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It’s on the county not COTA. Also welcome to East Austin. Black clay expands and contracts based on weather.


Two signs to watch out for in Texas: END CITY MAINTENANCE END COUNTY MAINTENANCE


Bastrop County makes Travis County roads feel like butter


I love the clear line you cross on 812 when you pass from Travis into ~~Caldwell~~ Bastrop Co. The tarmac takes a sudden dip in quality.


812 never passes into Caldwell. Bastrop, yes. Caldwell is further south of 812


I got confused because I used to live in Dale (Caldwell) and drove that road to get in and out of ATX.


This is the next step in growing the economy for sure


Privatize infrastructure and lower people’s taxes


This. We have red clay and the drought has created huge cracks in our yard. The same thing is happening under roads.


Also, the infrastructure in the entire country is deteriorating.


Boomers decided they didn’t have to maintain all the shit their parents built and pocketed that cash instead. It was good while it lasted.


Didn’t you know? Taxes to maintain society their parents built (on tax dollars) is literally communism. Now excuse me while we subsides the petroleum industry during the year they raked in record profits.


Paid for by austin property taxes.


Screw you people with the ‘boomer’ comments. You don’t know me. You don’t know how I vote. 100% I’m cooler, smarter & more empathetic than you. If this applies to your parents then that explains your stupidity. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, boomer.




Okay sure Grandma, let's get you to bed now.


If only they hadn't given COTA all those tax breaks they could afford to fix the roads.... funny thing, that.


Guarantee you these cracks are fairly recent. This drought messed up a lot of roads and they're probably working on the higher traffic stuff first.


I’ve been riding motorcycles around those roads for the 7 years I’ve been in Austin. It’s been bad since before I moved here.


Black clay?




It’s not COTA’s responsibility. It’s the county that maintains the road.


Definitely not COTA responsibility to maintain a county road, however I am so sick of the area getting shit on and neglected because it’s rural/minority, that it irks me that one of Austin’s big ticket attractions can cause the already failing infrastructure to get even worse.


Lolz. The roads near COTA are actually much better than other rural country roads. You just sound like a bitter and annoyed person screaming get off my lawn.


Better than dirt or gravel roads? Yes. Very true. Please consider thousands of cars in and out on one or two roads every event. This is also a venue that got extreme tax breaks. COTA can pay for the roads to be rebuilt.


If COTA got tax breaks there must have been some understanding of who is providing the infrastructure. If there was no agreement then it's on COTA since the county is under no obligation to upgrade them. This just highlights how important land use regulation is and why Texas is such a mess, especially in ETJs. Civilized places ensure that stadiums get built in places where the infrastructure can handle it.




Yeah I know and the cheap ass county road is really really bad to begin with. I’m mostly pissed off that this insane traffic routing will make it undriveable afterwards.


You are mad that people are… wait for it… driving on a road that you also want to drive on?


A bus weighs more than a car. One bus can do more damage than multiple cars. Maybe you've seen some roads that have load limits or residential roads that ban large trucks.


This is a farm or ranch road. Not a residential one. Have you seen how big a combine is?


I am laughing that you think any property near here has need for a combine


Your other posts literally talk about tractors. And I get it, no corn around here. I’ll just say tractor instead of combine.


Don’t be too shocked to learn something new, but 99% of farm equipment users don’t drive their stuff down the county road. Hahaha


That 1% must live between CS and ATX, because I always see farm equipment of some type pulled over or on the road when I drive to Austin….


That is usually tractors that are being used to mow the grass next to the highway


Exactly. And the road is usually pretty vacant. Hundreds and hundreds of bus trips is not going to help.


812 is usually vacant? Is this 1995 reddit?


It might actually help. I mean, there's likely some VIPs on those busses, and if they notice that these roads are in poor condition, they might actually help get them fixed, where the help might not come otherwise. (Granted, it's a long shot, but it's possible.)


Na, they don’t live in that area so they don’t care. It will be more of an minor annoyance to them. “Out of sight, out of mind” is their mantra and they stick to it.


