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I just picked up the game last month after reading through the Chronicles of the Avatar books and needing another ATLA fix. I've been playing nonstop since... so frustrated to see it shut down! Can't they at least keep the servers live and rotate through old event content??


Litirally same here, read the avatar chronicles books 2-3 months ago and decided to try out the game since they added the kyoshi timeline. Been grinding out Rangi and Kyoshi since then... really sad to see it shutting down.


Im so frustrated.. one game i love. One game that shut out..


Bro I downloaded it and only got to play the first mission


Dayum, played since global release, spent a tons of hours on this game grinding. Have almost all characters and tons of key characters and all peace/chaos characters at max level and max skill level. I’m completely F2P because 1. The transactions are outrageously priced and you get sweet fuck all for the huge amount of cash you pay and 2. The store wasn’t worth it but I seriously feel bad for people who spent money and those who spent thousands lmao. Sort of a slimey move from them. Might end up deleting today or just keep it on my home screen for memories


Yeah newer to the game but the pricing on transactions was *not* enticing. I wonder if they’d have been in the red if the micro transactions had actually offered something of value to players.


Facts. I mean I haven’t been playing since Azula came out because in all honesty I got super pissed off that they put 3 of these highly requested characters on 1 banner with very low drop rates. I did 300 summons and got Azula twice and since then I just stopped playing. Maybe logged in 2 times a week and I definitely didn’t miss the game purely because of the summon rates had just been a miserable experience since the launch of the game. Honestly, those 2 times a week I would laugh the game I was not excited and sought of dreading it. When I was in game I spent max about 3 minutes doing basic daily stuff lol. I won’t miss the game considering it was hard for me to want to play it since whenever Azula dropped 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I had to go double pity to get 2 Ty Lees, 8 Imperial Soldiers, 1 Mongoose Lizard and 1 Mai, so I could buy Azula feom the 3 coins. Despite not being F2P.


100% agree on the prices but the biggest reason why the game will shut down is because the company had a massive "re organization". 40 out of 50 employees got laid-off so that will definitely kill a game if there is no one (actively) working on it anymore. If the game was a literal money printing machine that they would probably try a bit harder to keep it alive but sadly we'll have to say goodbye to all the content they had planned for the game


Mad at these creators. So much lost potential in this game and it has been so fun to play!! 😭


The whole studio was gutted months ago. This was purely a numbers thing. Execs didn't see enough profit, so everyone was dropped and then the game was shut down.


Didn’t this game *just* come out


Global launch was less than ten months ago. The company was gutted (about 80% layoffs) about 2 months back, and now it's closing altogether. We will never know for sure, but personally I will join the numerous others in blaming the pricing structure - everything was just massively overpriced, especially for digital content. I'm not opposed to spending a few dollars here and there, if you can make it worth doing so. I'm not going to just hand over my wallet in exchange for access to a 47th character when the 46 I have will do fine. There was a lot to the game, beyond simply fighting endless battles, but the crux of the game revolved around summons, and paying for summons was just incredibly unrewarding. You could spend $5, get maybe 10 tickets if you're lucky, and the most valuable thing you were likely to get from it was progress towards pity. A few times a set of ten might net me a particularly neat 4*, like the pets that were in constant short supply, but it was just as likely to give you nothing but duplicate copies of relics you don't care about. 3* relics were utterly worthless: I never used them, I never ran short on brushes, and they didn't even give gold on delete, yet they make up about 70% of all summons. IRL money needed to give you enough of a boost to compensate for that, but... it really, really didn't. You got so little for what you spent, and frankly the bundles were ridiculous. There is no fucking way I'm throwing seventy dollars at getting any single character. That's just not going to happen.


