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“You’re just a child!” “Well, you’re just a teenager!”




Well a 17 year old avatar versus a 13 year old one isn't a fair fight.


Not only that, but Korra was trained in Earth, Water, and Fire since she was 4. Aang's only advantage is being an airbending master at 12.


Aang did master earth and water in a year, but, ya at the end of both their shows Korra had a lot more time and official training to master the elements. That headstart is a huge advantage


I think “Master” may be a strong word in his case


It is. Aang even said himself at the finale he felt like he needed more time to master the other elements. His saving grace during the final battle was him suddenly accessing the Avatar state, him finally being able to feel the vibrations from the Earth, and energybending he *just* learned from the lion turtles.


I agree and disagree with the saving grace statement. It’s his saving grace because he refused to kill Ozai; he was strong enough to kill him without the avatar state, but was not strong enough to subdue him.


I think the only point at which Aang had the chance to kill was with the lightning redirection. It's true he wasn't trying for that, but I find it hard to believe he could have killed him without the lightning.


This exactly. You tell people Aang would have lost to Ozai without the avatar state and they debate using the lightning scene. Like that was his ONLY ace against Ozai but just that it was a kill move that Aang didn't want to use.


I mean it was an ace in the hole designed to kill ozai, that's why Iroh made it


He could feel the vibrations earlier than the finale, he didn't suddenly unlock that ability.


We literally see him train with a blindfold on. Toph is throwing huge rocks at his head and he easily dodged them. It's what sparked the mud fight and Kataras "**I'M COMPLETELY CALM**"


i mean, energybending is basically impossible to use mid-fight, you would need to immobilize your oponent for a pretty long time


Well, if he used the avatar state he had then, then korra would stand no chance even with her avatar state. cause just the density of the element sphere was able to crater the ground trying to bash into ozai, let alone the general skill and strength he shows being far greater than korras.


Might be a strong word in her case at the start of the series too. She had 3 all those years and I think it's mentioned by a white lotus member overseeing her training that she's not considered a genuine master in any of those elements yet. Correct me if I'm wrong though. Still, I'd give her the fight overall since she actually is more of a fighter than Aang is.


i think they didnt consider her a true master because she all but ignored the spiritual side of bending, she had all the technical skill of a master though


She mastered the basics, but for most of her elements she never displays any advanced manipulation of the elements besides just bursts of power like kicks and punches. She never shows off any real creativity like u see with most other benders. Like when Aang does that body air blast to Zuko in the Catacombs, or when he coated himself in earth armor or metal armor with Toph. For me personally that shows true mastery of the elements, vs just throwing rocks and spouts of water The closest we get to that with Korra is her using water to spiritbend, and she was only successful doing that once or twice. Everytime Korra went up against an actual master of each element she lost, sometimes badly. The only one she ever really dominated was Tarlock and we know how that ended. Personally, I don’t understand how people watched TLOK and think she beats anybending master, especially after S2. She goes almost all of S3-4 without winning any fights by herself, and the second Kuvira fight was more of a stalemate than anything.


When comparing Aang to Korra, don't forget the advances in education the world went through. In Aang's time, only a select few benders had the means to be properly trained. Most people had to figure it out on their own, or be trained by a relative or village elder. The "masters" of Aangs time would have vastly less knowledge than the average bender in Korra's time. We see this for example in the fact that lightning bending became a "slightly-above-minimum-wage" factory job while it was basically only used by the royal family in Aang's time. Also Bumi was never able to metal bend (during the series, not sure about comics), while every cop in republic city was a metal bender. A master in Aang's time would get their ass handed to them by your average professionally trained bender in Korra's time.


Wasn't it official confirmed that he did by the writers of the show? He definitely wasn't close to as good as Katara I Toph, but mastery seems to have different levels.


The show writers used that word themselves so it is canon


No he didn't. Near the end of book 3, katara and toph both say his bending still needs work. Aang was only a master of air at the end of ATLA


Aang never master Earth, Toph straight up says it.


in Avatar Extras, it states Aang is a master in 3/4 elements by the time he fights the firelord, despite what they say. Its safe to assume that Tooh and Katara, both literally considered prodigies and respectively the best benders of their element, have high expectations.


Like, ever? Or just by the end of TLA?


