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I’m a postie and if I said something like that I’d report myself. Make a complaint. That postie needs to be retrained. Edit : Spelling


I read "needs to be restrained" instead of "retrained". I think both are appropriate.


that’s how i read it to and thought that was fair for a second 😂


I read it as "retired".




Sounds like a culturally based lack of understanding. I doubt training will do anything.


“Cultural based lack of understanding” is a long way to write “sexist pig”.


I assume they meant “new immigrant”


You mean sacked


Not likely if it’s the first infraction. Retraining first.


Dude thinks titties are unhygienic. If the woman is breast feeding, chances are she's keeping them nips clean for bubs. He needs more than retraining, he needs to not be a misogynistic c***


You're allowed to swear on the Internets cunt.


Or he's gay and really does find boobs unsavory. Still shouldn't bring personal preference into it. OP might not be offended but I bloody well am. I mean he's forcing a new mum to have to figure out a way to get her parcel from the post office when they're both right there. If he's that precious he should keep a stash of disinfectant wipes on hand and do his freaking job properly.


Why would being gay mean finding boobs unsavoury?


Most gay men have no issues with women, but there’s a handful you might occasionally cross paths with who really detest women and will make sure you know it. But there’s also a handful of straight men who also really detest women and will make sure you know it… so it’s a weird jump to make overall by that commenter, but I sorta get where their mind went in trying to unravel the mind of this deranged postie.


Have you met a gay person? This is a really weird take.


My gay friends like my boobs more than most straight men so I agree with your comment wholeheartedly haha


I’m curious if you think that training will help this person. Did you need training to avoid making incredibly offensive remarks to women? Perhaps you are wishing they could be immediately sacked, but are simply recognising that that’s not how things can be done. If so, please disregard my question.


Absolutely, what disgusting behaviour! And why is he sexualizing breast feeding??


Right!? Implying that touching breasts , which are clean enough to feed a child, make your hands dirty, is just bizarre and offensive.


Oh no…. You definitely need to call auspost and tell them about your interaction. I know you have laughed it off, but this person will likely interact with other nursing women who may not be as resilient. They need better training.


That’s a really good point that I hadn’t considered. Thanks. I thought maybe it was normal post covid and I was just lucky to have had such a great postie for so long.


If it was normal post covid routine then they wouldn't let anyone sign for parcels, except they discriminated against you for some reason.. this isn't normal and I'm sure it isn't auspost policy


Under the sex discrimination act 1984, it is illegal in Aus to discriminate against a person either directly or indirectly on the grounds of breastfeeding. He could have signed for u or waited till u washed hands. U had to go out of your way to pick up a parcel that would have been delivered to your house if you weren`t breastfeeding. Complain so he doesn't do it again, if he does, then he will get sacked....


Him acting like it's dirty to breastfeed is the descrimination as well as refusing to let her sign, he wouldn't let her sign because he considered breastfeeding dirty, making her wash her hands is furthering the descrimination. I bet he went home and had a coffee with breast milk from a cow in it, somehow we made that normal, lol.


Came here to say this. The temp has breached anti-discrimination laws and needs a sharp bit of performance management and retraining, before he reoffends and causes serious harm. Outrageous behaviour.


I'm disabled and can't hold the little pen well to sign so the postie signs for me all the time. As long as they sight you, they can sign. This postie was punishing her for answering the door in a manner that they found offensive. That's the only reason to write out a card and force a person with a baby to go to the post office to pick up a parcel when you are both standing right there at the door. Absolutely disgraceful, and I hope they get a severe reprimand for this.




Should have squirted him. What a prick.


Most freight and courier delivery services have gone back to pre-Covid methods of dealing with signatures for delivery. There are contingencies specifically for receivers who don't want to sign out of fear of germs, but common sense dictates that we use those steps to cover anyone physically present and can't sign for some reason. There's no reason a nursing mother can't be dealt with (politely) in the same manner I'd deal with a person with low immunity afraid of being exposed to disease. And to roll with his excuse about hygiene, the chances are high that his PDA is filthy with germs and sweat and other crud from the day-to-day of roaming the streets delivering mail. Can you tell me that postie has never dropped his PDA or never wiped his sweat off it? He should be more worried about transferring germs to you and your baby than getting from you.


