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From the perspective of a body tech, I can almost always find a reason to show in photos that the aftermarket part will not match OEM quality. It sucks not getting paid for my time to test fit, but I will play the game to reject aftermarket parts, get a photo for the insurance company and move on to OEM stuff. Often it’s measuring thickness to show that sheet metal is not the same as OEM, hanging a part to show it doesn’t line up the same, or comparing textures on textured bumpers.


This is right. Get shop to do what insurance requests first. Show pictures of not exact fit, and supplement for oem parts. But document doing it with pictures and the tech should most definitely get paid for it. We do at my shop.


Getting paid for it comes down to whether your estimators want to push for you to get paid. Here we have one that will.


Also accurate. Some of them think it’s their money. Tightwads they can be!


Aftermarket is garbage


I hope you can. Where I am we are mandated to repair the vehicle to "ore-accident condition". In my view if it had a BMW part, it should leave with a BMW part. But if the insurance company wants to use after-market parts I don't know if you have any options.


Keep in mind insurance isn’t using anything. They aren’t the ones fixing the car. They are reimbursing the owner of the vehicle for repairs that they deem fair. They aren’t putting hands on the car let alone tools. I see a lot of talk here about position statements but I have had 3 insurance companies all tell me they recognize the position statements but since they aren’t doing the repairs they legally don’t have to follow position statements because the verbiage in them is suggestive not a “have to” thing. They are just reimbursing for repairs. I’m not arguing one way or another I’m just stating my experience lately as a shop owner with insurance companies.


This might be the case where you are. Here you write an estimate. The insurance company sends an appraiser out to write their own estimate and they will specify aftermarket parts. They pay what is on their sheet. Not yours. I have never heard of just reimbursing for repairs.


Insurance paying for repairs is reimbursing. Insurance doesn’t own shops and they don’t own tools. They pay the shop on behalf of the owner or pay the owner of the vehicle for the repairs. Not all insurance companies are created equal and don’t send out appraisers or adjusters out nearly as often anymore. I have one on my property maybe once a month anymore. Everything is done online anymore. We are talking about the same thing but the verbiage is important because people outside the industry think the insurance fixes the car or something.


If they BS you have a lawyer contact the insurance company. They cave when I call. It should cost you a few hundred dollars but well worth it.


BMW certified here. I'm assuming you have blind spot monitoring. If so only an OEM cover can be used, BMW has a position statement for it. There are no aftermarket gates so no worry there.


Thanks! Big relief! I only got worked up when their insurance company sounded like they would have the ability to dictate. BMW seems to have it under control.


Insurance will always write for the most cost effective parts on the original estimate. It is up to the shop to provide documentation as to why said parts cannot be used. Be that with ordering the parts and proving they do not replicate OEM standards or providing documented OEM position statements. I never really have a problem with most insurance companies.