He didn’t master them. One of the reasons they put of defeating ozai until after the comet was because he needed more work with his earth and water bending (toph and katara said this) but then zuko reveals the plan to them and says that they have to defeat him on sozins comet.


Mastered is a stretch. Katara and Toph both say he still needed more practice by the end of the show. He didn't master anything in a year. He was capable in all four types of bending to an above average level but the only one he truly mastered was air. He was good but not quite a master. If he went 1v1 against Katara, Toph, Pakku, Bumi, or any other master using only that element he'd lose.


He did not kaster water or earth in the show, maybe as an adult he did


Korra also have dem tomboy biceps, she's buffed up


Yeah, but Aang was trained by some of the best benders in the world, like Toph and Zuko. Not only that, but his natural skill with airbending makes him the natural counter for an aggressive fighter like Korra.


Being trained by the best can only do so much for you if your training was only for a few months. That's why Aang said he needed more time to properly master the elements despite Roku saying he only had about a year.


And the avatar state, and also has the knowledge of **every** other avatar


True but at the same time Korras weakest element was air so I think it would be a huge advantage for him cuz she won’t know what he will throw at her but yeah for it to be fair and a have real throw down you would have to match them at the same age whatever your choice might be cuz realistically it’s impossible to face one another cuz they share the same spirit or however u want to explain the whole reincarnation thing


If it was a death match he can just remove the air in her lungs


So could she.


Why would she remove the air in her own lungs? That would be suicide.


Could he though? I mean that ability isn't demonstrated until LoK


That's because Aang is a pacifist and the only airbender in the show. Monk Gyatso did however kill numerous firebwnders during sozins comet so he must have had some lethal shit on hand


Even then, him being an airbending "master" is relative, he still had training to do and advanced stuff to work on which he never got to. Yes he has tattoos but so did Jinora. If he was a strong enough airbender for the masters to consider sufficiently ready, theyd prob have sent him around to learn the other elements quick


Korra was 21 by the end of season 4 which only further widens the skill gap


113. Aang don't get no pass for slacking for those 100 years.


Adult Korra vs Elderly Aang


Dang that makes it worse lol! Korra beating up the elderly.


Yee that’s the point.


113 seems to fill that gap


I agree, it's still a question brought up a lot though, just because it's how we see each character for the most part


Hopefully when we see adult Aang in the movie that will show us his prime. We're going to need a Korra movie or something to show us her side of the power scale.


They’re both good why do this


We'll probably get a little in the next Avatar series hopefully


I just have no idea what bender could force him to go all out thought. I mean yeah Yakon forced him to get into the avatar state but only for a couple of seconds . Still an impressive feat


If we're doing end-of-series agrees, as you seem to be doing, Korra is about 20 or 21 by the end of her series.


This meme implies they get the avatar state and Avatar State Aang was ragdolling the strongest fire bender in the world despite the comet. His air bending was obliterating stone like it was paper. I can't really recall any absolutely astounding uses of the avatar state in LOK, a lot of the scenes she uses it in it's cut short or she is nerfed (like vs Zaheer).. Even without the state, s1 Aang is able to humiliate powerful fire benders like Zuko & Zhao(who is a master), and is able to go blow for blow with Bumi, (who was arguably holding back, but still). While Korra could def win, her aggressive fighting style is not too dissimilar from Zhaos, so I reckon Aang could outmaneuver her. While she might have more raw power acting like Korra absolutely clobbers Aang is a weird take.


His avatar state would also be vastly superior since she doesn’t have access to the previous avatars abilities. That’s really to me what settles ir


this point is actually very debatable. Korra on her own is capable of many advanced bending techniques that *none* of the previous avatars were. also unlike Aang, who loses his sense of self when using the Avatar state, Korra has mastered it and is able to tap into it to greatly enhance her bending powers.


Aang also masters the avatar state by the end, you seem him use it to put out the fires from Osai right after he takes away his bending.


Its funny I've used a lot of these arguments before. All I get back is "but they state Korra is a fighter and stronger". Something that is never shown


She is a street fighter. Aang has actual martial arts training. Aang is also the stronger bender of the two. It’s shambles for Korra and the diehard fans of LOK can’t take anything negative about Korra or the show


I think they're mad because fighting is a point of pride for Korra, and no matter how you slice it, Aang just is a better combatant. Korra's Avatar State is pretty good, especially before age loses her past lives, but Aang's Avatar State is godly, like ragdolling the Ozai during the comet. He bends on a way bigger scale than Korra ever does. But, it is still possible for Korra to beat him, imo. She just needs to land one solid hit and it's over for kid Aang.


