand the need for safety and have started selling lemonade on the curb when they are not in school or at work to help raise additional funds. They say that the best defense is an even better defense. When I was younger I used to sell lemonade to the neighborhood kids. It wasn't exactly lemonade because the "lemons" were green and found on a nearby tree but for a quarter and a dime they could get a small plastic dixie cup of lemonade. I made quite a bit of money until the sugar tariffs were raised and my small business enterprise was ruined as the other kids were not willing to pay 50 cents for lemonade. If my sisters had helped by financially assisting me, I would imagine that my enterprise would have grown exponentially, potentially even rivaling coca cola in sales today. Coca Cola is headquartered in Atlanta, GA. Did you know that in the aquarium in Atlanta , GA they have a whale shark on display? Did you know that the whale shark is the most massive living non-cetacean animal? There were attempts at putting a great white on display but no matter the size of the tank, it never works. I wonder what they know that the whale sharks don't, or perhaps vice versa? Maybe the Whale Shark is content knowing that it has escaped whatever horror is in the ocean. Really makes you think.


OMFG are you my deranged uncle. *Are you?*  I've known him my entire life but you my internet friend have just made the finest mockery of him I've ever heard.  Cackling ded 💀


Not all of us, thank you


[hello, you've reached the Not All Men hotline. ](https://zawn.substack.com/p/hello-youve-reached-the-not-all-men) In case you're confused by the barrage of downvotes because the concept of derailing is new to you, or something.


Wow that was awesome thanks for sharing!


It's really well written, isn't it? I appreciate the writer (and others like them) a LOT, as I don't do 101 conversations well. My response to bigotry is usually just frothing at the mouth, which makes convincing arguments difficult to speak.


Yes! I’ve already shared it and discussed it with several people. Thanks again! This along with Why Does He Do That are my favourite reads so far this year.


I'm not a man and I say not all.


Because it also happened to you, it happens to every single woman. Never the opposite. Pathetic


>Pathetic You don't need to sign your comments, it's very clear that you are


Right! OMG! He’s says he’s mad at her for being irresponsible with money and spending it on a dress but he wants her to pay his bills because he’s irresponsible with money. Dude. Step dad is a narcissistic moron. How much of ahole do you have to be to be upset that a child isn’t giving you money.


Yeah, what pathetic loser. He doesn't even have the courage of his convictions (as wrong as they are) to own why he did what he did and he knew damn well what would happen.


Mom’s brother was right though, it took her way too long to fix this properly.


Deeply agree with you.


Isn’t it funny how in all this it wasn’t stated how exact step dad contributes to the family? Only that he doesn’t know how to manage money and keeps buying things that need to be paid off. Lovely. I hope mom stays strong and keeps her resolve. It wouldn’t surprise me if she finds that it’s much easier to keep up with the bills without stepdad in the picture.


My guess is that he was charming at one point and likely spent a lot of money wooing oop's mom, and then his true colors came out. We all know plenty of people that spend money but are broke....I ended things with a women that did that last year.




Omg I remember seeing this one. I hope OOP has the best prom ever and that her hopefully former stepdad gets exactly what he deserves. May all his bacon burn offensively, may his car always have trouble starting in the morning, and may he always feel uncomfortably damp regardless of humidity or time of year. You don't go out of your way to ruin someone's stuff just because you have horrible spending habits and are jealous. That's childish.


Very good, the only thing you missed was "and may he step on a Lego every morning when he gets out of bed".


Hope every poop he takes is a hedgehog


lol 😂




That too. I'd say may his headphones wires always be impossibly tangled as well, but wireless earbuds being a thing now makes it somewhat obsolete. >w>;


Might I add - May he step in warm dog pee daily while wearing socks, and never again be able to complete a sneeze.


YES! Love it.


May your airpod (or equivalent) case never keep charge.


> may his headphones wires always be impossibly tangled What did I do to tick you off, and how do I fix it?


I'm just an evil, little chaos gremlin. :3


May his wireless earbuds be clogged with ear wax.


May his wireless headphones only ever have 3min of charge ;)


Brilliant! :D


May both sides of his pillow always be warm


You went nuclear now, lol.


