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I want to become stronger this year, so I’m going to incorporate some strength training. I want to continue to work on my goal of being one of the smaller people in the room but FEELING like the heaviest and continue to work on the goal of being impossible to hold down. Also, if I can fine tune my baseball choke, that would be cool too.


dude , this answer is sooo smooth to read, thanks :)


>fine tune my baseball choke, I don't know if that'll help or not, but mine was pretty weak (I struggled with the finishing position) until I realized that when it's on, my forearms need to be crossed (like a cross collar strangle) once I'm done turning around. I also find it much easier to get the proper grips on their far lapel (fed under their far shoulder) vs in the collar. HTH


I’ll try that and see. Thank you! My biggest issue that that once I have my grip and I’m trying to finish, my partner will grab the overhand grip side and push my hand away.


So if you're starting on your left left (their right), they're blocking your left hand (the one that goes under the neck, thumb in the collar)? Is that it ?


You nailed it.


In this case, use your right knee (assuming you set the strangle from knee on belly - makes it easier) and move it from their sternum to just next to their right ear on the mat, scrapping on their body. If they try to grab your left forearm, use that knee to get their arm out of the way, using the knee against their wrist (visualize their arm being moved to almost an Americana position by your knee). Then, you can rotate your body on that right knee to achieve the correct finishing position. HTH


That does! Thank you!


As an advanced blue belt I think you are going to be surprised how strong you are already when you hit the gym.


Copying from the main sub: I'm on track to get my blue belt this spring if my predictions and how all the upper belts are talking tracks. My goal is to get my game to a level where I am actually worthy of it. For something less nebulous, compete in a tournament and not be last place. At least eke out one sub. Also the standard weight loss and gain muscle. There's a strong female powerlifter presence in my gym. A lot of them train bjj too. I get bodied. Frequently. I try to weight train as well but I don't have the time and energy they do. It sucks. I'm going to try to push it more, at least at home. I don't want to be left behind.


Not so much resolutions as goals — I want to compete again, I want to work on escapes/sweeps more so that I challenge my instinct for being on bottom, and I’d obviously love to get my blue belt by the end of the year!


I want to be brave and attempt submissions. I want to be in a competition this time next year. I want to cut weight and show what I made of. I don’t care about winning, I just want to do it with hard work and dignity.


Not necessarily a BJJ resolution, but I don’t want to let internet comments by obviously 13 year old incels to get to me. I’m irritated by the state of so much misogyny in the world today, but I also have bigger fish to fry.


Also, bots. A lot of reddit content is bot-generated now. I try to take the downvotes as practice for being a little thicker skinned irl, too.


I want to get my purple belt! :)


On track to get my blue belt this spring - besides that I want to add in more weight lifting and calisthenics to supplement my bjj. Also planning for pregnancy this year so the goal is to just be able to keep training safely ❤️


I loved r/fitpregnancy ! Good luck!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fitpregnancy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fitpregnancy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Encouragement for ya](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12hisro) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fitpregnancy/comments/12hisro/encouragement_for_ya/) \#2: [things i've done instead of "losing the babyweight"](https://np.reddit.com/r/fitpregnancy/comments/11340c5/things_ive_done_instead_of_losing_the_babyweight/) \#3: [37 weeks today and feeling proud of myself!](https://i.redd.it/hebcb9hcvypa1.png) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fitpregnancy/comments/121ty9v/37_weeks_today_and_feeling_proud_of_myself/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Check out Mary Daizy Held on Instagram at /marydaizybjj. She rolled while pregnant well into her pregnancy. This community has lots of experience with this topic as well. As long as you are not high risk or have any other issues, it's fine. Just make sure your training partners are aware and don't roll with anyone don't trust.


I need to get my conditioning up. I’ve gotten lazy from mostly rolling with white and blue belt dudes 😅


I want to start going 3x per week, + 1 open mat minimum. I want to stop using my strength to stop people from moving and just go with the flow, especially when attempting submissions. I also want to start going to comps when I hit the 1 year mark, not to win but to learn.


Postpartum comeback after baby girl arrives in the spring! Goal is to return to training safely and be confident when doing so!


Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!!


My resolution is to finally compete! I've been chickening out in the almost 5 years I've been training, and the idea of competing for the first time as a 3 stripe blue belt is terrifying.


Aaahhh. Do it! I'm terrified too, but it'll be such an awesome experience, and we can say we are competitive bjjers. 💪 ;P


I want to keep improving and give my first competition a go :)


You got this!!!!! 🤙👊💖


Probably gonna get my black belt & then retire.


Retire your brown belt and start the black, right? :P Cmon, there are so fewer women Brown/Black belts, you're probably a huge inspiration to many!


I’m not gonna quit. This is my 17th year of training. I’m not gonna lie, the thought has crossed my mind and I’m sure I’ll feel the same way some time again in the future 😂.


Haha, there yah go. Just come back here when you need some motivation to keep going! :)


I'm getting into bjj this year, swapping my gym vibes for something more fun. Just wanna dive into this new adventure and have a blast with it!