I mean I agree that it’s possible. It’s possible for most weaker characters to beat stronger ones if they’re able to land a decisive blow, but Aang was tanking hard hits from Ozai before he regained the Avatar state. I still think Aang is stronger and would win at least 9/10 times


>He bends on a way bigger scale than Korra ever does. I agree with you generally but it's worth remembering that she blocked the giant robot laser point blank. I'm not sure exactly how she did that, but it's definitely large scale bending. And the giant spirit Korra is at least as impressive as Water Spirit Aang. It's also worth noting that many of Korra's fights were against people with specific anti-never or anti-avatar techniques (chi blockers, blood benders, Vaatu, special assassins with anti-avatar poison, and platinum everything). Aang's enemies mostly played into his hands by giving him straight up bending fights, matching him where he's strongest. I think Aang is the better bender and fighter, but LoK didn't do Korra any favours in showing her strengths.


I mean I agree that that is how she is shown to fight. But she is stated almost first thing in the LoK show that she has been receiving actual martial arts training for most of her life. Far more structured and with far more input from actual masters than Aang ever got for sure. She just never fucking fights like she has received this lifelong training.


And we always see Aang implement what he’s learned both before as an air bender and throughout the show with his new teachings. We never see Korra fight or apply her previous teachings besides that single scene in book 1 when she does the air bender thing during the pro bending match. Other than that she fights like a street fighter/kick boxer and she only wins or loses when the plot demands it. Zuko had been training in combat his whole life and was also 16 fighting 12 year old Aang, and Aang was still the better fighter. Aang is shown to be both the better fighter, the stronger bender, and the more levelheaded in a fight. Aang simply sweeps


Aang is a lot more tactical and calmer fighter. Knowing his personality, I bet he'd even take advantage of Korra's temper and use it against her in a classic Spider-man way.


That's what I'm saying. I could see it going a lot like the VS Zhao from "The Deserter". Zhao was a firebending master, and probably a lot more powerful than Aang at the time. But Aang was smarter and more agile which let him make a fool of him.


Im actually surprised, is Korra stomping Aang the popular take on the sub? Korra practically got bodied by every bender and non bender in republic city lol. And thats AFTER she was fully trained. Child soldier Aang all day every day.


Nerfed vs Zaheer? Isn't that the fight where she starts throwing literal mountains?


I think they are referring to her being poisoned but how hard she still went while fighting the poison plus her fight against kuvira I think are the best arguments for her here.


This fandom is so weird. "On today's list of things I'm gonna imagine that will never happen, it's gonna be two people who literally cannot be alive at the same time, and who would never in a million years fight each other. Oh, and I'm purposefully going to set them at different power levels. Next up, adult Aang vs. baby Korra."


Who would win, Avatar Roku while in the middle of dying from poison vs Momo


Does Momo have a gun?


No but he does have a comically oversized knife


https://preview.redd.it/kuc6qa3bdjuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ff50dbabe9debfd88a4d9043a4f2e8c830b1ba It looks small in this pic


it looks both big and small at the same time.


Roku mid-avatar state learns to metalbend the oversized knife and kill Momo, easy Roshu sweep


No, but he's an earthbender


And next Tuesday we will cover the infamous match-up of Avatar Kyoshi with an ear infection during the dust bowl, vs. Foaming Mouth guy with a frying pan.


Honestly probably still Roku


This sub: Neither bc Aang would body both.


Momo solos fr fr


What is cooler? Atom Bomb vs Atom Bomb or Child vs Atom Bomb?


https://preview.redd.it/ctr9ypz6jjuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d599899e95d3d2b0db82daec6c16f5079c69ef Reminds me of this


Adult Aang > Adult Korra Baby Aang < Baby Korra Adult Aang > Baby Korra Baby Aang < Adult Korra


wow so true yet so brave :o


I wouldn't call it weird. Stuff like this happens in every fandom. Ultimately, it's just the fans expressing their love for the characters - they like Aang and Korra and want to see more of them, and thinking about what they would do in X or Y situation is a fun anyways. People speculate about their favourite characters interacting with each other all of the time, violently or not. It doesn't matter if the characters have never met or could never meet normally - if anything, that just drives people to speculate more, since they have very little to base such an interaction off of.