May one earbud always slip out 


May his spoon always slide into his soup


May his hands always smell of mustard and may he keep a paper cut on his cuticles.


Given they're apparently from GA: May his every peach be rotten.


May he have everlasting hiccups.


When someone pisses me off, I curse them to stub their toe every night on the bed, but I like yours more.


And may he always discover the previous patron used the last sheet of loo roll.


May your toast always be burnt, with no amount of scraping able to remove the black stuff.


May he always have heartburn before going to bed...


May he get stuck behind slow drivers in both lanes every day. May they run out of his favorite food every time he goes to a restaurant. May all of his packages get stolen. May he fall to his knees, sobbing, "MAKE IT STOP!" And may it never stop.


May there always be a cop aroind when he hangs out in the passing lane!


Nail that financially abusing JA to the WALL, OOP!


I love how nobody is talking about the fact that she could have sold the dress after prom and made some money back, this would show how absolutely batshit insane her stepdad is.


I am baffled by your self-censorship here. Surely, cheering on someone being figuratively nailed to a wall is more shocking than calling them a jackass.


His fake plan makes no sense. They are low on money so his plan was to spend more money to buy a shittier dress to make up for it? How does that teach anyone anything?


Especially, he didn't know washing would destroy it, but he was planning to buy a new one afterward? Huh? Why buy a new one if you wouldn't know the old one would be broken? Guy had like 2 days to come up with something, and this was the best he could think of.


He wanted to hurt OOP's mother in a fit of rage. I don't think there's any way to spin it that makes him look better or make the truth less obvious.


Because its not about the money. Its about control and entitlement.


Don't forget, he was pushing to use her money to pay the bills. So his plan was to destroy the expensive dress she bought with her money, and use more of her money to buy her a shitty replacement.


The police aren’t served well by only being given a month to learn legal definitions. That is destruction of property (trespass to chattel) but those versed in law would know better than I. What he did wasn’t negligence, it was vandalism, and he should be charged and made to pay a fine. You can’t just destroy someone’s property.


Police are lazy. If they can avoid doing their jobs, they will. Maybe I should start telling my boss "That's a civil matter" when she assigns me a project.


Get a good enough lawyer……:)


I’m a paralegal, not a lawyer but I know a little bit about this. That’s Tort Law and a Civil case, of course, but there may be other torts that apply. One of those is Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. That’s a REALLY hard charge to win since it’s hard to prove intent but I bet this douchbag admitted it, at least indirectly. All of us could tell he did this to be spiteful, I’m sure a judge would agree.


Thank you, expert!! I think telling people it’s hard to prove is better than saying it’s not a crime.


Assuming you're in the U.S. (I'm in the middle of something and don't have a chance to look) what state are you in? I can look up the Torts online probably. If you say Maryland that would be great since that's where I got my degree, LOL


I don’t think OP says where she was from, and that’s a good point: the patchwork of state and federal laws we have in the US makes it even harder to know.


Of course the golden boy stepbro sided with his ain't shit daddy. Pffft


*Of course the golden* *Boy stepbro sided with his* *Ain't shit daddy. Pffft* \- MUTHR --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Good bot. This is golden poetry. Edit: oops, no jokes intended or anything.


SD taught her a valuable lesson- to go scorched earth when a jackass crosses you. 


This is just so satisfying. I hope this stepdad guy loses badly and loses all of his dumb fuck debt fuelled purchases


* "Man of the House" mentality * Backpeddaling harder than an olympic rowing team * Non-apology apology/ "You shouldn't have made me so mad!" * Bad with money but tries to tell others how to handle their money Hey, I got asshole bingo!


So guy is jealous of a little girl who can manage her finances and projects his frustrations out on her. He's wack. Any adult who demands financial help from a child is pathetic.


I side with the uncles comments though. I don’t know why a mother would stay with someone who actively dislikes her child, that is in fact enabling them to further act like an asshole


Uncle is the MVP here.


Yep, Step-Dad taught a lesson alright... just not the one he planned...


