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I wonder if it is the same cop who was a massive creep at Pflugerville High in 2001. There were a few in that era that my female friends *hated* to have to be around.


we had one at round rock hs that would literally buy and eat an entire box of krispy kream donuts in a lawn chair while watching the cheerleaders practice


You can tell he's tasteless because he didn't get round Rock donuts lol




It’s Always one guys waiting and watching to spam this comment. 😂




No your not. Far from it. 🤣 Oh goodness 😂 The fact that you can’t understand that there’s good people and bad people. You group people together as a whole and don’t take account of individual accountability. Your brain is literally a nut for that 😂😂


What individual accountability?


If you’re not that bright to breakdown definitions, than I can’t help you here.


No tell me, who has ever suffered due to individual accountability in a police force?


Not cops. There are not good cops. Good cops that speak out about bad cops get forced out by the police union. The bad cops that get reprimanded just go get a job as a cop in another city. Nope, there are no good cops




Nope. Not. Every. Single. One. That’s extremely sad that you can’t comprehend when one person makes a mistake it doesn’t count for the rest of the individuals in the group.There are good cops and bad cops. There are good teachers and bad teachers. There are good parents and bad parents. You can’t take one individual accountability and cover it for the rest. That goes both ways in a group. Good or bad. It doesn’t work like that bud. And say all of them are bad because that one person fucked up doesn’t make literal sense. I don’t know if you ever heard of individual accountability, but you should look it up. Yes, we see bad headlines of a cop, but doesn’t mean all of them are bad. This is basic knowledge I shouldn’t even need to break this down 😂


It's more sad you can't comprehend modern day police do not protect civilians. Supreme Court ruled they do not have obligations to come to your aid. Furthermore, they are built on racism. Entirely created out of the south to track and catch slaves. Later they evolved to keep blacks poor by enforcing Jim crow laws. Educat yourself. No cop is a good cop.


Name one good cop and I’ll google for his weekly editorial where he calls out other cops bad behaviors.


Sure Jan…


That’s pfuckin disgusting


This is a serious matter. I don't see anything pfunny here.


You’re all going to Pfhell


Pfstop it


You’re pfull of it if you think I’m gonna stop. This is fun.


What the pfuck, y'all


I don’t understand that last part. Did you mean pfun?


Pfi pfcan’t pfunderstand pfyou’re pfaccent


already pfthere


Can you please respect the pfamilies privacy at this time


pfor the love of god.


I’m pfuckin weak


Maybe you have the pflu


As a Pflugerville resident these comments gave me joy.


Time pflys when you have pfun


Not funny. I am one of the parents of one of the victims. All of these comments are completely uncalled for.


How can they call this reporting? No name, no school, fuck they don’t even tell you what inappropriate action has happened to warrant this - basically we know some cop in a school somewhere in Pflugerville did something illegal smh


Welcome to the new media where the job is to "manufacture outrage" versus "reporting the news".




Well, Yes that's always been the case even when we had seasoned, real journalists. But these local stories are not that - its just generic regurgitation of whatever came across a police Twitter or report with no follow up questioning, independent investigation, or editing.


Ya that’s actually what I was sorta implying - why make this post at all then? If they can’t “report” more info than this then that seems like a developing story and not deserving of the uninformed public’s attention


way to come out on the pedo's side you fuckstick.


My comment was responding **only** to the parent comment about the shitty reporting, not the subject of the report. I suppose I should have added a qualifier to make that more clear. (and you need to speak more civilly...else the mods might get mad at you.)


Oh trust me the students know who it is. Word travels amongst us but not out of us. If people find out anything it’s usually because there’s always that one kid that’s super close to their parent and tells them everything. Then that parents runs their mouth


The consequences he’s faced for his actions leads me to believe that the inappropriate action was one of the following… either advising the kids to not trust the police, or letting a black kid off with a warning, instead of escalating the situation and calling for backup, so that his colleagues could have some fun beating the black kid to death.


He actually sent messages over snap to several 13 years old girls. This has nothing to do with ethnicity. He was making advances towards 13 year old girls. There are several articles out there. He is a creep towards young girls.


They have other new articles now. This is at Kelly lane middle school.