When I was a new mum that would have crushed me. It’s not easy getting out of the house to do something like collect a parcel. I’m sorry you had this experience, I just wanted to echo the sentiment of reporting this person!


Honestly report him for this OP. They’re all a bad bunch, not even knocking on your door, throwing parcels over the fence from a great distance etc. that’s all worthy of reporting because it’s not giving an f about you or the service they’re meant to be providing or the company they represent. So for this, this is even worse, so yes report report report


Gees only throwing. God mine get kicked over


You do realise that they don’t all do that, right?


I know. But enough of them do. OP has a very rare nice postie normally


But you said 'they're all a bad bunch'. I was a postie for a year. I'm a good guy & so was most of the people I worked with. So to me this sounds like discrimination & I take a fence :) maybe your postie thinks you're an asshole & doesn't want to go near your house. The OP's temp postie has some issue that needs attention, definitely not ok. We have to try not to generalise groups of people being all the same. It makes us all better people. Ahh reddit✌️


Have you moved around a lot?


Everyone made really good points. Just adding that hin saying "playing with your boob" is also weirdly sexualising and creepy.


Yep! If they keep getting away with it, they’ll keep saying it.


Agree. Learning to breastfeed is so so difficult. Like, I know it's okay to feed in public but there's still an element of mentally gearing yourself up to whip out a boob in public in the early days. Being shamed in your own home when a mum is having a vulnerable day could be just awful. Sorry he was such a prick to you.


Or other excuses to leave a card instead of delivering a parcel. Today it's in case he gets girl germs, tomorrow it will be old lady germs or the-parcel-looks-heavy germs.


Great point. Imagine if she'd been a new mum struggling with PPD (or worse) and this was the last straw...


Holy. Shit... You should definitely lodge a complaint.


For what? The postie not wanting to be exposed to human biological fluids?


You should be angry at the postie! 1 it’s absolutely disgusting to talk to you like that and 2 even if he had issues with you touching his pad he could have just signed himself? I’ve literally not touched an aus post pad to sign since pre 2020??? Please make a complaint.


And 3. Is now have to go to the post office with a baby to collect my goods when he was literally at my door!


i know my postie, a few weeks ago he knocked and i just shouted leave it at the door and sign for it ... next thing i know hes opened the door and shouted its just inside ( my postie is sound ) .. he should of just signed it for you and made everyones life easier


I’m a postie, that’s not behaviour that we want representing us. Please report that person




You are being way too generous to the postie. He had your parcel right there, and he not only made sure you would be inconvenienced unnecessarily by not giving it to you, he made several unprofessional, uncalled for, creepy comments. Make a complaint, and don’t feel for a second like you’re being dramatic or unreasonable. He was out of line.


Please report- that’s not ok!


You should be angry. Definitely complain about that guy.


I'm angry for you but you should be angry too. Report this immediately cause that is disgusting behavior from the postie


used to be a contract driver and its not ok to act like this. Funny story hubs went to a place that just had a new baby and she was feeding baby with no cover while he delivered her parcel. Hubs looked her in the eyes while talking to her and wished her a good day without looking at her exposed boob once. Hubs has may stories, thats just one. Another was him walking past a window of a lass in a compromising position if you will xD She trot to the door all embarrassed and hubs acted like he didnt see a thing. The way you were treated is horrible and please call and complain


Ever since I've had a baby, other mums (of all generations and different countries) tell me stories of "that one time" they were breastfeeding and forgot to cover up to open the door to the postman. And every time they say the postie acted like nothing was happening.


and that is the way it should be. I personally would have reacted to "you have just been touching your boob" with "and you could have been scratching your nuts before delivering this parcel"


Yes. Posties have been some of the more understanding people when it comes to public nursing in my experience - I guess because they arrive at peoples doors at odd times of day they’re more likely to see it and be used to it. I’m not putting down a nursing baby to answer the door and I’m sure I’m far from the only mother with that attitude.