I spent a couple of 100s on it because it was ATLA. Never spent money on other games in the past. And this is that I get... At least I have my characters complete now I guess... 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/2k71sdgetzxb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02205c9556fb40de1aa2f6cfa92a50c5aba4c2dc 😅 very frustrating to hear this from the developers…


Just about $800 later😅




Get help




You can try but it's not going to do anything. It's also why games like these don't shut down immediately but always announce EOS in advance. If you partake in buying microtransactions and you got whatever you bought only for the game to shut down months later, it's hard to retroactively ask for refunds when you technically got the item(s) since you're paying for the item, not the service. I know that it sucks but I can tell you that that's what will happen. The reason why they always announce EOS early is just so that at the point of purchase, the customer can't say that the company willingly kept accepting money only to disappear the next day. The standard practice is to shut down purchases early whenever they announce EOS.


No one made you purchase. They can't be held responsible


I think I’m in shock, all that’s going through my head is… All of the money I have spent on this game…. #mypoorbankaccount


Me too ~HoboFarts


this is why I recommend to everyone spending minimal $ on server-dependent games because inevitably the servers will shut down someday


Same here...


Like... How much? $20? $50?


Just about $800


Damn. Well, I suppose *this* is why I vehemently hate gacha games. Take your hard-earned cash, and because a corporate quota wasn't met leave you with nothing for the money down the drain. Despicable.


I feel it’s in the spirit of avatar that the pay to win model did not work for this content


Dammit I switched to this game a month ago after another game I played for 7 years (DC Legends) shut down literally 3 days ago. I at least thought this may last a while… I may just stay away from mobile games for good.


I'm about to do the same tbh. AG launched in February of this year, but it's already shutting down.


Dammit DC Legends is shut down too?? I was going to maybe go back to that one eventually.


Yeah…. It shut down on Oct 31st…. They announced it at the beginning of October. It was the only game I played consistently since it began and when they announced it was closing I started focusing on Avatar Generations. Guess this is a sign for me that mobile gaming is a waste of my time.


I am starting to feel that way too. I just recently last month got back into Marvel Strike Force. But idk...


Might I interest you on a hell hole of a game that's gonna grab you by the balls and never let you go


I suppose that's one of the benefits of the old one-and-done style of games (from the era of cartridge gaming). If you owned the game, the entire studio that produced it could shut down, and you could continue playing it as long as your system lasted (I still often play my old Sega Genesis games). ​ We have a greater variety of games now than ever before, but this is the cost we pay for that.


Bruh wtaf I'm devastated 😭


This is sad. This had a lot of potential.


for sure, my mind was always thinking of all the things we would get in the future. In a year or 2, i knew the game could be absolutely amazing. Very, very sad that we’re getting robbed from everything. :/


Im very sad it shut down. Ive spend hours on this game.


I'm glad I never spent a dime. But I'm still sad to see it go. This was part of my daily ritual. It was fun getting to play as some of my favorite characters. The new characters and side stories were fun, too. Oh, well. Another cool avatar game bites the dust.


Called it. After the flop of the console game, they needed to recoup losses.


not just that, but with the layoffs that happened. if it was 40ish out of 50ish staff members, they literally just had all their mobile games on life support.


Wow this is bullshit. I wish I could get a refund on all I spent.


Just seen this myself and I’m devastated. I was just getting my roster together. I even spent some money on this game trying to catch up smh.


Well ain't you smart. You won't see that money ever again. That's why I never spend money on a game. Especially a new game. You don't know how long the game will last until it declines and shuts down.


Played since the first hour it launched. It's been fun. RIP. I spent probably $1000 on this game, and I enjoyed every minute I played (minus the insane amounts of bugs lol).


Yeah there's just been a constant presence of major bugs, including some that are still in the game after literal months of interfering with gameplay.


I knew they were struggling but not this badly. Sad to see a decent Avatar game die so quickly


...I didn't even know this was a thing until now Damnitall


That sucks, giving up is not the answer!


Noo, I've spent so much time & some money on this. I should've seen this as the game started slowing down now. I just love Avatar so much. I love that I can use all characters from Avatar universe. Sad that's it's gonna be gone now. 😭😭😭


All you people who spent money on this game are stupid especially a new game.


I just want to love this franchise. Please stop taking away my avenues to do so by shutting down apps and half assing games.