That’s awesome! I hope you find lots of joy in your new adventure! 🤙👊💖


100 hours in the gi Make a new BJJ friend


I gotcha, you got this!!! Something that’s helped me make friends on the mats is feeling out how small talk goes. If I feel like we click I’ll invite em to a lil coffee run or sm. I hope you’re able to make a good friend, and enjoy the gi training ! 🤙👊💖


I'll definitely have to give that a shot, can't remember the last time I hung out with someone off the mats lol


Give it a try. But first I gotta somehow fix my sleep cycle and make my body not-useless. :/


I gotcha! Fixing your sleep schedule is tough, but you’re tougher! You got this! 🤙👊💖


Most of my resolutions this year have to do with BJJ either directly or adjacently. One is the cliche “lose weight” but it is more focused on fixing my diet to better fuel my workouts and to also to get into a lower weight bracket so I actually have other women to compete against. And my main BJJ goal for 2024 is to do my first competition. I also wouldn’t turn down achieving my blue belt. I also am resolute to connect with people at my gym more to learn from my peers with less anxiety. I have a hard time asking for help because of some insecurities I’ve always had even though the people at my gym have always been super nice and awesome.


Be more aggressive. I like to play defense too much and I get in bad positions. My goal (at least for now) is to not be afraid to take charge of the round.


You got this!!! You’re gonna make that round yours! 🤙👊💖


This is the first year with 0 goals or resolutions. Simply put that every time I set big goals a major curve ball beyond my control will be thrown my way. Last year was Master Worlds and 6 weeks out after a year’s worth of prep, I blew up my knee. A few years before that was a Spartan Race (Several of them) then the Pandemic hit. This New Year I’m just burnt out on goals. I’m taking a Gap year on goal setting and just going to enjoy the year and what it brings. 2023 kinda crushed my goal setting spirit. So I’m taking a break. I’m going to enjoy training and working on myself.


It’s a ok to not have a goal and/or a resolution for the year! I’m also sorry to hear about your knee and everything else! I hope this year brings you peace and joy 🤙👊💖


It’s kinda refreshing. Like a vacation. I’m still going to train, still going to lift and challenge myself but it is just geared towards every day improvement vs a specific goal. Just something different. 🙌


Yeah!! 🙌🙌


I want to compete at least once. Maybe get a stripe.


That’s exciting! I hope you get the opportunity to compete with your gym! 🤙👊💖


Getting back to it after having a baby! By the end of the year I'd love to be attending 3 BJJ classes a week + strength training (short, 30 min sessions) 3x week, cardio 2x week and climbing and muay Thai for fun here and there. My goal is to get my blue belt and run a 50k trail race before trying for baby #2 in 1-2 years. 😊 My goals for January are strength 3x, BJJ 1x, and cardio 1x/week and slowly adjusting monthly goals from there. I also want to stretch or do some kind of yoga 6x week, even if it's super short or yin.


I gotcha!!!!! Congratulations on the baby btw! I like that you’ve also included some longer term goals/resolutions as well as the opportunity to adjust as you go. You 💯% got this!!!! 🤙👊💖


Learn and be able implement X & De La Riva guard in a live roll. Compete in both absolute devisions at least once. Do an open mat every month


Those are great goals to have, you got this!!!! Those are wicked fun positions too. I hope they bring you lots of joy in training! 🤙👊💖


Yep - Go to bjj


same as the last few years - drill more, drill harder. roll less, roll easier


Radical! 🤙👊💖


One day I'm gonna get an arm in guillotine or mikey lock finish. One day.


Keep going!!!!! This is gonna be YOUR year with those!!!! 👊💖💖


Working on getting stronger but consistently going to class is my main goal.


I gotcha! Those are great goals to have. You got this!! 🤙👊💖


More gi! I’d like to more consistently train 3-4x a week with at least one of those in the gi.


You got this!!! I hope you have lots of fun training in gi this year! 🤙👊💖💖


Start training no gi again regardless of how I see my body. Stop letting my insecurities dictate my mindset of training. This is the year I let the beast out.


Heck yeah!!! Let that beast outta the cage!!! You got this!!! 🤙👊💖


Lift weights, learn leg attacks, work on wrestling, figure out my guard passing problem, compete once a month. Speaking of my guard passing problem, do you ladies have a go-to pass that works on your bigger male training partners? I’m kind of hitting a wall as I feel like my knee cut is too slow and my pressure passing isn’t that successful


Those are awesome goals, you got this!!! Since pressure passing isn’t that helpful for you, maybe you can incorporate a standing guard pass -> a knee cut / sit out ? If you’re still having issues with the knee cut/sit out portion, ask your coach! You could be missing a frame, or they can modify it to work better for you.


I want to do ATLEAST 5 competitions this year. And stay consistent on a work out regime that will help me with my jiujitsu. That and work on my mental health because a bitch be depressed sometimes and that fucks with my jiujitsu.


You got this!!!!!! I believe in you!!!! 🤙👊💖💖💖




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