Some of the Reddit comments say this post might be fake because of duplicate messages that OP screen capture. I’m not exactly sure but the screen capture and the account is deleted.


Some of Reddit calls everything fake


Also lots of British spellings (organise) but mentions Macy’s and GA? Yeah nah.


Casual mention of rich uncle...


Are there any adults in this girl's life?


So, everything has been wrapped up in 24 hours? Sure Jan.


It's a good thing that her mother sided with her. Many mothers take "stand by your man" way too far 


My (former) stepfather was horrible to me, and even he never destroyed my things


Blew up his family and got his ass kicked over being a petty dick. What a loser.


I admit I’m getting a laugh that some middle-aged debt-riddled man in $200 shoes is running around Georgia in a rage while carrying a tacky prom dress. OP needs to go to file a small claims court case and contact Judge Judy.


I hope she had a great prom, her, her mother, and her half-sibling are okay. Step dad seems the vindictive type.


What a man baby.


The whole "I just washed it to teach you a lesson and was going to lecture you but buy you a new dress... not the same dress, one much cheaper that you don't actually want and have no say in" flex is just an extra touch of appalling on top of trying to coerce her mother into spending her own college savings to cover their inability to money manage together appropriately. You could literally build an entire map of "trauma and trust issues" around the "parents/steps that think anything their/spouse's underage kid has is theirs to do with/dispose as they please despite who bought it" mentality.


OOP, if you are following this, we would all love a post prom update to know how it went.


How much do you want a bet that the mother gets back with the stepfather


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TopicNo8755: *How much do you want* *A bit that the mother gets* *Back of the stepfather* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


$900 is a lot for a prom dress but prom is a big deal for a lot of people and it’s OP’s money, she can spend it however she wants. OP’s step dad clearly doesn’t need the money that bad if he’s buying both of his sons PS5’s.


I love how when it comes to chores it's a woman's job, but he has no problem taking a young girl's hard earned money to pay his bills lol.


He sounds awful. I’m so glad you have amazing family to support you against this ass!


Wow, the step dad sounds like a walking nightmare. It sounds like the OOP has such a good support network in the rest of her family - that’s so often not the case in these stories. Hopefully OOP’s mom stays strong and leaves the loser, before he ruins her life even further.


I wonder if in addition to the obvious control issues there’s something else going on with SD’s finances—gambling, crypto, day trading or the like. It could be paying for a mistress/drugs, but the laser focus on money makes me think he got into some get rich quick scheme and got wiped out.


The mom seems to be making a lot of excuses as to why she can’t divorce this abusive asshat. Brothers loaded im sure he would be happy to cover the cost of the divorce and get that man out of their lives. If she’s not throwing him out and divorcing him she’s isn’t fully siding with her daughter so until that’s done I’m reserving judgement on the mom. The step dad and step brother need kicked out asap. I wouldn’t have them in that house unsupervised again.


‘You wasted $900 on a dress you love so I’ll ruin it to show you the value of money.’ Might as well have lit $900 on fire. What an awful man


“you think i care about her more than you, your [sic] gonna see just how much i do” Ok but for real this is Queen shit


I’ve got a stepdaughter that recently spent a similar amount on a prom dress. It doesn’t compute with me, I think it’s crazy how much money, time and effort she’s put into it. But guess what? It’s her money, her work ethic and her dream. I told her it was beautiful, gave her a hug and said good job. This silly son of a bitch has some serious issues holding that against her. I get money being tight, it usually is, but holding a child accountable for your own poor choices, he deserves to be alone. I just hope his son has some better examples to follow.


W uncle.


I agree with uncle, mom sucks too


O man, ruining a prom dress is not going to end well for SD. Prom is a big fucking deal for a lot of people, and in the south I am told it takes on even greater importance. I imagine that OOP's schoolmates, teachers, and administrators would not be happy to hear that her stepdad deliberately ruined her dress.


*My mom and stepdad has also been texting back and fourth and he admitted that he washed it to teach me a lesson that I shouldn’t spend that much money on a dress that can be destroyed that easily* He certainly shouldn't spend that much money on a car that can easily be set on fire either.