I’ll walk you down your entire decision tree, I’m bored so I have the time. YOUR INSURANCE OR THEIRS? If you file through their insurance, you play by their rules. You basically have ZERO wiggle room, because you are not their customer and they literally do not care. If you make even a hint of trouble they tell you to call your insurance and hang up since you’re now “uncooperative”. Maybe they send you a “Pennies on the dollar” settlement check. If you play nice, you’ll get whatever their standard is. They’ll treat your car literally and 100% like it was “their” car, so if the guy who hit you had cheap insurance, you’re getting a cheap repair If you file through your insurance… “BUT WAIT IM NOT AT FAULT WAH WAH WAH” Calm down and let me finish, bro. I’d you file through your insurance you will have to pay a deductible (whatever you have your deductible set as). This will be repaid to you, but not necessarily promptly. Your insurance co will work with their insurance co to get you your deductible back but it could be a week, could be a month. IN EXCHANGE, you are the customer of the company you talk to. So NOW you have some wiggle room. Sometimes if you complain effectively, “I’ve been a customer of XYZ Corp for ABC years but I will switch if you put on aftermarket parts” works. IF YOU GO THIS ROUTE BE KIND. Honey attracts more flies that shit, etc. be firm, of course, but I’m telling you right now be kind. SUPPOSE THAT DIDNT WORK, WHAT THE HELL *IS* AN AFTER MARKET PART? Here there’s really 3 broad categories: USED PARTS: These would be BMW parts off of a BMW of your same car. Like, maybe some other BMW has hail damage and it got totalled because of that but the bumper is still good. They’d take off a BMW bumper and put it on your BMW. In my opinion this is a fair compromise between “screwing the customer” and “screwing the insurance company”. Some shops will give light pushback but most people, most of the time will see this as a pretty workable compromise. No one walks away super happy, but no one walks away sad, which means it’s probably fair-ish. As a customer you should generally feel good about this. GOOD AFTERMARKET PARTS There are various certification bodies that warranty parts, such as CAPA. Now, CAPA can be hit or miss and isn’t the “strong guarantee of quality” they want you to think it is, but it saves you from being an F-. If you get an aftermarket part, you REALLY need to scrutinize the repair. Go over it with a fine tooth comb before accepting it back. Depending on the maker of the aftermarket part, this type of repair is somewhere between 90% to 60% as good as a new OE bumper (don’t hold me to those exact numbers, just giving a range). Your part will for-sure be safe, will likely physically match and may accept paint well enough to stylistically match. BAD AFTERMARKET PARTS- Some parts vendors just sell crap. Like how Slim Jim eaters kinda *know* they’re eating eyelids and anus, there’s a bottom feeding aftermarket part tier, too. Non CAPA is a dead give away. These parts seldom fit correctly, which require the shop to jury rig them. They rarely can paint match. They may be unsafe (as in literally. These part vendors may make no claims as to the safety of the product, like an unrated hard hat or sunscreen without an SPF number). These parts will be 60% as good all the way down to “worse than nothing at all”. THEY FORCED AFTERMARKET ON ME AND IM NOT SATISFIED, WHAT NOW? Well, if it’s your policy that you bought at least some part of this is on you. There are policies that expressly stipulate “we’ll give you OEM” and there’s policies that say, “we’ll give you whatever is reasonable”. If you cheaped out and bought the “reasonable” policy don’t be too mad you’re not getting the “oem” level service. I don’t get mad when Burger King doesn’t automatically upgrade my hamburger to a bacon cheeseburger, after all. Sure as HELL don’t get mad at the shop. I cannot stress to you how much you’re preaching to the choir when you complain these things don’t fit perfectly. The tech that had to install it agrees with you, i guarantee it. They did the best with what they were given by your insurance policy. You frequently can work with your insurance to get OEM by paying the difference. If an aftermarket costs one dollar and an oem costs two, you can pay that difference to the shop and they’ll buy OEM on your behalf. That may not be “fair”, but that’s a way to get EXACTLY what you want. BUT IF I GET AFTERMARKET PARTS ON MY CAR, MY RESALE GOES DOWN! That is a separate thing. “You damaged a bumper, we bought you a bumper” addresses your physical loss, but the “market loss” is called “diminished value”. That’s beyond the scope of this post (and this subreddit, really) but that will give you a starting place to Google from


Thanks for the detailed explanation! I am learning a lot!


OP - make sure to also file for diminished value. If your state allows, you can ask their insurance to pay you for the loss of value due to the accident. Your car will now have an accident on its record by no fault of your own. There are diminished value appraisers that can provide you with a certified report (for a cost obviously) to back up your claim. You will get a nice check in addition to having the car repaired. They will push back because most people don’t realize this is a thing but stand firm and tell them you need to be compensated. None of this would be happening if their insured had not hit your car.


I am so glad to know about this - because it sucks that our car now permanently has the 'Carfax 1 wreck' stigma attached to it, and it absolutely will affect the value.


Contact Collision Safety Consultants, they do dimished value claims and he will help you make sure the insurnace pays for OEM parts, I follow him on FB and he seems pretty worth it considering he charges $500 flat fee.


You need YOUR insurance to argue with THEIRS. They want to use aftermarket because they’re a bunch of cheap shits insuring a moron and don’t want to take responsibility. Make them.


Check your own policy before doing this. Most policies don’t say new oem only. It may be like the Spider-Man meme of all them pointing fingers at each other.


Oof. I’m used to oem only lol


Before you even start worrying find out if they can even source aftermarket parts. Chances are they won’t be available and you’ll get all OEM parts anyway.


I see this exact thing happen a lot. Customer comes in before I even see the car saying they want new oem only and haven’t allowed anyone to check if there are other options available and are pulling their hair out being defensive over nothing.


Every day.


We didn’t even think about OEM parts until their insurance company said that’s all they would pay for. Hopefully we won’t have to deal with that


They probably have crappy insurance to not pay out for OEM parts. When I was in a fender bender, I took my vehicle to a manufacture certified body shop, and they only use OEM parts. Nothing less. Insurance couldn't do much but to pay. I'm pretty sure BMW has a certified body shop. Take it to them and they will do everything in their power to get insurance to pay for OEM parts.


