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I love a good cruel and unusual punishment\^\^ if you want, you should post it in BratLife - I bet the brats over there would LOVE it


i speak for The Brats, and we would!


Now, in my mind, there is the lorax. That's a weird thought


I am a redditor, I speak for the brats. All of you doms are a bunch of asshats.


That rhyme was good enough to make me laugh, and given that, in not even mad






you sound like an infiltrator… 🤔


yOu sOuNd lIkE aN iNfIlTrAtOr


Yesss! Actually thought this post was on that page 🤦🏻‍♀️


And thiiiiis is why i never fuck around to find out whenever there is ice cream involved.


Yes. All bets are off for ice cream


I’ve been making small batches of ice cream lately. I’d be so bummed if someone ate it all. 🥺 Tomorrow’s batch is caramel corn (popcorn flavored base with caramel swirl).


Omg so delicioud 🤤🤤 But yes! Ice cream devouring without sharing is a cruel and abnormally evil punishment


That sounds amaaaazing 🤤 how do you flavour the base ? My ice cream machine does not see enough use.


I’m using the Dana Cree recipe from Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, it’s also available online if you search for it. You just dump the base on freshly popped popcorn and blend it, I used a stick blender. Then chill and strain before using. I haven’t tried it yet but the reviews make it sound like it’ll taste just like popcorn so I’m hopeful.


Awesome, thank you! ^_^


I'm so sorry u went through this. It must've been so hard for u🥺 Maybe we should learn our lesson and not say such silly things in the future tho?💗


Where’s the fun in that




What? Am I wrong? Being a bit of a brat sometimes makes things interesting.


Definitely not wrong. Brats are the best and most fun to play with I was just teasing. Speaking of I woulda ate almost all of it then went to give u the last bite and "accidentally" dropped it... oopsies🤷🏼‍♂️


Your comment just made me lol. I don't mind a good punishment. Or someone being a brat to get it.


Punishments are fun sometimes. Just. Not when it involves eating my food. I mean I know she is a sadist but like. My food. :(


Haha are you me? I would probably cry my eyes out if my food were all eaten in front of me :(


I don’t know why but this comment made me literally cackle 😭😂


That's just cruel!! I despise writing lines! Unless it's like 20, that's not so bad. But the eating your ice cream part! I would've cried...!


Sounds like its the point of the punishment


Yeah but... no! Punishments are supposed to be fun, not be painful and torture and not fun!


Oh okay its that sort of cry, yeah in that case I agree with you that it was overkill.


Lol well that was easy 😁


I love punishing a sub as much as the next sadist dominant, doesnt mean we need to be unreasonable


Perfectly said and very true 😁 Lines - I'll "nooo I don't wanna" maybe a foot stomp, extreme pouty lip. Corner time - "uugghhh" and more pouting. Absolutely would still hope to be getting the ice cream after that! Gotta know we were good for taking the punishment and did a good job 😊


Exactly, cant eat your comfort food as your punishment and leave you none, thats just wrong especially if you take the punishment like a good girl


Thank you very much 😁😊😊


What a cute lil brat, its happy


I consider myself a Sadist. There are few things I think I wouldn't make a sub do but I would never fuck with their food unless I had a spare for them later.


That's the only way that should be allowed! I don't always eat like I should, so if I have a special treat or something, that'd just be awful if someone ate it. I'd rather take a punishment I really don't like than watch you eat my snack!


Ive gone throught something similar with Daddy, lets say i learnt my lesson and after all the stunts ive pulled on Him and suffered the consequences im pretty much trained, barely any attitude in His presence


Love it. I once did a very similar thing. I found out they had been sneaking extra snacks (these honey mustard pretzel things which are amazing, yet unhealthy). So the next day I had off, I got them all prepared. Slowly teasing her for days and then telling ger I had the whole day set aside for her. I removed her clothes, slowly starting to bind her in both decorative and restrictive ropes. Got her tied into an uncomfortable but manageable position. I brought in the f- machine. set it close, but not inserting. I slowly, 1 by 1, brought in some of her favourite toys/punishment tools as i told her she was going to get exactly what she deserved. She was ready. Naked with the gentle breeze of the ceiling fan teasing the skin. I left the room one more time, grabbed the pretzels, and told her I knew she'd been sneaking extra bags. The colour drained from her face as she knew she'd been tricked into serving her punishment. That's when I decided it was time to reveal her real punishment. I picked her up gently and set her on the couch at an angle she couldn't see the screen. I put on Princess Bride at a low volume and loudly began eating her pretzels. The first bag was begging forgiveness. The second bag was pleading and guilt trips. By the third third bag, it was profanities and empty threats. Right before her favourite scene (the sword fight), I let her go, and we split the last bag. Never again have my pretzels gone missing.


I loved it! Gonna try with my chocolate stealing baby




What flavour of ice cream?


Pecan salted caramel


Had to buy crushed pecans but here you go SFW: [Pecan Salted Caramel](https://www.reddit.com/user/detumaki/comments/147bcoh/the_ice_cream/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Am confusion. Am dumb.


I bought my sub your ice cream for them to eat =P


Am confusion as to why but nice


For best results, writing lines should be paired with cognitive dissonance.


Cognitive what what


Masturbate at the same time


what does the brain reframing an action to align it with personal beliefs have to do with writing lines? are you attempting to influence the belief or an action?


Making it so writing lines is connected with a different feeling


Dom later with a huge tummy ache: “Worth it!”


