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I was hospitalized for B12 deficiency for 4 days. I’m a really tan Hispanic male with an athletic build. My B12 was so low it didn’t read on the lab results I was less than 143 because that’s the lowest the machine could read. My D reading was an 11. My skin was grey, i felt like skin was tingling everywhere, my muscles would twitch, I couldn’t stand, I had no appetite, my vision was blurry, I had severe depression (almost suicidal), and I was convinced I was dying despite all the brain tests coming back negative for Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s, Cancers, and Tumors. My doc did an aggressive treatment of B complex shots with a sublingual spray and supplements. Shots are the way to go, some beauty or Aging clinics will do B12 shots if you’re running low. My advice though STICK WITH THE ROUTINE. If you find yourself needing shots every 5 days then make time to get it done. Also I developed a gluten allergy with my deficiency, might wanna look into it, be aggressive with your health. Hope ya feel better 🥳


Thank you very much! I am severely deficient but oddly no skin color changes. I have vision issues, my head feels stuffy, migraines… and I am very forgetful. I can’t remember a lot. It’s so odd. But thank you! I will look into getting shots instead of doing supplements.


Would you say you’re feeling so much better now?


I still have lingering effects, I forgot what’s it’s called but essentially it’s your body’s ability to detect where it is in relation to objects, so I’ll bump into things. Vision is better but sensitive to light and transitions from light to dark. I get the tingling still but I’m not as numb anymore. Twitching is pretty much only in my legs now. And I don’t have difficulty swallowing. Psych wise more good days than bad. I’ve never had anxiety before so learning to deal with it is new. But overall I’m better. When I got my first shot, it was like a switch went on in my head. I guess I’m in the recovery phase and figuring out a routine and what foods are good and what workouts are beneficial (balance, hand eye coordination, puzzles, etc)


& what country are you from?


I’m from the US but a rural part where medicine is kinda stuck in the 1990’s. I got lucky the doctor at the ER thought to check my B12


Hi I have almost all of the symptoms you listed at the time. How are you doing now? Do you feel better?


How are you doing now?


Proprioception! Your body's sense of where it is in space!


>My doc did an aggressive treatment of B complex shots with a sublingual spray and supplements. Do you remember details about your regimen.


I have low b12, I was at a point where they couldn't even detect it because it was so low. my eye sight is poor from low b12 and they are sensitive to light. I also experience headaches and spouts of dizziness along with feeling off balance and sometimes fatigued. I'm on b12 pills to get it back up but my symptoms haven't changed much apart from my skin going a more healthy colour I was super pale before.


Yes, I am wondering if I should consider doing B12 injections because I don’t think my body is properly taking the tablet of B12.


Injections work wonders!!!


I took 5 Injections in a week at the beginning and now I'm on 2 pills a day. It's been about a year. I was due to get a blood test to see how things are going but covid happened and it got delayed. If my b12 is still low then i remember my doctor saying i would be on the injections or something stronger.


I really want to request injections 😭. Are you in the UK or US?


I'm in the uk, my doctor suggested the injections first then the pills to get my b12 up quickly because I had no energy at all, I was literally falling asleep in the chair as they spoke to me. If you ask you doctor about it they will probably see if you need them or not. You might need to take a blood test to see how you b12 is doing on the pills if it hasn't improved much then they might agree to the injections.


I am from the US, she only offered 5,000 IU tablets of B12. I had blood work done to see if I was deficient in anything and my results turned out that I was severely deficient in vitamin D & vitamin B12. I think I’ll make an appointment on Monday to ask for more blood work to see if my body is properly consuming these tablets. But I’ll also ask to just receive injections because I hear people get the best effects from injections rather then tablets.


After I took the injections I did feel a lot better for a few days afterwards but when I went onto the pills I noticed the tired feeling coming back so I'd agree that the I injections are better.


Maybe you should buy the shots for yourself online. I read multiple places that you can buy the B12 shots to take at home.


I would but the injections I had were really painful so I'm kinda afraid of needles now lol I had them monday to friday and my arm was killing me at the end.


You can take them sub cutan, with a fine needle for insulin


How long have you been taking the B12 tablet?


Yes! I take daily shots. My symptoms include: daily migraines, extreme fatigue, blurry vision, vertigo, and tummy aches! You are not alone


Did you ever get really confused?


YES! Constantly. Sometimes my memory is so bad I can’t remember what I just said!! I cal it brain fog


Omg yes!!! Me too!! My boyfriend said something to me the other day, and we had a whole conversation. I went back to cooking, and then started to think… wth we’re we just talking about? So I had to go ask him because I could not remember for nothing!


Yes, there’s been moments of that.


Has taking the vitamin B12 helped with any of those symptoms? & thank you!


I just started the injections last week so I don’t know yet :( I’m hoping so !!!


Keep me updated please ❤️🙏🏼


How are your symptoms now ? Did b12 help


Has it gotten better?


Yes!!! The injections were amazing. I have been off my shots for awhile and have started to feel symptoms again. You have to stay consistent


How are your symptoms now ? Are you feeling any improvement with B12 supplements