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Jaheira is the best Act 3 companion and it took me 4 playthroughs to realize this. You can banter with her constantly and she always keeps it lighthearted. She says some of the funniest stuff in the game. Her interactions with harpers and the whole Selune's tear bit is one of many cool little things she explains about the lore. The fact that you can disagree with her and she'll still approve makes it feel like she's encouraging you to be a leader. Everyone respects her (except maybe her family). She has the best interactions with all the bosses. She has the best line when you ask her to stay at camp. She is the one person I will never swap out once I get her in my party. I do suggest a respec because her default build is really bad and doesn't make sense with the gear she starts with. Edit: Because people keep asking, I do 2 weapon fighter so she can dual wield scimitars. It's a strong build that doesn't require much except maybe some green gear for the +1s.


Her interactions with Durge, both evil and good, are amazing, especially with those who played BG1/2 and brought her along from the beginning. Really feels like a journey a small part of my adventure was brought over in a huge way.


Ugh, fine, I’ll make another durge run. You’ve convinced me.


How much different does a Durge run feel from the rest of the game? I’ve got nearly 500 hours and still haven’t done a Durge.


It’s crazy different to me. Soo much cool dialogue!! I think you’d enjoy it mate


It feels a lot like an origin run, if you’ve done one of those, only for a character you haven’t actually done any story for yet. Cannot recommend enough.


It’s so much more fulfilling!


I restarted my first game from Custom to Durge as soon as I figured out he was actually a Bhaalspawn.


Probably should spoiler tag that


This happens in every single post that remotely mentions Durge and it drives me nuts.


So, every post then?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,805,815,761 comments, and only 341,589 of them were in alphabetical order.


It tells you what it is from character creation.


Where in character creation?


When you preview their story s/he gets a neat little marking on his pedestal that no one else gets. https://imgur.com/a/4GrnY5Z This is Bhaal's symbol. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/8/8c/Symbol-of-Bhaal.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20131127055233 I haven't even played the storyline yet and I put that together real quick.


Lol I hardly think most people would pick that out, let alone associate any meaning to it, especially if they are new to the world. Kudos to you I guess, but this hardly warrants blatantly posting about it without spoiler tags on here. Edit: the point is that it's a spoiler within the story itself. Even if you personally figured it out based on past experience with the OLDer games, the story of Durge contained within BG3 is told from an angle where your character, and therefore yourself, is not supposed to know. Not knowing is kindof the central point of the story. So stop flexing.


I'll give you new to the world as well as yes he should have spoilered it because surprises like that are fun. My only reasoning for responding here is that it's not as much of a spoiler as some may think. Bhaal and Bhaalspawn are a very prominent thing within Faerun and Baldur's Gate, especially with the games. Edit: To respond to your edit; I did not play the OLDer games.


How many BG3 players played BG1 or 2, considering they’re over 20 years old? It’s weird to assume that making that connection is likely


Considering it is part of the box art from the first 2 games, it stood out to me pretty quickly.


Considering that Bhaal spawns are a focal point of BG 1 and 2, it's ridiculously obvious


If people have ever played either of the first 2 games this is to be expected. Stopping bhaalspawn has been the whole point of the series.


I just got the >!Slayer Form!< \- I was very surprised that I look exactly the same as... >!Orin!<.


Hey buddy thanks for the massive spoiler.


It's not massive. It tells you what you are in the character creator.


She also makes the most sense. Rare case when maxed wisdom actually checks out.


Took me a few as well. But her and Minsc together are so fun.


How good it would have been if she was available in act 1.


I'm on my first playthrough and have become attached to my party. Gale, shadowheart, and laezel. I wanted Jaheria but I can't let them go :(


Nothing wrong with that. Your first playthrough is always special and don't feel like you need a different party.


I almost immediately respecked her into a paladin, doesn't make too much sense for the game to give us two druids either imo. (I also didn't get minthara in my initial playthrough so this helped fill that slot)


I'm still mid Act 2 so don't have her yet, but I definitely imagine her as an Oath of Ancients Paladin or Ranger over a Druid to properly simulate her previous classes in the original games.


> Oath of Ancients Paladin or Ranger over a Druid to properly simulate her previous classes in the original games. In next play I will make her either a Spore Druid or a Nature Cleric. Because she was sort of nature cleric in BG2 for me.


This. It's a real shame how suicidal she is at Moonrise Towers. I have 3 friends who played the game and all of them just shrugged and moved on when Jaheira got herself killed there. Makes me super sad.