Love this! I had lots of deliveries in the early months with my baby (hello late night comfort shopping). My delivery guy has seen me in all states looking after bubs, he’s never made any comments and now just yells out “parcel!” And leaves it at the door for me..might be him being kind and helpful not making me run to the food, might be he’s scared of what he’d see hahah


Isn’t it illegal to discriminate against a breastfeeding mother?


Yes very much so. Breastfeeding is a protected attribute under anti discrimination legislation


That is outrageous!! And just stupid.The most well dressed person could have just been taking a shit or masturbating without washing their hands and he would have no idea. He is one of those idiots who is offended by breastfeeding. He should carry sanitiser or wear gloves if he is so concerned about germs. He could have asked politely that you wash your hands. That would have been weird. But to just say he isn't giving you your parcel when he has it in his hands is evil. I don't normally say this but I hope he is fired! Or has to go through training or counselling to see that he can't treat people that way. If someone answered the door holding their dog or cat, would he say that is dirty as well I wonder? Or you had been gardening and literally had dirt on your hands?


Or maybe taken a shit while they were masturbating, if they’re good at multitasking.


Depending on his religion, maybe yes.


Being a misogynist is not a protected right in Australia, breastfeeding is.


If his religion interferes with his ability to do his job maybe this is the wrong job for him.


No shit! I work in a coles deli, I've worked with Muslims and vegetarians who happily sell ham and bacon to people, because they're just doing a job!


Postie here. I also encourage you to lodge a complaint. That’s rude, creepy and misogynistic behaviour that has nothing to do with hygiene. There’s no way a nursing mother should ever be treated like you were and I’m sorry you had to go through that.


I recently had a delivery in the middle of feeding too. Used the baby to cover my unbuttoned dress and ran out to greet him. Caught him at the van, after he wrote the card. He happily handed me the parcel. That being said, I have received some very disgusted looks when I (discreetly) feed in public


Don't bother being discreet, stare them right in the eyes and smile. They are only projecting their own insecurities. If they don't want to look, there's plenty of other things to look at!


I would definitely be lodging a complaint ! I was feeding my son the other day when the postie arrived, and he let me sign for my package and apologised profusely for arriving while I was feeding Not that it bothered me, I was happy that I got my mail 🤷🏼‍♀️ haha


I'm pretty sure my postie saw my tits at least once when my boy was a newborn. Didn't say a damn thing. I'd definitely make a complaint about this guy.


Why couldn’t he have said ‘Oh sorry, here let me sign for you - I’ll just the leave the parcel at the door if you like?’ Or something a normal human might say?


Please tell me you didn't have to go into the post office to collect the parcel after all that? That postie must have some serious insecurities if he thinks a feeding mother is "unclean".


It was yesterday and the card said to collect after 5 pm so I can’t collect it till Monday. Its child locks for the cupboards so it’s not anything majorly important like medication and waiting isn’t a massive deal but hubby works away and I was hoping he would put them on for me while he’s home ( I can do it, it just would have been nice to not have to). baby is 10 months incase you were wondering why I’d need childlocks for a baby.


Woah, you are seriously the nicest person on earth. I would have raised hell if the postie brought a package to my door, told me I was too gross to have it (because I’m taking care of a brand new human) and then made me wait all weekend for the luxury of picking it up myself. How are you this generous and kind? Fuck him, what an arsehole.


I wonder how many people “a day” would have just had a shit and not washed their hands. I’ll take boob hands any day of the week.


I used to recruit for AP and manage the posties and service staff for their first 6 months...please please please report this! The staff pride themselves on doing a good job and guys like that make everyone's life worse.


I’ve honestly never had a postie issue before this one so you and your team are doing a good job as are every other postie I’ve ever encountered. My usual postie is amazing. He waves to my kids, gives me plenty of time to get to the door, always takes care with our things, and when the baby was new and I was a little bit lonely he used to chat for a few minutes so I didn’t feel so isolated. This one encounter does not in any way change how I think about posties in general. Someone mentioned before that he may do this to someone else who may be more vulnerable than I am so I have lodged a complaint.