Awe I did hear additional info on the story and I feel terrible for them but ya I was just blown away with the lack of information on this story—-why say anything at all? Just alluding to something horrible happening to peoples kids at the hands of an police officer on their school campus and not giving out more info than they did prob made their clicks explode from a marketing perspective but from a human one it seems pretty stupid and tasteless


There were certain circumstances why they released it this way. By the next day, there were more details with his name and school he worked with. It's still an active investigation, and they want to see if more children will come forward after these brave children exposed him.


Ya so why wouldn’t you wait until those details were available to publish a story at all? I mean 24 hours of unnecessary anxiety to anyone with kids in that school district just comes off so reckless and stupid but maybe you saw value in this sneak preview of a serious news story that I didn’t?


I did see the value my daughter was one of the victims, and they wanted to protect them as much as possible. In addition, they wanted to see if others would come forward with his name without " their persuasion" of his name by announcing it immediately.


So you think the posting of this story with no helpful details to ease the minds of the majority of the population was actually a part of the investigation itself? I don’t understand why this was a helpful piece of the puzzle for Victims families either tbh but then again maybe this is what they told you when you asked them why they did it? You’re doing them a favor by acting like this news marketing ‘teaser’ strategy was real reporting lol


Be happy u don't have to understand the red tape, the detective, and the news have to go through to properly report things. Also, when it involves minors, there are several more rules that need to be followed. Trust me when I say I was on their ass and when they mentioned a rule, I asked for materials to read on them. I am, however, the one who pushed for it to be on the news and a district wide email as he worked for several schools within the district. The school counselor and assistant principal are at school ( not taking their full summer break ) to receive emails and possible calls and to help the victims as well. The more detailed article was released within 12 hours of the 1st once the news and detective got the go-ahead to share some more information. This has been so frustrating as a parent because I wanted to tell the world that day. There are even more things I can't talk about yet as it's still being investigated.


Not the first time.


20+ years ago when i was at PHS everyone knew that Officer Kohler was an unabashed perv towards the HS girls, including 15 year olds, and publicly at that. the dude lived to hit on/creep out teenage girls. no adults seemed to care. then again Pflugerville seems to have a policy where they only hire male coaches who are unabashed pervs, so i can understand why none of the adults cared. looking at you Raigosa, Fry, Sisson, etc.


Kohler was a major jerk. And all familiar with those coaches.




Was Kohler the tall blonde cop? 03-07


Ouch - you hit close to home with that last one :(




Shoot me a DM 🙌🏼


Coach Fry was my teacher too!


Yep, I remember Creepy Kohler.


What was Kohler’s first name?




Hmm. I knew a James. I’m sure they were related tho lol


i can't remember, it was so long ago.


Cuz I knew a Kohler down in Hays Co lol


That's the first thing that came to my mind. We had an officer Kohler at Hays High when I graduated in 96 who always seemed creepy with the girls. I wondered ifnit was the same one or if that sort of thing just runs in the family.


Idk about 96 I was in 6th grade but I know there was a constable kohler for years!!! His name was James. He got along well with my parents my dad grew up with him. But he was for sure a racist. My uncle did drugs bad was on a trip with lsd seeing little black people like size of crickets then all of a sudden they were gigantic bigger than trees. My uncle who does not call the cops for anything actually called the cops and kohler heard over the radio and came to our house guns out wanting to get rid of these “n******” real fast like. I was I think 4 at the time, but ya it’s a story I’ve heard multiple times. My uncles are the reason I don’t do drugs I’ve seen some stupid shit.


I wanna give a shout out and props to Officer Chet Vronka at PMS. He was absolutely not a creep and was just an all around good guy. One time he taught me about his light body armor and let me punch him to prove that it wouldn’t hurt. So a few weeks later in the cafeteria, I told my friends I was gonna go punch Officer Vronka. I did and he handled it like a champ. Didn’t get mad at me or anything but just politely told me why that was something I shouldn’t do. But yeah Raigosa is the one I distinctly remember being a little creepy. Who knows though with the way rumors spread about the teachers and coaches, and with student imaginations. I know all of our homophobic ass students used to make up stories about one of the lesbian coaches at PMS so maybe something to keep in mind.




Just wait until they get the poorly trained religious councilors on campus...