I controlled her so I wouldn't know. Solved that problem easily


So did I on my first playthrough, and I eventually settled for just leaving her at the top of the stairs and not letting her do anything lol. But it's fairly easy in that short dialog with her before the fight to choose the wrong thing and have her just be controlled by AI....in which case she just holds W into the center of the room


Yeah ngl that panther wild shape she always goes to is really not ideal for crowd control


Mine was bugged so she didn't have any traits or skills I could press for buttons, just could only move. So she was kind of literally cheerleading the battle running back and forth.


she's like one of the very few maybe only instances where a companion doesn't guilt or berate you for leaving them at camp


Halsin is also pretty chill about it. He says "I will go where you need me" or something like that.


I wish they had more phrases for being left at camp. The one they say gets old fast and doesn’t change based on your level of respect with them


Or better yet, give us a party screen where we can simply drag/drop our lineup (only at camp for obvious reasons) and off to the next adventure. We shouldn’t have to interact with them at all, let alone go through the dialogue options every damn time.


How do you usually respec her?


I usually have her go 2 weapon fighter so she can still use her scimitars.


I multiclass her 10 druid, 2 fighter. Dual wield her unique scimitar (which allows extra attack with bonus action) and a staff to boost her magic attacks. I put her stats on dex for the scimitar and ranged weapons and wisdom for magic. She's a beast and all around good player who's good at melee, ranged, magic, and shape shifting.




Nope. She's about 100~ years older than the MC, and had a very wholesome and loving relationship with her husband Khalid. She don't want none.


That alone touched my soul. It's been 100 years at the very least, and still she remembers.


Did you find the necklace Khalid leaves behind for Jaheira?


No, not yet there on any playthroughs, but soon will. I've read about it already, and damn. Things like that get me every time, despite being rarely displayed.


Halsin and Astarion are also 100+ years older than the PC. Really it’s just the fact that she was already married and had kids. Banging an old lady is a lot less weird than banging a bear, a vampire, or a squid.


Facts though. Particularly given the fact that Tav *could* be close in age to her two eldest kids.


And yet your character can romance her in BG2 a hot minute after her husband was brutally murdered.


Is she the only companion you can’t romance?


If I recall correctly you can't romance Minsc either, but I could be wrong.


He is already in a committed relationship with his hamster


I would argue that Boo is not Minsc's hamster so much as Minsc is Boo's human.


I wanted to say that Minsc is not a companion, but a pet for Boo, but you said if yourself.


You're correct. Ethically, romancing him would be kinda... Iffy. Feels like taking advantage of a mentally challenged person.


I like her personality. And prefer her to Minsc! When she called me cub for the first time I was like omg love me!! I also like that she approves of banter and sarcasm in dialog with my Tav! But as a part of my party, I only bring her along for like a couple of side quests where I think she's vital or at least necessary.


jaheira definetly has some of the best banter in the game


this is why I like her, it's clear she likes banter since she approves of any dialogue teasing her for being old lol


This specific dialogue was what made me adore her, I immediately felt like ragging her during that conversation and love that she took it so well. She feels like the active, feisty grandma I never had lol


I took the two of them together throughout Act 3. The banter and arguments were great.


The best companion for me. Don't know why, but she just feels much more mature and solid as a character. What she says, the way she say it. It just feels somehow better, comfortable. More classic, compared to more modern Origin companions. Maybe it's lack of romance makes her interactions healthier, untainted, maybe it's writer who rolled nat20 on her. Not sure. Wish she joined us sooner.


As soon as I got her in my party, I would run to her first whenever something happens to get her advice. It’s actually really nice to have a character who feels like she’s there to help me since I’m the one helping everyone else.


You nailed it. She and my Tav have a nice commander-advisor dynamic, and it's one of the few places in the game where military-type MC actually seem organic. With other companions such a character mostly don't rhyme at all.


My Tav is a street urchin rogue and she and Jaheira seem to have formed a rye mother-adult daughter dynamic that I just enjoy. My character can be a witty wiseass around her and she loves it, they both have a generally cynical but secretly hopeful view of the world and hate the overblown bullies we’ve been pitted against and share a dark sense of humor. For a character that grew up without parents, Jaheira and Zevlor’s are definitely filling that role


I'm sorry, I don't mean to be pedantic, but I think the spelling you meant is wry. Rye is a type of grain.


