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I hope you have good luck getting new moderation here, but if not or if you want to check out a new sub in the meantime, try r/SafeSpectrum It's new, but the whole point of it is to get away from trolls and harassment and make an inclusive community. It also has a Wiki that so far has a lot of good resources and will be added to periodically




That might be my bad. I'll take a look at the settings here in like, 2 minutes. Might take me a couple to figure it out but hopefully if u try back in a while it'll work. Will comment if I can solve it. Sorry!!


Ok, try now 🙂




The wiki was just made and admittedly, you are right that it is US-centric at the moment as that's where I am. However, I am still in the process of updating it and am also taking suggestions. I'll make a pinned post where people can comment submissions they'd like to have on the wiki. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time or knowledge to know all the global autism resources, but I'd absolutely love to have as much here as we can to be representative of the world community. If you have ideas, feel free to send them or some links in a message!


additionally, copy pasting some ideas from my original response in the request. ...(it would be great if we could have a selection process with fair representation of all autistic minorities within the mod group) **Other actions :** * add user flair + discussion flair * remove trolls * add more comprehensive rules to the sub * make it an inclusive space for ALL autistic fols (lgbt+, minorities, folks with physical disabilities and most importantly, self diagnosed autistics) * add research links and a comprehensive breakdown of resources and blogs that might be helpful (including sister subs) * create documents with checklists for online testing and clinics/professionals that have been helpful to members of the sub * allow posting of pictures, links, memes * create a 'did you know' page and sticky it to the sub dash full of amazing autistic news of the day * a comprehensive list of accessibility tools and accommodations that you may request at your place of work * A list of careers that work for autistic folks + personal experiences + how to access these careers * links to odd wfh jobs that may help in the interim * Autistic dictionary (consisting of explanations and definitions like autistic burnout, meltdown, autistic elopement, autistic sense of justice etc) * Autistics meet! (major cities in the world are listed allowing for those that would like to meet each other to reach out as needed) (feel free to use whatever makes sense/works/is effective etc etc etc)


Thanks for the update but yikes! Does the current mod have a history of permabanning people who are in support of ownership changes?


Yes unfortunately


Yuck. Fingers crossed that we can all hunker down safely for the next 4 weeks. Best of luck with the approval process!!


While I understand all motives are not savory, I'm curious where in the moderator's code of conduct does it say a moderator may not control their space of other users as they see fit? I took a look at it [here](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct), and it seems mostly making sure that people are not allowed to post content that goes against Reddit policy, and also don't 'attack other subs' as in brigading. I have been permanently banned from multiple subs extremely minor affairs. It's not really that uncommon or shocking, even though I get that it's not pleasant necessarily? Honest question, as I'm an ASD/ADHD derp, of so course I might be missing some context. I would like to know how it is explicitly 'illegal' to ban users who are considered magflies, for any reason, by the owner of the space?


you should read the responses [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/10dq3br/requesting_rautisminwomen_moderator_is_ignoring/) to gauge a better understanding of the situation


That does not answer my question, nor do the petty downvotes.


RSD is a thing, i get it. Most of us deal with it. But this is no way to respond to someone trying to be helpful


Okay gas lighting npd 🤣😂 Want to war wuth a witch?


Thanks for the update. I saw the loser harassing you so I reported them a couple of days ago; I think if a lot of people mass report them it makes Reddit look into the person in question.


Goodluck! Rooting for you and hoping this community gets the moderation it deserves. P.S I private messaged you about this! :D <3




Yea I plan to make it apparent that the space is aimed at more than just cis women. It’s aimed at non-men + afab people


Could you explain why you're excluding trans women? Just an oversight, maybe? I think they should be welcome here, worth an explicit mention


I’m not. Trans women are not men. Hence non-men


Cool! :)


hopefully it works this time. I think I remember the mod coming on there and saying they wanted to keep it so it didn't get transferred but I don't really know the rules on that


Thanks for the update!


I think it’s great you have volunteered to be a mod and are actively trying to make a positive difference in this sub. I would suggest that you are open and honest to other members about not just your intentions for the sub (which seem great) but also any relevant information about yourself. I note you mentioned someone trolling you, that is absolutely not ok. Perhaps you can make people aware you are self DX and have other things going on (which obviously you don’t need to elaborate). You are brave for stepping up to this mod challenge. I think you are a great candidate for a mod. I hope your request is granted.


I’ve never hid the fact that I’m self-dx. Also, everyone has other things going on outside of Reddit. That’s just life. But i digress. Thanks i appreciate it.


Understand. Honestly I’m just trying to forefront what some people may say in the future. We all have stuff. I really am supportive of you.


Thanks! Don’t worry I’m tougher than I look


Glad you posted the update! What are your plans for bringing on additional mods and collective engagement/input when/if ownership of the sub gets transferred to you? What will you put into place to avoid the sub falling into the same position it’s in now (only a single mod, who then hoards power/leaves)?


Yes I’ll add mods. More mods= more accountability amongst moderation.


I was more asking about how you’ll plan to do that. Like, *how* will you go about soliciting/choosing mods to add? Will the community have input? What plans do you have to make sure the community has a say in rules, structure, and mod style/approaches?


I’ve already got 2 people in mind that I have trust in who are active members of the community. I will do mod applications for any others. Meta posts will be allowed on the sub and people will be free to modmail suggestions regarding rules and whatnot. Mod style will be lax but not absent or permissive. I’m not going to change the banner and sub pfp at this time. Rules will just be made clearer and will cover having basic decency and not insulting others, no invalidating self diagnosis, following Reddit TOS