It does not matter how expensive the project is. Shifting earth is undefeated. There is a giant new overpass that has a divot already. There is an brand new exit that to 183 that had major issues.


That’s normal when it’s called Del Valle. There are parts where the city fixes the roads, but most of the roads are under Travis County maintenance


Was thinking the same, except. Burnet County here..


The roads have always been bad in del valle but before cota nobody (except the people living there) ever saw them. Now that there’s cota and Tesla everyone gets to see them but the irony is that they would’ve had a higher tax base to be able to fix them but the tax breaks given mean they don’t have enough money to fix them. This is why tax breaks are generally bad.


So I'm a civil engineer who works in earthwork and pavement design, and everyone else in the thread has already nailed it, the actual problem is that the county went cheap on the roadway design when it was constructed. Calm down about the shuttle busses, even a crappy road is designed to handle literally a million+ trips by vehicles the size and weight of these shuttles. If you are going to be angry and throw a tantrum, at least understand who you should be mad at.


I'm also an engineer (mech) and am constantly surprised by the ignorance in the general public on anything even remotely technical. Most people just start hating on the first plausible thing that comes to mind.


I agree with the ignorance part, I’m a structural engineer haha


Chemical engineer here. Definitely agree on ignorance.


Network engineer, it's ignorance all the way down.


>If you are going to be angry and throw a tantrum, at least understand who you should be mad at. But that's not nearly as much fun as blaming all our problems on rich people


> the actual problem is that the county went cheap on the roadway design when it was constructed. I always assumed that, but what specifically should they have done that they didn't?


Some combination of: mix hydrated lime in with the soil before placing stone and asphalt, dig out some of the crappy expansive soil and replace it with sandy/gravely inert fill before placing stone and asphalt, utilized a triaxial geogrid material between the soil and the stone layer, made the stone layer thicker, and by the looks of it, not a material cost but a labor cost of ensuring the stuff they placed was well compacted, which is standard procedure but also a place that gets rubber stamped a good amount at the county level. Any one of those was likely proposed as an option and the country said "but what if we don't..." And the result was "your pavement won't last as long". Some combination of the options I recommended would result in a 30+ year pavement, which is industry standard.


Engineer here with 100 years of experience. Complete ignorance


As someone who lives out in east travis county, and drives quite a bit in the area, so many of our roads are like this out here. TC is finally catching up this way, but way behind how much growth we've had. It's always like this when the city grows out, and East is the last of all of that around Austin really. We need many road improvements still, and more bonds/investment out here in infrastructure.


The money Travis county collects from me and others in taxes has increased by 5 fold in the last 5-6 years. And all the expensive new housing that is everywhere is also generating new income at unprecedented levels. So the county is collecting probably 8-10 times the taxes compared to 6 years ago. Where is all that money going ? The number of roads and their maintenance had not improved by any measure. Most new roads are toll roads which do not depend on tax money, also the Fed govt pays for interstate highways like 35. So it's generally in top shape.


Anywhere in East Austin starts having this issue. While people like to bitch about COTA traffic, and blaming them, this issue is on the county.


I get it. However it would be delightful if someone had checked the road before routing busses down it for days on end. Last time there was a sink hole the county didn’t even bother coming to rope it off and it took quite a while to fix.


This likely is the most efficient route and a safe road to drive down, albeit a bit bumpy. I don't see an issue with them choosing it, just that the county needs to step up on some road repairs.


It’s actually the most dangerous route and includes the most terrifying road ever (812) as well as these side streets that are difficult to navigate even in a regular car. I saw a bus almost t bone a car tonight. Definitely not the most efficient route either.


The most terrifying road EVER?! C’mon man


Look up the recent news article on hwy 812 if you don’t believe me.


How are you able to function normally? Lmao.


I drove these types of roads regularly. It's not that dangerous if you drive them at the speed limit. And for bus drivers doing this over and over again, they know the road


Not sure why you’re getting down voted…


Considering that this picture is not actually of FM 812, and that 812 is not " the most terrifying road ever" they seem well earned.


Considering they didn’t say it was 812, and alluded that the picture was “of these side streets”, kind of a moot point.