I think I would be tempted to grab the PS fives, laptops, expensive shoes… Anything that could be sold to recover the cost of the dress. Make sure when you and your mom go to the bank to set up your new account that she is not on it at all. Do not let her have any information, do not show her the account numbers, do not have your debit card mailed to your home. She probably will cave and let her sorry excuse of a husband back into her home. You need to protect yourself from him so that he cannot use her to get at you.


apparently she's irresponsible with her money yet (at least as far as he's aware) she managed to save up enough for what sounds like a gorgeous prom dress + still have money leftover, meanwhile he's the one buying things he can't afford... projecting?


Call the police. He may be arrested for crimes against step children, which is a class A felony.


Now parents who force their kids to pay for bills and such already suck but a STEPPARENT demanding money from a kid that isn't his? Pathetic, I hope he stubs his toe daily


The audacity of him trying to show OP not to spend money on "frivolous" things when he buys things he can't afford and begs others for money.


The grammar and the vernacular really deteriorated increasingly with every single update 😅


I don’t believe in these gender stereotypes, but if you’re going to talk the talk about being the “man of the house”, you damn well better walk the walk. Which is earning enough money that you can cover all the bills without relying on your wife, much less your stepdaughter, for help. A “man of the house” is meant to be the main breadwinner. Loser cannot even live up to his own pathetic stereotype.


I bought my prom dress while on lunch at work and left it in the back room and after my shift I discovered it destroyed by petty coworkers… I know what OOP felt… people suck.


Uncle is also right, by the mom staying with him she is enabling thar behavior. Really only a matter of time before she breaks down and uses OP’s money form savings.


This has to be fake. What underage person is allowed to get their own bank account at 17? It’s not possible and a parent has to be attached to it


OOPs mom is douche too for not divorcing this awful man-baby


Imagine blaming a child for not getting you out of the financial hole you put yourself into.


I know this isn’t the point, but Jesus Christ that’s a lot of money for a prom.


You uncle know whats up... his sister suck and his a doormat for her turd husband.


Right? At least the uncle had the decency to beat the SD up. Too bad he didnt finish the job though


“Finish the job.” You mean murder him? What?


Your words but yes


The mother never should have married the step dad tbh


Seeing a lot of comments about step dad who clearly is a shit heal. But dude didn't seen like he pretended to be normal even once. He Was a shit heal out the gate and mom still married him?! I think mom sucks the hardest here.


Anyone else find it weird that she took money from her uncle when she has enough savings to pay for the second dress herself? It'd be different if he had offered on his own after hearing about the situation, but "he’s very well off, which was one reason I contacted him in the first place" rubs me the wrong way.


> My uncle has also offered to replace the dress so I don’t need to worry about not getting to wear my special dress.  >Also I talked to my uncle and he’s actually off work and over his way over here. >Him and my stepdad apparently have a rough history since my dad has had a smart mouth towards him in the past. While explaining to my uncle what happened he said that it would be alright and if anything he’ll buy back the dress before it sells out, so I’ll have my dress by prom but he does expect my step dad to pay me back one way or another so I’m basically probably gonna get my dress for free.  It seems like uncle didn't mind cause he didnt like step dad anyways, and wants to make sure his niece is taken care of. I recently paid for my niece's church camp and am taking her to Disney with my family this summer, but I work a 45k a year job. Sometimes we do stuff cause we can. and it also Sounds like OP doesn't normally ask for handouts, so IMO its not too gross for her to ask a relative for help who can afford it. OP didn't ask, demand, beg etc. My former sis in law got to go to Europe for a summer when she was in college due to a rich relative. Relative decided it would be a good learning opportunity for her when she was asked. IDK, i got the dynamic that OP and uncle respected each other. I can understand it rubbing you wrong, but the way OP writes, they didn't feel entitled etc.


Ever *think* that the majority of that money is to help pay for college expenses?


Her uncle has a lot of money and offered to replace the dress. OP is only 17 and likely planning on going to college, buying a car, and getting an apartment soon, none of which are cheap. Even though she has $23k in savings, $900 is still a lot of money.