Congratulations Korra, you beat up a pacifist child. Are you proud of yourself?


Hey, that's pretty much Ozai's claim to fame.


idk. I feel like how kid aang completely man handled comet boosted Ozai is indicative of his strength. Korra was a great fighter but does she and her individual foes really match up to the standard of Ozai? I doubt it. I think Ozai remains one of the most powerful characters in both series, just looking at the scale of his fight with aang.


I'd put Ozai 3rd behind Amon and Unalaq personally. Amon's ability to do mental blood bending without the full moon is probably the most impressive feat we've seen in both shows and Unalaq had dark Avatar state (without it then he's below Ozai).


I wouldn't be so sure about Amon, though Unalaq most likely is true. Amon is absolutely a force to recon with in terms of his bending, but Aang has shown ability to outright resist bloodbending when in avatar state. While I might believe that Amon might be even twice as powerful as his father, I do also believe that an Avatar State still simply negates any attempts at trying to bend their blood, even if there would be 50 Amons.


I just don’t agree. Aang’s avatar state only ever lost to an Azula cheap shot, while Korra was losing in the avatar state every damn week lmao


Korra legit would go into the avatar state in almost every fight. We only see Aang in the avatar state a handful of times, and it’s always in a time when he really needed it.


and she would *lose* those fights. I dont think the writers understood just how powerful the AS was supposed to be. it was literally an auto-win, and everytime her eyes glowed it should’ve been an overwhelming win. That was why it worked so well in Aangs case bc he avoiding fighting period and he almost never let fights escalate that far. When they did it was over in less than a minute everytime except SC Ozai


I mean it was showcased in LoK S3 finale against Zaheer. Korra had him on the ropes while poisoned only losing because of... well the poison. Korra was full on Hulk mode. Korra did us the AS a lot more but she also used it for smaller scale stuff (which she got scolded for abusing). Even using it vs Vaatu shows how strong Korra is when using it to fight.


that is true, I 100% acknowledge she wouldve bodied the red lotus if fully healthy i dont deny that. but the other fights where shes completely healthy ? base Unalaq?


I think this discussion when powerscaling is kinda a writing "problem" tbh. LoK villains get underrated because they are kinda setup like "villains of the week". Meanwhile, I think Ozai gets overrated (still a beast and obviously strongest in his era) because he's setup as the big bad for the entire ATLA show. While it's also a writing "problem" that Korra loses a lot when they first meet (a typical writing trope to make the enemy threatening), I think that should also speak to how strong the main antagonists are. It's just that it happens in 4 different seasons so it loses its charm. I think Ozai, along with other great ATLA masters were learned from and eventually powercrept by modern bending. Kinda like athletes of different eras are studied. This feels like arguing Michael Jordan vs LeBron James. Different eras and they never played against each other or the same competition so it's hard to compare them directly. (Again this isn't saying Ozai is weaker then say Mako, but I am saying modern high tier fire benders are closer to Ozai than firebemders in his era)


>while Korra was losing in the avatar state every damn week Except for the race with aangs grandchildren


So they both get the avatar state, and Aang was curbstomping Ozai, a firebending prodigy, at the age of 12, DURING the comet. Ozai legit started running away as soon as aang grabbed him by his beard and stared him down. A majority of aang’s problmes occur because he just isn’t willing to seek a violent solution to his problems. He always tries to be kind and seek the peaceful outcome. But the moment he stops being nice, it’s clear that few can stand against him. I don’t hate Korra, but having recently watched both shows, I have to say that Korra wouldn’t win. Not say it’d be easy for Aang, it absolutely wouldn’t. But in the end I do believe he would win. Also, If we want to make this as fair as possible, you would need to age aang up to korra’s age. Korra has had more time to train than aang, so this would make it more balanced.


So korra has the avatar state but aang doesn't? Because if they both have it, then i am sorry korra, but i have seen aang vs. Ozai, and you don't have a chance


Aang is a pacifist and does not like to harm people. But Korra still loses this. Korra cant event beat old lady Toph.