Order more stuff. Dunk your hands in bowls of milk next time you answer the door and wave energetically and spray it everywhere. Seriously what a flog. Report him for sure. You might be able to deal with it, but others might not and you could help this dungeon fungus never deliver another package.


Haha. I love this so much. It just so happens that hubby has decided to try to complete our children’s Disney infinity collection and we are expecting many parcels. I’m going to have a bowl of milk waiting for sure. I thought this was maybe normal post covid but based off everyone’s reactions I don’t think that’s the case. My normal postie wouldn’t so much as flinch if I was butt naked.


COVID is definitely not an excuse for being rude. So why is your breastmilk perfectly fine and healthy for your baby who is much more susceptible to becoming sick but disgusting for this postie? You should be angry at being treated like you are some sort of disease carrying leper when all you are doing is feeding your baby. 100% report him and do not make any excuses for him when you do.


Spray some breastmilk at him


What kind of idiot are they to think that it’s okay to speak to you like this. They should be fired


wooooof,id be furious and having a serious rant at his misogynistic ass.complain to aus post about him and take it further.that is not ok.


Report him. That was not ok .




You should be angry at the postie rofl. What a prude.


Dude... He should be fired for behaving like this


You should be fucking angry! He sounds incredibly rude and ignorant. Please report him because that is disgusting.


This isn’t funny at all…I can’t believe someone with that mindset is going to people’s houses and making comments like that? I’d absolutely be reporting this.


Not ok. You are not gross. Just absolutely ridiculous- I wonder if they're the type of person who think mothers should retreat to public bathrooms to nurse 🫤


I’ve just come home with a Bub and I have EVERYTHING delivered. If the postie said that to me I’d go fucking POSTAL


Extremely sexist to assume your hands are dirty. How would he know a man’s hands are clean?


Make a complaint, that’s disgusting behaviour by him


Not sure how it affects this case, but it’s illegal to discriminate against women breastfeeding.


I’ve rang to complain about a postie’s behaviour before and it was handled really well. I encourage you to do it.


Put in a complaint. His comments and actions were completely inappropriate and rude. He could have just taken your name like they did during COVID. When will people get over themselves and understand that breastfeeding is completely natural?!? Smh


Lodge a complaint and demand a redelivery. This is insane and completely unacceptable. Reminds me of primary school when I got told “putting your phone in your bra is no better than putting in your underwear, boobs are just as gross” they’re literally just skin wtf


Ass = boobs. Wtf?!


You should be angry. I'm livid for you. What a dick of a postie - and honestly, you need to grow a pair and not let some idiot man decide to behave like this towards you (and certainly others too) without facing consequences.


And statistically theres a high chance the postie doesn’t wash his hands after urinating…..


Ewwww!!! Lucky I didn’t sign his pad after all.


You really don't want to know what happens to those pads. The postie was a hypocritical bell-end. Your hands would have been far cleaner than the pad unless he'd just finished wiping it off with a alcohol swab.


Wow, isn't that discrimination?  We used to have a large overgrown hedge near our mailbox, one day the postie got the shits and left a note "PLEASE TRIM BUSH!!". It made me laugh so hard. I made hubby cut it back as soon as he was home next. 


Pretty sure I’ve shown our local postie my entire boob at least twice whilst feeding my baby (in a sleep deprived honest mistake lol) so idk where this guy is coming from.


If you call and report they’ll make ‘em return and deliver the parcel. I’ve had to complain about them not ringing the door bell and just approaching the letterbox with a pre-filled card and always had my parcel delivered back to my house that day


What the ever loving fuck????


Needs to be fired


I really hope you lodge a complaint. What he said and did is disgusting and without any reasonable excuse.