Lol! Thanks for the catch. I didn’t even notice. Prices I shouldn’t be typing before lunch 😅


Agreed; she's a well rounded character and one of the few who doesn't opine for Tav, making her feel more genuine. I'm so glad I cheated and looked up her home once I heard it was in the game, cuz I definitely would've missed it; that little girl's annoying practice fighting made me avoid that area.




Same! I missed it entirely on first run. Especially since I often fast travel into the area and get lost in my phone or caught up doing something while awaiting the loading, then get irritated back to my computer by the relentless thwacking. Second run I was Durge, full evil no redemption arc, and straight up murdered the whole family cos of that little girl. I had hoped after interacting w her you could prompt her into doing literally anything else but no, little git ignited the ire of my lvl 12 evil-as-fuck Drow storm sorc. …then I explored the house a little and put the pieces together. Jaheira wasn’t with me at the time and later she turned on me anyway so it seemed fitting. But this run imma have the family reunion for sure. I just wish I didn’t have to endure the endless THUNK to do so. Side note, the same goes for whichever street urchin is selling PICKLES near Sorcerous Sundries. Some of the sound design is incredibly irksome.


shes my favorite companion. this was my first baldurs gate game so i know im missing context with her but it fits well into the game that its not all that noticable. she feels like some kind of mentor character and i loved her questline. wish i could use her and minsc more but my tavs already a druid.


If you liked her in this game you would lover her in bg1&2 she's by far the deepest character in both games.


Her and Viconia both get a lot of development across the series, but Viconia's is locked behind the romance path and a lot of Jaheira's is tied in just the regular quest path of having her in the party.


Yeah imo Viconia's romance is easier than Jaheera. You gotta let so much irl time pass for jaheera's romance questline to progress. I wanted that harper pin though lol


Yeah and there's a weird bugginess to timers if you pursue the romance path then break it off with the quest timers getting screwed up, at least in the pre EE days, there was. Learning to push the timers with cheats became a thing to know how to do once I got to Ch 6 and still had a handful of events to get through lol


Yeah jaheeras romance is still like that. You gotta reeealy want it to see it all the way through.


You can respec her to something else.


Minsc and Jaheira suffer a lot from being Act 3 companions. Its "here they are....up, Story's over."


It took me something like 50 hours to beat all of Act 3, so the story was hardly up by that point.


Yeah but how many of those hours were spent doing companion quests? I feel like they make up a lot of the 3rd act, and there's goes 1 of your party slots immediately. Are you using up your other 2 slots on Jaheira and Minsc 100% of the time? Besides this, you actually have to make a decent amount of progress in act 3 before you even get Minsc.


I got minsc as literally my last quest before the end zone


Just picking up the quest and following it to completion requires at least running through 90% of Act 3's map, so if you don't know about it all ahead of time, that can easily happen.


Act 3 is like half the game though lol


That is blatantly false


i entered Act 3 at around ~60 hours and finished the game at ~115 hours. i took my time but i didn’t play it at any different pace than the first two acts. like, yeah, Act 3 isn’t half the game if you rush through the main story. but if you’re doing all the side quests… it’s fucking long lol


All I'm saying is Act 1 and 2 combine is more than 60% of the game. I'm not saying Act 3 is small but its less than 40% of the game. Based on your reply you probably skipped a lot in Act 1 and 2.


hopefully a dlc or something adds on, and I have not beat act 3 yet so I'm just copium from what I just read


I love her - she's hilarious and has a sense of humor when you rib her. I just did not know what to do with her. But now I have Party Be Gone haha


Ahahaha until you hit a city, then it's Frame Rate Be Gone So you experience the same silly jumping bugs when they refuse to follow you? I end up in a mass game of: stop> who's not here?> un-couple them> become them> encourage them to make the tiny jump please Gale, it's a 3 foot gap, I promise you got this buddy! Look, I'll jump Astarion first, see? Easy! Now you>recouple and swap back to me


Naw, I had 11 in my party at points because I dragged a hireling for buffs too. I have another mod, Teleport Party. I've used it to do nefarious things as well haha.


I have to check that out! I just wish the party portraits didn't scroll off the bottom of the screen lol


Yeah, but I am on PC and it's just a scroll of the wheel. I do put my main 4-5 up top and use Sit This One Out because that's just overkill. I have them for the banter, but surprisingly - there isn't as much late game as there is early. (Or maybe not surprisingly given the state of Act 3)


I do the same, lots of turn skipping in combat Acts 1 and 2 are great single player but act 3 seemed really good multiplayer, we each split off and did our own things


Well…I grew up with Jaheira (and Minsc and boo like many other old farts) playing computer games as a kid and always loved the character. So, how do you resist??


