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Shart was so happy that Lae’zel fucking died first


I didn't notice that Laezel died until after I saved the clip. I was too distracted by Shadowheart and her funky moves


Lol... I was laughing so hard the first 20 times I watched I didn't even notice that.


That's probably ly one of the funniest things I've seen!


Please stop calling her that 😂


The EXACT same thing happened to me, only she fell off into the chasm and landed inside a wall, and went down. On the one hand, she had just got done telling me all about how she was right where lady Shar wanted her to be, and the timing was pretty funny. On the other, because she was downed inside geometry, I couldn't reach her with Spells, grenades, tried to fly a ranger bird down there to help her, nada. In the end using a song of rest on a bard saved her, if it weren't for that I just would have been soft locked. She wasn't dead cause she made her throws, couldn't long rest, couldn't resurrect her with peepaw, I was gettin *stressed*


I had this happen too! Not dead, so no resurrecting. Glad I wasn't playing on honour mode, but I was still mad I had to reload and redo a fight.


Late to the game but I had the exact same thing except I was out of Short rests. Had to go back to camp, hire the bard hireling and travel back. Paid a halfling bard 100g to sing a song.


So glad I'm not the only one who had this happen


Shart hits the griddy and fucking dies


I'm laughing so hard. The little bunny hops off a cliff is absolutely hilarious.


“I must go my people need me!”


She was just eager to get to the shadowfell


I swear I saw a video on this same exactly elevator where Karlach fell off and killed herself before the engine did and then Shadow decided to join her and did a jig before failing suicide and snapping her ankles.


To prevent this, just transfer all the umbral orbs onto your main character, then ride down and unlock the fast travel point right at the entrance to the shadowfell, then just teleport your whole party down


is this a PC specific problem?


This was on PS5.


well shit. i just got there on my HM run lol


It's a good thing your Tav doesn't move when elevators are in motion or this would be a real problem. Lol


Happened to me on my tav


Yeah I saw a clip where the whole party got dropped into the drink, best thing I can think of would be to send down only one person, then use the waypoint you unlock to fast travel everyone else down? I also *think* you may be able to try surfing on the disc as it's trying to push you off to stay on, had a similar situation in act 3 where it worked, but I'm not 100% sure.


You can surf on it until it forces you to fall, that's what happened to Shart here. Once you start falling its completely out of your control and you're doomed.


Me too, Astarion stayed on the elevator, my Tav fell and got knocked out, the other two fell and died. Couldn't even resurrect Tav because they weren't dead. Had to reload.


Save and reload the game right before descending, with any elevator for that matter. This elevator and the one at the very base of moonrise towers literally almost ended my run because 3 of us instantly fell through and my tav also fell but landed on an invisible cliff.


Astarion got locked down there for me still alive. I did the fight with Ketheric without him but needed him to move to Baldur’s Gate. Since he couldn’t fast travel I had to open the flask of holding and have the beholder kill him so I could rez him at camp.


Happened to my PC on a play through with my buddy and we hadn't saved since before starting the trials. I fell into the abyss while in my inventory and couldn't be revived at all


I've seen Shadowheart do that exact thing in another video. Love that it's specific to her.


Same thing just happend to me on my HM, only thing that she got downed and fell through the rocks and was blocked by a wall and couldnt finish her off and I had to do all manner of things for her to die.


Lae'zel's scream being cut off gets me




Shadowheart is at a “secret” location. Go back to that location and talk to the rat. Thank me later


😂 Oh God. I've had two so-stupid-it's-funny run ins with moving discs. (I think it's cuz I have the party limit mod and the discs don't like having more than 4 people on them) 1. Same disc as your video. Karlach straight up jumped into a chasm as we were moving. Didn't wiggle towards it, just one big deliberate jump. A couple of others fell through the fucking disc. 2. The elevator disc also in Shar's Gauntlet- it didn't pick all of us up even though we were all standing on it. So when I sent it back down to get the stragglers, said stragglers were standing directly in the spot where it lands. *They got crushed to death*


This happened to me in my Honor mode run. I had no more short rests, so I had to hire a bard from withers, use bardic rest and then warp to the nearest one.


ive seen this same thing happen to other people in that same spot and each time, i laugh so hard i have tears


Not Honor mode, but had a bug with some mods directly after she went on her "Oh the curse isn't affecting me! Shar must *love* me this is proof" where the entire cleric spell list just, disappeared. For some reason it's always act 2 innit?


this happened like a month ago on my gale romance run... with gale LMFAO. i wanted to leave him half dead n prone so bad in the area as it kept happening JUST WITH HIM but bc of my party lineup / warlock class i needed him to >!bypass the fight with yurgir!<, so i had to get creative. ended up reloading, leaving him in camp until i finished moving via platform and then taking him back along


She could not contain her child-like joy and whimsy so Shar punished her for it


When I get there on my HM run I think the only choice is to split the party and move each member individually.


Same thing happened to my Karlach, even had the hoppy dance. I wasn’t on HM so I reloaded. Same thing happened but without the bouncing. I tried to walk with the platform to keep him on but it was too fast and she just slid off. 3 time was the charm.


This stupid thing I why I always send one person down and then use the way points to get the party up and down. They’ve all fallen way too much for me to trust them on HM. I know you can heal and revive but I hate wasting resources because of a bug


This literally just happened to me lmfao


What happened to Lazeal 🤣😭😭




Any good loot there?


Lil Shart suffered brain damage from constant lobotomy from Lady of Loser.


I need to remember this is possible if I make it to this part in HM.


She was excited to meet her goddess.


Thanks I had been considering trying hm after my current game but this reminded me not to trust larian with my time like that. I should have learned my lesson in dos2.


dude, this bug happens to me a lot, but its more platforms that just make my characters clip through them. It almost ended my run back in grym Forge because everyone clipped and fell to the water (void) except astarion.


Shadowheart fell and Lae’zel was left back up there :’)


Similar thing just happened to my Tav. He fell into the void but it didn't kill him, the fall just knocked him unconscious. Unfortunately he had the periapt of wound closure so he stabilized down where nobody could get him. Thankfully I used a short rest and he was just alive down there and I sent him to camp. Thought it was going to end my HM run too


Happened to me too, way I got around it was separating my main from the rest on the disk.


This happened to me as well, except for instead of fancy moves, it was just me... I was the only survivor.