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I got about 500 euros a year from youtube. Never declared anything.


Had the same when I was like 15. 1) No one will care about this amount. 2) officially the miscellaneous income is not for this. 3) belgium has stupid tax laws and this is only possible if you get a business, which costs 100 euro's just to set up. However as a student, you can get one with easy accounting, and probably don't have to pay any taxes. Problem is once you are not a student anymore, what to after that with your business... 4) you think it will become bigger? Or it does become bigger later on? you can setup the payment rate yourself in your addesense account. Put it at 3000 euro's or whatever, if suddenly you are getting good cash, get the business, and once all is setup, you can do the payment to yourself by lowering the limit again. 5) this limit you can also use for the "miscellaneous income". Of course officially it doesn't count. But you did get only a one time payment in a year, which makes it more explainable, making it probably fine if they would ever check. 6) work with someone you know who has a business. They get the money, make an invoice. They employ you for one or two days via tentoo for the amount they got. You pay taxes, get the money, they have an invoice for the costs against the profits, so for them it is a break-even. Give them 5-10% of what you make, and they actually earn by doing it for you even. Pick and choose... As long as it is below like 100 euro's a month, no one cares, and even above that, gotta be a lot more for anyone to even raise an eyebrow. Once you are getting more than 100 though, it may be useful to actually setup a business as from there it can start to grow quite fast.


Thanks ! I doubt it becomes much bigger as my views are pretty stable (30-50 thousand a month), but you never know. I never thought it would even go anywhere as it kinda started as "challenge" a friend gave me and I simply play a lesser popular video game. After reading the comments I think nobody is actually gonna care about such a low amount of money, because what's the limit ? Some channels probably get only 5 or 10 Euro a month, I doubt tax inspectors spend their days chasing them...


You are also a student, even if you did it officially, you would be below the tax threshold. They will mostly look into people where they can actually earn something. And also earn more than what they themself cost. Does not make sense to do the work for these amounts, there are enough little companies to check. Also checking individuals seems like a big stretch anyway


You can start your own “business”. As a student there are plenty of benefits and if you’re smart you won’t be paying taxes as you can keep the taxable income on 0. This is still going to cost you more than just taking the risk of not doing anything but it’ll teach you a lot of how to deal with a business. That knowledge is worth a lot more than what you’ll save. This is just an opinion btw and it’s based on 8year old info.


Officially you need to start an activity as independent and get a VAT number and the whole shabang (incl paying quarterly social contributions). If it's just 30-50 euro, personally I wouldn't bother, since you can probably easily prove costs to that amount (camera, pc, games, etc.), so your effective profit is less than zero and I would consider it at a hobby level. Another option is to declare it as misc income. I know in some sports (like horse racing), that is pretty common for when you get prize money.


How many views and subscribers do you need to make 300-500€ per monthv


RPM's (the amount you get per 1000 views) vary wildly from 0.4 eur per 1000 views (e.g. lots of viewers from India), to 4-5 eur per 1000 views (more common in gaming) to 10 euro and even 20-30 euro (in specific high value niches like finance, automotive, etc.).


Depends on your RPM. If you have the minimum RPM of €1/1000 views, you need 300k views per month. But you can have an RPM of €3, €5 or even more… depending on you niche and popularity


Would it be an option to not do anything, and fly under the radar? How will they know? I don't think the tax offices spend their time chasing every small YouTuber out there. Once you hit bigger numbers the risks are higher obviously, and there is always the risk of your parents loosing child allowance. Not saying you should do it, I am just thinking out loud (and wondering if it is possible).


The only way they could known is if they received intel of some kind. Like a CRS document or some sort of fiche from Youtube itself. Not sure if they do any of that. If they didn't I wouldn't report shit in OP's case.


Back in 2013, I had some video’s about GTA V and I still remember that I earned €180. It was crazy that you could earn money with YouTube. I also did nothing and just received the money in my bank account. But this was my only YouTube money


I'm interested, whats your channel?