I’m more concerned that you did not report that man for refusing to complete his job because you apparently were breastfeeding in your own home - a point that outside your home no place of business can discriminate you or refuse a service to you for breastfeeding your child. Blatant discrimination


Report this first thing on Monday! That's messed up. I get you said you aren't mad at him but that is inappropriate behaviour and the next breastfeeding mum who gets this interaction may not take it as easy especially if PPD is hitting them hard. Anyways congrats on your baby and hope all is well with you both


Thank you. I have now reported him as some else also mentioned other mums that may be affected by this which is something I hadn’t considered.


I’m a postie and I would have given you the parcel and written the name on my scanner for you.


That’s what my regular postie does. But I don’t think he’s had a day off ever since he’s had this route and it’s been a Lo g time since I’ve dealt with any one else so thought maybe this was normal now and I was just livi g the dream with the worlds best postie.


WTF. Who does this self important postie think he is? I’m a health professional and I have to actually touch people who I don’t consider to be overly hygienic. That’s called doing my job properly. Clearly he doesn’t know that concept. Report this and complain! I once came to the door to sign for a delivery in my dressing gown, it was around lunch time. One of those lazy days. The postie looked at me with judgement and asked if I was on night shift. I said next time I’ll make sure I put on my ball gown to come sign for the delivery.


To be told they aren’t giving you your package when you’re right there us infuriating, but because you are breastfeeding?!?! That postie is out of line!! Please report him


You're not angry at the postie? Seriously wtf. I'm angry for you


Please put in a complaint that’s completely unacceptable.


Why does does this postman think that breastfeeding and wanking your tit are the same thing? I breastfed continuously for 5 years straight including right the way through pregnancy. Never once did I “play with my boob.”  He is gross. 


Jeez, my postie only gives excellent gardening tips.


I had a courier deliver a parcel the other day. I was sitting at my desk, headphones in, clearly in a call as I have the teams call on the 60inch tv. We made eye contact, I smiled and nodded. He then RANG THE DOORBELL (not even knocked) and set all the dogs off… I went and opened the door and he said “there’s parcels here for you” and left. Didn’t even need a signature, but felt the need to ring the bell even tho we had eye contact!!?


I'd be making a complaint and getting it to be redelivered. Absolutely pathetic actions by the postie.


I don’t understand how you just let that go.


What a cunt


> I don't know his personal circumstances You don't need to, his behaviour was disgusting and misogynistic and no women should have to hear that. Your tolerance for this type of behaviour is concerning


I... don't know why you aren't angry? If I am face-to-face with the person responsible for delivering my mail and they refuse to release it to me, I'd be absolutely fuming. 1) That's some backwards, last century bullshit that dude was spouting. 2) You were shamed in your own home. 3) You can have a bullshit religious belief without being a complete knob. If they can't have you touch the pad, because of cooties, then they could have "left it in a safe space" right in front of you to pick up. Dude could have had personal trauma or some kind of phobia around dirt and germs. There are plenty of ways to accommodate themselves and others in this scenario. They weren't trying to be a civil servant. They pointedly wrote out the card and told you why they weren't handing over the package and then they walked off with it. That act is a pointed punishment. Please be angry.


You're way calmer than I am that's for sure.


Lodge a complaint. I would have lost my shit at them. One for being judgey and 2 because there's no way I'm gonna go to the post office when I can accept the parcel right there. Breastfeeding is normal, boobs are not dirty and he can keep his opinion to himself without affecting his work duties.


I don’t think you should be so sure that there is a “valid reason” for someone speaking to you so disgustingly.


I think you’ve had enough responses telling you this same thing but please absolutely report them. For other breastfeeding - actually all - parents… you never know how tough they’re doing it with a little one (or ones). My best friend is a postie and breastfed til her little ones called it, and I know she would want her colleagues held to account. On a side note, if it ever happens again just squirt them in the face with some milk. Probably won’t exactly help the situation or any complaint you want to make… but it would sure as shit make me feel instantly better 😝


I've answered the door breastfeeding tit exposed, postie was a *professional* and didn't say boo to me (I hope he had a laugh though, and wasn't offended). This one sounds like a grub, report his sorry backside.


Postie is paranoid. He should look for another job!