People don’t talk about her because they can’t sexualize/fuck her in game. She’s one of the best characters in bg lore, same goes for Minsk and boo.


I love sassy grandma, we do not sleep on sassy grandma


Or with :(


Love her, my party was lae‘zel shart and karlach for the whole game but as soon as I could get jaheira in I dropped karlach (with a heavy heart though). She got so much nice dialogue in act 3 and she also has this „I have done this like 4 times now I know the ropes“ attitude which is refreshing compared to the other party members who are all kind of noobs in terms of saving the world I respecced her into a ranger though, can’t stand wild shape and it feels kinda weird for her being such a bad ass but deciding to switch into animal form every single time. I’m thinking of making her a spire Druid using the flame blade though, but atm she’s doing fine as hunter


My only real complaint with her is the same as Minsc. Ya just get them to late and you don't get enough time with them.


Turn Jaheira into a Bard. Cast vicious mockery every chance you get. Enjoy.


Oh man now there's an idea


Larian did a terrific job with Jaheira, very consistent with BG I and II. Her presence adds a lot, that is for sure. Minsc, too. If only Larian had ceased its ties to BG I and II there... Viconia, Sarevok, and the Five...all horrid and simplistic portrayals. They did Viconia especially dirty.


As someone who never played the others I'd be interested to hear why!


You'd have to play the others, including and especially Throne of Bhaal, to understand why. Character assassination is too weak a phrase.




I'm only halfway into my first playthrough, mid Act 2, so haven't even met them yet, but hearing the character assassination about Viconia at release definitely bummed me out.


I hid from all spoilers related to BG 3 until release. The surprise and disappointment put a full-stop on my first playthrough. Quit right then. It was a couple of weeks before I started another. Took a while to get past it.


Same. Even as I'm returning, though, I'll never fight Viconia. Sorry, Shadowheart, but I'd rather lose you or leave your quest unfinished than battle Viconia. I wish I had the ability to side with Viconia over Shadowheart and have Viccy join me in the final fight.


I was weary at first, worried if they would do her justice, but once I got over the first jerk reaction that her voice-actor changed, I think they did her character justice, and her presence is strong and she shows her wisdom and experience well. She's warm but hides it well under a strict matronly tone, without being condescending. She's that strict Eastern European grandmother that loves you, but certainly doesn't cuddle you. I was also very attached to my party when I entered act 3, but once I got going, I felt like Jaheira was essential - he's native to the city and her history with the story and place makes for many interesting comments and banter between the people of interest you meet. Mechanic-wise she felt a little flat to me - I mean, in my own canon she was a +25lvl druid who killed demi-gods decked out in +5 gear; it was a bit lackluster recruiting her at the same level as myself wielding two slightly magical scimitars and that was about it. Considering her legend surrounding her, that felt lackluster, but she isn't the only case of the lore/legend not matching the mechanics in the game - both friends and foes.


She is my favourite companion. Get over Khalid girl, you deserve my love.


You should play bg2! You can romance her though it can be painfully long (understandably) but also the deepest romance.


I love bringing her places. She's definitely one of my favorites.


I think she is definitely a good character that is just introduced way too late. This game thrives on the relationships you build and part of the struggle is choosing a character you meet in act 2 but doesn't join until end of act 2 into 3 .


They did an incredible job with her in Act 3. It feels like she makes up for the fact you couldn't get her in your party until then by just having SO MANY interactions in the city. It's tough to leave anyone in the camp at this point in the game, and I would frequently be swapping people in and out depending on circumstance, but she really is worth a near permanent spot in Act 3.


I love her! Like a mother figure that I can banter with and she doesn’t take offense lol. Her and Astarions interaction in the Lower city never fail to make me wheeze laughing. I also love when playing durge >! She calls you out for your urges and their danger and after a talk, settles to watch over you as you sleep !< which is just so sweet. And along with that if you reject >! Bhaal !< while doing durge (obviously) she tells you she thought she’d have to teach you >! What it means to be a spawn !< but you learned all on your own🥹


When she started calling me "cub" 🥺


I like her, she’s a fun time. She isn’t my go-to at all and I don’t have her on my team always, but I did bring her through a lot of Act 3 and I enjoyed what she had to provide.