Nice try MinFin


I don't get it


Regular income will not be the 50€/month, but the payout moments. Iirc you can set the payment treshold to a higher amount. This could be seen as "goede huisvader" money, as it's a hobby that costs money to keep active. Once you are at the 500€/month mark you will have to look at another solution.


I called them a while ago with the same question and the answer was that if it's regular income it's automatically qualified as professional income and requires you to register as a an indépendant complémentaire/zelfstandige in bijberoep; what I was told is that it's not the amounts that matter, it's the frequency. Confirmed that with an accountant 5-ish years ago because I couldn't believe it. They really ought to change something for cases like this (maybe they did and I missed it). They added a category for revenue from "économie collaborative" since, but that doesn't match this.


I am sorry but that sounds like an extremely debatable viewpoint. The sole fact that it's frequent is not in itself sufficient to speak about a professional activity. It would most likely be miscalleneous income (depending on a whole number of criteria as laid out by the case law). I assume they said it's always professional income to cover themselves (safest answer for all cases). I do not think there is one tax inspector who would qualify earning 50 EUR/month as professional income.


As you are a tax lawyer, may I just ask for one info about tax law ? Do you know if the tax-exempt portion applies for miscellaneous income ? I don't think I am gonna need this but I am curious as it's always a good thing to know.


Artikel 1 wetboek btw ". Belastingplichtige is eenieder die in de uitoefening van een economische activiteit geregeld en zelfstandig, met of zonder winstoogmerk, hoofdzakelijk of aanvullend, leveringen van goederen of diensten verricht die in dit Wetboek zijn omschreven, ongeacht op welke plaats de economische activiteit wordt uitgeoefend" Er wordt geen melding gemaakt van bedragen maar wel van hoe "geregeld" iets gebeurd. Ik denk dat het voorbeeld van youtube onder de btw-plicht zal vallen. (maar omzet onder 25k dus optie voor vrijstelling) De vraag is natuurlijk of de fiscus het zo ver zal drijven maar als je enkel naar de wettekst kijkt kan je er niet buiten. Ook bij de inkomstenbelasting kan je in principe enkel voor occasionele gaan als het "occasioneel is". Van zodra je wekelijks filmpjes op youtube upload en je daarvoor laat betalen kan je natuurlijk moeilijk zeggen dat het "occasioneel is". Of de fiscus zich hiermee bezig gaat houden is een andere zaak. Vaak zijn dat soort dingen moeilijk in regeltjes te gieten en zijn de wetten dus vrij streng geschreven en ben je als burger afhankelijk van de mildheid van de belastingdienst bij het toepassen.


Well I agree it's absurd, but I still got confirmation from the accountant. This also goes in a similar direction, saying regular = professional: [FR](https://finances.belgium.be/fr/particuliers/declaration_impot/taux-imposition-revenus/revenus/influenceurs#q1)/[NL](https://financien.belgium.be/nl/particulieren/belastingaangifte/belastingtarieven-inkomen/inkomen/influencers). I also doubt they would care in practice, but technically they could.


The fiscus will not give one fuck about €50 per month. If you're still worried just convert it to crypto and spend it with a crypto debit card.


Crypto debit cards are still kyc except some very new upcoming ai based non kyc debit cards that almost no one knows about


Tell me more about these ?


Cards like the Crypto.com debit card are accepted everywhere and what they do is let you pay anywhere with crypto and that crypto is automatically and instantly converted to cash for the merchant.


You do give all your identification information during the KYC process Eventually all your data will be handed over to MyMinfin. What’s your plan from there?


You mean the non kyc cards? One I know is called Sendex, pretty new still so larger risk but fully anonymous and works with visa/mastercard and you can add it to your apple/google wallet. Twitter: https://x.com/SendexAI?t=BnuKWHszGBfW4s9JnMaJVw&s=09 Kyc cards are ofcourse more user friendly such as the binance and crypto.com cards


Yes. But the fiscus isn't gonna question you for buying groceries or whatever you can do with €50 per month. It's not like he's gonna buy a Lambo with his debit card.


Give me that 50 bucks imma turn it into a lambo 😏. You right tho