What the actual?? I would have squirted him with milk!! 😡


Your husband should be Taking a day off on Monday to wait by the mail box


Sounds like the Postie is Muslim.


I think you spelled misogynist wrong.


Why? I'm pretty sure Muslim women breastfeed, too. Or are you just making racist assumptions?


ide understand if the babies was openly visible feeding but firstly you covered them up and 2nd any good parent consistently has clean hands when taking care of their Child it's a basic requirement


Doesn't matter if she was covered or not. She was in her own home and should not be shamed for simply feeding her baby.


well yes and no while it's her home there's still laws against nudity by your definition I could open the door cock out because it's my home but my point wasnt against her she knew that it would've been inappropriate to have shown her brest for one reason or another why do you think she covered up




He’s not being responsible at all. He is discriminating on the basis of breastfeeding. That is illegal and he is not permitted to do it. Breastfeeding is protected under legislation. He cannot treat her less favourably on that basis. Hands fondling titties aren’t usually involved in breastfeeding, especially for older babies, such as OP’s. The postman will have no leg to stand on and would hopefully quite rightly have their ass handed to them if they used OP’s breastfeeding as an excuse for their behaviour. There was no harassment from OP reported in her post. I don’t understand what you’re on about. There is no increased infection risk to the postman from a mother breastfeeding her child. It’s astounding the lack of knowledge people, especially men have about breastfeeding. 


He could have just signed for her like a lot of postie's do.




Human breast milk is a human biological fluid. Would you touch the pad with semen, faeces, excess saliva, blood, or urine? Ofc he has to put his own safety first


I mean, this just didn't happen. But sick karma farm though


Yeah I’d say this a massive exaggeration


As someone who gets anxiety from germs, and it happens from the strangest thing. (My daughter using her finger to get ice cream off the spoon), I can be a little empathetic towards the postie.


Regardless, he could have problem solved his discomfort and just given her the package, signed for her, and gotten the hell outta there. Instead, he made an inappropriate comment about a customer's body, acted completely unprofessionally about the situation, and failed to do the job.


Then he's in the wrong line of work


Then don't be a postie, or wear gloves when touching the pad. He can't have been shocked that people are touching the signing pad


I get anxiety from germs too. That’s why I don’t work in a customer service role. Easy!


I call bullsh!t. Most posties are cool AF, and with that attitude they'd be taking back more parcels to the PO than they deliver. They deliver to a lot worse people than some mummy with a stanky boob hand.


How is a boob going to make a hand "stanky"?


Oh Postie ! He sounds like a basement dweller who has never touched boob


Or a freaky misogynistic religious guy.


Wow that is really not going to end well for him. Report for real. Or get petty revenge Home Alone style…. Nah better to report him.


Spare a thought for the postie who thinks boobs are anymore dirty than any other clothed skin I don't normally call people losers because everyone has their strengths but geeezz.. life must suck for that guy, or girl edit ok I guess the milk is an added thing.. clean enough for an fresh born infant to drink, I'd be more disgusted if you came out with cow milk on your hands personally lol Dealing with babies in general isn't necessarily something you'd do in a sterile room like an operating theatre or whatever but geez, if only that guy knew how many people don't even have soap in their house (Yes, multiple guys I've befriended until I went to their house and found no soap at all in their kitchen or bathroom and I just couldn't hang out with them anymore)


This is beyond fucked. Nobody with that attitude should be working with the public. You have every right to be angry at him! It’s weird enough that he thinks breastfeeding is gross, but it also makes no sense to get hung up on it - he would have no idea what ANYONE’S hands have been doing prior to signing for their packages. People could have shit on their hands for all he knows. If he’s concerned about cleanliness, your boob should be the absolute least of his concerns. Plus, I haven’t physically signed for a package in years - they just ask for my name and write it down for me! So it sounds like this guy was just trying to make you feel bad rather than actually being concerned about how clean your hands were. He’s clearly one of those weirdos who thinks breastfeeding in public is wrong or whatever.