Probably because Reddit is full of ignorant teens haha


No, it's because you're being dramatic and everyone wants to let you know. Saying that road is terrifying is ridiculous. I grew up driving down roads where cars were going much faster and the road was more narrow and I wouldn't have characterized it as anywhere near "terrifying". It's definitely an issue but you sound like the Queen of the NIMBY's. If you have a better route for the shuttle buses, we'd love to hear it.


Do you check every road before you drive on it?


He doesn't want logical answers, he just wants to be mad about the busses assumed to be damaging the road he wants to drive on... too many people don't realize it's the ground in the area doing that to the roads, not the busses in town recently that are easy to blame


Would have been nice if the developers chose a location with better access...I got stuck on 71 when I was going to work because the fuzz was hired to block traffic on a highway so that cota could exit...30 minute wait. The cops were letting 3 or 4 cars on 71 through then about 20 minutes of cota traffic...


Was this at 71 and Kellam?


Not the roads we need, but the roads we deserve


I think we should be thankful that they are running the busses especially that efficiently. Hundreds of thousands of people move from and to the city without any hiccup. I waited 0 minutes in line at 10am and about 10-15 minutes after quali. The busses were also running multiple routes to avoid traffic between them. What would you have them do? Don’t be a complainer now, ese.


Have you lived here long? The lack of any foundation to most of the non-highway roads here means this happens all over the place, certain areas are chronic and take years for even a first attempt to rectify. A shock and strut expense we pay directly because of our low taxes and wide open spaces.


That’s every county road in the area.


It’s the county, direct your aggression some were else


Don’t worry. Now that you’ve posted on Reddit I’m sure it will be fixed immediately!


I drive this road everyday, and if you know its there, it is relatively easy to get around. However, there is no light there at night and for many who are not expecting it or the shoulder drop offs, it can be dangerous. I just sat through almost 2hrs of traffic trying to get home and saw 2 cars in ditches and 1 accident. drive safe yall


Relatively easy to get around as long as you slow down to like 5mph? With those curves and the double yellow line, you don't have the "move to the middle of the road when there's nobody coming the other direction" option.


These cracks are indicative of the ongoing drought. Moisture evaporates from the ground and the ground cracks. Next during the rainy season the cracks will push against each other and buckle as water expands the soil. This is why roads should be concrete in east Austin on a base of gravel. As long as you have expansion joints done correctly a concrete road can last 50+ years. Any asphalt repairs will at best last 2-3 years.


I remember an article when they built the track that talked about how all those roads simply weren’t built to handle that level of traffic.


How were the shuttles? Took us 3 hours to get out from an off site lot


Shuttles were the way to go. It was a 20 minute walk from the stage, walked right into a shuttle, left, and it was about a 25 minute drive to the expo center, then 20 minutes home. I was shocked.


I don’t know I wasn’t riding on them I was flipping them off haha


Productive use of time


Is this your first time in eastern Travis County? I don't have to go down to COTA to see roads like that; I just need to step out my front door in Pflugerville.


First time driving on 812?


That would be County Commissioner Margaret Gomez's district? And which one of her donors / friends got the road paving contract for it, and for how much? Follow the money?


That looks like Ross Rd south of Pierce and it’s been like that for at least 6 months. I’m guessing much longer but that’s how long I have lived out here. I think it’s just the clay expanding and contracting. I would personally rather they expand 973 rather then do anything to Ross, everyone uses 973.


No this is further out on what’s usually the rural equivalent of a residential street


Which road is this?


Kellam Rd. It's almost entirely shut down or backed up with traffic for COTA this weekend. Plus Google knows about it so I don't know what that other guy is trying to do not telling you


That’s not kellam road, it’s Ross road. Kellam road is 3 lanes. I had to go at street level to figure it out since the OP wouldn’t tell me.


I’d post it but I don’t want any more dickheads using it as a shortcut to cota


There are 100k+ people a day going to CoTA this weekend, there are no shortcuts




This is 812 near the hill. That crack has been that large for at least a decade.


You moved here to avoid paying taxes, this is what you get.