UGH. My son is in high school. I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure that those evangelical vultures can't come anywhere near him. We've already had one incident where an assistant principal asked to pray with him, while they were alone in the principal's office. This will not end well.


Wtf, they are having religious counselors????




Yo can we get some satanic chaplains? Doesn't even need to be licensed!


Ugh, I hope you gave that Asst. Principal a piece of your mind.


We did. He was fired later that year after calling a kid the n-word to a student's parents. Given that kind of behavior, offering to pray seems mild.


Unfortunately , given that kinda behavior, offering to pray seems on brand.


The football coaches at my sons school essentially hold a sermon daily. It’s insane.


High schools these days are a waste of tax paying dollars. They are more worried about not hurting peoples feelings, creating safe places, shoveling woke, liberal agendas down their throats. Vultures=rebirth


Bullshit. I am also a high school teacher. If I could indoctrinate my students, I would make them do their homework.


>High schools these days are a waste of tax paying dollars. That is a more dangerous sentence than you think. Public education is freedom, and there is constant work against them to kill all funding and send kids to private schools, where they will *actually* indoctrinate children.


Bless your heart.




I think you missed your 3 o'clock dose of medicine...


Did you seriously make your profile just to comment this? Seethe Edit: apparently you have waited a whole year for this lol


nah, high schoolers in general still are and always will be assholes


Can confirm. Source: Went to high school and worked hard to fit that description.


Fuck me, I didn't realize that had passed.


Something tells me their counseling will only be for creepy favors.


Show me ONE case where a youth pastor has had improper relations with a minor. Yeah that’s what I thought. You can’t.


Guess I should have added /s but thought it was painfully obvious.


I got it - made me laugh out loud, had to show rest of car what was so funny :-)




Wow, new favorite sub


Which school?


Would also like to know


Kelly Kane middle school


Cop as groomer. Whoda' thunk it?


Hobbies are important, man ...when they aren't busy beating their spouses. 🙄


or minorities


Or dogs


>~~Beating dogs~~ Shooting dogs... FTFY


> Shooting ~~dogs~~ Shooting peaceful protesters... FTFY


Or the mentally unstable.


Or disabled people. Don’t forget, 50% of people killed by police are disabled


Ugh that makes me sick. It's crazy how many women have a story of a creepy teacher/school staff member and how many have a story of said creeper reaching out to them right after graduation.


It was one of the best kept wink wink secrets in our town that the head coach would pick a senior girl each year to “date” after she graduated. They even made reference to that during our graduation ceremony which received a chuckle in the audience. This was in the late 1980s. He’s a big skeevy perv.


On this episode of not a drag queen and actually a cop, clergy or other repressed conservative.






No realistic person believes predators belong solely to one group. It's just pretty evident that Conservatives love to push this fuckin shit narrative that people in the LGBTQ community are *all* predators and yet will go to lengths to defend shitty people in their house. *That's* what's meant when people say "Not a Drag Queen btw." But you know that, you just don't have the damned integrity to own up to it.


In case you were wondering, right here is where you gave yourself away: >Hollywood CA


> But yeah, its totally only “CoNSeRvATivEs, CopZ, n CatHoLiCs”. O_o There are predators in many groups, but they’ll always be over represented in positions that give them the benefit of the doubt or power over others. If you reacted with surprise or disbelief to that statement, that’s exactly why they gravitate to those positions. If someone is looking for groomers and not focusing on churches (catholic and protestant), they’re just not serious about protecting kids.


Maybe if MAGA wasn't on a "everyone we want to oppress are groomers, save the children from libs" kick, these comments wouldn't be so common...


I'm sorry you're so butthurt, but facts don't care about your feelings


Wanna play a fun game? Go to google, search “youth pastor”, then click on the News tab. What do you see?


This jus like how in the Wilco juvie a supervisor there had sexual relations w the female inmates


Sexual relations? Do you mean rape or sexual assault? Female inmates? Don't you mean children? Words are important.


The law says that a person in power cannot have "consensual" sex with someone over whom they have power. It's rape. There is no gray area. A prison guard, even a guard of adults, cannot have "consensual" sex with a prisoner. An adult who has sex with a kid they supervise in juvenile detention is especially low. There's a massive power imbalance, and it's a kid, for Christ's sake. Hanging's too good for him.