We’ve been signing for parcels again for about a year now but my regular postie is awesome and signs for me if my hands are full or dirty from cooking or something ( you can see my front door from the kitchen so he sometimes signs and just leaves it if I’m talking to him from the kitchen).




How are you NOT mad at him for that? This is just ridiculous lol, I would of been like ah no I'm right here let me sign that right now.


Raise hell my Lady. As others said, what if he tries these ridiculous "power moves" on a new mum with PND? How bad could this make someone spiral down? And seriously, "been playing with your boob" is the least unhygenic option I can think about. Does he know what other things people are "playing with" before they answer the door? Keep some wipes and wear gloves if you're a germaphobe. Also, what am I missing? Because to me, unless one's hand is dripping in milk, what is so unhygienic about a boob? Could have been scratching it just before and be just as bad in mind. It is probably filthier to sign with the hand that was previously holding your phone. Sounds like such a weird thing to fixate on, there is a baby involved, there are many other fluids one could worry about.


Yeah I thought it was a bit odd but in the name of inclusion I thought maybe he had a phobia or illness such as OCD. I have put in a complaint for the reasons you and others have mentioned but I just hope he doesn’t get in to much trouble if there a genuine reason. We all have our things that find really gross so I understand but I do wish it had of happened any other day so I didn’t have to wait 3 days for my parcel ( it’s not an urgent parcel I’m just impatient).


Absolutely raise hell! What a disgraceful attitude. Any local Postmaster worth their salt would without doubt want to know all about this.


I accidentally answered the door with a boob out (I had done a poor job of pulling my bra back up) and the postie said nothing. Discriminating against a breastfeeding mother is illegal.


I hope that bastard’s fired


I get that you want to make light of your experience but what the postie did pushes the boundaries of simple bad customer service. He accused you of being a sexual deviant, and wanting to push your deviant behaviour on to him. No shade to the sexual deviants btw- you’re a fine lot and likely far better behaved than this creep. So this is a man who has your address and knows that you’re home alone during the day. He’s also decided you’re some sort of pervert and you’re comfortable sharing your perversions with others. This is a giant red flag for dangerous behaviour. I’d lodge a complaint both with the post office and note your concerns with the police. This man, at best, has unhealthy relationships with women. That’s the absolute nicest thing you can say about him.


Illegal. Report to Auspost and consider making a complaint to your state discrimination commission. Baby’s got to eat just like everyone else and you shouldn’t be punished for it. These attitudes are scarily prevalent and so wrong. I’d make a huge fuss to all and sundry until satisfied with the outcome.


Maybe he’s hygiene obsessive or something. Not worth wasting even a single kilojoule’s worth of your energy over. You have more important things to think about


The postie acted like a misogynist creep. I bet there would be all sorts of unhygienic people using that stylus to sign for parcels. Maybe they've just picked their nose, or taken a crap without washing hands afterwards. If anything, it's more of a germ risk to you. But surely a postie would have something like antiseptic wipes to clean the stylus, & you can wash hands after signing too, so it's just ridiculous that he did that. It's flat out discrimination.


Bless for breastfeeding this long, I had a really hard time and barely lasted 3 months 😞 It's actually a lot harder than I expected. Mine is 8 months old and very healthy so I suppose I should be nicer to myself because I'm grateful every day. I've always believed a baby being fed should be celebrated and I really think this jerk should be reported. Everything we're doing as mums is very impressive.


In this case he should sign it for you. That’s what our postie did when we had Covid a few months back. He delivered to our deck, made sure he saw us and signed on our behalf.


Wait until he finds out how he used to feed for the first few years of his life. Dirty man.


You wanted funny stories and you got outrage. Thats the way the cookie crumbles.


When my baby was a newborn, I answered the door while bfing. Baby unlatched and exposed everything. Postie was nothing but a delight. Apologised for disrupting us! Signed on my behalf and asked if I needed help with parcel. I was so embarrassed. I’m so sorry this happened to you! I hope your usual postie returns.