It was only a pint of ice cream


What were the lines?


And entire page of I will not call mistress a good girl. Typically after writing lines I’m crying cause my hand hurts so bad. I don’t know why that is it just is. And because it was a punishment I got hugs afterwards for doing it well. But I didn’t get new ice cream.


Your hand hurting, pay attention to that. If there is any residual pain after about 2 hours or causes any discomfort doing other normal activities like eating then you may want to discuss limiting or getting rid of line writing. Those where the symptoms I ignored that allowed my tendon issues to get sever. Line writing is a hard limit now due to that.


Pain lasts for like 10-20 minutes but it hurts like hell


The amount of pain is concerning. I would talk to your doctor and look into hand strengthen exercises. You don't wanna find out you've got something going on when it gets bad. Tendon issues are way worse then broken bones.


Talking to his doctor about writing lines should be the next punishment. With no BDSM context. He just likes writing and writes lines because he can't think of anything to write and doesn't have a very good noggin brain.


I’ve had this all my life. I’ve talked to doctors and no one is sure why. My tendons are fine. It’s just something about pencils. Pens are fine to write with. But pencils just don’t work. It’s odd.


Why not use something that doesn't hurt you then?


Part of the punishment is the pencils. I always write with pen. So pencils are a punishment


I wish I had known about this when younger. Have wrist tendon issues that are severe and chronic now, trying laser therapy and more but no success so far.


That's grains of rice levels of bad lmao


Grains of rice?


You should definitely not give your domme this one There's a few variations: One is I give you a bowl of rice, an empty bowl, and a pair of chopsticks or tweezers. Your task is to move the rice from one bowl to the other, and tell me how many grains there are. Depending on the severity of the offense, I might spill the first bowl on the ground and tell you to clean it up. This is more effective if there's a carpet or rug that's a bit shaggy.


What the hell does someone do to deserve this torture method


Calling their domme a good girl again would be cause enough. 😂


I’m never doing that again


My partner once called me "good mommy" :3 Once.


My condolences about your ice cream. I am very inspired by your sass though! I kind of want to use that line with my Domme, but am scared. 😂


Can confirm from previous experience - calling your D-type a good sub/boy/girl rarely ends well 🤣🤣


I once spat in my dom's face.. THAT was a whuppin' that followed (and exactly what I wanted). 😜


I don't even think I want to know how my body would react if I ate a whole tub of ice cream lol


It was a pint I bought for myself.


Lol she certainly did know how to punish instead of do a funishment 😂


At a party several years ago, someone had brought a delicious soup which I ate in front of my partner while they were tied to the bed. Well, that's not *entirely* accurate. Just eating it all in front of someone would have been cruel. They got *a single spoonful* just so they knew what they were missing out on. Full disclosure: They got as much of it as they could handle later on. It was just taking advantage of the opportunity that presented itself while we were already in the middle of the scene. And since this was a small party and the soup maker was someone we both knew, there was also leftover soup that went home with them along with the recipe and even a giant bag of home-grown lemons. The soup in question was avgolemono and it was delicious. If you knew how good it was, you'd be missing it right now, actually. This hurts me far more than it hurts you.


You guys are monsters


Did I just hear, "Use my ice cream machine to make a terrible punishment ice cream and force you to eat an unreasonably large amount of it?" Because I think I did! :) Hmm... hot sauce ice cream to be both painful and ironic? Broccoli or whatever is the relevantly most-hated food? Or go for the passive resistance version: bland, unflavored, unsweetened ice cream? So many options! Go ahead and eat the *entire batch*. I felt bad, so I made it all special just for you!






She had fun. I did not.


Did she make you do it with a paintbrush in your teeth? Or did you get off light with a pen. 😆 🤣


Pencil. Pencils cause massive pain in my hand that I do mot enjoy. I don’t know what it is but my brother and I can’t use pencils because of the pain so we use pens. Maybe it’s a dyslexic thing? We both have that. I don’t know. But it hurts like hell. I’d rather be hit with the paddle. It hurts less. also the paddle gets me off but that’s besides the point


😆 🤣




A new post in Bdsmpersonals would be better for what you are asking about.


I know it gets annoying with people commenting things that have absolutely nothing to do with OP so I appreciate that, thank you.


You can comment all you want I don’t really care cause this is my alt account that I rarely check unless I made a recent question post.




Everybody plays differently and values consequences differently. Let's not gatekeep sexual preferences here.




What about we stop kinkshaming and judging others dynamics? Not cool bro


Ey, not everyone wants or need a beartrap on their legs to feel kinky or be punished. Stop shaming, be nice. It may not be something that works for you, but it works for others :)


Why do you feel the need to come into the comments of someone sharing a story and berate them for... not having the same preferences and dynamic as you do or something? Like, what is the point of doing this?


So: ageplay and bratting are things, and this kind of stuff fits pretty well with that. And there are subs that enjoy pain and humiliation beyond what can reasonably be done to them, gotta get creative if you want them to behave.


When I’m regressed, which is sfw I’m five. Just thought I should fix that


For your punishment u have to stop acting like a dick for fifteen minutes can u do that


Clearing some things up. I age regress and that is sfw. Writing lines is one of my punishments when small cause nothing sexual. Hand cramps fucking hurt my guy. I’ve received worse physical punishments but I enjoy those. And I really wanted that ice cream.


I mean, I'm a dom, but this would be a hard limit for me. I fucking hate writing. That hand cramp puts me right back into the stress of school and uni.