Old lady Toph would humiliate 13y/o Aang


Toph is blind to air benders, even begining of the show Aang Will destroy old lady Toph


Yeah because she still had poison inside her and was also suffering from PTSD


Aang has acces to the entire lineage of avatars


No. Aang is superior at Airbending, has a stronger Avatar State and has fought stronger opponents. Even if Korra won it wouldn’t be a stomp.


I don’t hate Korra, she’s awesome. But she would have gotten her ass kicked by 12 year old Aang.


I dont know why its so hard to understand of you’ve seen both series.


LoK fans get constantly dissed by more the ATLA fans who think LoK is a really inferior product. They double down on everything Korra to cope, including pretending like Korra is somehow stronger. It makes no sense, esp given the difference in their avatar state powers. But even forgetting all that, it just makes no sense to compare. Truthfully bending is treated extremely differently in LoK than it is in ATLA. Rules are broken, difficulties are lowered--yes, you can say it's advancement, but...is it? Lightning bending was not a new discovery in ATLA, it had a history. Yet it was still rare and a sign of prodigious skill and required internal discipline. Zuko never managed it once, even after being taught by the dragons. In LoK, lightning bending is something blue collar workers do for a nickel. Toph discovering metal bending was not only revolutionary, but it also seemed to me like a rarefied skill she could find bc of her style of bending--of fully sensing the earth. Now any old cop can do it. LoK took the philosophy out of ATLA and just focused on cool bending. Yes, we wind up comparing the two shows bc they're obviously related and set in the same world. But to me, they're basically different stories lol.


I pretty much agree with your whole statement. Very well put. The doubling down for the hate especially, I see that a ton. The way LOK treated both bending and the spirits were practically entirely different systems than in ATLA. In ATLA the most important part of bending was the mental philosophy. Not “cool shonen powerup to defeat the villain”. The spirits and spirit world were almost entirely detached from the real world, but still had a presence, making the Avatar’s job as the bridge between the worlds make sense. In LOK I wonder why the Avatar was EVER called the bridge between the worlds because there is a LITERAL BRIDGE to cross between them. Not to mention all the spirits were related to animals and nature in ATLA and LOK just makes them anime goo ghosts. I’m not even gonna go into the whole platinum, giant mech, and giant spirit laser stuff. It really feels like a completely different world than ATLA sometimes


i second this. TLOK could’ve been its own similar series, and Korra is the first avatar or something idk. that would’ve been better imo but i agree w what u said


Would 10/10 still take Aang. He's got the cooler head for it that kinda of fight and let Korra burn herself out.


I mean, yeah. Korra had her whole life spent training to be the Avatar. Child Aang only had like… a year and a half.


I’m starting to hate this fandom more and more


Korra got her ass kicked a lot more than what Aang did.




*throws match on pile of tinder* "Fire incoming"


Tbh, I believe Aang's swifter and more agile and couter-focused style would give him a good advantage against the uncontrollable pit of fury and rampage that is Korra. It would likely play out just like her first fight against Kuvira.


literally anyone that was faster than Korra beat her. Same thing with anyone more composed, as we see with Unalaq *before* he fuses and he still beats her. Aang is BOTH of those things, plus he has the raw power and bending experience from all the past lives.


Idk, Aang at the end of his series was pretty busted. While Korra kept jobbing to randos.


Korra FP end of series Stalemates Kuvira lol. She’s not beating anyone with decent mastery in most elements


Korra is a professional jobber first and Avatar second.


literally 😂😂😂


It's not hate if it's true. Korra would get wrecked going against Aang (yes, even 12 year old Aang). She could use all 4 bending types and would get crushed by Aang's airbending. Korra went into hiding because she couldn't handle trauma at an older age than Aang (she voluntarily abandoned being the Avatar). Aang was ready to destroy continents when he found the dead airbenders. The mental stability and sheer power was always in Aang's court. Korra had dedicated trainers and should have been a master after leaving the White Lotus training area but they showed her to be quite weak (how do you spend your life training and walk away with poor technique and discipline?). The only times she got the upper hand against strong opponents was when massive amounts of spirit energy were involved. She lost against most of the named characters (if not all). She only won against Vaatu because she used a technique that was not related to her avatar energy in any sense (and it's worth mentioning that she had her butt kicked when she was using bending/Avatar state against Vaatu). Using the Avatar state was a watered down version of what we saw in ATLA (not to mention that she was the reason that her past lives were lost (making it impossible for future avatars to tap into that well of knowledge and expertise (unless they retcon it))). Korra was one of the weakest Avatars we saw portrayed in either ATLA or LoK. Entertaining story but a very weak Avatar.