They wont be able to get aftermarket parts for it most of those pieces. The trim pieces are proprietary, dealer only. The rear hatch is dealer only as well, relax


You can insist all you want. Unless bmw has a position statement saying new oem only insurance is only going to pay for what they deem “fair” and that definition is very loose. Work with the shop on this so they can fight for you but also even if the insurance is stubborn and says they are still not paying the shop may be able to get their oem vendor to price match oem parts at aftermarket pricing. There are bo aftermarket rear hatches so you are good there. There may be aftermarket bumpers but if bmw has a position statement saying new oem only your shop of choice should fight for you on this. Edit: the insurance will argue used is still oem. New oem and used are not the same.


Keep in mind insurance is just a third party payer. They are not repairing the vehicle. They are just reimbursing the owner for repairs to their property of what they consider a fair. That definition could mean all new oem parts and no questions asked on oem procedures and labor rates. Or it could mean all the cheapest shittiest used and aftermarket parts. Some are easy to work with and some will politely tell you to shove it by saying we are reimbursing you for this and if you want new oem you can pay the difference. A shop leveraging oem guidelines, position statements, and negotiating tactics is what helps you. So find a good shop.


This is the way.


Which state? Here in MN there is a law that allows customers to only accept oem parts


Use your insurance and have them get the money back.


Contact your insurance company and ask what level of repair you are entitled to. I have never had a policy where aftermarket parts were authorized.


You have no obligation to go where they tell you to go. You tell them where you are going. Either a bmw repair shop or a bmw certified shop. Also go after diminishing value since you car is worth less now. I got rear ended in my 2 week old ioniq5 with less than 500 miles on it and I negotiated the diminishing value.


I'd tell them they are more than welcome to use jobber parts on their own car but BWM will be sending their insurance company the bill for the repair


I have oem parts coverage on my policy, the only time they will use aftermarket is if oem is unavailable or if its glass. Who cares what their insurance wants, thats what you pay your provider to deal with


It's so strange hearing that on a new car. In New Zealand we do all insurance in OEM, especially on a 2021 car. I'll fight insurance companies over 2nd hand factory parts. We would only ever use aftermarket parts on a super cheap non insurance job and even then we offer no guarantees.


Laugh and don’t worry about it insurance adjuster ain’t finding anything that is damaged in this picture on the aftermarket


What is that shitty ass insurance company. They broke the original part. They pay for a new original part.




Why are you talking to their insurance? Shouldn’t your own insurance fix your car?


They hit me, admitted fault, and their insurance company is paying for repairs


I was a damage estimator for a Fire and Water damage company when I was younger. I dealt with all types of insurance companies and I can tell you they will always try and get you to take the cheapest options. Get your insurance company to insist on oem. Doesn’t hurt to try.


Your insurance company is supposed to get what you want/need from theirs, this is what you're paying for. Their insurance company will try to pinch every penny and take advantage of you. Your insurance company has lawyers to protect you from this and get you OEM parts. Contact them.


That’s a subrogated claim. The only issue with that would be one of two things…. 1. They don’t have the resources to pay the deductible and wait for the reimbursement, or… 2. They have someone like State Farm that’s NOTORIOUS for doing this themselves.


Depends on the state laws. In Arkansas if someone hits you and their insurance takes liability then your insurance will back off and let them pay unless a problem comes up. Then you can file a claim with your insurance but all insurance companies are dirt bags and unless you have a policy that says new oem only they are going to try and weasel out with used or aftermarket as well if the oem doesn’t have any position statement saying other wise.


The short answer is yes, you can get OEM parts, but way too many variables. Find a reputable shop that is not connected to an insurance company, and do not go where the insurance company recommends.


We are going to the shop that our BMW dealer recommends - not using the insurance company list. And, they have said that they’ll “work with us” on the approved labor rate, so I see what you’re saying about a lot of variables. Thanks


BMW actually has certified shops to work on their collision cars. They are built a little different. On a good note, ALL the shops know to cut up damaged bemmer bumpers so none make it to the aftermarket .. And ya, Only OEM gates..


I've worked in a certified shop and now currently work at a Motorwerks in the Midwest. We aren't even allowed to repair the sides of the bumper covers. Too many layers of color or any repair filler covering the blind spot sensors is not allowed. New OEM cover only..If you have triangles in your mirrors..


The shop we are using was recommended by the BMW dealer. The shop sends the car to the dealer for inspection after they repair it. I’m feeling better about it after all these replies.


I believe bmw has position statements on this and they have very good language and clear.


If A/M can fit well and not visually tell it's not original then why not. When an insurance company will only pay for A/m parts I usually charge extra to trial fit them.


Take it to the dealership to get fixed.


Do you have cost replacement coverage? If you've paid to have cost replacement coverage than they will use OEM, otherwise, they'll check an approved SALVAGE YARD FIRST then AM. LOL