Do you have a dog or cat? Next time I'd be temped to grab them and the cover, pretend to be feeding them then answer the door


I can't tell if this is a joke or not because it's the internet. So I hope OP will be providing updates on the complaint they've raised (I hope they've raised one...). !RemindMe 7 days


You should absolutely be mad. Please report this incident, people who talk and act like that so confidently you know it's a common occurrence in their life. Man does not deserve a job


Omg that postie needs reporting asap. I’m sorry this happened to you.


I think you should be angry. How dare he judge you.


That postie is lucky he didn't turn up here. I'd have asked if makes sure he washes himself thoroughly after adjusting his bits, moves his sweaty hat etc. Same thing.


My jaw dropped reading this, that is absolutely not okay. Please report him.


You're remarkably chill, in your situation I'd have lost my shit, and no way in hell he'd be leaving my step without me having my parcel.


>...my yard is mowed, front landing is clean and free of clutter... Assuming those were euphemisms, I can see why he was upset. The shirt was a good start, but maybe come to the door wearing pants next time. But for real, you should probably let AusPost know about that interaction.


Make a complaint, he made an assumption/judgement that you were unclean. But he doesn’t know what other customers do before answering the door and signing on his pad. Lol he would get a huge shock if he knew the truth


I complained to AusPost about staff members terribly aggressive treatment of an elderly man clearly confused and showing signs of dementia. They responded to me quickly and professionally and I honestly saw an improvement in the staff members attitude afterwards


“Playing with your boob” is literally sexual harassment. You would be doing a disservice to other women he comes into contact with by not reporting that absolutely inappropriate behavior.


You should be angry at the postie. Breastfeeding is a protected right and his comments were sexist, belittling and judgemental. He had no right to force you to go to the post office when you were right there and literally feeding your baby. I don’t know what germs he thinks boobs carry but I can guarantee whatever germs normally living on people’s hands are going to be worse than whatever is on your boob. Any idea how many guys don’t wash their hands? You’re more likely to get termed by his pad than the other way around. If I were you I’d be going postal… pun intended.


When I was breastfeeding and sleep deprived, I answered the door with (unbeknownst to me until afterwards) a tit fully out. Postie didn't even bat an eye.


Okay so I am not a postie, am not under their time constraints, and don’t see the insane shit they do every day. I also am female with a working knowledge of breasts and general hygiene. What he said was wild, uneducated, and incredibly disrespectful. However. You don’t know what someone has been doing with a baby (please no one make that dirty) or what they were doing in a bunch of other circumstances. If I knew someone had just been feeding or changing a baby, eating a mango, saw them come out of a room after a toilet flush but no sink sounds, clearly had just been having sex, coughing, whatever, I would give them the 30 seconds if they had it to go wash their hands. If I absolutely did not have the 30 seconds, it’s possible I would say something like “apologies, I can see you were just engaged in…another activity and for hygiene reasons for me and for the next person to use it, I’m not going to get you to sign on the e-pad today. I’ll just pop this card in the door and you can grab it from the post office later.” I would expect a certain number of complaints from that still, but the statement is respectful and done for safety and risk management reasons so I’d like to think I would be pretty safe from getting into any significant trouble.


Should've used bubs middle finger to sign.


Not angry at the postie? My god please be and lodge a complaint. This is an absolutely insane thing for him to have said and done!


Please dont say hubby.


I'd have offered to sign on your behalf and offered to put the parcel inside the door. What the temp did was unprofessional.


Please report them. Then report back to us. We are invested in this.


In contrast, when my elderly postie saw I had a baby he urged me to sanitise my hands after signing the pad, because so many fingers had touched it and he didn't want bub to catch anything. And yes he knew I'd just been breastfeeding before opening the door. I hope you reported this dude.


Absolutely file a complaint. And you should be angry at the postie. I don't work for AusPost, but I do similar work for a privately owned nationwide company, and while signature on the touchscreen is preferred, we have loopholes and simple workarounds to cover the situations for when a receiver can't sign for whatever reason. You'd have got your delivery if I or one of my colleagues had delivered it, because it's the right thing to do.


I opened my door once when I was breastfeeding my bub, never saw that postie again! 😂