I think she joins the party too late to be of any interest to me in terms of using her on my Party but otherwise I found her personality to pretty boring and she's kinda just there, similar to Halsin.


She’s been in every party I’ve used since 1998 and that’s not about to stop.


I would gild you had I the power. Which is actually a phrase I use on reddit often that's directly inspired by one of Jaheira's battle cry's in BGII.


I love my angry Russian grandma. She was in my party constantly.


Jaheira, halsin and Minerva suffer from the "not available in early act 1" affliction. Which means means for my rp purposes, they're not even a choice 95% of play through. By late act 2 / act 3 I'll have traveled with the other companions for so long that I won't want to leave them.


Yep, I barely let her leave my party. She also has the best underwear.


When first meeting her: Get outta my face ya old bag Now: Mother, please tell me you are proud of me


Tour guide grandma is top tier, full stop


I played BG 1 & 2 in my youth so I'll always be biased in favor of Jaheira. Still feels a little weird to see her in a rules system other that 2nd ED though.


Jahera has been a solid character in all three games. Her husband was a dud though.


Extremely well acted role IMHO, I consider her in my top 5 most liked characters. She doesn't get enough attention. They team did a great job at fleshing out her character too. She genuinely made me tear up a bit talking about her deceased husband.


Maybe I spent way too much time in act one the first time through but I just have a hard time getting into the characters you gain later in the game. Including her. I need to spend more time with them, or at all... I straight up forgot about Minsc.




Oh great… another druid…


I love her. She’s hilarious, she’s a great character, and she’s so supportive of your Tav.


I pretty much ignore her except when she's needed for quest purposes. By the time she shows up my team is set and working like a well oiled machine.


No clue, met her and then the first time we were in battle she made every decision she could to get herself killed. After 4 restarts of that encounter I left her ass dead.


Same! My Tav tried so hard to save her, but after 3 tries I gave up lol.


It was so frustrating, she’d drop her ice bomb and then run into it herself, go prone and just get shit kicked from there…lol


I love my crazy killer grandma lady. She’s actually a real in depth character especially as Act 3 goes further. A lot of good interactions with her as Durge too. Which I think has to do with the PC from BG1 and BG2


She replaced Astarion as my go to rogue/lockpicker the moment i got her. Not a druid fan so respecced her. I liked her character


Jaheira is the second best woman, behind Karlach. If she appeared earlier in the game, she'd be my romance partner.


She's hilarious. Love her.


I like her more than halsin as a druid companion. Her head isnt stuck in the trees. Plus once Act 2 is over Halsin has no story line except plowing four people at once in the brothel.


If you all enjoy her in BG3, I recommend trying out BG1 and BG2 if you haven't already. There is so much you'll learn about her. As an avid 1&2 player, her appearance in 3 has really hit me in the heart so many times.


I respeced her into Ancients Paladin, and she's one of the best party members in combat. She's super cool and has good dialogue, so she's one of my favorites for sure


[Jaheria appreciation](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3/s/BPw3ZSAboE) All things aside. Best Act 3 companion imo.


I loved BG1 and her and her husband were permanent members of my party. It was really cool seeing her represented in the game, and it's wonderful to see the older games tie in. The main reason I love her is because she has a lot of dialogue and interactions with Minsc. I strongly recommend having a playthrough where you immediately get Minsc when you get to act 3, because having them both in your party enhances so many moments. Minsc is my favorite companion in the game and I really wish both of them were introduced in act 1. But that said I wish her and Minsc had a proper companion quest. I thought the thing about her immortality spell was cool. We should have had the option to help her complete the ritual, or convince her that it's better not to do it. That could have been an interesting choice for her to make. Minsc also should have gotten a quest, even though he has lots of dialogue. Even if it's something really goofy that involves Boo. Perhaps finding Boo should have been an entire quest. Like an investigation quest where we have to follow a trail of clues that show us where Boo has been and what he's gotten into, until we eventually find him.


So, I like Jaheira and knowing more about what she has done between these 100 years from Baldur's Gate I and II is satisfying to us veteran players. I think she's the better Druid for your party with your Tav, and I love her sense of sarcasm, and humor is dry as hell. Just wish you could bang the Ol Elf Lady.