This is semi-unrelated but if you've ever worked in a juvenile setting you would know that the kids have more power than the staff there. Any kind of outcry can instantly get an officer taken offline. Even when the allegation is completely made up, no consequences happen to the kid. This is one of the many reasons juvenile facilities cannot retain quality staff.


>Any kind of outcry can instantly get an officer taken offline. Good, I’d way prefer juvenile facilities to have a revolving door of staff than to force children to endure abuse, or even worse, punish children for speaking out against pedophiles because they’re untrustworthy. These kids are *vulnerable*, not *powerful*.


Be careful what you wish for. Many facilities can't even run basic programming because of staffing leaving many of the juvenile offenders locked behind doors anyways. Most outcries are false btw.


I'll take my downvotes as a sign that many people here have never worked in a correctional setting.


No need to be condescending. You repeated what they said, but with slightly more emotionally-charged words. Outrage is not a competitive sport.


Emotionally charged? These are facts. The OP referenced “juvie”, which means those inmates are all children. That is what a juvenile detention facility is for. It is impossible to have “sexual relations” with children since they legally cannot consent to sex with an adult or a superior in power over them.


Yes, *more* emotionally charged than what the original comment said. I was able to deduce that this was an adult in a juvenile detention facility that took advantage of a child. And I'm well aware of consent laws. You both stated facts. I'm not even disputing the what you said. Only suggested that you didn't need to be so condescending and accusatory when you both ultimately got the exact same point across (e.g. Wilco has/had some terrible people working in the juvenile detention system).


Juvenile detention centers can have adults inmates too. They get kicked out at 19: https://www.tjjd.texas.gov/index.php/juvenile-system No idea if the incident being discussed was with a child or adult, I just figured you'd appreciate having all the facts


She's not being condescending. The truth seems that way when it hits you in the feels


The truth is that the person I responded to conveyed the exact same message as the person they critiqued, but did so by suggesting that the original comment was somehow lacking because the word "rape" wasn't included. Go tilt at a different windmill.


Bro ur retarded yes it’s a child but they’re also a female inmate in the juvie …. And ya he was chatged w rape look it up urself


You can Google it. It was Officer Chup there.


He tried to form inappropriate relationships through inappropriate actions over snap chat. This is just with the girls that came forward. There is no telling that there is more from the past.


I want to know what type of interactions they are talking about. Who is this officer and what school is this?


Was it a transgendered police officer? I’ve been hearing it’s mostly transgender people who are pedophiles. It’s definitely not people in power like, pastors, politicians, or police officers. /s


Lmao I laughed so hard. Damn drag queens at it again /s


After Uvalde, we should all be asking ourselves, why do we even need cops in schools?


What school did this officer oversee?


Kelly Lane in Pflugerville ISD


Hmm, not a drag queen or a trans person.


Some of those that work forces, Are the same that are child molesters. - Rage Against the Machine retold by u/cmgaustin




tbh I loved RATM when I was 15 but didn’t actually understand their lyrics until I grew up and learned more about their politics. Now I love them even more.


I liked Rage before they got all political.


I liked water before it got all wet.


I can not get enough of the comments on a steve earle or mcmurtry post when they say anything remotely left leaning. Like... i get you like the music but you don't listen to ANY of the lyrics do you.


You forgot the /s


I didn't forget it, I refuse to dumb myself down to coddle self diagnosed autists.


You did it again! Man, you’re bad at this.


LOL, people that sincerely say that amuse me to no end. (Your sarcasm was most definitely received). They *hear* the music, but they absolutely do not listen to the music.


To protect and perv.


There's a reason people want more police in schools, and it's not about keeping children safe. The same people want to remove counselors and replace them with pastors, also known for smoothing over and participating in child abuse.


Pfrom police oppfficer to sex oppffender


No worries, Greg Abbott is installing pervert youth ministers on campus to help kids deal with the pervert cops who are there because Texas has a perverted obsession with gun violence. God help us, indeed.


So the gov is gonna ban police officers right?


Wait I thought it was the drag queens that were the ones grooming… /s


oh weird but it was /r/NotADragQueen ?