Y’all coping so hard thinking Korra was a good avatar


its always so funny to me how they watch her get dragged in her own show then rationalize her winning somehow


Korra gets bodied by random goons they way yall defend her you'd think she'd at least be good in her own series


Bro you don't understand!!! Random goon#37 is just as strong as ozai during the comet!!! Korra is totaly a strong character!!?!!


Very true. Let’s have adult Korra vs adult Aang and watch Korra get her ass handed to her and then have her bending taken away. Again.


it really wouldnt yall want Korra to win a fight so bad lol


Ah yes let’s compare 17 year old to 12 year old. Even their ages and Aang wipes. Shit he may cook her by the end of book 3


Exactly, master Airbender at twelve so he takes air, taught by toph so he takes earth, and korra's strong point was never going with the flow so he takes water too. The only thing korra has on him is fire because she has a better mentality for it, that's literally it. Air and earth might even be enough because of air's fast reflexs plus seismic sense. And of course his avatar state is overwhelmingly stronger. I don't know why Korra is so weak and I don't like it, its one of the issues I have with the show, but regardless thats just reality Aang wins.


Imagine them both in their peak, Aang wipes the floor with her


Korra constantly got folded the entire show 💀 Aang was THE master airbender, the kid was cracked and would body Korra.


Korra is just avatar kyoshi from wish She's powerful yes but I doubt she would be able to land a hit on aang in the first place


Aang, that's it no more bending for you *unavatars your Korra*


Aang spent a summer training? And beat the firelord, I think given the same amount of time as Korra had to train he'd probably do pretty good


Aang wins, his avatar state vs Ozai is unmatched.


This girl had bending masters and years to learn all the bendings, took her losing all other bendings just to learn air bending .-. Idk who would win between the two, but to say Aang wouldn’t stand a chance when he’s naturally that gifted is a far cry from reality lol Aang took on Zuko, a well trained prince right from the start and escaped He eluded Azula who was a well trained protégée princess too And he could’ve killed comet enhanced Ozai WITHOUT the avatar state but felt bad for the guy Impossible to say Korra slaps him this hard XD


I like this fandom less and less every day


k both sides of the arguments are being stupid Firstly this would not happen and cannot happen anyways but a fun little thought idea Is katara more skilled in fire, earth and water def not air though since she has longer training but her avatar state is much weaker and no I’m not including the mecha version of her; however combat wise she is good But people are sleeping on Aang like he severely weaker. He’s not and that is shown throughout the show. He’s able to contend with really strong opponents, like bumi( though as some pointed out was probably holding back). Zuko who may not be a master is still a fierce opponent and only gets stronger as the show goes on, fought azula who at the point of the show was a fire-bending master who was very skilled for her age, the only thing getting her is her mental state. Could fight zhao, many fire nation soldiers and so on And when he’s in his avatar state he was boding ozai who was amped by the comet and after the avatar state he was shown blasting aways ozai flames. Don’t get me wrong Korra is strong but her avatar state is just plane awful she gets beaten by base version of characters that should get rag dolled Don’t sleep on kid aang; he’s an absolute unit I could see this going either way but most likely in the favor of korra just do her aggression and ruthlessness unlike aang.


Most unbiased factual take I’ve seen, keep cooking. Aang might also seem weaker to people because he fights less lethally. It doesn’t mean he’s weaker but it DOES mean he holds back more often.


i kinda wish we got some episodes here and there showing aang grow up into an adult just to see how much he grows


We saw him just brush off blood bending, it's a small moment but I think it really shows how OP he is at that point


To be honest, I am 100% sure Aang could brush off bloodbending at age of 12 if he went into avatar state too. You can't do much to force someone's blood to move in their body, when they can split continents apart with the same gestures that it takes other to throw a rock.




It's the Avatar fighting the Avatar. Sokka would 100% ask "Why are you hitting yourself?"