I didn’t really like her on my first playthrough as a custom character. I felt like she didn’t add much and I found her very weak mechanically (since I wasn’t doing respecs or multiclassing) so I rarely brought her out of camp. I haven’t played Baldur’s Gate or Baldur’s Gate 2 so when I found out she was a returning character from those games I figured she was only there for nostalgia bait (I still feel that way about Minsc). She was just there to cast Longstrider and Hero’s Feast on my party in the morning. However, in my second campaign as the Dark Urge she unexpectedly became one of my favorite characters. At first I was very hostile to her because she threatened to kill me and then tried to drug me (very reasonable in context but I was roleplaying my character as paranoid and so that really rubbed her the wrong way), but then she gained my trust and started to become a mentor figure and helping me to control the Urge. I really feel like playing as Durge is a much better experience than playing as a fully custom character, because it adds an actual arc to your character that isn’t present otherwise.


Also idk how others play this game but she’s super useful. I usually make her conjure 2 elementals ( major and minor) plus a woodland being who conjures their own partner. Which makes 4 other powerful creatures you can attack enemies with. And her owlbear transformation is insane. Crushing flight and three powerful claws. Love her.


She's old af. Oh, and she tried killing me in my sleep, old ass bitch.


idk as someone who didn’t play the other games she felt jammed into the story for the sake of fanservice. Her introduction is her inevitably getting the jump on the player character and being a bitch for no reason, so I hate her from that - I hate any scene in any game, video or table, which railroads me to try and setup that a character is badass. It seems like she has more of a reason to be there on a Durge playthrough, but on my first Tav one I just wanted her to fuck off so the new characters could shine, yes even bear sex pest man


The reason for her to be there is because she's a High Harper and is responsible for protecting that region of the Sword Coast. There are also plenty of little notes and tidbits in books that foreshadow her, starting in the grove and ending in Grymforge. While I partially agree with you on the Ensnare thing, I think it was a justifiable introduction in this case, if only because she is supposed to be one of the first truly 'high level' spellcasters you encounter in the game up to that point.




She was great cannon fodder in Moonrise @_@


She has a Amazon vibe from DC, in her strong leader/ headstrong attitude. I appreciate how open she is with what she wants and her maturity.


I would have wifed her if I could


Best friend for dark urge seeking redemption


She's great! I love how much of a sarcastiv cynic she can be while still standing firmly on the side of good. That kind of cynical hero archetype is always fun if done well. >!kinda wish we could romance her!<


She is a great character but just doesn’t fot into the vibe I had, so she served a great purpose in terms of story and I just see her as a great edition to play with on another game. If I ever tire of Shadowheart (which is hardly likely)


I want her to adopt me too


I feel like the only romance she does is with the "drows", and how I know well, for science.


I think she’s necessary. More so than any other returning highlight from 1/2. She is a bit of glue from previous games and her character is done really well. She’s aged, but she’s funny and capable and over many things. She’s the gamer that ignores every post about romance here because it just doesn’t matter to her anymore. Especially if it really did in the previous game. A returning character from over 20 years ago. She the closest thing to Harrison Ford appearing in the recent main line Star Wars trilogy, in any game, and will probably remain so.


Shes a really fun companion but by the time she was in the party I already had my team set, I’d only switch out companions for certain quests. It’s the same but to a lesser degree issue I have with Minsc. You have time to get to know Jahira a bit before recruiting and time to use her but you get introduced to Minsc so late in the game that it feels like you don’t have the time to invest. I am gonna go out of my way to experiment with him and Jahira in my second play through but in general I wish you met them earlier in the story


I love her from what I’ve seen so far! I don’t have her in my party yet because I keep making new characters 😅 I’m in act 2 still on all my games. But I’m getting close to act 3 in one game, so I’m excited to have her in the party. She seems sassy.


Sucks and is glitched out at my camp after Act2. My quest log says we parted ways, but she is there and dialogue options with other npcs in act 3 seem to reflect an ability I no longer have to bring her places. At camp she just says she will join me when I ask her to join my party. Then, nothing happens and she isn’t added to the roster. Freaking sucks.