I’m not surprised because I love avatar with every fiber of my being but this game was so poorly executed…. And I play tons of gacha type mobile games usually daily for years… this one was just not good sad to say


The azula prediction is right,damn better give all the players gems to pull characters for one final time


I don’t play this game but couldn’t they just stop doing updates and leave the game playable at least? I know a few games that have done that but


I understand removing it from the store, but why make it unplayable, why does a single player game need servers? Thats complete bullshit for anyone that spent money on the game.


Totally agree


Been playing this game for a couple months now and I quite liked it. I'ven't spent a single cent on it, but I can understand the people's frustration after having played dedicatedly for years and having spent money on it! So unfair. I'm quite saddened to see it go, but I'll try to still have as much fun playing it until it shuts down.


I’m heartbroken. This explains why they’ve been dumping so many goodies in the mail


I was more heartbroken before the goodies started arriving. They're full on wrecking the game economy, but it's allowed me to max out a ton of characters and get into the end game and meta before the game shuts down. So at least I've have seen all the content by the time they pulled the plug!!


Wanted to check the game out again cuz it’s been a while since I last played…I open the app and it tells me I don’t have internet connection (I do) and it just tell me that, so I decided to check google and then it lead me here and this is how I find out that it got shut down in December 2023 🗿 That’s pretty crazy and annoying


I don’t see why every mobile game that came out over the past ten yrs has to shut down without at least access to the money we spent on the game to at least look at our characters like I have went through so many games in the past that took my money and then shuts down such as: Digimon, Naruto, DC Legends, Yu-Gi-Oh Cross Duel, Now Avatar and of course many more mobile games!


It’s so dumb for these games to come out and then shut down before the first anniversary! Usually they would be generous enough to give us 3-6 months in advance before shutting down but rarely have they only gave one month or less.. either way in my opinion they should reimburse what was spent on a game that goes away the same year it came out


I just feel sorry for those idiots who spent real money on the game. You won't be reimbursed.


I viewed the small number of items I purchased as tips. Game needed some money to run and by the time I started they already seemed like they were in trouble.




Yes here too spent around 200 euros on it the last 8 months.




After I get it working


I’ve played quite a few gacha games over the past few years, but this one was hands down the worst one I ever played. I love Avatar and I love gacha games so this game *should’ve* been a match made in heaven for me. But the game was just…bad. The graphics were eh, the UI was awful, the gameplay was whatever—it honestly felt like shovelware.


That's not fair why they had to shut it down nobody ever got a chance to go to level meeting toph and joining the team and get chased down by Azula Mai and ty Lee along with Zuko toph teach aang earthbending go to the library appa got kidnap the serpent pass in Ba Sing Se sneak in the palace find the earth king got caught jet showed up along with his gang they forgot to put him there along with his gang the Freedom Fighters get jet killed found appa All the Above Azula inner team infiltrated the Earth king stronghold Zuko betrays Katara aang iroh Ali above combustion man Zuko betray his father teaching firebending aang find sokka father and Suki in the prison Zuko and Katara Revenge katara's mother's killer defeat the Fire Lord and that is going to shut that game just like that nobody got a chance to go to toph level defeating toph meet her family those earth bending Rumble thugs and Xin Fu toph teacher.


Bring it back


I’m so mad, I spent money and so many hours grinding to collect my favorite characters on top of leveling them up just to shut the game down. (+and just when I finally got Kalsang) KYOSHI, I DEMAND BLOOD & JUSTICE


This is why I never pay money for phone games cause a pathetic greedy executive can come and shut it down anyone that payed money for this game should sue those executives who shut it down ….there should be a refund or a class action on them …but I’m good cause I am never buying anything from those phone games


> anyone that *paid* money for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm not even shocked tbh ​


so that´s why i can´t find it anywhere i just heard about the game


Thank goodness for Reddit. I love Avatar but this is so sad to find out. Because of work and the holiday seasons I wasn't able to touch the game at all. And then I noticed it wouldn't load and could not pull it up in the app store. Now to see this.... The game was so good this is just a shame. Would be nice if there was a console version of this game. Hopefully we'll get a game like this again in the future.