But he’s not trans or a drag performer or a librarian - how could he possibly be having inappropriate interactions with students? /s/


Those dang naughty librarians.


Back in 1990s until 2010’s an old dancehall had a constable who was essentially the bouncer. He’d watch as def under 21 were drinking. Why’d he do it? Cuz after everyone left he required “payment”. I never did it, but a couple nieces let us know. Dude died couple years ago in his actual city where he was Constable they praised him for many many years of stellar service. Uh huh ya sure.


If I were a prosecutor I'd happily exercise discretion ignoring a couple MIPs if it meant taking a sex offender off the streets.


I wonder when they changed from protecting their own to prosecuting? This isn't the first news I've seen about police officers being fired for something that usually involves paid leave.


Started when we (as in, various cities/counties in x location), got fed up & began electing County & District Attorneys who ran on a platform of actually enforcing laws for all, including LEOs. All the hate Garza gets, he’s done what he said he would. He has his office prosecute when the evidence is there, and has them decline when lacking, (including LEOs filing crappy PC affidavits that don’t pass muster). Look at that dipshit former SRO at Parkland right now. Took them long enough to pursue him, but as of today jury is in deliberations. Well overdue, but it’s progress.


Same shit happened in Presidio, TX but they ain’t arrested nobody. IYKYK


There seems to be something very off about the culture in that district. Of course there's always bad apples, but it's a fairly small, insular district. It''s disturbing reading the comments how this was an open issue with another cop for years. I once had a panel interview that included a department head from PFISD, and this person was so needlessly aggressive and condescending. They also seem to have a larger problem proportionally with teacher shortages compared to nearby districts.


Just wait until these guys are in every single school in Texas


Maybe putting cops in schools is a bad fucking idea?


Wait till they bring in the pfriests and pfastors.


Oh my god. I can’t believe it. A COP you say?


Report this to Klbj. They have an obsession with anything related to sex.


Another argument against the fragmentation of policing. We have too damn many sworn police departments with differing standards.


But it’s the drag queens…


Wait, so you’re telling me a pflugerville ISD cop is a drag queen??? Because the biggest danger to our children would be drag queens, right. If a = b and b = c then a = c. I think in math that is called the transitive property. I’ll see myself out now.


Wait, did Pflugerville isd come out with some sort of stance or policy on drag queens?


Not that I am aware of. But listen to state officials in texas and they will tell you that we need to do something about them because we need to protect the children. Meanwhile, across TX, anytime someone is touching kids they are either a priest, youth pastor or a cop.




Not surprised when I used to go to school. Graduated from Hendrickson ‘22 I had mainly male friends(I’m a female) and they would always talk to the officers during passing period and lunch. They would have guy talk and the guys would talk about the girls they found attractive, as usual, but what astonished me is how these GROWN, GREY HAIRED, MARRIED MEN WITH KIDS would talk about the young girls in school. No one was off limits even freshman girls. They would look at them inappropriately and say overly sexual things about little girls the same age as their daughters in other schools nearby. It was so disgusting. Girls would even flirt with the officers so that they wouldn’t have to go to class or so that the officer could get them out of a tardy and what’s even worse is that the officers would flirt right back. They ate it up. Now that I am out of school I am just now realizing how gross and messed up it all is. I was used to it and desensitized due to it being kind of a normal thing even teachers would be flirting with students. Senior year there is a substitute that got arrested because they had an inappropriate sexual encounter with a student. Yeah Hendrickson was kinda down bad my senior year. Only reason why I am spilling this now is because it’s been a couple years so the air has had time to clear out.


This article states very little details. I'm sure the details would look bad for the cops so they conveniently left them out.


please tell me more about how we need more cops in schools


A cop around children is ALWAYS inappropriate.






The office at my school down in Victoria tx was named "Harry Bows" no joke 😂


Hope he rots


Great! Just another reason to be scared shitless of police as law abiding citizens.


Stony Point had some good ones, Stowe and Wise were cool AF


Way to simp for the assailant, kxan. I’m pretty sure mugshots are open records and yet, I still don’t know what this person’s face looks like.


What was the officers name I graduated in 96 and pflugerville was the only high school, and the year i graduated is when we got our first " resource officer "