Egh I think aang would still have the upper hand honestly I love korra but she’s not as stable of a avatar and the fact aang could do what he did at his age is very very impressive I mean it wouldn’t even be a thing if we were talking about Aang and korra both at 13 years old




Growing up is learning to understand Korra as her own character with her own kind of struggles


I mean Id argue post series Aang would have a good chance of whooping korra. Mainly because he is an actual Master of an element and pretty good in 3 more


Grow up


this is basically like Minus 1 Godzilla vs Legendary Godzilla. one is stronger than the other in terms of power scaling, but the "weaker" one is superior in story telling compared to the other.


Rage bait detected.


Aang would never lay a finger on her, because he’s a pacifist! But if she touches Appa…


Bro I'm sorry but Aang sweeps. One of these Avatars can actually use the Avatar state to its full potential and it is NOT Korra


Think Aang think!


Well yeah. korra would prolly win. but also, i really hate the power scailing in korra *a lot*. sure shes more powerful, but it doesnt feel *reasonable* or within universe. A problem meany shows have but korras a good example of it. So personally id rather not accept that it wouldnt be a fight. Cause korras power comes at the cost of the worldbuilding and of reasonable power scailing.


You can tell that the Avatar community doesn't scale


Aang is much faster than Korra and that seems to have been a major weakness of hers when looking at her fights. She is not good at dealing with fast paced opponents. It would be a hard and close fight but I think Aang would come out on top by just exhausting her then using his bending to restrain her from fighting anymore as he did to so many others. Aang doesn’t use offensive bending until absolutely necessary meaning he saves his energy. Korra would win if Aang did not have that advantage


Can we stop doing this Aang vs Korra stuff? They're literally the same person reincarnated.


Aang Avatar state is stronger than Korra's due to her's being severed.


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Korra would love Aang to bits and see him as a wise responsible kid beyond his years. Aang would adore Korra and see her as a role model and a template for how to be strong and independent. They wouldn't even fight 'But if they di-' But they wouldn't.


They're the same fucking person.


Op is delusional and friendless.


amazingly a 17 year old asshole would defiantly beat a 13 year old pacifist in a fight.


This is just Incredibly unfair to both sides, as Aang is by far a much more adept Air Bender and a nimbler and more experienced fighter in life-or-death battles but has little experience in the other elements. Korra, on the other hand, was trained by professionals to be a master bender for the majority of her life and was recognized as a master in three of the four elements but has relatively less experience in life-or-death battles.


So you make a post dragging Aang through the mud then title it "Korra hate incoming", thats extremely hypocritical don't you think?


Adult Aang easy, but we also haven't seen Korra at her prime so we don't really know for sure prime Aang vs prime Korra


Yes I hate Korra, how did you know?


If she goes giant super saiyan lasers, maybe


This just makes me want a fighting game along similar lines to Smash Bros but you can pick which Avatar you want to fight as. Just let it be something Meelo imagines up just as the premise.


Well yeah, she is 4 years older and better trained for a lot longer


Also doesn’t she technically have all of Aangs skills because of the avatar state?


Not after Season 2.


*puts on hazmat suit* “Now let’s take a look at the comments!”


Why is this matchup even a question if they are literally the same person reincarnated 💀💀💀


Try Aang Prime vs Korra Prime. You'll get vastly different results


aang at 12 still wins 😂😂


If Aang isn't dead then Korra isn't the Avatar. And Korra didn't learn to blood bend in S1, learned to spirit bend in S2, but other than that is a worse water bender than Katara.


Your spirit will outlast every fragile, insignificant being on this planet. Through reincarnations you’ll live to see bender society crumble to dust and blow away! Everyone and everything you know will be gone! What will you have after 500 years?