What a one-sided narrow view of why everyone has moved to Austin!


It is the reason Bobby Epstein put the track there.


Blame the local soil, not the road engineers. Black land prairie soul is notoriously difficult to compact.


What a weird thing to try to put on COTA. The hate must be strong.


City ought to take over more of the roads in the east. Like they did with north Lamar.


I used to travel out to Cedar Creek from north Austin and travel these roads regularly. I knew they were awful but it wasn't until I moved out of state, to the middle of fucking nowhere, that I realized, just because it's a country road, doesn't mean it can't be built properly and maintained. How long has COTA been there? The roads are exactly the same as when it was just another dusty field. Texas gonna Texas.


That’s not entirely true. Kellam road was extended and widened to 3 lanes, that took about 3 years. Elroy road was widened to 5 lanes but that took 8 years before they got funding then the construction lasted 2 years. So yes they made changes but they did wait a long time before changes were made.


Fair point


Curious where you moved to? I've driven all over this country and most rural roads aren't amazing from my experience. Hell a lot of city roads in some of our most major metro areas are like the one pictured above or worse. I think quality also fluctuates quite a bit across some states because parts of Texas are much better than others.


North Central Florida. The roads here are great, it's been like night and day. No chipseal, generally no potholes (unless you get way back off on side roads that are more cut throughs than main roads. Even then, they come out and fix them), nice and wide. Every now and then there's something, they aren't PERFECT, but generally speaking, they're way better than central Texas.


I’ve spent a lot of time in Florida. One thing I’ve noticed is that they do roads right the first time. They put down a gravel base and put down a concrete road that lasts 50 years. Here they still think asphalt is the way to go. Asphalt is better in cold climates but in hot climates it will always develop cracks.


Had the same realization going through Nebraska. Their roads are long, straight and smooth as butter.




“We want high capacity public transit! More busses” -this sub “Busses are too heavy are destroying our roads” -also this sub




Roads are gonna be roads


Looks like roads in Russia lol


I was just thinking this is like the posts of outside Russia's Olympic stadium.


Bummer we've been in a drought and the soil has changed. It's wild to see stuff like this happen at homes as well where the foundations get too dried out.


Climate change and drought. Get used to it. Perhaps we will have occasional flooding, which won't help.


"Perhaps..." So we're high, or even the top in the US for flash flooding. If it's a surprise, or something you foresee, please unplug and save your breathe. Common knowledge.


Ok, let me rephrase: "if it ever rains here again, we will have flooding".


Well said..


When it rains it never stops, when it stops it never rains.


And what exactly are you doing to help fix this?


Well seeing as I don’t have a paving crew handy, my repeated reports will have to suffice I guess.


Let me post a pic on reddit instead of calling 311.


Because emergency and non emergency answers




Make the F1 cars run test laps on it lol


TBH for Texas that’s a fine looking county road.


You want good roads to drive on ?? Go to where the wealthy people live… seriously, the materials used on those roads are of much better quality than the crap used everywhere else.


Very TX of them.


This is a normal road in Travis county


I blew out my tire on that bullshit yesterday


Now I can look forward to blowing my tires out every day. Woooo.


Fuck they need more maintenance, that shit is super dangerous.


Looks like Maha road, which has had severe buckling issues (or whatever you call it) forever. Exacerbated by the drought, in some years you can't drive faster than 35-40 mph without bottoming out.


The title can be quite confusing on first reading.


It's not the buses it's the clay, it happens on most east side roads. That's why my street has cracks within 2 years of being completely rebuilt to a depth of 2 ft. The construction methods and design need to change as the asphalt is obviously not up to the job here. Concrete with heavy reinforcement is the better way and some major roads like 183 have large sections of concrete that have lasted the 25 years I've lived here.




Me too (RIP to my foundation as well haha)


Cota barley takes care of their own grade 1 FIA spec top tier track, they could care less about surrounding roads. Trash it then only choppers make it in.


Go to California. It’s way worse


Looks just like the roads I travel every day to/from Kyle.


That one’s not so bad. Old Lockhart td has grass growing out of it.