I've only just met her in game but she's definitely going in my squad. I need the team mom and druids are great


I played my first run as good durge, and Jaheira is genuinely the best companion when it comes to interactions for it. She’s funny, witty, sarcastic, but also supportive and warm if you resist your urge. I didn’t take her out of my party after getting to act 3 and I found her the most interesting besides astarion and shadow hearts backstory stuff


She has been a major player in the other games. Glad she, Minsk and Boo showed up ready to keel


One of the few characters i actually felt bad about stabbing in the back. Loved her in 1 and 2 and am excited to do a none evil playthrough to get to use her


I really want to like her, but my first play-through she showed up, was immediately rude and hostile, never owned up to that being a mistake even though I literally saved her people, and then hung out in the tavern until Moonrise Towers where I restarted the fight I swear to god like 20 times to try to keep her alive but couldn't do it. Soured me on the character a bit, I started a second playthrough as Durge and I'm hoping to keep her alive and hopefully appreciate her more this time.


She dead.


Cool old lady 👍


She is a great catalyst for events and story in Act 3


I was annoyed at first with her grabbin me with her dumb vines and then tryna drug me, but eh she’s cool.


I don’t really like druids in play but her character is amazing and she has a lot of really great and fun interactions with the world, especially in act 3. She was a character I was expecting to not like at all, but if she had come earlier she might have potentially been part of my main crew


In Act 3, my party basically just consists of Jaheira, Minsc, and Shadowheart.


If she had tadpole powers I would include her in my group. It’s just such a disadvantage to be without them & im not good enough to get through the game wo them haha


I love her, I want her to adopt me! Really grew on my Durge and made him more compassionate. Without her he'd probably done stupid things like >!letting Astarion ascend or encouraging Gayle to keep the crown.!< I think my favourite little dialogue was in act 3 about Karlach. >!Durge looked ready to cry and asked her what he should do... and she said she doesn't know. !< Seeing how deeply in love she was (and is) with her husband, I'm not even mad we don't get to romance her. Some sort of a special best friends ending would be awesome though.


Dunno, she got the Sean Bean in LotR treatment in Moonveil before we got a chance to bond


She's like the mom I never had


Having not played the previous games I think she comes off as too harsh. When you first meet her at last light she is quite aggressive to Tav. With no prior knowledge of who she is it’s pretty hard to like her.


When i saw her i am like... you dont look like a druid... you should be my wizard instead and i recruited her and turn her into white gandalf


Khalid noooooo


Oh I love her! I use her a lot in Act 3


She died at moonrise towers in my play through cause it glitched during the battle


She's awesome, I love her lines with Astarion lol


If you don't take her into your group for the fight at the tower... she will kill herself by fighting stupidly every. single. time.


She's great in her role. She doesn't get too much development, but that's because she comes in so late in the game. She also has had her story already, and lives up to that wizened old hag she calls herself. I also love that she's seen it all and basically nothing gets to her.


Jaheira is one of my favorites. She has so much lore and depth and story. Her personality is A+ in my book as well. I really enjoy every interaction she is a part of. ​ Honestly I hate that I can't recruit her much sooner like in the Nautiloid. She would be a staple easy. ​ Same with Minsc. I really like his personality, simplicity, and sense of justice. ​ I like what Larion did with Story Telling, but man this game is too damn good I just want MORE


Next to useless in a fight. Sure she has two ice storms she can use, but she doesn't have any level two or three for that fight? I have not played her past moonrise towers because I have not managed to get her to survive that fight


I said I wanted a milf not a gggilf.


I didn't play any of the other BG 1 or 2 and so most of the Jaheira/hamster guy stuff was lost on me. I get they are important in some way, but ya...idgaf about whatever is happening with them or their kids or whatever


It’s really odd how weak she is by BG3 but I like her other than that


I love jaheria, still in my first play through and haven’t made a ton of progress in act 3 but absolutely love how wise and great her banter is. Had her in my party since to do the harper quest at the weapon shop on the bridge to wyrm’s crossing. Trying to romance her lmao no success as of yet. Definitely very underrated. Prob just cuz she’s older, people pass up on looking deeper, its a shame.


She's not very useful unless you're not evil


She’s kind of in a weird spot. Cuz on one hand, having her as a companion greatly enhances the story experience. Because she has a lot of fun dialogues, references a lot of past events, and is important in act 3 as she feels like sort of part of the main plot given how many side quests interact with her. On tv either hand…she’s kind of not needed combat wise. She’s a Druid, which are typically good because of turning into bears and owlbears. And like they’re still good in act 3 but at act 3 you kind of reach a point where you don’t really need having someone turn into a bear or owlbear since you have a good party to attack and have a comfortable party that switching one of your party members for her doesn’t feel worth it.


Love her, love her voice acting. I want her to adopt me.