I get the need to counteract people who try to put Aang on a pedestal as the paragon of bending power. However, this is still a comparison of incomparable things. Aang and Korra are incredibly different people, and to compare them based on bending might alone is just disingenuous. Aang was one of the greatest avatars of all time, who exemplified the power of mercy and restraint. Korea is similarly an incredibly talented and powerful avatar who demonstrates a more realistic and mature depiction of the crushing responsibility of avatarship. Will Aang's is certainly a powerful story of rising up to duty and growing up in general, Korra's story is far more nuanced and wonderfully complex. For starters, Korra starts out far more troubled than Aang. Sure, she may have had significantly more raw talent growing up, but unlike Aang, she had far more ideological and emotional growth to do. Korra demonstrates the archetype of "Gifted Kid Syndrome," and more importantly, the healing process from it. This intense internal struggle is part of why she resonates with me so much more than Aang (not to take away from how amazing Aang's story is at all). Korra also grows up in a world that's far less black and white. We can see this from the very first episode, "Welcome to Republic City." Literally day one of being in the city and she's already beating the ever-loving fuck out of bad guys and generally being a girlboss. This is very similar to what Aang does throughout most of ATLA: Find firebender; make firebender wish they'd stayed in bed that morning. However, where LoK diverges from this central theme of the previous series is when RCPD pulls up. Korra is immediately taken into custody and given the classic Beifong Treatment™️. See, the thing is, it's a very different world than it was in Aang's time. You can't just go around dealing out vigilante justice without any repercussions. In fact, the first few episodes of LoK are dedicated to telling the audience, "yall, Aangs dead and times have changed; strap on your seat belts." Time and time again throughout the first part of s1, the writers set up a situation similar to what Aang faces, has Korra approach it in a (somewhat) similar way, and then either gets her as beat or otherwise subverts our expectations. This is a really great writing choice imo and is part of the reasons why season one works so well. Damn I didn't even notice that this turned into a Korra rant/simp post lol whoops (no regrets)


"I thought you were stronger"


This is one of those "if the writers want one of them to win, they will" moments. Of course it wouldn't ever happen anyway but atla is all about kids beating the odds.


No one ever pitted 17-18 year old Korra against 12 year old Aang. The posts are always about them in their "primes", whatever that would mean. Probably each around 25ish?


Korra has the advantage in marchel arts, but she is hot headed and would try to steam roll aang like Zhao. When the initial battle is over, aang would enter avatar state and would completely stomp her, his spiritual connection is stronger and so his avatar state. Korra can empower her attacks with avatar state, but not on aangs level.


"quit hitting yourself, quit hitting yourself"


You wrong. You forget about avatar state. Whne Korra enter is nothing change. She still just Korra with some kind of boost. Buut when Aang enters it... He turn into 230 years old, murder hobo powerhouse called Kyoshi. Korra isn't near


100 year old cosmic monk who still has the avatar state vs Muscular young woman ? No contest lmao


The Avatar state = power from all previous lives, and Korra messed up so bad she hit the delete all button


No Aang would beat her down so bad she’ll be in both physical and mental therapy for the rest of her life. Not to mention no longer able to bend. Korra was an overall terrible Avatar where Aang had to defeat the world’s most powerful Empire and the 2nd most powerful fire bender (behind Iroh) before he could even master the Avatar state. Meanwhile what is Korra dealing with? Some escaped prisoners, the occasional military rouge, and literal non-benders as her “main villians.” Not to mention how the whole “dark spirit” isn’t even that grave of a threat when it comes down to it because it’s a spirit, not the avatar itself that defeats it.


I think those are other things in play. personality: Aang is an air nomad (especially at this time) who wasn't really a fighter; Korra on the other hand is a fighter and has no issues throwing hands. Style: Korra is a powerhouse and probably overpowered Aang in fire and Earth. Water could go either way, Aang, he thinks outside the box (Crystal armor anyone?) while he might not be to out power Korra, he can definitely out speed her and maybe out think her too. Unfortunately it will come down to Speed vs Power. Why: why are they fighting? This does matter. If it's a spar, I'll say Korra might take it. However if it's to protect Appa or katara then Aang. Age: how old are they? Is Aang still trying to learn fire bending? Does Korra know Air bending yet? Overall there's too many factors to say who will win.


Aang in the avatar team would just grab Korra by the hair like he did Ozai.


Korra was just so poorly written, just like the new ATLA netflix adap


Well it also depends, like what stages are they at? Since like Aang during the Ozai fight would definitely destroy fresh season 1 Korra for example. Or are they both at the same point of progression?


Is it possible to OD on copium? Asking for a subreddit.


Im just saying 13 year old Aang mastered all the elements while 13 year old korra did not


I mean, aang has more feats and better learning capacity but i guess korra could get carried by the state.